Orc’s Harem

Chapter 24 – A small talk before bed (Part two)

The silver-haired elf, now with her hands bound behind her back and a long rope wrapped around her neck as an improvised leash, is forced to humiliatingly march behind the group of bandits as they calmly ride towards their nearby base. The other end of the rope firmly tied to one of their horses, preventing her from escaping or slowing down the pace of her trot.

Nova's clothes are fully ripped and covered with dust, her face stained with dried tears and twisted into an expression of pure hatred. But despite the degrading comments and harsh treatment received from the men... they were not allowed to... defile her... Seems like the leader wants to save her for himself.

The horrible man looks back at her over his shoulder with the biggest shit-eating grin he could muster. "Why so frowny, little slut? You are going to love your new home!" He laughs, examining the strange magic-infused watch he stole from her, giving it a few taps and shaking it up and down to try and make it work properly again. "Ugh, this thing is broken..." He grunts, sliding it back into his pocket.

Is this really how her life ends? Pathetic... She should have never left Lavanda... The elf deeply sighs, continuing to drag her feet forward until, some minutes later, the horses finally come to a halt and the bandits dismount. "Here we are. Welcome!" The leader says, grabbing Nova's leash and giving it a rough yank, forcing her to walk next to him.

The camp is nothing more than a bunch of tents set around a remote, empty cabin they squatted in, the original owner of it probably long gone or dead. The rest of the members of the raider gang relax around the campfire, clean their weapons... or mess up with the kidnapped women they forced into slavery. Three of them, trapped inside a small iron cage that was intended for transporting animals. They give Nova a sad, almost catatonic stare as she passes next to them...

"Don't bother me while I have fun with this bitch, understand?" The leader orders his subordinates as he steps onto the porch of his claimed cabin, lustfully pressing Nova's slender body close against his own, to the girl's utter disgust.

"Yes, boss!" They vigorously nod their heads. The man grins, barely able to contain his excitement as he carelessly tosses Nova inside the cabin and then enters himself, closing the door with a slam...




"I told you to not call me that." Nova frowns. "What is it?"

"This story is getting too grim, I'm going to have nightmares..." The succubus pouts, sliding deeper under the sheets of the bed. "When does Orok appear?"

"Soon. Be patient." The elf sternly scolds her as one would do to a child.

"You promise?"

"Ugh." She sighs. "...Yes, I promise."



Nova lands on the cold wooden floorboards as she is tossed inside the cabin, her glasses flying away from her face. With her hands tied behind her back, the only thing she is able to do is try to crawl away, but she is stopped as the bandit leader grabs a handful of her long hair and forces her up to her feet. "Y-you piece of filth..." The elf whimpers. "Don't put your disgusting hands on me!"

The man wraps a hand around her neck and violently pushes her against one of the walls. "Shut up." He angrily grits his teeth. Nova decides to stay silent, yet continues defiantly staring into his eyes... "Heh, that's better. I have a little gift for you." He recovers his usual smug grin, moving towards a nearby drawer and grabbing an item from inside it... a pitch-black leather choker...

The elf confusedly looks at it, then at the man's face again. Her defiant expression shifting into a more fearful one. "Wh-what's that!?"

"Oh, just a slave choker..." He sadistically grins, very slowly moving towards Nova. "I stole it from some decrepit wizard. I've been waiting for the right girl to use it on... You'll be such a good little pet with this on your neck..."

"Don't get closer! Stay back!" Nova yells with her eyes full of tears, stepping backward and stumbling down over her butt. The man keeps laughing, teasingly wiggling the choker as he approaches the elf.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, just be an obedient slut and-" The bandit leader interrupts himself as loud, chaotic noises start booming outside the cabin... Metal clashing against metal, horse hooves slapping against the ground, screams of different pitches and intensities... "W-what the fuck!?"

Just mere seconds go by until the locked door is kicked open, the previously arrogant man is just able to sloppily try to grip the handle of the weapon dangling from his hip before a huge figure pounces over him and strikes his head with a powerful, swift blow of an iron mace. Nova gasps, looking away to try and prevent the blood that splatters all over the room from reaching her face...

"Pft, that was too easy." The tall orc covered in a simple set of leather armor chuckles as the bandit leader's corpse pathetically drops to the floor. Huge smile appearing on his face as he notices the elf dumbfoundedly looking up at him. "Oh! Hey there, pretty lady! I'm Orok... Did I save you? Gahahaha!"

"Y-you, you..." Nova's lips tremble as she struggles to find the words... Seems like her goddess didn't abandon her yet. "...P-please untie me." She moves upwards to a kneeling position and impatiently turns around.

"Not even a 'thank you' to your cool, handsome hero...?" The orc disappointedly rolls his eyes, walking towards the elf and unbinding the rope holding her wrists together. "Gaaah, there you go..."

Once free, Nova crawls towards the leader and starts frenetically searching inside his pockets, tossing away the useless things she picks...

Orok's eyes shamelessly scan all over her figure. "Hey, you are pretty cute. What's your name?"

The elf doesn't answer, her full attention on her search... Her amber eyes suddenly widening as she finally feels the shape of her stolen heirloom in the man's pocket. Pulling it out and holding it close against her chest, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Heeeeeeeeey, be more respectful to your hero!" The orc irritatedly exclaims, snapping his fingers to get the girl's attention. "I asked you something!"

"Oh...? Right..." Nova takes a deep breath, starting to gradually exit from her shocked state. "I'm Nova... thank you for saving me..."

"Gahaha, that's better!" The orc proudly laughs, resting his hands over his hips. "Wanna fuck? I'm pretty good at it."

"W-what!? No! Y-you... Are you serious!?" The elf stands up, sliding the watch back into her pocket and crossing her arms with a deep frown, astonished at such a proposition in such a situation, the still warm corpse resting just inches away from the orc, on top of a puddle of blood that doesn't stop growing.

"Of course I am. Bet I can make you cum like twenty times." He keeps chuckling, picking up the pair of glasses scattered on the floor. "Are these yours? Let's see..." He promptly places them on top of her nose, laughing at the result. "Gahahaha, you look like a nerd!"

"H-HEY! Don't call me that!" The elf angrily says, firmly clenching her fists as she hears the insult she detests with all her being. "What is your problem, idiot!?"

"Don't worry, nerdy chicks like you get me horny too." He keeps grinning. "Come on, let's fuckkkkk!"

"Ugh. This is the worst day of my life..." The elf irritatedly groans and lowers her gaze towards the bandit leader, looking at what remains of him with disgust. His head basically gone and replaced with chunks of smashed meat and brain matter... He deserved it... "Look, I need to leave. Can you give me some directions?" She asks, looking at the pervy orc again.

"Dunno... I'm pretty lost myself, actually." He simply says... holding a black choker in one of his hands. "Hey, you dropped this too. You are so clumsy!"

"Huh...? W-wait...!" Her eyes open wide like plates. "WAIT, DON'T-"

Too late. Orok casually wraps the choker around her neck and closes the metal clasp with a chilling 'click' sound that marks the end of her days as a free woman.

"There we go... Hey, you don't look so dorky now. You look like a seductress with that thing, Gahahaha!"

The elf feels an intense but extremely short headache as her brain is quickly rewired. Just the thought of doing harm to her new master or trying to escape from him causes a strong feeling of pure repulsion and discomfort to instantly spread across her entire body. "N-no, no, no!" She panics, quickly trying to unclasp the choker, then roughly gripping it and pulling with all her strength when she realizes that's not possible. "You... Y-you idiot...! YOU DISGUSTING BEAST! DO YOU HAVE A-ANY IDEA WHAT YOU JUST DID...!?" She furiously screams... At least she is able to insult him... "MORON! ASSHOLE! RETARD!"

"H-hey, calm down!" The orc takes a step back and raises his hands, his expression shifting into one of confusion at the burst of anger. "What happened?"

Nova hopelessly buries her face in her open palms. "Uggghhhh, you... Y-you made me your slave..."

"Gahaha, what?" Orok dumbly giggles, raising one eyebrow.

The elf groans, pointing at the magical choker tightly wrapped around her thin neck. "This stupid thing you put on me is enchanted!"

"Really...? So I'm your master now?" The orc's smile gets even bigger. "Huh..." He ponders for a single second before quickly moving one of his hands to the girl's chest and carelessly squeezing one of her small, soft breasts.

"H-HEY! Don't... D-don't do that, idiot!" Nova's face turns fully crimson in a single second. Instead of clawing at his face or kicking his groin... the only thing she can do is weakly grip at his forearm in a pathetic attempt to make him stop... "D-dont... Don't touch m-me!" She splutters, her glasses getting foggy from her heavy breathing and rising body heat... W-why does it feel kinda good...!? I-IS IT THAT FUCKING STUPID DEGENERATE CHOKER'S FAULT!?

"Gahahahahaha! Oh man, this is great!" Orok's eyes shine as he rubs his thumb in circles over one of her hardening nipples. "Guess I'll keep you, then."

"Hnng! K-keep me!?" The blushing elf grunts between little embarrassed whimpers. "I-I'm not a pet or something for you to keep! Hnnnng...! There has to be a way to remove this thing, I need to find someone who- Eeeeeek!"

The orc suddenly grabs his slave and easily carries her over his shoulder, placing a hand on her small bubble butt to keep her in place. The first of many times he would do this... "Whatever you say, slave." He chuckles. "Let's get out of here, that creep I killed is starting to stink..."

Outside, corpses of the butchered bandits scattered across the ground decorate the landscape. Orok's fellow orc mercenary associates circle around the cage with the three kidnapped girls inside, one of the mercenaries insistently trying to pry it open with his axe.

"Yo, everybody listen up! This elf is mine! First one who bothers her loses his head and balls... Not in that order." He shouts, planting a smack on Nova's butt to emphasize his words. The elf is just able to grit her teeth in frustration. "Are we clear!?"

The group of orcs look back at him and then at each other, sighing and shrugging their shoulders. "Whatever you say, Orok..." The one with the axe grunts, pushing as hard as he cans and finally managing to open the door of the cage. "There! We rescued the girls. Let's bring them back and get paid."

"We are going to have lots of fun, slave! Gahahaha!" The orc heartily laughs, carrying the elf towards his horse...



"-And five years later, here I am, having to stand him and every stupid thing he does... The end."

"Heh, that last part was much better. I loved it!" Pink grins. "But what happened to the watch?"

"It's somewhere safe... That's all I will say..."

The succubus softly giggles. "Okay, okay, I won't pry... I already know it's not inside your ass~."

Nova angrily stares at her in silence.

Pink returns her firm gaze with a bubbly, smug smile. "Anyways, now tell me about the first time you guys had sex!"

Nova's cheeks turn pinkish, grunting as she closes her eyes and resumes to rest her head on Orok's chest. "No. Go to sleep."

"But you got me all pumped up with that story! I can't sleep, I'm full of energy!" She excitedly says. "Was it also your first time ever doing it? Were you a virgin?"

"Go. To. Sleep." Nova irritatedly hisses. "Now."

"Fiiiiineeee..." Pink pouts. Making just a single minute of silence before speaking again. "...But first I'm gonna give Orok a blowjob, you are welcome to join if you like... And if you want some cunny kisses too, just spread your legs~." The playful succubus purrs, quickly sliding below the blankets. Nova deeply sighs...

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