Orc’s Harem

Chapter 22 – Return of the musclehead

A few moments later, the door to Juliette's office opens up and she comes out of it, holding the rolled-up map in her hand. "W-where did the princess go...?" The tall blonde confusedly looks around the area.

"She had to leave to do some important stuff." Orok simply says, shrugging his shoulders.

"Huh..." Juliette raises an eyebrow. "Did you... Did you have anything to do with this?"

"Yeah! It was pretty hard but I managed to convince her."

"...Y-you did!?" She surprisedly exclaims, the orc contently nods his head. "She isn't easy to convince... T-that's impressive."

Orok loudly laughs. "Gahahaha, well, I'm a pretty impressive guy. Falling for me already~?"

Juliette deeply frowns and blushes, silently handing back the reviewed map to the orc and trying to switch the subject, her dorky lisp as notable as always. "...I made some small changes. With good archers deployed on the areas I marked, Garro could be even safer without the need to-"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll check it later." He impatiently interrupts her. "Now that this boring stuff is over... Let's go have sex! Gahahaha."

"Y-you...! S-STOP THAT ALREADY!" The captain's face reddens even more, half in exasperation and half in embarrassment. "YOU ARE CONFUSING ME, ORC! STOP P-PLAYING WITH MY HEAD!" She yells, angrily punching a hole in the wall next to her... then gasping and covering her mouth as she realizes what she just did in her fit of rage. "...D-don't tell Olivia..."

"Gaaahahaha! Your face is all red!" The unfazed orc keeps happily laughing. "Cute!"

"I'm. Not. Cute!" Juliette clenches her fists, stomping her boot against the floor between each word. "I'm big, strong, and scary. I'm a warrior, n-not a cute girl! How many times do I have to say it!?"

"As many as you want, I'll still see you as a cutie."

"Hnggg! C-cut it off!" The blonde grunts, rubbing her crimson face with her palms. "My place is on the battlefield, fighting for my country and leading troops to victory! N-not on a beauty parlor, or picking flowers in the forest..." She irritatedly huffs. "O-or, or, I don't know... Using makeup...! Me, using makeup... ridiculous! I don't even know how that stuff works...! Ugh, t-this is all your fault, you are messing with my head!"

The orc lets her continue ranting, shamelessly checking her out from head to toe, imagining in which positions her muscular body would look the best.

"D-do you know who I am!? I'm the woman who slayed a hundred feral goblins in one night. I'm the woman who eradicated the Red Fang bandits by butchering their leader. I'm the woman who decapitated the four-eyed dragon who threatened Malena. I'm, I'm... My men call me the 'golden-haired ox'. Does t-that sound cute to you!?"

"All those feats... yet I still defeated you, Gahahaha!" Orok teases. "And not really, so I will start calling you something cuter. I'll call you Juli."

"SHUT UP. A-AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Juli furiously grabs the orc by the collar of his shirt, hating how much she actually likes the nickname. "You haven't defeated me. Not until I get the rematch I deserve."

"Sure, we'll do it whenever and however you want. But if you lose..." The orc grins.

"You want... s-s-sex... I know..." She sheepishly mumbles, letting go of his shirt. Her expression quivering for a single second before switching back to the angry, determined one. "But I won't lose!"

"That's the spirit! Gaha, you are going to look so good in a mating press..."

"...A w-what? Is that a wrestling move?"

"Something like that. You'll see, Juli."

The blonde lets out an annoyed groan, giving the ambassador a last defiant glare before entering her office and shutting the door with a loud slam.



"C-cold..." Nova shivers, completely bottomless as she lies on her back over the bed, embarrassedly holding her legs up in the air and exposing her holes to the succubus kneeling in front of her. "C-c-cold!" She loudly repeats as Pink vigorously pours the contents of one of her strange potions all between her spread buttcheeks, using her fingers to smear the liquid against the girl's sore asshole.

"Don't be a baby." The succubus giggles.

Nova groans as she grips the back of her knees, feeling her body slightly tremble under the humiliating treatment. "A-are you sure I couldn't d-drink it instead?"

"Nope! I have to rub it against your cute little bumhole. That's what the recipe says. Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"Ugh..." The elf sighs, rolling her eyes. "D-don't be so rough..."

"But I thought you liked it rough!" Pink purrs, eagerly massaging in circles. "Oh-hoho, do you want me to use my lips instead~?"

"Don't even think about it." Nova angrily frowns, Pink blows her a kiss.

...Then, unfortunately for Nova, the door of the suite opens up, and Orok casually enters. "I'm back!" He exclaims. "Hey, I-" He starts talking but interrupts himself as he beholds the surreal scene happening on top of his bed. "GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I-It's not what you think, retard!" Nova, still with her legs lifted, furiously shouts. "It's your fault I'm doing this!"

Pink snorts. "Yeah, we are not doing anything lewd, I'm just helping my buddy~."

"GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The ambassador continues, holding his stomach and tearing up as he finds himself unable to control his laughing fit. "YOU- YOU- GAAAAAAH GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Hmph...!" Nova huffs, pouting and trying to avoid her master's mocking gaze.

"Well, I think that's enough." Pink purrs after another pair of moments, giving the elf's ass a friendly slap. "Try to stand up!"

She lets out a relieved sigh, standing up from the mattress and luckily finding the pain in her rear area completely gone. "W-woah!" She surprisedly gasps, stretching her legs and bouncing a few times on the spot to test herself. "It actually worked! ...thanks..."

"No problemo! That's what friends are for." The succubus gives Nova two thumb-ups.

"D-don't get carried away... We are not friends." Nova rolls her eyes. "But still, I'm grateful...."

The orc watching them keeps softly chuckling to himself, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Gahaha, oh man. That was hilarious."

"Shut up." Nova grunts in annoyance. Pantless, red-faced, sweaty, and dripping pinkish liquid from her butt. "Did you do what I said?"

"Yup. Easy as cake!" He gives his assistant the map. "And I have something else for you!"

"Huh?" Nova is just able to confusedly lift one of her eyebrows before Princess Francesca's expensive pair of panties carelessly fly towards her face, landing on top of her nose.

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