Under the waning morning light at the outpost, Private Kael Swiftail diligently checked and rechecked his vehicle, ensuring every detail was ready for the upcoming night mission. His attention then shifted to assisting Corporal Shara Stoneclaw in loading the new communication equipment, connecting systems, and securing it all in the truck. Corporal Thessa Brightclaw, with a sense of purpose, organized and loaded medical supplies into the cab and cargo bed.

With efficiency and teamwork, Kael lent his assistance in tying down the supplies, ensuring they would withstand the rigors of the mission ahead. As the day progressed, all tasked soldiers were called to the Armory to procure their weapons and ammunition for the mission ahead. As the armory doors creaked open, the soldiers formed a line, collected their personal weapons, ammunition and collaborated on heavier armaments. Kael, Shara, and Thessa hoisted a heavy weapon onto the top of the cab and Kael expertly connected the .50 Caliber Heavy Machine gun to the Remote Weapons Station, loading the formidable weapon with practiced ease. A satisfied smile adorned his face as he tested the system, ensuring its responsiveness. Finally, he exited the vehicle, ready to join the last meeting before the roll-out.

In the gathering darkness, the soldiers assembled, their faces a mix of determination and anticipation. The sleepy outpost, now a hub of activity, buzzed with the final preparations for a mission that would test their mettle and unity. As the meeting neared, each member of the team felt the weight of responsibility and the shared purpose that bound them together.

Under the dim light of the tent, 1st Lt. Rader Tarfire commenced the roll-out briefing with an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. A jest about the state of his tent set a few soldiers at ease, if only momentarily. With a commanding presence, he delved into the details of the mission, his voice steady despite the weight of the impending task.

"Now, as you all know, this mission is no joyride. We're about to embark on something that will change the course of our history. Our primary objective is to support those incoming helicopters. Our secondary mission is to assist any refugee that comes to us, including protecting them. This is how we are changing our fate. As you know, we have been enslaved for so long most races see us as a defeated race, doomed to slavery. Well once we cross the SkyRocks and do this, we show everyone that we are back and more powerful than ever. So, you know understand, every vehicle here is crucial, every soldier is critical as we, today, change our fate."

“Now on to a more terrifying problem.”

Tarfire opened a video file on his computer that was connected to an overhead projector.

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