As the roll-out briefing concluded, Kael Swiftail, Shara Stoneclaw, and Thessa Brightclaw made their way toward their assigned truck, Alpha 2. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and nerves, each team member feeling the weight of the mission ahead. They moved with a shared purpose, though each carried different thoughts and emotions.

Alpha 2, a modified M-1083A1, an American designed military cargo truck, had the robust, angular design typical of modern military transports, with fresh armor plating that still bore the sharp edges of recent manufacture. Though the tires were dusted from use, the vehicle’s exterior was otherwise pristine, reflecting the high level of care Kael had provided. Underneath the truck a soft, steady blue light slowly pulsed from the engine bay, as the refined magic crystal was ready for the next mission.

Atop the truck, a Remote Weapon Station was mounted, its heavy machine gun poised and ready. The RWS, a design taken from the Kongsberg RS-6 Protector, was equipped with both a thermal imager and a daylight camera, giving the gunner a clear advantage in detecting threats in any conditions. The system’s optics, housed in sleek, durable casing, reflected the fading sun, a silent sentinel atop the nearly spotless vehicle.

As they approached, they noticed a figure standing next to the truck, adjusting the RWS with a practiced hand. He turned as they drew near, his expression polite but serious.

“Sergeant Ordoz Targzon?” Kael called out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm as they approached the unknown soldier. “I’m Private Swiftail, I'm assigned to Alpha 2." He looked at his vehicle with a sense of glee, and then gestured to the other soldiers. "This is Corporal Stoneclaw, our signal guy and Corporal Brightclaw our medic.” Kael extended his hand for a handshake.

Targzon met Kael’s handshake with a firm grip, his eyes quickly assessing the team. “Good to meet you all,” he replied evenly looking towards the vehicle. “Looks like we’re set to work together. Everything ready on your end?”

Kael grinned, clearly excited. “Absolutely! Truck’s in perfect condition, crystal’s secure, and I’ve gone over everything twice. Alpha 2’s ready to roll.”

Targzon nodded, his gaze shifting to the RWS. “I took a look at the system earlier, and everything checks out. You did a solid job, Swiftail. I'm been assisting others all afternoon getting these systems working. This is the first one that worked right off the bat!”

Kael beamed, pleased with the compliment. “Thanks! It’s all about the details, right? Can’t have anything less than perfect out there.”

Shara stepped forward slightly, her demeanor professional. “We’ve done our checks as well. Comms are up and ready, and everything’s set on our end. We’re ready.”

Targzon turned to her, his expression thoughtful. “Good to hear. I’ll make sure nothing gets close enough to mess with that.”

Shara nodded, satisfied with his response. “We’ll keep you informed of anything that comes up. No surprises.”

Thessa, standing quietly beside them, spoke up, her voice steady but with a hint of underlying nerves. “Medical supplies are packed and ready. Let’s hope we don’t need them.”

Targzon caught the slight tremor in her voice and gave her a reassuring nod. “First mission?” he asked gently.

Thessa nodded, forcing a brave smile. “Yeah… first real one.”

Targzon’s voice softened slightly, his tone encouraging. “You’ll do fine, this mission is fairly straight forward, we get there, set up, wait for the helos. After that its wash,rinse repeat.”

Kael spoke up, "Sergeant, to be honest its my first mission as well."

Targzon smiled, "Don't worry, if this truck is as good as you are saying, we won't have any issues."

Shara observed the exchange, her posture still guarded but less tense. She added, “We’ll rely on your experience, Sergeant. You’ve seen more action than most of us.”

Targzon smiled faintly, a hint of respect in his eyes. “I’m here to make sure we all come back in one piece. I been in that area already. Stay alert and we will be fine.”

A brief silence followed, each team member processing the moment and assessing the dynamic. The tension from earlier seemed to ease slightly, though there was still a professional distance between them, as they hadn’t yet fully built trust with each other.

“So,” Targzon said, breaking the quiet, “anyone got a music player?”

Kael laughed. “Yep! One of the Trainers showed us how to hook one up to the loudspeaker in the truck!”

Shara began to scold Kael "You know that is not allowed! What if it messes with my comms?" She spoke perplexed but Targzon started laughing.

"Alright!" Targzon exclaimed, "This mission wont be a complete bore after all!"

"Well I got most of the current hits so I hope its too your liking!" Kael exclaimed

Targzon and Swiftail climbed into the truck and Kael began to show him the player and the list of music he had on it.

Shara began to protest, but Thessa put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s better than static, right?”

Shara sighed. “Fine, but if it interferes with my gear, it’s gone.”

Kael and Targzon shared a quick glance, then shrugged with a grin.

With that, everyone climbed into Alpha 2. The crystal-powered engine hummed quietly to life, and the truck rolled forward to join the convoy forming up ahead.

As Kael positioned the truck, Shara glanced over. “Alright, what kind of music do you have on there?”

Kael smiled. “Let’s find out.”

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