Opening check-in: I became the villain

Chapter 173 The Real Dragon Burial Ground

"Son, it's not the dragon veins you think, but the real dragon veins. There is a place where real dragons are buried in the deepest part of this mountain range."

Chi Linji revealed the biggest secret. The reason why she was able to awaken part of the dragon blood was because she accidentally entered the place where the real dragon was buried when she was born, so she has the cultivation she has today.

Zhou Zhitian's heart was shocked when he heard this sentence, he couldn't believe it.

This is the place where real dragons are buried!

How can this be?How could Chi Phosphorus have entered this place?
Zhou Zhitian had more and more questions in his mind, but he couldn't find the answer, so he could only suppress the waves in his heart for the time being.

The only thing he was worried about now was what Chi Phosphorus Ji said. If everything she said was false, then this so-called real dragon burial place was a trap.

He has just experienced a fierce battle now, and he is not willing to go casually, because it is not safe.

Is what Chi Phosphorus said true?The place where the real dragon is buried?
That is the place where the ancient gods and beasts lived. How can the treasures and inheritances inside be something other mere humans can explore and covet?
Still have to continue to investigate!
Zhou Zhitian felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart at this moment, but he still suppressed his emotions.

He looked at Chi Linji and asked, "Are you sure that everything you said is true?"
Chi Linji hurriedly opened her mouth and replied: "Everything I said is true, there is no half-truth! If there is even a little bit of falsehood, I will let you deal with it!"
"However, that burial place seems a bit strange, as if it was man-made. It doesn't look like the burial place chosen by the Dragon Clan itself, and there are even some traces left by the Human Clan."

Zhou Zhitian was silent for a while, and then said: "You go down first. When I go back, I will think about it."
Hearing this, Ji Phosphorus turned and left.Zhou Zhitian watched Chi Phosphorus Ji disappear before his eyes.

He sat on the stone bench, lost in thought.

"Where is the place where the real dragon's bones are buried? Is it really an ancient relic? But if the place Chi Phosphorus mentioned really exists, why hasn't it been discovered after so many years?" What about people digging or exploring?

And as far as I know, in the ancient times, the real ancient times were in the ancient times. At that time, there were a lot of strong people. Even the burial places of real dragons were excavated by them, but what about now?Why has no one discovered it for so long? "
"Is it really as Chi Lin Ji said? That person's strength is definitely very strong, even surpassing the supreme level! Who is this strength?"
Puzzled, he finally chose to rest and recuperate, and when his body was almost recovered, he found Chi Phosphorus Ji and went to the so-called burial place together.

When Zhou Zhitian arrived at the place, he found that even though it was hundreds of feet underground, there was still a hazy brilliance. This was an extremely huge underground cave with such a faint radiance for some reason, and it appeared in front of him. It is like a skeleton with the size of a hundred feet.

There is actually a real dragon buried in the depths of the ground, and the aura in it is so strong.

Zhou Zhitian was a little stunned, it was actually true.

This real dragon is so powerful, if he refines it, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds, right?

Zhou Zhitian's heart was pounding, he couldn't believe it, but he didn't dare to confirm whether he could refine this dragon, after all, it was a real dragon.

If he could really refine, what kind of tyrannical existence would he be in the future?Even the ancient supreme might not be able to find a few existences that could be compared with it.

It's just that this thought just passed by in a flash, and this is obviously not an existence that can absorb refining now.

No matter what, this is a good thing, Zhou Zhitian's mind turned quickly, and at this moment a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Since this is the place where the dragon fell, there must be some treasure, right? Let's go find it, maybe we can encounter some miracles, this dragon should have a dragon ball, I want to absorb it, Maybe it can improve my cultivation, maybe it can help my father break through the realm."
The more Zhou Zhitian thought about it, the more it seemed possible, so he decided to search for it.

This real dragon ball is definitely a good thing.

Zhou Zhitian glanced around.

As a result, it was unexpectedly discovered that there were many skeletons on the ground, some of which had dried and become stiff, but some of them were still lifelike.

Zhou Zhitian observed as he walked towards the skeleton piled up with corpses.

"Huh?" At this time, he found a corpse beside the pile of bones.

"Is this a human corpse?" Zhou Zhitian observed carefully, and he saw that the corpse was a male, and the corpse was still wearing white clothes.

It just happened to be in the abdomen of this real dragon skeleton, and it was very likely that it was swallowed into the abdomen.

"This shouldn't be an ordinary human corpse, right? It looks like it should be a big person, but I don't know who it is, so unlucky to be swallowed by this dragon."
Looking at the wound on the corpse, Zhou Zhitian guessed.

Zhou Zhitian continued to investigate, and finally saw a stone emitting golden light, which happened to be in the hands of this human Haigu. This stone should be the reason why this person was swallowed?
Zhou Zhitian put his hand on the stone surface.

"Huh? What's going on here? Why do you feel that there is a powerful force protecting the surface of the stone? Could it be the force gathered by this person's own blood when he was dying?"
Zhou Zhitian's eyes lit up. This kind of stone is very likely to be the legendary blood stone. Generally speaking, the stronger the person, the stronger the power left behind after death. The more precious it is, there is no doubt about it.

And stimulated by the atmosphere of the outside world, it suddenly grew larger, and the golden luster on the surface gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a seemingly ordinary big stone.

"Well, let me put away this person's body first. Anyway, he is a senior of the human race after all. It's better to take it back and bury it in peace."
Just as Zhou Zhitian's idea was born, he saw him stretch out his arms to hug the entire stone. Zhou Zhitian's forehead was slightly sweating, but he collected all these stones without hesitation.

"With my current strength, I still feel strenuous, and this thing only seems to weigh more than a hundred catties."
Zhou Zhitian collected all the stones, and then flew towards the exit at the top of the cave.

Chi Phosphorus Ji followed obediently from the beginning to the end, without saying a word.

After Zhou Zhitian left, there was a sound of dragon chant in the cave, and a burst of dazzling golden light shot up into the sky, and then everything in the cave returned to calm, no one knew what kind of scene had happened here.

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