Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience

Chapter 73

"I'll go!"

"Brother was actually pushed backwards!"

"It's still strange in the spirit world!"

"I'm still innocent, should I be happy!?"

In the sea of spiritual knowledge, Zhang Lan looked at Nazi, who only condensed her body on the opposite side, and felt cheap and good in her heart for a while.

Just now, Zhang Lan experienced what it means to fly in the clouds.

Compared to the fusion of spirits, the pleasure brought by the flesh is only the younger brother!

And it doesn't get tired either.

The fusion of spirits can even touch the most true heart of the other party, and even read the memory.

Zhang Lan read Nazi's memory, not intentionally, but because of the lack of proficiency in strength.

As for Zhang Lan's memory, his spiritual sea seemed to be wrapped in a huge ball of light, and no one could enter to watch.

Moreover, Zhang Lan looked at the Nazi spirit body that was still standing in front of him at this time, and knew that the other party must not be watching.

"Hasn't consciousness been restored?" Zhang Lan looked at Nazi in front of her curiously, and... Stature.

"I don't know if this came out according to real physical fitness. Zhang Lan was bored and commented on Nazi for a while.

"It's okay, it's good!"

"This, warp, is white enough!"

"This.... Hairless?"

"If that's the reality, that's great. "

Zhang Lan thought about it, and found that the situation in front of him suddenly changed.

"Huh, I'm withdrawing?" Zhang Lan looked around and found that he had withdrawn from that spiritual space, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"It's only been a second?" Zhang Lan noticed the change in the hands on the watch, a little shocked.

Could it be that the experience of spiritual space is similar to the experience of dreaming, so the perception of time is different?

"Forget it, what do you want to do with these .."

Shaking his head, Zhang Lan was too lazy to think more, anyway, he earned it.

"Are you?!"

At this time, a girl's cold voice reached Zhang Lan's ears.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Lan looked down and found that Nazi lying on the ground had opened her eyes, obviously regaining consciousness.

But the next moment, Zhang Lan was shocked, and he found that Nazi's current state was exactly the same as what she saw in the spirit world.

The clothes seemed to be shattered by spiritual power.

Not only Nazi is like this, but so is Zhang Lan himself.

So his disguise was exposed.

But these are just what Nazi sees, and it doesn't matter.

"You saved me?" Nazi stood up and stretched out.

This scene made Zhang Lan's eyes straighten and blurted out

"Nazi, don't you know the difference between men and women?"

"There is a difference between men and women, what is that?" Natsu blinked cutely, her eyes full of puzzlement.

Then, she unexpectedly showed a light smile and said to Zhang Lan squarely, "I only know that you are my companion, the same kind!"

"I feel a powerful and familiar power in you, and now we can be friends. "

"Now is not the time to talk about the issue of companions not being companions. Seeing Nazi's innocence, Zhang Lan thought of a possibility and immediately asked some questions.



Zhang Lan slapped his forehead sharply after asking the question, and he confirmed that Nazi was a three-nil.

Her knowledge of everything was still at the age of six.

She simply eats, washes, dresses and other things that children have just mastered, and then trains superpowers and fights elves.

As for the difference between men and women, the relationship between men and women, Nazi did not understand at all, because no one had taught her, and she had never thought of learning it when she was lonely.

All in all, Nazi is a three-nil girl who has mastered the most basic life skills and mastered great power, but she does not know anything about human feelings and so on!

"I don't know how you got to twenty. Zhang Lan couldn't help but complain.

"Eat!" said Nazi seriously, "Just eat!"

"Aren't you Zhang Lan?"

Saying that, Nazi also showed a cute expression of doubt.

Zhang Lan: "............................... I can't even argue with that!"

"Words!" Zhang Lan glanced at Nazi's body and asked, "Does it matter if you are like this?"

"You know that girls have to protect their bodies?"

"Of course I know. Nazi nodded seriously, "But you are different from others, you are a special existence!"

Saying that, Nazi's eyes burst with bright light, and she looked straight at Zhang Lan.

"Ahem. Zhang Lan coughed dryly, straightened his chest, and said calmly, "Reserved, I..."

"You are my kind!"

"You're different!"

Before Zhang Lan could finish speaking, Nazi's sudden addition almost didn't suffocate him in one breath...

Well, brother thought he was going to be confessed.

"So what if others see it?" Zhang Lan bluntly changed the topic.

"Let him disappear!" Nazi's expression returned to indifference, and her voice was also cold, "Dirty things need to be erased!"

“..... Well, Nazi is still a Nazi!"

Zhang Lan blinked, did not speak again, he took out a set of clothes from the small world to change himself, and then looked at Nazi with some nostalgia

"You also change your clothes. "


Nazi frowned, "I feel it, you really want to see it!"


Zhang Lan found that she had been speechless by Nazi today.

"These can only be left to the most important people. Zhang Lan patiently explained some common sense, including the couple's affairs.

"Oh!" Natsu nodded in understanding.

Just when Zhang Lan thought that she had understood what she meant, she hugged Zhang Lan and said firmly

"You are my kind, Nazi likes your feelings, very close, I seem to be able to find you as a couple." "

"So, isn't that just right?"

"I..." Zhang Lan felt tired for a while, so she had to explain again, and it took a while for Natsu to get her clothes and change them.

And in this time of waiting, Zhang Lan also figured out some things.

First of all, Nazi is a three-nil, and she refused to communicate with people after she was considered a monster when she was a child, so she lacked common sense.

But some of the most important things are clear.

Then, as if because of that spiritual communion, Nazi had an unconditional trust in him.

Plus Nazi cares about her kind, and now she regards Zhang Lan as her kind.

Therefore, he Zhang Lan directly became the most important person in Nazi.

"Well, that doesn't seem to feel good either. Zhang Lan looked at Nazi's appearance, touched her chin, and a wistful smile appeared on her face.

"By the way, Zhang Lan!" Nazi changed her clothes, and a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes

"Where was that man just now, I'm going to kill him!"

"Disgusting stuff, obliterate, erase!"

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