One True God

Chapter 92: Say...

"Hahaha! It looks like things paid off well." Lucifer said with a smile on his face.

Well, it was only natural that Lucifer would have a smile on his face as he could feel his body received the nourishment well enough that his injuries...started to heal by themselves.

The injury on his head closed up as if nothing was wrong in the first place. The injury on his skin all over his body closed as well, and his skin was now smooth as butter.

Of course, the most conspicuous injury that Lucifer got was the one on his stomach, but even that closed by itself.

This was the result of Grimmy's work, which is something Lucifer expected ever since he summoned him.

After all, Lucifer wouldn't have done something like this if he wasn't sure about it.

However, the result was just...too good than what Lucifer expected.

Why? It was because...even though it wasn't that much, Lucifer could feel that his body got a little bit better than before.

Right, the condition that his body a little bit better, and that was weird.

"Hmm...Grimmy shouldn't be able to improve my body condition just by feeding me nutrients. If that were the case, then I would have already made him do it when I came out," Lucifer said as he looked at his arms as if he was looking at something new.

Right, what Lucifer said was the truth. Lucifer's body condition was so rare and so weird that Grimmy shouldn't be able to heal him.

After all, Grimmy was Lucifer's summon and servant, and even Lucifer himself can't heal his body to go back to his peak condition.

Although there are cases where the summon and servant of a demon are stronger than the demon himself, in Grimmy and Lucifer's case, that was just impossible.

Of course, Grimmy is strong...if Lucifer is in good health, but even then, Grimmy shouldn't be able to improve Lucifer's body when Lucifer couldn't do it himself.

And that was why it was weird that Lucifer could feel that his body got a little bit better.

Of course, a little bit is literally a little bit. His body hasn't really improved that much, but...a little bit is enough for Lucifer to regain some more inches when it comes to using his powers.

That was why...even though it was weird and was something that Lucifer didn't expect, Lucifer still had a smile on his face as he looked at his body.

After all, even though it was a surprise, it was a happy surprise that Lucifer would welcome anytime.

However, it seems that Lucifer didn't plan to marvel at this anymore as Lucifer snapped his fingers.

Snap! The sound of his fingers snapping resounded out, and...Lucifer's clothes became clean and his body as well.

"First things first, after all," Lucifer murmured.

Now that Lucifer was done with his body, he turned his head around to look at Rouge, who was now...sitting on the ground, his bum facing the floor.

It seems that Rouge was...unable to hold his fear in anymore as Lucifer could see that Rouge was shaking on the ground, his eyes quaking in fear.

Well, it was only reasonable that Rouge would become like this now, unable to hold his fear while looking at Lucifer.

After all, what happened just now completely proved that War was dead.

And since War was dead, it's only natural to think that the other 6 pillars were dead, too.

No...not only them but also the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House, the strongest demon in the Warm City.

And now...they were all beaten down to death by the man standing right in front of Rouge, who is also an enemy of Rouge since Rouge was part of the Warmester Denoble House.

It was only natural that Rouge would fear the man who caused the death of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and its 6 pillars.

"Well, I kind of expected this. After all, even though you act tough and all that shit, once you see absolute strength, you can only cower before it. That is the rule of all demons and the rule of this world," Lucifer said as he began to walk towards Rouge.

With each step that he took, Lucifer could see that Rouge...was trying to back away.

"N-no! Don't! Don't come near me! You fucking monster!" Rouge shouted out loud as he tried to make Lucifer go away from him with his words.

Of course, he said all those words while backing away from him, but it didn't really matter.

Rouge never had a choice in this situation. Rouge...never had the right to decide ever since he met Lucifer in the slums.

That was decided way before Rouge was born.

After all, Lucifer was a Hell God, a being feared by all, demons and angels alike.

There's no way that an ant such as Rouge would be able to decide something in this situation when Lucifer was in this picture.

Lucifer was the one who decides things in this situation, and Lucifer knew that very well.

That was why he just kept walking towards Rouge. And when he reached him, Lucifer immediately...pinned Rouge down on the ground as he kicked Rouge's chest with his right leg.

"Kuhk!" Even though it was on his chest, Rouge coughed up blood, and his body spasmed all over as if thousands of ants were crawling to his skin.

No, being kicked by Lucifer, even though Lucifer was holding back so that he wouldn't kill Rouge, is very painful.

That was even as Rouge started to foam on his mouth with his saliva, but not only that, his body...started to crack up as if he was about to pass away with just a kick.

Well, this was only natural. After all, Rouge was way weaker than the 6 pillars and the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

There's no way that Rouge would be able to survive Lucifer's kick now that he is somewhat healthy and was able to move normally.

Anyway, after kicking Rouge, Lucifer then bent his back to look at Rouge's face.

Even though Lucifer wasn't saying anything or wasn't doing anything to Rouge, Rouge just understood that if he doesn't look at Lucifer now, he would die.

Right...Rouge just felt that way, and it was amazingly scary as Rouge actually believed that would come true.

After all, what he saw in this room was the truth and it was not some kind of nightmare that Rouge experienced or anything of the sort.

That was why...even though Rouge wasn't really thinking straight right now, and his body was hard to move after receiving such a hard and strong kick to his chest, Rouge forced his head to turn and look at Lucifer.

He did it with great effort, and his saliva just came out of his mouth as if his mouth was a fountain.

And it was with this kind of look that Rouge faced Lucifer with.

However...Rouge didn't know - that the instant Rouge would meet eyes with Lucifer is the moment that things...would escalate.

"Do you want to live?" Lucifer's voice resounded out to his ears. be exact, it echoed in and out in his brain.

It was weird, but that was how it felt like to Rouge who heard it. However, that was not all that happened as Rouge's eyes saw something...change right in front of him.

Illusion? Magic? Rouge didn't know, but Lucifer's head was somehow floating in the air away from his body. was no longer Lucifer's head as it looked like it was something hideous and monstrous; something that Rouge had never seen before in his life.

And while seeing that kind of vision right in front of him, Lucifer's voice continued to echo in and out of his brain.

"I will give you a chance to live; become my servant and I will let you live."

"Well? Give me an answer. Your body is cracking up and you would die in a minute."

"A single yes - That's all I need to prevent your life from stopping."

"Say yes. Say yes. Say yes. Say yes." Lucifer's voice resounded out in Rouge's brain. was not longer Lucifer's voice as it was just some kind of deep, horror kind of voice that Rouge couldn't idenitfy.

Of course, all of these things happened very fast. To be exact, it just happened in a single second.

And that was was effective.

What Lucifer meant to do by doing something like this is to break down Rouge's mental fortitude.

Although he was already broken by the time Lucifer healed his body up, it would be better to break him again to make sure that Lucifer would get what he wanted.

Combined with the illusion, the devilish voice that just seems to lure Rouge in, and the injury that Rouge received, this was the best way to break down Rouge.

"AHKK!!!" Rouge shouted out loud, unable to comprehend what was happening.

And after breaking him down, Lucifer just has to pick him up.

"Say yes, Rouge. And I will let you live." The devilish voice continued to echo in and out of Rouge's brain, unrelenting and not stopping.

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