One True God

Chapter 88: Death

"Demon Eyes, activate!" Lucifer shouted out loud and as soon as he did, the Demon Eyes did its work.

Of course, all Lucifer really did was just to look at the darkness surrounding him.

It was quite weird that he was looking at it even though he literally got no eyes right now, but that was just how it is.

That was just how Lucifer's demon eyes worked.

And as soon as Lucifer looked at the darkness surrounding him, the Hell Gates and the Great Seals...they...just disappeared as if a gentle wind blew over them.

Of course, this was the power of Lucifer's Demon Eyes, and it was really amazing how it was able to make the Hell Gates and the Great Seals disappear just like that.

However, even though it looks so simple on the outside, it was actually not.

What the Demon Eyes did in order to make the Hell Gates and the Great Seals disappear was to cut off the mana connection that they had with the Patriarch, the source of their mana.

Right after doing that, the Demon Eyes then did its best to disrupt the mana structure that was needed to create the two magic spells.

The Demon Eyes needed to do something like that to make sure that it would disappear, but that was not all that it took to make the Hell Gates and the Great Seals to be gone.

The Demon Eyes also observed and calculated how it would be able to make the Hell Gates and the Great Seals to be gone as fast as possible, and the answer was a certain pattern.

The Demon Eyes then took control of the mana used to create the two magic spells and then lead the mana to make the certain pattern that it came up with to destroy the two spells.

And that...was what the Demon Eyes did to the two magic spells to make them disappear just like that.

Of course, in reality, the Demon Eyes did all that in just a millisecond. It was absolutely crazy how the Demon Eyes was able to do something so...insane in just a millisecond, but that was just how strong it is.

However, this was just because the two magic spells, the Hell Gates and the Great Seals were created and made with mana by a weak demon, the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

If it were made by a greater demon than him, it would probably take the Demon Eyes another millisecond to finish it.

Of course, if it were a demon a lot stronger than the Patriarch, then it might not work at all.

That was was just absolutely ridiculous for Lucifer to see that the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House was really weak - so weak that it wouldn't take him a second to kill him with the Demon Eyes.

"Trash," Lucifer murmured in the speed of light as he looked at the Patriarch, who was now at the very center of his vision.

And as soon as he looked at the Patriarch, the Demon Eyes once more did its work.

However, it was only natural that this process would be much harder than wiping out the Hell Gates and the Great Seals.

After all, the Patriarch was a demon, an existence, a being, a living creature.

One just doesn't look at them and disappear just like that.

That was why...when Lucifer looked at the Patriarch, he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his two eyes.

Of course, he didn't have any eyes right now that would sting, but that was just how it felt to Lucifer.

And this means...

'I'm hitting my limit,' Lucifer thought at the speed of light.

Right, Lucifer's Demon Eyes were hitting the limit as it was just much harder to kill a living creature than it is to wipe out a magic spell.

However...that doesn't mean that Lucifer wouldn't continue in killing the Patriarch with his Demon Eyes.

'I just need to force myself for another millisecond.' Lucifer thought once more with the speed of light.

It was crazy how Lucifer was able to speak and think at the speed of light, but this was another effect of the Demon Eyes.

It increases Lucifer's thinking capacity and strengthens his brain to actually be able to speak and think at the speed of light.

After all, his Demon Eyes just needed a second to kill a being or two. And if Lucifer's thinking can't keep up with his Demon Eyes, would be a disaster since Lucifer would be able to kill innocent bystanders or people he didn't mean to kill.

His Demon Eyes were so strong and yet it was also giving him a boost in thinking and strengthens his brain.

What's more, his Demon Eyes were still capped at this point since Lucifer was basically forcing himself to use this.

He was already feeling the backlash as he could feel his body just...starting to reject it and deteriorate even faster than before.

That was would be absolutely ridiculous once Lucifer would be able to open his Demon Eyes naturally without any handicap.

However, things were just like this now, and Lucifer was in this kind of physical condition.

Since he had to force himself to do use it, then that's what he'll do to pull things through this time.

And that's what exactly what he did as Lucifer...forced himself to look at the Patriarch, who had a dumb look on his face.

Of course, it looked like the darkness was still there to the Patriarch as time and perception were going slow for him compared to Lucifer.

No...Lucifer was just looking at things and experiencing things with faster thinking capability thanks to the Demon Eyes.

And it was with this Demon Eyes that Lucifer...looked at the Patriarch once more with the intent to kill.

The stinging pain was still there, but the Demon Eyes definitely started to work again as Lucifer could feel that the Demon Eyes were now starting to observe and calculate how to kill the Patriarch in the fastest way possible.

Of course, the fact that the Demon Eyes were able to calculate was crazy, but that was not all as the Demon Eyes were even able to make a judgment for themselves.

It was as if the Demon Eyes were alive and had some kind of brain inside them, and that was...the truth.

Lucifer's Demon Eyes was special in the way that Lucifer himself created them.

It was not natural to him or anything of the sort; he specifically made them so that he can use them.

And what Lucifer used to make the Demon Eyes was...his own soul.

Right, it was made with the soul of one of the Hell Gods.

Just that alone could tell one how amazing his Demon Eyes were, and this explains why it was so strong.

After all, Lucifer basically risked his life to make them, so it was only natural that they were this strong.

And that was why the Demon Eyes were able to calculate things as they looked at the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

The Demon Eyes looked at his face, heart, body, skin, legs, arms...they literally observed everything about him.

By doing this, the Demon Eyes was also able to know general information about the Patriarch.

About how strong he was, how old he was, what kind of demon he was, and so on.

And it was because the Demon Eyes knew so many things about the Patriarch that it came to know would kill the Patriarch.

"Die, ant," Lucifer murmured at the speed of light as his instincts could feel that his Demon Eyes were about to kill the Patriarch.

Well, it was just because the stinging pain in his eyes got stronger, and this was an indicator that the Demon Eyes were now about to kill the Patriarch.

However, not everything comes free as Lucifer literally forced himself to do this.

And it seems that the backlash was too much now as Lucifer...started to cry tears of blood.

Of course, that didn't really matter as the Demon Eyes did its work now as it got ahold of the Patriarch's brain, lungs, and heart.

Those three were the most important organs a demon with a physical body would have.

And what the Demon Eyes did to them forced them to stop, literally.

And the aftereffects of that...were immediate as the Patriarch had a shocked look on his face as he felt his body declining fast.

After all, having his most important organs suddenly stop functioning was definitely a shock to his body. was then that the Demon Eyes finally put the nail in the coffin for the Patriarch as the Demon Eyes also began to interfere with the Patriarch's mana.

It interfered with the Patriarch's mana, which was the essential factor for the Patriarch's continued life.

And as soon as the Demon Eyes interfered with his mana, the Patriarch...finally died.

And all of this happened in the span of half a second.

As soon as Lucifer could tell that the Patriarch now died, he immediately closed his eyes and undid the Demon Eyes.

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