One True God

Chapter 85: Hell Gates

"You...what do you want? Why are you doing this?" The Patriarch said as he looked at Lucifer.

Well, he wasn't really the type to talk to enemies that already killed his subordinates, but...the Patriarch needed to know why Lucifer is doing this.

If Lucifer talks and somehow slips up, thinking that his job is done, the Patriarch would be able to know who his enemies are and the Patriarch would be able to finish them off by sending his whole army against them.

After all, if the Patriarch were going to fight against someone, it would be best to destroy their roots and all so that there would be no pesky enemies coming after him in the future.

Well...that was not the only reason why the Patriarch decided to speak at this point.

He was also trying to buy time for himself, as he tried to check if he would be able to fight without any, the Patriarch was already starting his preparation to fight against Lucifer.

Even though Lucifer was just a no-name assassin from an unknown organization or whatever, the Patriarch decided to take him seriously by preparing.

Well, it was because his subordinates died without even being able to fight back when they fought against Lucifer, so it was only natural that the Patriarch would be wary of Lucifer.

'No...I'm pretty sure that they are still alive. It's just impossible for the 6 pillars to just die like that without even a tough battle ensuing. It must be some kind of curse that took away their consciousness, I need to buy time for them as well...' The Patriarch thought.

Right, the Patriarch also guessed that the 6 pillars were still alive. He just couldn't believe that the 6 pillars would be killed just like that.

Well, it was just reasonable for him to not believe something like this as it is not just realistic for 6 strong demons to be wiped out in a single blink of an eye.

That was why the Patriarch thought that it was just some kind of curse that knocked his subordinates out. If that was the case, it would be more believable as it was just more believable compared to the other alternative, which is the 6 pillars immediately dying to some unknown demon.

Even though it was just pure ridiculous to think that a curse would also be able to make the 6 pillars knocked out unconscious, it was still more believable.

That was also why the Patriarch thought that his subordinates are still alive and that he just needs to buy time for them before Lucifer could actually deliver the killing blow to them.

After all, the Patriarch believed that the 6 pillars would be able to break the curse on their own, and he just needs to make sure that they would be given the necessary time they needed to break it, which is the reason why the Patriarch started to buy time by talking to Lucifer.

Anyway, when Lucifer heard what the Patriarch said, he...just looked at him with a flat expression on his face.

It was weird as he just killed the 6 pillars without even a tough battle, so he should be celebrating his victory right now.

After all, it was the truth that if the 6 pillars were truly dead, this is Lucifer's victory.

Even if Lucifer loses to the Patriarch after this or he dies, the world, if this event becomes known, would recognize this as the Warmester Denoble House's defeat as they lost 6 important demons who are considered to be its pillars.

The life of Lucifer, a demon who is unknown and just an assassin, would just be nothing in the eyes of the public when it is compared to the lives of the 6 pillars, who takes care of the Warmester Denoble House and is considered to be its main strength.

Of course, Lucifer didn't care about any of that at all. However, he was aware of the fact that this was already a victory to him. is only a victory to the public's eyes, not to him. And what Lucifer considers to be a victory for him in this the death of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the usurpation of the Warmester Denoble House itself and its organizations.

"Hmm...You are asking me why I'm doing this, huh? That's pretty surprising, coming from the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House, the denoble house that spreads darkness and chaos in the Zacharath Kingdom," Lucifer finally spoke as he looked at the Patriarch.

He then...threw a furtive glance at the side. To be exact, he took a peek at Rouge, who was...shaking with his eyes widened so much that it looked like his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

Well, Rouge was still unable to reel himself back in after seeing the 6 pillars, the men who he thought were invincible and strong, unconscious on the ground, and even possibly, dead.

It was mostly because Rouge has not even seen the fight that killed the 6 pillars. After all, it is basically impossible for the 6 pillars to be assassinated by someone or something, which is why he was unable to calm himself after seeing them go down without a tough fight.

'So, that guy is basically out of the picture, huh. Well, whatever. It's not like he was a threat, to begin with,' Lucifer thought as he turned his eyes back to the Patriarch.

Of course, the reason why Lucifer checked Rouge out was to see if Rouge would be able to join in the fight.

Although Lucifer was sure that he would be able to dominate the fight against the Patriarch and kill him faster than he even killed the 6 pillars, Lucifer didn't want Rouge to create a commotion in this place and call other people or anything of the sort.

It would be better if Rouge would just sit still and wait as Lucifer...had something in plan for him.

Well, it's not really a plan, but it would be better if Lucifer doesn't have to kill him as that would make him have to look for another person, which is a hassle.

Anyway, when Lucifer looked back at the Patriarch again, the Patriarch spoke as if he was waiting for Lucifer to be done.

Well, it was because the Patriarch himself didn't want Lucifer to drag Rouge in this fight as well.

As the Patriarch knew Lucifer's strength, as he was able to fight against the 6 pillars, he didn't want Rouge to be dragged into this fight as that would mean his death.

In a way, the Patriarch was truly a loving father for Rouge.

Anyway, this is what the Patriarch said.

"Surprising? It seems like you know me. Well, I don't care if you know me or what, but you..."

"You better tell me who sent you here fast or I would torture it out of you! Even if I would have to spend years of torture on you, I don't care!" The Patriarch shouted out loud as his spit flowed out of his mouth.

He then continued as he...began to raise his staff, "You dare to come and make a mess out of this place, right at the very center of the Warm City, the city that the Warmester Denoble House governs...I will make sure that you experience hell itself!"

After saying those words, the Patriarch...stood up as if it was nothing.

Well, it was really nothing for him to stand up even though he was very old now.

Anyway, when the Patriarch stood up, his staff started to begin glowing in his mana.

As the Patriarch took a little bit of time before fighting against Lucifer to prepare himself, he already has a magic spell in mind to defeat Lucifer in a single blow.

And that magic spell was...

"Hell Gates!" The Patriarch shouted out loud as he pointed his staff towards Lucifer, his staff embued with his mana.

However, that was not important as the place...started to crack up due to the pressure of the patriarch's mana alone.

His mana was so strong that the special material used to build this place was unable to withstand it and just became cracked.

That was not all as the whole place started to shake as well with the air pressure starting to feel like it was being squeezed.

And this was...the aftereffects of the Hell Gates.

Right, it was the aftereffects as the Hell Gates has already been activated on Lucifer, who was...nowhere to be seen.

Lucifer was...gone. And that was because of the sudden darkness that appeared and covered Lucifer as if it was nothing at all.

Of course, this sudden darkness covering Lucifer was the Hell Gates magic spell that the Patriarch used to injure Lucifer.

"Hell Gates is a magic spell used to detain strong demons, and it also injures strong demons until they are unable to move anymore."

"This is the end of you, bastard!" The Patriarch shouted out loud as he poured some more of his mana to his staff, which became the nourishment of the Hell Gates.

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