One True God

Chapter 67: Rouge

In the plaza of the slums, there were more than a thousand people waiting to be tested for the requirements that the Warmester Denoble House has put up for this 'project' of theirs.

The process was very messy as there were a lot of people and the number of the men testing these people was only about a hundred or so.

The difference between the two parties was immensely huge and that was what made the process messy.

It also took a lot of time as the hundred or so people of the Warmester Denoble House had to test each and every one of these people.

They didn't miss any single one as they were very diligent about this project.

Although the residents of the slums were pretty much docile and complied with each of their commands, it still took a lot of time.

However, the examiners were still able to finish the process in just a single day despite the messy mess.

The majority of the residents of the slums were forced to be turned away while some of them were allowed to stay.

Of course, those who were allowed to stay were those that have passed the examination of the examiners.

And the number of those that passed the examination was only two digits - 68 people.

The number of people that passed the test and were able to stay was so low when compared to its original participants.

And that was only natural. The requirements and the standards that this project had were so high that it made the First Academy's standards look weak.

Fighting experience, amount of mana that one can put out in a single magic, knowledge, endurance, stability, speed...literally everything.

Those who passed, the 68 people, were able to show that they can do those things with no problem.

There were also some people who couldn't succeed in anything else but were able to perform extremely well in a single category.

Of course, they were able to pass as that was something amazing in itself.

And those who passed were referred to as the gems in the making by the subordinates of the Warmester Denoble House.

After all, who would have expected that 68 people would be able to pass the Warmester Denoble House's standards in the slums?

Well, the Warmester Denoble House has already expected it as they have already done this many times before.

In fact, some of the examiners that examined the residents of the slums were...from the slums themselves.

They were the people who were able to stabilize themselves in the Warmester Denoble House and were able to stay in the house, which is pretty amazing considering that they came from the slums.

That was why...68 people passing the standards of the Warmester Denoble House weren't really that surprising for the house itself.

However, if this came out in the public, this would definitely hit the headlines of rumors and news and it might even reach the royal family.

Of course, there was no way that this would come out in public as the Warmester Denoble House was just...'making sure that these people would be able to turn their lives around.'

In the official story, there would be no such things as the residents of the slums being able to reach their standards or something like that.

It would be told as a charity type of story, and that is how the Warmester Denoble House plans to play this play.

"Hey, Rouge! We got a lot, eh? Though, we already expected it." A voice resounded out in front of the carriages as the man...who was standing on the platform earlier talked to a man who was packing things in a carriage.

The man, Rouge, who was packing things in a carriage stopped what he was doing and looked back at the man.

"Yeah, Prapa. 68 people passing the test is definitely a lot. Back in my day, the number of people that passed the test was a measly 9."

"Even though I already expected that we would get around 60 people, it is still a shock to me," Rouge said.

Rouge was one of the members of the Warmester Denoble House who was recruited in the slums.

It has been years ever since he started to work for the Warmester Denoblhe House, and he was able to stabilize himself and is strong right now.

In fact, Rouge was a captain of a squad right now, and he is the one in charge of defending the man named Prapa, who is an official from the Warmester Denoblhe House. be exact, Prapa is an official from one of the four organizations that are controlling the darkness of the Zacharath Kingdom.

Of course, since he is one of the officials from one of the four organizations, the people that passed the tests are going straight to one of those four organizations.

"Hahaha! I'm also shocked! But as they say, things always move on with time, and this is just another one of the things that moved on and got better with time," Prapa said as he walked up to Rouge.

He then turned his body around as he looked at the inside of the carriage that was open, and poof! His eyes instantly widened.

"Kekeke, what's this for? You are already working for the main house, the Warmester Denoble House, and are no longer under the String. You don't have to please Lord Mayner anymore with women, don't you?" Prapa said as he observed what was inside the carriage.

And what was inside the carriage was...women - women who were just sitting with no restrictions at all, but it was pretty cramped since there were 30 women inside.

These women were beautiful, and it seems that they were pretty excited about what was about to happen to them as they looked at Prapa and Rouge with hopeful eyes.

Well, it was only natural. These women from the slums, and were 'recruited' by Rouge himself to please Lord Mayner, the leader of the organization named String.

String was the name of the organization that does the recruitment, training the newbies, and shaping them into a good force, and after that, sends them into the Warmester Denoble House.

And since Rouge was already in the Warmester Denoble House, he does not need to please the leader of the String, Lord Mayner.

And that was also why the women were getting excited. They literally just have to be good girls, and their lives would be changed.

Well, it was certainly not the best way to change their lives, is still better than be sick in the slums and die a pitiful death.

Coincidentally, Rouge has already cleaned up the women while they were testing the people earlier, which is why all of them looked pretty and beautiful.

"Haha, I just want to make sure that some of my people will live a better life. Sending them to Lord Mayner will definitely be better than starving to death, no?" Rouge said as he closed the door of the carriage.

He then turned around as he urged for Prapa to walk with him, "Not everyone will be given the chance to turn their lives around, so I want to give at least the opportunity to as many people as I can."

Rouge continued to speak and Prapa just listened to him intently with a...weird expression.

Well, Prapa can understand why Rouge was doing this for the people of the slums as the slums were basically his hometown, was kinda making Prapa a bit uncomfortable with this as he knew something.

However, it seems that they couldn't talk anymore as Prapa and Rouge reached a carriage that was a bit bigger and extravagant than the others.

Of course, it was Prapa's carriage, and there were two men standing in attention right in front of the door.

"Ah, I will now go inside of my carriage. Do takeoff whenever you deem fit, captain Rouge." Prapa said as he then ordered for the men to open the doors to his carriage.

Of course, when he did, the men immediately opened the doors and Prapa walked towards the inside of the carriage.

It didn't take him long to disappear inside and the men closed the carriage again.

And when the men closed the carriage, Rouge spoke with a heavy voice, "Stay on your guard. There are some crazy bastards in the slum that would try to attack us, I want none of you slipping up, got that?"

"Yes, Captain Rouge!" The men saluted as they shouted simultaneously.

"Good," Rouge said as he then began to walk towards his carriage.

Of course, since they were now done in this place, they would go back to their headquarters where they would then train the newcomers.

However, it seems that...the day was still not over for Rouge as one of his subordinates called him while running.

"Captain! Captain!" The man waved his hand, and he was able to reach Rouge in no time at all.

"What is it?" Rouge said as he stopped walking and looked down on his subordinate.

"P-please come with me! S-something...someone incredible showed up!!" The subordinate said as he pointed to where he came from.

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