One True God

Chapter 65: Pawn

"I guess I really do have to kill him..." Lucifer murmured as he looked at Asgo with pity in his eyes.

As things have escalated to this point and Lucifer has come to know that Asgo had a greater fear for the organizations because of his past, there was nothing that Lucifer can do other than disposing of Asgo.

However, as things stand, it was the truth that Lucifer cannot do it now.

He can't kill Asgo now as it would really inconvenience him to the point that he might just have to replan the plans that he already made.

"How do I do this...I can't erase memories," Lucifer said as he raised his hand and cupped his chin with it.

Since Lucifer can't kill Asgo, he was thinking of other ways he can make Asgo as good as dead.

One was erasing memories, but Lucifer can't do shit like that without thorough preparation.

After all, Lucifer's specialty was not interfering with the brain or doing mental magic.

His specialty and forte was to how kill demons and angels and that was the only thing that he was good at.

It was then that Rachel spoke as she looked at Lucifer. She wanted to say something as her master was having a hard time deciding in this situation, hoping that her word would solve it.

"How about detaining him in a place where no one can find him, and when it's finally convenient for you...I shall kill him," Rachel suggested.

And when he heard those words coming from Rachel's mouth, Lucifer quickly turned his head to look at Rachel.

"Hmm? You know that he's enrolled in the First Academy, right? If he suddenly goes missing, people would think he's dead and I would be in trouble," Lucifer said.

Detaining Asgo in a place where no one can see him is the same as killing him.

Of course, the core actions are different since detaining and killing are two different things, but...the effects would be the same.

It would make the First Academy or the authorities talk to Lucifer about why Asgo was missing and his possible locations, and he might be suspected.

"That's possible, but...there is a system in schools where there are Orbs of Life," Rachel said.

Orbs of Life. These things were something that can detect a person and these things can also determine if a particular individual is dead or alive.

Since Orbs of Life can detect a person, they can tell the general location of that particular individual, isn't that detailed, just a rough direction of where that particular individual can be.

However, that wasn't important since the Orbs of Life were created just for the sake of telling whether one is still alive or not.

"Oh? So are you saying that as long as he's alive, the First Academy or whatever wouldn't look for him or whatnot?" Lucifer said as a smile finally crept up to his troubled face.

"That's right, Lucis. The Orbs of Life were linked to the students naturally once they pass the exam, so you have one, too. Of course, since it is naturally linked to the students, Asgo is connected to one." Rachel said.

"Hmm? How were they able to link that up to me? I don't remember...Ah, the Demonic Origin test?" Lucifer said as he finally remembered what could possibly link him up with the Orb of Life.

And that was the Demonic Origin test, where Lucifer had to touch the tower and all that shit.

And it seems that he was correct as Rachel spoke, "That's right. I came to know this because... a higher-up of the First Academy slipped up when I was eavesdropping."

"How about you, then? You didn't pass the test, but you touched the tower. You must have been linked up with the Orb of Life by then, so does that mean the First Academy is keeping tabs on people who are enrolling in their exam whether they pass or not?"

Indeed. Rachel was not able to pass the exam, so she should not have an Orb of Life in the First Academy.

If she had one, that would mean that she was being watched or the First Academy was observing everyone.

And that would be weird since that wasn't what a demon academy would do.

"No, it is not linked to me. Since I failed the test, they cut off the connection of that Orb of Life to save up space for some other students. They don't care about students that don't pass their exams, you see." Rachel explained to Lucifer.

Of course, when Lucifer heard that, he thought that it made sense. There was no way that First Academy would put effort into watching a student that failed their exam, especially when they were in a muddy situation with the Demon Festival.

" Asgo can just 'go' to other places and then make a formal statement that he's leaving for a while or something and things would be fine," Lucifer murmured as he tried to think about how he would do this.

The formal statement would be easy to forge was really easy. There was no need to overcomplicate that part.

The problem that Lucifer had on his hands right now was the location where he would detain Asgo.

It has to be a place where not many people go, it has to be a place where no one would even want to venture into.

Not even the adventurous demons who want to find out about the world, a place like that...would be perfect.

'I don't have to mind the Orbs of Life since it is only a general location...and since there would be a formal statement as well, I doubt they would try to look into it that deep,' Lucifer thought as he stood up.

He then looked at Asgo, who was...crying on the ground while his whole body was shivering.

"Ah, he's a lost cause," Lucifer murmured with disdain on his face.

It was completely different from the look of pity he gave Asgo before.

Why? It was because...Asgo was still acting the same.

What Lucifer hated the most was demons who couldn't even try and change their future.

It was clear as day that Asgo just thinks of himself as cannon fodder for the organizations, and Lucifer hated that.

Although Lucifer didn't hate it to the point that he was making moves to eradicate these types of demons, the level of hate that Lucifer has for them was still strong.

After all, Lucifer seriously believes with all of his heart that demons should be those who try to struggle against their weaknesses and their natural fears.

Of course, including the demon's natural fear to the Hell Gods, but that was a different matter.

In this case, the organizations shouldn't even be feared. They were just something one can find in any kingdom, and the fact that they could be found in any kingdom means that they weren't that special.

They were not comparable to the Hell Gods! Of course, there was the backstory of Asgo being used by the organizations, but...that doesn't excuse anyone.

At least, for Lucifer, it doesn't excuse Asgo's pathetic behavior.

And the fact that...Asgo was still acting like this even though Rachel and Lucifer just talked about how they would dispose of him...truly disgusted Lucifer.

"Whatever. A disposable pawn is a disposable pawn," Lucifer said as he then turned his head to look at Rachel.

"We're done here. Keep Asgo here in this place for a while, and I will return with the location where I will detain Asgo," Lucifer said, and he didn't wait for Rachel to respond as he started to walk towards the door.

On his third step, Lucifer used some kind of magic to make sure that this place wouldn't be seen through with another barrier.

Since he already did this before, it was now a double barrier, but that was not all as he also made sure that he would be notified if there would be someone trying to enter Asgo's home.

However, before Lucifer could take his fourth step, Rachel's voice entered his eardrums, which made Lucifer stop walking.

And this was what Rachel said...

"Uhm...Lucis! Pardon me for asking, I a disposable pawn, too?"

Since Rachel was a servant of Lucifer now, she wouldn't be able to do anything to disobey him.

That was a given, but Rachel wanted to know if she was a disposable pawn just like how Asgo was.

She wanted to know...if she would be used just like him and be thrown away after her usefulness is gone.

However, it seems that...reality was indeed disappointing as Lucifer answered with a...

"Yeah. You are in the same boat with Asgo, a disposable pawn," Lucifer said.

He then began to resume his walk normally without even looking back.

Of course, his answer made Rachel...down. No, it would be more correct to say that Rachel became depressed with just that one line.

However, when Lucifer reached the door, he spoke again as he raised his hand.

"Well, as long as you prove your worth to me, I won't treat you badly," Lucifer said.

And as soon as he said those words, he...disappeared.

"'I won't treat you badly,' huh..." Rachel murmured with a little smile on her face.

"I guess...that isn't too bad..."

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