One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

The Kuja Royal Fleet vs. Don Quixote Pirates I

Two weeks ago.

The Grandline, New World.

[Hancock's POV]

I woke this morning thinking about my darling like every single day. Most of the time he'll be in his workshop but there is also the chance that he'd be with mother-in-law or mom. I don't know but I don't want to call him and possibly interrupt... instead I'll wait until I'm back home to spend some quality time with him.

"Mari, Sonia..." 

Laying down next to me were my yawning younger sisters who more than likely were having the same dreams that I did.

"Big sis, have we arrived yet?" They lazed around, I hugged the two of them, I guess I could spoil them a bit more.

"I don't know..."

After half an hour more of resting I pulled the two out of the bed, we had work to do. I brushed my hair off and we prepared for our day by wearing my cutest dress, beauty is power. I used the devices Darling made for us to iron our hair and make it as beautiful as it could look. 

The Kuja Fleet Primal Vessel is a ship he made for us four years ago, it was his first invention after finishing his massive workshop in Rusukaina. Sometimes I think he exaggerated, the ship's size is at least ten times bigger than the original ship the Kuja Tribe had before he became our Emperor and it is not made out of wood or even the legendary Adam's tree... it is made out of steel. Originally we thought it was not possible for it to sail, but it did and it is even faster than normal ships. A marvel of engineering praised by even the best of the best in Water 7.

It has all sorts of modern gadgets to make the lives of the whole fleet easier: Single dormitories, leisure rooms, saunas, gyms, training facilities. I told my darling that all that was not necessary, but...

'Moving from island to island takes a long time so I want you all to be well entertained while you sail' It is what he said and he created all those entertaining rooms for forty ships. The secondary ship is much smaller -the same size as our original one- but it doesn't fall short in terms of technology. They can glide, camouflage and have their own inner engines, he even went as far as to create an internal resting spot for the Yuda serpents where they can sleep.

I love that man, in case it wasn't obvious. 


After preparing ourselves we had a lovely breakfast with the majority of the crew in the main dining room, it felt like another day in Amazon Lily because he recreated our colours and styles to match that of our culture.

"My goddess, Dressrosa is up ahead" Our Navigant knelt down in front of me, her name is Cecily and she's Shandian. I'm already used to being called 'Goddess' as I'm the wife of a 'God'.

"Start the camouflage before we get any closer".

"As you order!".

After finishing our breakfast we went to the deck and found ourselves in sunny but a bit cloudy weather, all of the ships were camouflaged. A massive island with a rocky border is up ahead, Dressrosa. 

I had finished my campaign in the new world after establishing positive relationships with Whitebeard, the Fishman Islands and some kingdoms in the new world, truly everything is easy as long as you're beautiful like me. But it was then that I received a communication from one of my allies in the new world about a conflict between Admiral Aokiji and an unknown group of pirates close to my location. 

I contacted Stussy, one of my beloved's vixens together with Admiral Shironeko and Nico Robin. She is his secret spy in the world government and her main jurisdiction is the New World. Initially, she'd not help me at all which is the reason why we're not on good terms, she says she's only hubby's slave which I believe is her overstepping her boundaries. 

I asked her about the incident and she told me a bit of information, she said the treasure stolen was the new world's heavenly tribute which rounded in about a hundred billion bellies, it was stolen by one of the top dogs of the underworld, Joker whose real identity was an exiled world noble, Donquixote Doflamingo. He stole it from Admiral Aokiji while the latter was sleeping.

It was a tale hard to believe, but I had already heard from Darling that Aokiji was not only the weakest Admiral, but he was also very lazy so the story is sort of believable although I don't think this Doflamingo did this by himself, there must be a Yonko involved. 

Regardless, Stussy told me that for this information she'd charge me ten billion bellies out of the treasure if we managed to steal it, if we didn't... then that was it, it was our loss but I'm sure she'd point out this failure every time we were together with hubby. 

What a foolish question. Obviously I'm going to steal it!

Amazon Lily, Rusukaina and Shandora still need funds to support the lavish lifestyle Darling has created for us. Most of the time those funds are collected by his products sold openly to the other kingdoms or in the underworld through contracts, those contracts pay all the workers in the three islands and thus we have a working economic ecosystem which is mainly managed by my mother.

This much money is ten years' worth of capital collected and it could make my hubby's dream come true, he wanted the three islands to be at the technological level of Vegapunk's Egghead Island. It is the best gift I can give him.

It will also increase my bounty by a few hundred million, there is no better way for me to scream 'I'm the wife of the Lightning God' than this.

That's why we're here today. Failure is not an option. 


It took an hour or two to do some recognisance around the island and assemble all the information we could about this man, but information about him was very scarce. 

"The port is not at this side of the coast, big sis," Marigold told me, we were using these telescopes to see the edge of this island, it has a rocky surface and barrier which will make it difficult to dock anywhere else than the port. 

"That's better... there is nothing more ridiculous than to try to enter using the front door, we will blow a hole through and invade from the sides, even if they realise our invasion they're more likely to have their defences prepared on the port than on the sides".

The main vessel approached the coast, but they couldn't see us due to the camouflage. It doesn't make the ships completely invisible, instead, they take the colour of the ocean around us.

"Everyone prepare. I want the same four units. One unit to look for the treasure, Rindo, you're in charge".


"It will more than likely be docked in a ship at the port of the island. Another unit for recognisance, Ran, go".

"Ha! Hebihime!".

"I want you to learn everything you can about Joker's group and executives. Then the offensive team. We will be on standby in case a shock offensive is required. Are we all clear!?".


"Lastly the safeguard team, make sure our vessels remain camouflaged and safe, don't expose yourselves for any reason, Aphelandra, you're in charge. Have your communicator active, if necessary you may have to lead a part of the fleet to intercept the treasure ship in the port if it sails".


"Then pull down your anchors, we're going in".

All of our ships were stationed successfully.

I nodded towards Marigold who went into her Awakened form, she released a torrent of poison against the rocky side of the island before the poison transformed into a torrent of hot flames.

<King Cobra!>


The flames increased in intensity and in no time the melted magma rock opened a scorching path for us into the island. On the other side, I could see what looked like a path of flowers.

I extended my arms forward with the shape of a heart, the sign of my love for him which makes me stronger every day. 

<Mero Mero Mellow!>

A pink beam spread forth, transforming the magma into dry stone and everything in its path, including the flowers. I stopped once it was enough and made a hand signal. It was time to invade. 

A hundred Kuja infantry squeezed in; they had tight nimble attires, the strongest arrows and were capable of efficiently using Armament Haki and Observation Haki. 

Marigold, Sandersonia and I entered, they were in their awakened forms, and after years of practice, they could use this as their base form. Our first hurdle became apparent.


One of the Kuja infantry girls yelled in pain upon clashing against something apparently invisible. I frowned, it may look invisible but it is clear to me.

"A string?" Marigold confirmed my hypothesis. My gaze drifted from the end of it touching the ground, all the way to the skies.

"This is like a cage... a cage made of sharp strings?" Sandersonia coated her hand in armament Haki and touched it, the mere touch against it produced sparks. 

"Don't touch it, Sonia... it may alert whoever is casting it. This is an Awakened Paramecia, like me..."

"What should we do, big sis?".

"We can use this to our favour... stick to the edge of the cage, let's surround the island. Sonia, take the offensive team and you head to the right, we will do the left".

We did as we ordered for the whole day, walking across the island while keeping ourselves hidden. The first thing that called for my attention was that there were people trying to escape from the but they'd eventually give up and go back into the centre of the island.

"It seems something sinister is taking place in here".

"Hebihime, we have reached the port, I can see two ships docked. One of them is a celestial dragon ship, it is located to the south of the island but the strings do go as far as the surface of the water".

"That must be the one that has the tribute. We will do this quickly as breaking any single one of these strings is going to alert Doflamingo. We don't have much time of action before he appears and we don't have much information about his executives either".

"My empress, we are very close to the ship, as long as we can get rid of these strings it shouldn't be hard to take them away, lady Sandersonia is with us, she can cut them".

"Can you see anything else?".

"It seems they're taking away chunks of the tribute and putting it into their storages, they're also taking something from the other ship, it looks like gas containers".

"As expected of good pirates, as if they'd give back the whole treasure. Very well... Aphelandra, I want you to move all secondary vessels of the fleet southbound and prepare to escort the celestial dragon treasure ship out of the port, the moment the vessel is secured, use Darling's electro cannon to clear all threats from the port. If you manage to secure the treasure then go away with all engines full throttle and don't look back, head straight to Rusukaina and don't wait for us!".

"I understand, Hebihime!".

I already gave the order so Aphelandra is going about her business, there is no going back. Only the main ship is going to stay behind. I have my sisters and an offensive team of powerful kuja tribeswomen, it can't be that hard. 

"In the meantime".


I removed my coat and both of my arms were coated in armament haki just like Marigold's.

"Mari, offensive team... we're getting all of their attention for ourselves. This is dead in the night, there is no better time than this!".

With a single sweep of my arm, I sliced a row of those strings and that was the exact time that Donquixote Doflamingo knew we were on the island. On the other side of the island, the port, Sandersonia did the same... she had two teams with her: treasure and reconnaissance. 

"Everyone, cause a ruckus~".


All of my girls rushed forth together with Marigold. I frowned, feeling a strong power coming from the distance in the form of a flying man.

"Hehehehe!~ Let's see what we have here... some intruders, all women? WHAT A GIFT!".

I heard some wicked sneers from the distance and then he used what looked like a string of flames to attack in the direction of Marigold. 



With a single flicker, kicking the air I arrived in front of his string and kicked it away from my sight. 



"Oh? The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock... the wife of the Lightning God, what a surprise. What takes you to my island? I'm sure we can do business? Can I invite you something, wine perhaps?~".

He used his disgusting mouth to invite me to have a drink with him, I don't think any woman would with those attires he's carrying, let alone a beauty goddess like me. 


I pointed my heart-shaped hands towards him. I have no words to exchange with a man that's not my husband. 

<Mero Mero Mellow!>


It seemed he was aware of my ability because he fled as fast as he could away from my beam, I turned everything in the way into stone but he was too fast, and I couldn't catch him.

"What a troublesome power, but thank you!"

He flashed towards me with a kick filled with Haki and I also felt it... the power of a conqueror.

<Perfume of Death!>



A devastating explosion stopped the world, he has Conqueror's Haki!

My kick met his in the air, both coated in Armament Haki, but mine was advanced, he wasn't. Not only that, compared to my husband his Conqueror's will is feeble.


Surprise seemed to be apparent in his expression when he felt himself moving back, what other result did you expect?


My kick blasted his one away, clashing against his chest and sending him flying like a rocket to the ground.


"A mere warlord candidate... if I were to lose against you, what face will I show to my husband?" I brushed my hair aside, looking at his kneeling form while everything around him began turning into strings, it was his awakened form. 



500 stones chap.

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