One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son


With rising tensions and the fate of the world hanging in the balance, though no one knew it at the time, a crucial meeting took place in the Ryugu Palace on Fishman Island. Two opposing sides sat facing each other, despite having shared many good moments in the past. Duty remained duty.

Admiral Shironeko sat alone on one side of the table. Due to the urgency of the situation, she couldn't travel on her official warship and had to rely on her private speedboat. She would have preferred to have her crew's support, but it was impossible. She represented the entire Marine side.

On the opposite side of the table, Mihawk sat casually, even putting her legs on the table, much to the Admiral's irritation. Next to her was Primrose, who wasn't feeling well but had to attend as this matter concerned her Kuja Tribe. Behind them were the main executives of the crew below the vice chiefs: Rindo, Ran, and Aphelandra. On the neutral side, with sweat running down their foreheads, were Neptune, Otohime, and Jimbei.

Shanks, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with this situation. The moment "national tribute" was mentioned, he and the red hair pirates f*cked off, retreating to some filthy corner in the New Fishman District to hide. As a 'provisional' Celestial Dragon, he knew better than to meddle with the tribute, just as Mihawk did. However, since they had already involved themselves in this matter, there was no turning back and with her son's absence, she had to respond.

"You're free to use the palace for your negotiations. Do you need us to leave -jamon?" Neptune humbly offered, although he wanted to know what was happening, he understood that this matter was not solely his concern.

"Why would you need to leave your own palace?~" Primrose smiled lightly and even invited Otohime to sit down with her.

"We have brought this problem to your doorstep, so you have the right to know what will happen next, Neptune," Mihawk explained. If the Celestial Dragons decided to send their forces to retrieve the tribute, they would target Fishman Island and cause extensive destruction in the process. Therefore, this was Neptune's concern as well.

With all the stakes laid out on the table, the negotiations began.

"So, what will it take for you to return the national tribute?" Gion knew better than to delay the inevitable, understanding that there was no need for indirect methods with Mihawk.

Having helped each other on numerous occasions, they shared a certain level of understanding. In response to Gion's request, Mihawk lazily crossed her arms and replied, "Why should we give it away? The Kuja Pirates risked their lives to obtain it. Are you suggesting that after all they've been through, I should simply hand it over?"

Mihawk's position was clear. First, the marine held nothing of interest to them to exchange for this and second, she recognized the potential consequences of this matter, including the sacrifices made and the tampering of memories. Giving away the tribute felt like an affront to all they had endured.

"You don't understand, Mihawk... Primrose, I beg you." Realizing that Hawkeye's pride might hinder a resolution, Gion shifted her focus to someone she believed to be more rational and less inclined toward battle. Unfortunately, both of these mature women were in agreement this time.

"I agree with Mihawk, Gion. Why should we give it away? By now, you should know that some superior force manipulated us into this state. Returning the tribute would make everything we went through seem meaningless," Primrose added. From her perspective, only a "superior force" could wield such overwhelming power as to make everyone in this world lose their memories.

"If you don't return the tribute, the only ones who will suffer are the civilians all over the world, in every kingdom affiliated with the World Government and even those that aren't. Trust me on this, if Dragon was aware of this situation, he would urge you to return the tribute."

"But we're not Monkey D. Dragon; we're not the revolutionaries. We're the Liberators. I do things Veyron's way, not Dragon's way" Primrose declared unabashedly, the way she saw it, the revolutionaries were a bunch of cowards with little to no advance in their endeavour, at least not compared to her husband.

Gion tried to clarify further, "Okay, let me explain. Mihawk already knows, but she's too stubborn to say it out loud."

Seeing Hawkeye's frown, Gion continued, "If we don't return the tribute, Marine salaries will be reduced as a penalty and this goes to every officer under the world government. I couldn't care less about my own salary, but the families of lower-ranked Marines will suffer. And that's not the half of it. Do you think they'll accept this loss? Next year's tribute will increase or even double to compensate for this loss. Kingdoms that can barely afford it will suffer more, while the wealthy ones will take even more from the lower class. In this scenario, the rich and powerful will lose the least, and the citizens of struggling kingdoms will suffer the most!"

As Gion spoke, her frustration grew, culminating in a forceful strike on the table, creating sparks of white lightning. Her anger wasn't directed at Mihawk; it was frustration with the world's structure, a reality she had come to understand after becoming an Admiral.

The celestial dragons never lose.

Everyone turned their attention to Mihawk, waiting for her response. Gion's argument seemed fair and realistic to them, to the point where even Primrose began to have doubts. Neptune and Otohime remained silent, but they, too, leaned toward returning the tribute.

"It's good that you understand the state of anarchy in this world as a Marine Admiral," Mihawk mocked, given their long-standing acquaintance and Gion's unwavering determination. The more frustration Gion expressed, the more she realized that her resolution could only take her so far when faced with the harsh reality.

"I'm already doing everything I can. This isn't something I can resolve with brute force, Mihawk. If it could be solved with power, Veyron would have already done it".

Gion released a slight growl, directing her frustration inward, realizing that becoming an Admiral had brought both benefits and constraints. She had been forced to witness all the cruelty in the world and yet remained powerless, whereas as a rear admiral, she had been powerless but ignorant.

There was no straightforward solution to this problem, even if one day Marie Geoise disappeared.

"I understand your predicament. Now... what would Veyron do in this situation?" Mihawk pondered.

"Should we call him?" Prim suggested, recognizing the gravity of the decision. She imagined him to be extremely busy, but this was a crucial matter.

"No need. I know exactly what he would say: 'Give it back. We can't allow the world to sink even further into poverty! Liberators forever! Dark mantle out' something like that..." Mihawk declared, even mimicking his voice to Otohime's amusement.

Gion's face brightened momentarily while the others saw the respect and prestige of the lightning god diminishing slowly. 

"But I'll be stubborn and selfish this time around. That's not what we're going to do, Gion. We're not giving back, at least not all of it."

Never had a face transitioned from happiness to sadness so quickly. Gion seemed puzzled.

"We're keeping a part of it. Don't worry; I'll take care of it."

This statement left the room confused. If it were that easy to resolve, why were they even here in the first place? Only Primrose and Gion knew Mihawk's secret and that she possessed the power to handle this, apart from being one of the Warlords of the Seas.

"If that's the case, then I don't mind. You shall bear the responsibility for this outcome, I'm not involved you hear me...? Not in the slightest" 

The conversation had turned and the 'mistress' Gion was no longer dealing with the 'wife' Mihawk.

The scope was different.

Admiral Shironeko was dealing with the 2nd Knight of God, someone way above her rank.

And she could do nothing but accept the verdict.

"You just have to be obedient and bear with Sengoku's scolding, I'll do the rest~" 


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