One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Mero Mero Mellow *

"No wonder... no wonder you're so experienced. No wonder you didn't want to tell her about your engagement with Hancock, no wonder she was so furious".

All pieces fell on their right spots for Primrose, she rubbed her forehead with a bit more than just anger in her voice. 

"I'm sorry... I didn't know how to say it".

"You have me, you have my daughters... you have your own mother... and you're not even fifteen yet! Do you even know what sort of skewered situation we're in!?"

"But we were already in a twisted situation before I told you this!".

"But now this makes it a hundred times worse!"

'That woman might actually be coming to slaughter all of us... I thought she was joking!'

Although at this stage with all her training Primrose didn't fear Mihawk, she was still a threat to reckon with, especially since they just committed the most grievous sin, stealing her son. 

"Brat, why must you be so perverted...? Going after your own mother..."

"Don't say that while you rub my crotch".

He deadpanned and only then she noticed that she was stroking his erection again. Primrose grit her teeth and continued to stroke it, she waited too long to let go now. Veyron's hand also reached for her boobs and moved her dress aside, gripping her directly. 

"I don't know what we're going to do but for now... I want it. Are you going to give it to me, or not?" Her voice contained challenge as if she dared him to decline. 

"I can't give you my first time, Prim... moreover don't you think I'm too young for that?" Although it was reassuring to know that he could now 'perform' he still thought he wanted to wait until he was at least fifteen before partaking in deeper actions. 

Alas, Primrose couldn't give less of a fart.

"Baby... do you think at this point I care about that...? Don't leave me like this..."



Primrose harrumphed and released his member, moving aside like a little outraged girl, slapping his hand away from her chest, "Hmph, then go and fondle someone else".

Since he wasn't going to give her what she wanted, she wasn't going to comply either. 

Being deprived of his own dose, Veyron gulped and thought things better, there were other 'fun' things they could do, "Prim, I can give you something else".

"I don't want something else! I want your c*ck insi-!".


"O-Oi! Don't scream that! What if someone hears you!?". 

He sweated profusely and covered her mouth fearing that someone had heard her yelling in this jungle and begging for his little friend. He stood up in front of the outraged Empress. 

"My first climax, I want you to swallow it..." He took his little brother and put it on top of her face, Primrose started panting but she wasn't going to just give way so easily. 

"Do you know what you're asking me? I-I have never swallowed that..." She felt ashamed to even think about it.

"You can't?"

"What's the point of getting your seed into my stomach? I can't get pregnant like that".

His eyebrows twitched, she was already expecting to get impregnated, women from Amazon Lily truly were something else, he realised that if he wanted her to comply and be satisfied with this, he needed to speak her language.

"Then you won't be content with getting my first seed, right?".


"We have tried for two years and now that I can finally release it, you don't want it... I guess I'll go and give it to Hancock".


He smirked as Primrose's tongue drew a line all the way from the base to the tip. Just to think that others would be getting it already made her blood boil, even if it was her daughter. 

"You're not going to be a man for a single woman... that I understand. But you better restrain yourself".

She gripped him from the base with a threatening glare. The boy listened attentively lest she used a bit more force and the lewd scene turned into a catastrophe. 

"If I find out that I and my daughters are unhappy and unsatisfied while you're going around fooling with other women, there will be consequences, are we clear baby?~" She went as far as to grip it by the stem, "I may end up cutting this thing you're so proud of by mistake-".

"I promise you will all be satisfied!" He nodded like a rooster, 'I wasn't thinking of having many women anyway! it was all... fate! yeah, it was fate!'.

"We, women from the Kuja Tribe, never tie ourselves to men and yet I'm tying myself to you, my daughters too... do you know what this means?".

"That I'm quite the catch?"

"Hmph! Naughty boy... so young and so full of yourself. Having a pretty lady like me kneeling in front of you like this, does it make you proud?~".


"I'm not planning to have another man other than you for as long as I live in this world, I hope you understand that for me this is a huge compromise" Her gaze turned serious before faltering a little, feeling vulnerable. 

Her heart had never been emotionally dependent on anyone, and yet... as of late, she felt if this boy was not around she couldn't live. 

Veyron smiled and delivered a long peck, astonished that she could make something as lovable as a love confession into something serious, with the thunder of a war cry. 

"I refused to go with Robin because I care about us and our home, there are objectives that I wish to accomplish, but also... you girls are important to me. I'm not going anywhere, Prim".

'Going into big adventures is not the type of life for me anyway... I'm a workshop person. I know once I get a proper spot for me to continue my inventions... I'm likely not going to be leaving. There are too many things I want to try with my psychokinesis and lightning powers' He smirked and bent down, sealing Primrose's lips again.

'But this time... it is different. This time once I leave the workshop... there will be women I love, waiting for me'. 

Satisfied, Primrose put her hair in a ponytail and took him all the way into her throat without further notice, taking Veyron straight to heaven.

"Uhm!~" He groaned onto the skies due to her ferocity almost petrified by how skilfully her tongue slithered like a snake's. 

Since she had already decided that this would be her man, she needed to do her part too, satisfy him to the point he'd never ever think about leaving. 

'I'll be better than you, Mihawk! By the time this boy grows up into a fine man, he will be hooked up by me! go ahead and be the strongest swordswoman alive, you won't be able to wield this 'sword' the way I do~'.

Veyron gasped at her sudden aggressiveness and technique, little did he know the Empress was taking it more seriously than he anticipated, studying his every reaction to see what he liked and what he disliked.

In the end, it was still Veyron/Alexander's first time in both of his lives, the feeling was like nothing he could even fathom. 


"Uhm?" His sudden reaction and yelp made her think she had done something wrong until he urged her to continue. Veyron's gaze was fixed on the empty jungle. 

"N-Nothing, just keep going".

His eyes gasped in anxiety when he saw her, hiding between the branches... it was Robin who was looking at the whole scene with astonishment and utter disbelief her palms shivering and covered. 

'Why are you here!?'.



What is she doing... to him... he's just a teenage boy and she is the Empress of Amazon Lily. There were sloppy noises, moans and grunts. Veyron has already noticed me... but my feet won't move away. 

I know exactly what she's doing, it is exactly what so many rascals had tried to make me do during the years that I fled from the government helplessly. I know that she's blowing him, giving him pleasure... what I don't understand is... doesn't she notice he's just a kid!?

But then, my gaze nestled inadvertently in the object that was going in and out of her mouth. It is... big... for his age, I believe. Also, she's skilful, I think...? Veyron is enjoying it, I can see it on his face so she must be good.

He has a mixture of pleasure and shame engraved in it, yes... I discovered your little game. You can't tell me that you're just a boy who was swindled into this situation... you seduced her, I watched it all... you put your filthy thing on top of her face and asked her to swallow it all. 

Y-You even compelled your mother into taking your first time, what a naughty boy. Did you plan to grasp me between your fingers like that as well?~ I discovered you and I don't plan to move away from here, Veyron. I'm going to watch it until the end. 

The empress of Amazon Lily, Primrose... was hugging his lower body against her head, she was violent in her actions and diligent. Between her legs I could see a slightly dense liquid dripping onto the soil, it made me gulp and get tingly. 

"P-Prim, something is coming!".

Oh, I know exactly what's coming, Veyron... he groaned like the life was being sucked out of him, grasping the empress' head and releasing what I believed was his first-ever climax. I witnessed with my eyes, his first time. Primrose swallowed it all and prevented him from ever spacing her clutches, here in the middle of this forest without any shame. 

Like animals. 

I always thought something was not right. Hancock is his fiance, that's what they told me, but he's very close with Marigold, Sandersonia and also their mother, Primrose. It is not the sort of closeness I'd expect from some in-laws, they were... very close. 

But I could have never expected this. 

A mother and her three daughters share the same person, and he's an underage boy. A very charming, powerful and handsome... underage boy. I don't know if it is their Amazon Lily's customs and traditions which I never heard about in Ohara, but at the very least I know... that any hopes I could have were now shattered. 

From the beginning, I thought something was wrong with myself. I couldn't possibly become so fond of a boy so quickly, especially someone that young. I felt like he understood everything about me, maybe it is because I don't form bonds with people at all, that he felt different. If I was together with him, there was nothing I couldn't do... but now.

I can't get in between them. I'm not strong enough... yet.


A gust of darkness manifested around me, I looked at my own palms which were now pitch black, what was this desire? It feels odd, like I'm capable of accomplishing anything. All my life all I could do was run... but now, I can strike back. 

He gave me this precious gift, one of the strongest devil fruits in existence. Right, I'm not strong enough, but now... I can become stronger.

I turned my heels and departed the area, leaving those two lovebirds to their own designs. Perhaps it is like he said... it is time for me to change. I don't want to run anymore... from my enemies, or my desires. 

<Dark Fleurs>

Wings of darkness manifested on my back before I set flight to the skies. In this new broad daylight, closer to the skies than ever... I feel a lot freer than ever.

'And it is all thanks to you, Veyron'.


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