One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Love to Spare I



My palm touching the protective glass got covered in blood but that didn't seem to be the main of my concerns. Yes, my real concern was that this protective glass worked as a barrier between him and me.

To hear him say that, it hurt. It hurt more than anything I had ever experienced in my life... I could only compare it to the time I lost my daughters except that this time the pain was more physical. I could feel my heart constricting inside my chest so vividly. 

"Veyron... *sob* so it is not me in the end..."

Tears rolled down my eyes when I saw him hugging Mihawk, while Mihawk's eyes glared at me, it was like her proclaim of victory. She knew I was involved... getting the attires for the baboons, cooking the food and now, playing the music. Everything just so their date could go perfectly. 

I came to this island intending to stop this... but when I saw him smiling like he's never done with me I just couldn't. I had to see his happy expression no matter what, even if it wasn't with me. I'd be content as long as he was happy.

But such a reality can only last so long, she took him to their room to claim what belonged to her, while I fell from the balcony. My consciousness half-gone I felt a pair of arms wrap me before my body could hit the sand. 


The arms wrapping me were pure darkness.

"R-Robin? h-how did you-".

"Don't give up, Primrose".

What's the point of not giving up in a battle that I have already lost? Mihawk could defeat me in battle and now she also defeated me in love. I'm a loser who will die of lovesickness. 

A gust of darkness engulfed me and I felt my body rise to my feet, my legs staggered and before I realised I was in a bedroom.


The door of that bedroom was blasted open and in came individuals, kissing and undressing each other. Veyron, my baby... was licking her neck and discarding all clothes like his life depended on it. When they entered the room, Mihawk was the first to notice my presence, followed by Veyron.

"Prim?! What happened to you!?".



My heart nearly left my chest. She was standing there with a pale countenance, haggard dishevelled hair and blood dripping from her mouth, onto her dress. Primrose looked like she had undergone a fierce fight against somebody... all the arousal left my body instantly and I levitated her on the bed with concern. 

All this time my mother stood in place, her breasts were exposed and her trousers unhooked, we were about to go to the next step after what we both considered the perfect date. 

But seeing Prim like this, I couldn't continue.

When I put her on the bed, Prim covered her eyes and started to cry.

"I'm sorry..."

"What happened, who did this to you?! I will kill-"

"It was you who did this, Veyron," My mother remarked, standing to the side and dragging me into another pit of confusion. 


"I'm sorry for interrupting it wasn't *sob* my intention..." Primrose kept apologising and it was then that everything clicked together for me.

The baboon attires, the dishes, the music, the whole wonderful evening. It was her... Primrose experienced her lovesickness and she still tried to enhance my date with Mihawk. I don't understand!

"Why did you do this?!".

"B-Because I love you... hehe~ I'm too cowardly to stop it so I could only make it better so that you'd be happier, that's how much of a fool I am-*cough!*".

She could even speak before another torrent of blood spat on me.

"Don't say anything else! Stop spitting blood, please!".

I didn't know what to do... I technically tore her dress apart to see if anything was going on but nothing... except for her pale skin, there were no injuries. Is this really how bad lovesickness is? What can I even do to help her? this is a psychosomatic disease like depression, and the only way to treat it is to treat the mind... I can't perform any method or surgery to cure her right now even if I knew.

"You're so problematic, Primrose... I didn't think It would be this bad" My mother approached and leaned next to me, placing her hand on Primrose's forehead. 


"If you want his first time so much, you can have it..." She stated albeit reluctantly, I never thought she'd make this concession. Is that the cause of everything? who do I give my first time to?

Nevertheless, Primrose shook her head, still covering her eyes, "What's the use of that... he already said he loves you the most. I have already lost".

Primrose had been listening to everything, I messed up badly.

"Prim, I didn't mean-".

She put a finger on my lips.

"I'm sorry baby... for being so stubborn, you don't need to explain yourself. It is not your fault. It is completely normal for you to love her more...I don't understand why I keep doing these things and feeling this way. I never felt love before... I never knew it could be so painful but at the same time... so wonderful".

Her staggering arms took my face my the cheeks and kissed me deeply, like a very long peck. I tasted the blood of her love and deepened it even more pinning her hard on the bed and pressing her hands at either side of her head. 

I feel so angry at myself, it doesn't matter whose fault is it... I feel angry that she feels like this and I can't do anything. 

My mom sighed and discarded what remained of her clothes before getting on the bed and watching, "I have heard of the infamous lovesickness... there are only two ways to cure it. Either she gives up on her love-".

"Never!" Primrose growled and embraced me like she'd never let go in her life. 

"Or you show her heaven... show her love like she's never experienced before and will never experience in her life, that way the lovesickness will go away as she will be satisfied".

"What do I need to do or say for you to feel better?" 

"Nothing... baby... I'm just stubborn... I'm stubborn and competitive, I wanted to be the best in your eyes, and that was it. I'm sorry for this, I ruined your night".

She then glanced at Mihawk who was lazily playing with her hair to the side.

"I'm sorry, Mihawk".

"... don't sweat it. I wasn't going to take his first time anyway, you know?".

"W-Weren't you?"

"Weren't you?!"

I was even more shocked than Primrose was, what does she mean? I have been this expectant the whole time!

"Even if... you know" She made a facial gesture that took me a while to catch, she meant my mental age which is still a secret to Primrose.

"Your body is still too young... even I have moral standards. Only a jungle woman like Primrose wouldn't care..."

"Y-You... j-jungle woman you say...? immoral mother!"

"*Cough* we're not blood-related so..."

I gasped, never in my life had I thought I'd see her excuse herself like this. I'm certainly still a bit young but... I mean we have done almost everything there is to do between lovers except 'that' am I not too young for those?!

I looked down at Prim who was still panting but her eyes were shaped like hearts just by looking at me, it seemed that news was like fresh water to her burning heart and I witnessed how her countenance began to visually recover in relief.

"What am I going to do with you, Prim..." I trailed her lips, erasing a last droplet of blood.

"Love me...! You can do anything, I don't even care if you hate me as long as you love me!".

"That doesn't make sense you know?"

I sighed and picked her up in a surprise princess carry, in a way, the date was indeed ruined but in another way, I was happy that we managed to share this moment... how am I going to know if these girls feel anxious or anything, if they don't tell me? I'm happy to know she's just as new to these things as I am. 

"Should we take a bath, the three of us? We never tried the springs".


"I don't mind... but the two of you go ahead first" My mother sat back down on the bed, confusing me. 


"I just want to get something... you two go ahead, I'll be there in a heartbeat, alright?".



Veyron carried Primrose to the bath downstairs amidst kisses while Mihawk stood back up once they left, she took Yoru that was on the side and pointed it to the darkness of the room in the night, forsaking her nakedness. 

"Show yourself".


A silhouette departed the darkness like she was always part of it. Mihawk frowned profusely... it was a devastating power to have. 

"You're Nico Robin. You seem to be getting a grasp of your powers very quickly".

"How did you discover me?~" Robin giggled with her hands up in defeat.

"Hancock explained to me how observation Haki works, even if you could see the future, you couldn't have possibly seen me who never appeared before you in the first place and I also showed no threatening intent, so how did you-?".

"She forgot to explain to you -possibly because she doesn't know it- that advanced observation Haki also allows you to measure emotions to a degree... I didn't discover you at first. But Primrose couldn't have possibly reached this room so fast without me noticing, once the suspicion was raised I just had to try and sense emotions and that's when I sensed it... your arousal".

"..." Robin blushed, "I guess I'm exposed... could you not say anything to him? I just want to look".


"Curiosity" She clenched her fist turned into darkness and scattered, and then many arms manifested as well, all of them shrouded in darkness, "I love this power..."

"I believe he gave it to me because it fits me perfectly. I'm a child who has always lived in darkness... the best that could happen to me... was if I could use that darkness as a weapon to protect myself and those I care for".


"But he also gave me this power because he intends to use me in the future... there are no freebies in this world".

"Clever. Haven't you thought for a second that he could have genuine concern about you?".

Robin exhaled deeply and bit her lips, "That's why I must look at him and prove to myself that he is indeed who I think he is".

"And that is?".

"A genuinely good person that cares about those close to him from the bottom of his heart, someone that won't backstab me once I have fallen for him".

Mihawk shrugged her shoulders and put Yoru back on its scabbard, leaning it against the wall much to Robin's shock, she could steal Yoru away, this was the perfect chance... that sword was invaluable. 

"That boy can see far beyond what you or I can... I have known this as I raised him all those years. If he trusts you, then why wouldn't I trust you, Nico Robin...? look as much as you want, just make sure to clean yourself afterwards, this is my home that he worked hard to build for me, I don't want it dirty with someone else's juices".


Having said that, Mihawk left the room, walking all naked across her mansion without a care in the world, leaving Yoru behind. 

Robin looked at the sword once before disappearing back into her darkness, chasing after them.


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