One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Kingdom Of Mercy

The deafening sound reverberated like a primal call to curiosity, an insatiable thirst that drove researchers in the world of science. But for Veyron, it was a different kind of hunger—a relentless need to know.
Who was responsible for this explosive chaos? Why had it occurred? And most importantly, what would be the consequences? Who was going to pay for this?
He shot through the inky depths of Fishman Island, submerged ten miles below the surface, with the swiftness of a thunderbolt. It took mere seconds to ascend.
Breaking through the water's surface, he left behind a trail of crimson thunder, coming to a halt before the formidable Red Line. Carefully, he extracted an eternal pose, protected by a shimmering forcefield to withstand the incredible speeds he had just achieved.
Studying the compass's direction, he followed the path at a more reasonable pace, gradually shedding his electrifying transformation until he resembled a typical bluish lightning.
His journey included intermittent stops to verify whether the islands he encountered were indeed Dressrosa until he finally reached his destination—the island where the chaos had originated. There were no other ships in sight, except for a Marine warship docked at the port. A furrow formed on his brow as he descended towards it.
The island bore the marks of devastation, yet it remained eerily intact in many areas. As his foot touched the soil, he found himself in a field of flowers, marred by the presence of sunflowers stained with blood. He levitated once more, descending upon the streets, where a gentle breeze brushed against his face. However, there was an unsettling absence of life. It felt like a ghost town, though he knew better. His senses extended to their limits, detecting the presence of people within what appeared to be a colossal colosseum.

He generated several electric clones that departed from his body, taking on an appearance distinct from his own, electric bodies. These charged currents covered in kinetic energy roamed the area, searching for clues and anything of interest.
Amidst the fallen bodies, shrouded in cloaks, lay dozens of individuals scattered throughout the main avenues and plazas. As he lifted each one, he discovered that most were citizens of the city, while others had a more nefarious air about them.
"Donquixote Pirates," he muttered, recognizing some of them from the wanted posters. Diamante, Pika, Trebol... among the fallen was a young woman in maid attire, an arrow piercing her heart. He grimaced and gently returned her to her resting place, covering her respectfully. The next body, however, left a bitter taste in his mouth.
It was a member of the Kuja Tribe, someone he hadn't interacted with personally but had trained alongside his group, aiding Primrose in her endeavours. The lifeless form of the young woman lay before him, her eyes wide open.
Gently, he closed her eyes and instructed one of his doppelgangers to carry her. He vowed that all of them would receive an honourable burial in Amazon Lily, with their families duly compensated. This place was no fitting resting ground for these souls.
One by one, he continued this solemn duty, the count of fallen between a dozen and two.
"Veyron, what brings you here?" a voice rang out, reminding him of the person he was.
He froze in his tracks, as did his clones when they saw the speaker. It was none other than Admiral Aokiji—a presence he hadn't anticipated encountering here. Typically, matters like these were handled by Vice Admirals or Rear Admirals.
"What do you think, Aokiji? I'm not having a good day. Don't provoke me," Veyron responded with a tinge of annoyance.
Aokiji's gaze softened. "I mean no offence. Did you come solely for these bodies, or do you seek answers?"
He realised that Veyron was certainly not having the best day, seeing the corpses of the women who worshipped him and considered him 'god'.
Veyron halted, the urgency in his eyes apparent. "Do you have any answers for me?"
"I may not hold the answers, but I know someone who could provide them. Come with me."
Aokiji led the way back to the Colosseum, Veyron ended up directing his clones to continue their search for the fallen, gathering them in one central location on the avenue.
Within the massive structure, wounded individuals filled the space, attended to by Marine medics. Thousands of them queued up, seeking treatment. The colosseum, while not large enough to accommodate everyone, provided an efficient refuge from the elements and facilitated swift movement between patients.
Veyron's demeanour remained composed, but the tense atmosphere weighed heavily. This country had endured a series of mutinies, a nation scarred by recent events.
"Allow me to introduce King Riku Doldo III," Aokiji presented a wounded man whose countenance bore the weight of loss.
"Admiral Aokiji, who is this?" The man inquired.
"This is Dracule Veyron, in a way, he has ties to the pirates who saved your people. He's here to ensure their fallen comrades receive a proper burial, I presume," Aokiji probed.
Veyron nodded and extended his hand. "It must have been an ordeal."
"You cannot fathom, young man. This is a nightmare from which I'll never awaken."
Their hands met, but Veyron noticed the tremor that still lingered in Riku's grip. The king led them to a separate area within the Colosseum, where tables awaited them.
"I have many questions. You could say I have a connection to the Kuja Pirates' captain and chiefs. I must understand what transpired here. Please, King Riku, enlighten me," Veyron implored, his impatience thinly veiled.
"Please, have a seat. I'll recount how this nightmare began and how it concluded."
Upon hearing the brief yet harrowing account, a seething anger brewed within Veyron. However, the primary culprits behind this catastrophe had met their end, dealt with by the Kuja Pirates—warriors who had unknowingly sacrificed their lives for a greater cause while stealing the national tribute.
They had liberated the country from centuries of tyranny without even realizing it. Veyron pondered why they had remained rather than departing after securing the tribute; he had emphasized the importance of freeing oppressed nations while cautioning against sacrificing their lives, for him, the latter was more important. 
The king, manipulated like a puppet to slay his own people, had narrowly escaped being framed for the atrocity as the true culprits sought to claim the throne, led by Doflamingo.
During their conversation, several of Veyron's clones returned, and to avoid alarming Riku, he had them assume appearances similar to his own rather than their electric avatars. However, even this did little to ease Riku's unease when he saw someone who mirrored Veyron's likeness approaching.
Aokiji, too, furrowed his brow, recognizing the depth of Veyron's mastery over his Devil Fruit, though unaware that it involved both his Devil Fruit and the Fourth Haki. He reassured Riku and accepted the items they carried—a trio of Devil Fruits discovered by the clones during their investigation.
'These are for the Kuja Pirates. They deserve them,' Veyron declared, though he questioned whether he would permit the Kuja Pirates to set sail again once this ordeal was resolved.
"I apologize for my inability to assist further. They are our saviours," Riku lamented.
"This wasn't your fault".
"It was not your mistake... so your daughter Scarlett?" Veyron inquired gently.
The man's eyes filled with sorrow as he spoke, struggling to contain his emotions. A girl with pink hair approached him, appearing to be in her teenage years but still quite young.
"This is my granddaughter, her name is Rebecca," King Riku introduced.
Veyron offered a warm smile as he ruffled Rebecca's hair. "Nice to meet you, Rebecca. You have to be strong for your grandfather's sake, alright?"
Rebecca nodded with a soft, hesitant response. "U-Uhm..." She then returned to her grandfather's side, seeking comfort in his embrace.
"King Riku... who is Rebecca's father?" Veyron inquired further.
Both Aokiji and Riku seemed taken aback by this question, wondering if it was necessary to delve into such personal matters.
"Ah... that... I don't remember. Perhaps that man was never in her life from the beginning," the King replied, his voice distant.
Veyron frowned deeply. This was precisely the kind of information he sought, and though the King's words might hold some truth, he couldn't shake his scepticism.
"I don't yet have all the answers I need, but you mentioned that after the events unfolded, another group of pirates arrived."
"Yes, it was a big mammoth!" Rebecca interjected enthusiastically.
"The Beast Pirates, I pursued them," Aokiji added.
"Who specifically?" Veyron pressed.
"One of the All-Stars, Jack. I can't divulge more than that," Aokiji responded cautiously.
"Aokiji... I've made it clear that I'm in no mood for half-truths. Give me every piece of information you have!" Veyron's voice thundered, causing the entire colosseum to fall into a hushed fear. Another conflict was the last thing they needed.
"Please, Admiral, we owe the Kuja Pirates at least this much," Riku pleaded, recognizing the potential danger of Veyron's agitation.
Aokiji sighed, leaning back as he prepared to share the information.
"It is like this..."
"Big Mom and Kaido working together? To take something...?"
"That's correct. We suspect it was the national tribute," Aokiji confirmed.
"It was not. The national tribute is currently in Fishman Island; it was stolen by the Kuja Pirates," Veyron clarified.
"So he wasn't lying..." Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief. "I see. In that case, I assume you're willing to hand it over?"
"Admiral Shironeko is in Fishman Island dealing with my wife. If you value your position, I suggest you hope they reach an agreement," Veyron remarked before preparing to leave.
"Thank you for everything, King Riku. If you ever need assistance, do not hesitate to contact me through this Den Den Mushi address. We have both suffered from this catastrophe."
"We will surely reach out when necessary."
"Just so you know, Veyron is also the King of 'God' over three massive islands in Paradise," Aokiji revealed, leaving Riku astonished by the weight of responsibility borne by such a young man.
"How is that possible?"
"He possesses the power to back it up. Do you think just anyone can address me in such a manner and leave unscathed?"
"You're right," Riku conceded, and Veyron smirked at Aokiji's feeble attempt at challenging his authority.
"One last question, King. You mentioned that during the chaos, a mammoth arrived, and you were all protected by a toy."
"That's correct, but none of us remember the toy from before the incident. We assumed it was one of Doflamingo's crew members." His voice even contained anger.
"I need you to take me to where that toy is. It's crucial."

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