One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

I’m a Legend

I used my electric energy to power up the destroyer and lifted off back into the skies; flying would be easier. The engine this ship used was an air combustion engine with thrusters. It was actually just an unfinished prototype that I hadn't expected to use so soon. One of its issues was that it still needed my G-batteries to work, instead of being able to use the engine independently like I wanted.

I could have used the Mark I, but that one was unable to fly, it wouldn't have reached the new world so quickly. 

The course was set, and our next destination was to follow Whitebeard's vivrecard of Marco, his commander, towards the location of Moby Dick, somewhere in the New World close to the Red Line.

After a brief chat, I put on some music, and the atmosphere became warm and cosy. My mother still wasn't here, but I imagined she should be coming soon. The thought of her being defeated and in danger hadn't even crossed my mind. There might be people in this world who could defeat her, but there was no one who could kill her, not when she had the 4th Haki too.

We inadvertently divided into groups, the girls and the boys... I guess that's just how it is.

Oden, Viola, Robin, Gion, Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold - I had to cough a few times and get back into the guys' conversation because they all looked so stunning. How was it possible that there were so many peak beauties in one place?

This must be the 'One Piece' for sure. What was more amazing was that I was in a 'more than friends' relationship with the majority of them.

Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold were my wives so no comment, the things I have already done to them and the things I'd do once things calmed down.


Gion was my mistress. Don't look at me like I'm a bastard; she's the one who decided that title specifically, saying she didn't want to marry anyone as a marine could die at any time and us being married would cause me suffering if that happened. I don't know what nonsense she said though, I'd be sad if anything happened to her, regardless of whether she's my wife or not. But well, her common sense is as skewered as her sense of justice.

Things changed forever for us after we had a bit of a drunken encounter during her ascension party. In one way or another, like everything in this world, we ended up in bed. Until that time, I never knew how dangerous a hungry and experienced mature woman could be, there was Primrose too, but she had a bit more control than a drunken Gion.

She was single, but she had relationships in the past with different marines and was quite 'experienced,' which explained why she never made a move on me until recently, she said back then I was too young and I still am, but somehow she can bear with the current me.

Our relationship was still complex. She didn't live on any of my islands; instead, she travelled all around the world as an Admiral, solving issues. We didn't spend much time together, but when we did, things tended to turn a bit spicy.


Then there was Robin, by far the most complex out of all of them. She loved me, I knew that much. I loved her too... but we just... were not in a relationship. I wasn't in a situation where I could proactively seduce other women. I was married and treasured my life; I didn't want to be crippled, beheaded, or turned into stone.

We somehow got into this polygamous arrangement where they accepted that I had other lovers and coexisted, but that didn't mean I could just go around adding people to this family as if they were free vouchers.

Robin knew this and kept her distance. She respected all of them a lot, and I guessed that respect acted as a barrier for us. There might have been something else that I was overlooking, but after years of training her, spending time with her, cuddling her, teaching her, and sleeping with her on the same bed (without doing anything), I hadn't expected her to just give me one kiss and leave. But she did... and she never called back until now.

It hurt me a bit, but I let her go... I hadn't given her the Yami Yami no Mi because I wanted her to become my slave or something. I did it for other reasons. From the start, I had expected her to leave... I just hadn't expected that she wouldn't even bother to call back or anything.


Then Oden and Viola... my goodness, I had to remain a good husband and stop ogling them. Who would have thought that the toy would turn out to be such a breathtaking woman? Those curves were so massive... easily Primrose's size or even bigger. And then this Oni girl... she was so... big... and curvy in so many places, and her hair was so beautiful. Was she really that monster's daughter? Damn, they didn't look alike in any way.

'Stop me, stop!' (Veyron)

"Oi, brat, are you paying attention!?" (Whitebeard)

"What's this brat going to pay attention to? Don't you know he's a pervert already, Whitebeard?" (Rayleigh)

"How disgusting." (Shanks)

"You're looking too, Shanks-kun..." (Rayleigh)

"Aren't you looking too, Rayleigh-san?" (Shanks)

"Don't spout nonsense, I am a happily married man" (Rayleigh)

"Guararara!~ More like a happily shacked man" (Whitebeard)

"Talking about shackles. How's your wife, Whitebeard?~" (Rayleigh)

"Ugh! Don't start on that, she's not my wife and the son is not mine!" (Whitebeard)

"Veyron here likes taking people's girls so how about you give her to him?~" (Rayleigh)

"Oh really? That could be very convenient~" (Whitebeard)

These guys were talking a bunch of nonsense I don't understand, Whitebeard wants me to take his woman? Does he have a NTR fetish or something? I heard in my previous life only the most wicked bastards enjoy that. I don't want anything to do with that... more interesting were the girls on one side, having their own conversation.

It was odd because, for some reason, Oden looked uncomfortable. She realized I was watching her and greeted me, then stood up and walked over to us for some reason.

"Eh?" We were all clueless.

Rayleigh, Shanks, and Whitebeard looked at me oddly when Oden sat down with us, between me and Shanks. Even the girls looked at her, stunned until Hancock started explaining something in hushed whispers.

"As expected, I feel a lot more comfortable here!" She laughed, crossed her legs, and extended her arms as if to stretch. Her kimono-like attire barely contained those massive curves of hers!



I heard gulping in our group, with Whitebeard laughing out loud for some reason. I don't know what you're laughing at, old man. Are you laughing to conceal your boner? You ain't fooling nobody. You're bloody massive, so down there... I don't know who your wife is but I pity her.

"I would have never thought I'd see you, Whitebeard!" The first person she addressed wasn't me; it was the beardless geezer who named himself Whitebeard and was now sitting cross-legged, see? you ain't fooling nobody, I know that trick too.

"Do I know you, girl?" He tilted his head in confusion; he knew Kaido, but I guess he didn't know about his daughter or who the mother was.

"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy. My name is Oden!"


'Boy? Oden?' Confusion seeped inside all of us until finally, Hancock walked over to our group to explain everything before returning to her group.


"I see, so that's what happened to Oden..." Whitebeard sighed, melancholy in his voice. We had heard the story of Oden, the legendary man Yamato was so enthralled with that she even decided to adopt his name and become a 'boy,' even though she was technically a girl.

I never expected to encounter a transgender person in this world, aside from the Okamas, that is, although they do change their bodies completely. Yamato, on the other side, was still a woman through and through.

"He was a good nakama of ours; to think he underwent such a destiny. I shouldn't have left them with Roger..."

Apparently, this Oden, who was the Shogun of Wano before the current 'Orochi,' ended up being executed by being burned in oil, a very barbaric execution method, if I might add. He used to be a nakama of Whitebeard. This Kozuki Oden had been travelling across the sea with a lady called Amatsuki Toki, whom he later married. The two of them left Whitebeard's ship and joined Roger's crew.

"Both of them were such bright souls and cheerful souls... to have met that end, there is no justice in this world".

The unthinkable happened, and I saw Whitebeard shedding tears. This man, this massive unit of a person, seemed like nothing could ever shake his will. Yet here he was, tearing up for his past friends. I could imagine... if I knew a friend of mine had died such a gruesome death, to be burned in oil. It seemed killing Kaido was something good after all.

But the main one to blame for Oden's death was not Kaido, it was the current shogun, Kurozumi Orochi. 

I had set that country free without even knowing.

Yamato stood up and patted his arm.

"He died as the hero of Wano and with a smile on his face. Since then I have respected him to the utmost!"

"You're a good girl" He patted her back but she snorted.

"I'm a boy!".

"Sure sure, girl".


Yamato seemingly gave up on arguing with the old man and instead looked at me. We both groups of boys and girls were paying attention to her story. 

"Right now, the country is undergoing heavy tyranny. The current shogun, Kurozumi Orochi, is a disgusting man who thrives on the suffering of his people. By killing Kaido, he now loses his greatest support. The people of Wano are not afraid of Kurozumi Orochi; they are afraid of the Beast Pirates! That's why, Veyron... please let me go back. As long as I can tell them that my father is gone, they can surely raise their backs and fight against Orochi! I don't wish to remain in Wano, but I must at least disclose the news! That man is so wicked and Wano is so isolated, that if they're not told, they won't ever know".

"But it is only Kaido who is gone, Yamato."

"My name is Oden!"

"No, your name is Yamato..." I crossed my arms, unmoving. This idolatry she had for this Oden guy wasn't healthy. It was good to respect someone else but wanting to become someone else and even usurping their identity... I could see that she didn't want to be Yamato.

She didn't want to be Kaido's daughter, an Oni, or anything associated with that monster. Her response was what I expected; she gritted her teeth and refused to look at me.

"Kaido is gone, but the Beast Pirates aren't. I don't know what King and the Tobiroppo want to do, but they'd most likely stay in Wano for the time being, supporting Orochi and trying to keep the people quiet. When they confirm that I'm no longer there, they must still be afraid of me."

"Oi, brat..."

Whitebeard spoke to me.

"I need you to do me a favour."

I gritted my teeth; that's right, he came to help under Mihawk and Shanks' request. We had done a favour for him in the past when we distracted the World Government so Fisher Tiger could free the slaves. It was only later that I knew that during this whole ordeal with me fighting Garp, he had been keeping Sengoku and Sakazuki quiet.

This time, he was asking me for yet another favour, getting indebted to me, and I knew exactly what he was going to ask me. But before that, I had already planned something for him.

"Whitebeard... I'm going to make a cure for your disease."


They looked at me, astonished. I knew what this man's disease was, although, in this world, it was something unknown and had no cure. It was my plan from the start; I wanted to do this for him... I didn't really care about Wano. His disease was tuberculosis. I'm not a doctor, but I have read a few books and can tell the right person all this knowledge that could possibly warrant a cure... all I have to do is travel to the Drum Island, I have already gone there once. 

"Veyron..." He looked at me deeply, "You know I can't-"

"I'm not going to charge you anything for it. I respect you, Whitebeard. I'm merely making a cure for a disease, which you happen to have... that's all. You don't need to feel indebted to me for it."

I sighed; how could I charge him when he's one of my all-time favourite characters? I wouldn't let him die, not from a disease, not in Marineford. He was like a friend... like Rayleigh and Shanks.

I didn't have many male friends, but those I had, I wanted to keep.

"I appreciate it, Kiddo... but I still need this favour from you. You're way faster than me."

"You want me to go to Wano..."

"And get rid of this Orochi. Get rid of the Beast Pirates influencing the island... I know how much Oden cared for that country, I know how much Toki wanted to go and see it. If I had known this happened, I'd have resolved this way sooner," he grimaced.

I knew he was going to ask this, but right now, I was just so tired, man... I really needed my holidays.

"I guess it can't be helped. Yamato and I are going to go after I drop you off with your crew. Robin, could you take Shanks and Rayleigh back? Then we can meet at Fishman Island."

"No problem~ are you going to take long?" She asked me.

"No, why?"

"I'd like to spend some time with you... but you know I still have to return to Alabasta with my companion."

"Is it Crocodile? Why isn't he here?" Crocodile was quite strong now, way stronger than his cannon self after he trained with me. I hoped that would change his mind a little... all I knew about them after they left was that Crocodile became a warlord just like my mom, just like in the canon.

"It is a long story... but I can tell you once we're in Fishman Island."

"Does that mean you're taking me to Wano?" Yamato held my collar enthusiastically.

"Yes, Yamato... I'll take you there and get rid of those leftover issues for you and Whitebeard as I owe you two a bit."

"Yay!- wait, call me Oden damn it! Can't you see that I'm a bonafide man!?"

'Y-Your massive lumps are pressing against me!'


No Questions Asked.

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