One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Gods & Demons

Marie Geoise, Pangaea Castle.

The commander had been eagerly awaiting... seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and his exasperation was palpable.

"So long... and Lord Imu is not back yet?"

Alongside him were the five elders, still kneeling in place as they had been for the past hours. The master leaving Pangaea Castle hadn't taken place for the last two hundred years, ever since the gigantic unknown 'robot' had attacked Mariejois. It was an event with precedents but a very rare one nonetheless.


When she finally manifested from a spot of darkness, they raised in enthusiasm, only to see her stagger to her knees and start coughing.


"Lord Imu!" the five elders rushed to her aid while Garling gasped in disbelief... this was not how one looked after having completely and single-handedly devastated their opponents.

"Mu is okay... Garling, retreat."




The crimson eyes indicated that any sign of insubordination would be costly. He gritted his teeth, bowed, and walked to the garden's main gate, leaving only the five elders who, upon peeking at her condition, frowned profusely.

Garling closed the massive doors behind him, and immediately a cursed energy began leaving the five beings, spreading across the hall.

"Lord Imu, your orders."

"Mu is going back to have a deep slumber, Saturn. The raw power of Uranus has been used."


"A-Again? Wouldn't you wait until the mother flame is ready? Is Wano off the map?"

A row of questioning started in which the lady stood back up, "The usage of Astro was inconclusive... Dracule Veyron diverted its power."

"D-Diverted...? Is he still living?!"

Instead of answering questions, the irritated woman walked towards another end of the garden, followed by her loyal 'retainers,' perhaps the most loyal to her true cause.

"The fight against Dracule Veyron ended up leaving more than just frustrations."

"Is he still alive?" They asked again, perhaps they couldn't believe it. Uranus had been used, and Dracule Veyron was still living; it was like a paradox, two propositions that just didn't fit together.

"He lives... but not for long."

The Monarch never said another word before her subtle steps entered what looked like a cryogenic chamber... the darkness disappeared and her naked body was exposed.

"Lord Imu... what are your plans? Vegapunk's report stated it would take two years for the first mother flame to be finished, until then..."

"Until then Mu shall restore Lili's power. Uranus shouldn't be used wantonly, but Wano's destruction should have been certain. Our short-term objective is to recover... as for the long-term~"

She rubbed her lower belly, "A seedling birth of Nefertari D. Lili and Dracule Veyron's bodies... it should be the best host for Mu~."

"Is another host necessary?"

"Lili was unable to completely grasp our powers. The Yami Yami no Mi and the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Bahamut, even an eternal youth surgery was required. If not for Uranus, she wouldn't have been a proper host for Mu. Dracule Veyron's body has proven to be even sturdier."



"Would you be able to take over his mind as you did with Lili, Lord Imu?"

"Impossible. Unlike Lili's, his 4th Haki is related to the mind's prowess. Although difficult to process, in the field of the mind, he severely outstrips Mu."

"We understand. Regarding the matter of the national tribute, Dressrosa, and Wano, how do you wish for us to proceed?"

The woman walked up to a frozen bed and lay down on it with her head pointing at the bright ceiling.

"The Kingdom of Dressrosa and the Country of Wano are a lost cause. Instruct Kong and Sengoku to move the Marine and Cipher Pol and increase their influence in both islands and their surroundings before they completely become a part of the liberators. It won't be easy for Dracule Veyron to move into the new world unhindered until Mu's slumber is complete and our powers recover. Don't openly antagonize him, instead stretch the ties between Kaido and Big Mom, and make sure the former is able to recover his influence as a Yonko. Regarding the national tribute, Mu shall leave that to you; trivial topics like such don't concern us. Another matter... keep an eye on Monkey D. Dragon and stop any chances of the revolutionaries and the liberators working together."

"Very well, Lord Imu. The knights?"

"If his body has already been recreated, appoint 'him' as the new 2nd Knight. That is all."

"We live to serve".


A wicked energy spread across, and a massive pentagram circle of dark lightning descended in this pitiful world for a few minutes, during that time, the five elders knelt down.

After the marvel of lights was finished, the sky-blue female's eyes turned dark and lifeless, losing their crimson hue as tears started to roll down.

"S-Save... me..."

One of the elders approached with the most neutral and uncaring expression ever. He stood right next to her as she extended her arm in confusion and powerlessness.

"P-Please help-"

He pointed his gun at her head and fired. 




My consciousness faded, and there was a muffled silhouette in front of me. It was an odd feeling... like wanting to sleep but you're unable to, insomnia. 

"Are you awake?".

I heard the voice of a woman that resembled my mother's. 


"No, I'm not your mom... stop behaving like a kid, you're a goddamn old man".


The shock with reality was so acute that I rose up to find myself in an empty white world, the muffledness of my eyes scattered and I was able to see very well what was in front of me. There was nobody else in this world except for another individual... a woman. She had dark skin like mine, white hair like mine... but blazing yellow eyes. She was also wearing a dress so beautiful that it left me out of words. 

"Stop looking at me like that, Alexander... I'm not your next waifu".

"We won't know until- eh?" She knows my real name and also the term... waifu. Is that mainstream?

"You are a deep pervert. We shall only see each other once, It is virtually impossible for you to make me fall in love in such a short amount of time. And even if you did, it would be meaningless as there is not a second time for us".

I had never met anyone so blunt in my life and what does she mean deep pervert? I'm a gentleman... yes, a connoisseur. 

"Before you keep dissing me, could I know your name? You seem to know mine but I don't know yours".

"My name is Yasharte, I'm the Lightning Goddess... and you are the inheritor of my will".

I'm not following, why is there a goddess here all of a sudden?! Is this still One Piece or did I die and was sent to another world, is this the infamous transmigration?!

"There is no need to be so exalted, all your doubts shall be answered in due time. Relax, this place is spaceless and timeless".

I followed her advice and sat down on... nothing. There was nothing here but even then I'm sitting down, how queer. 

She sat down next to me and brushed her hair aside, how truly beautiful. 

"I must say I congratulate you, Alexander... for thousands of years no one has ever become so compatible with my will as to be able to talk to me in this world, I have sought the perfect inheritor for ages and given your memories... it seems none of the 'others' has found theirs either".

"So you're saying... that the devil fruit I ate, the Goro Goro no Mi, is actually your will?".

"Although 'devil fruit' is a bit of a rudimentary term. That is indeed the case. It is my will left behind for the next generations, it should have been found by the person most compatible with it, in this case... you".

"Then why are you here?".

"In order for me to appear before you, there had to be several prerequisites. You should have been a direct descendant of us Gods, which you are albeit partly... you should have the powers of a dreamer, which you also do... and your compatibility with my will should have reached the maximum extent. That's the reason why I am here".

"Am I a descendant of the gods?".

"You are... although due to the complete wipeout of a considerable portion of this world's history, you're unable to tell. But you're a member of the Sun God's Clan, that is the truth. And you also have the powers of a dreamer although for completely different reasons, interesting".

"The 4th Haki, what can you tell me about it?".

"The power of dreamers is a power that belongs to those whose minds have ascended. Those who have the will of a Conqueror have become Gods spiritually. Those who are dreamers have become Gods mentally. Alexander, you're a mortal only in body... your mind and spirit are both that of Gods. If you were a complete Lunarian instead of a hybrid, you would have ascended as the first God after thousands of years, what a pity".

She sighed regretfully while spitting things complex for me to understand, we're talking about Gods now? it was never mentioned in One Piece. 

"Then... why are you here? What do you wish to tell me?".

Even if all she had said so far made sense, I still wished to know the reason we were here. 

"I'm only here to say my farewells to you" She smiled.

"... Farewells? we just met?!"

"Now that you have become completely compatible with my will... you have essentially taken over my divinity and become the new Lightning God. But your body is still that of a mortal and it forever will. Hence, you shall forever be unable to fully grasp my power, in fact... using my powers will continue to shorten your lifespan as it has been happening ever since you acquired my will and mixed it up with yours. If anything I'm here to tell you... that for your own sake, you should refrain from using those powers".

"I can't stop using them!".

I had already suspected this and I still continued. I'm the bastion of hope that protects Shandora, Rusukaina and Amazon Lily. I won't stop protecting them even if it costs my life. 

"But if you continue, you will die..." She grimaced and I hugged her with conviction. 

"I don't care, I will find a way... this world is ridiculous and broad, there must be more than one way for me to use".

"It is good that you're enthusiastic, but why are you hugging me, naughty brat...? I know what you're up to, if you dare touch my divine body inappropriately..."

"*cough* I would never do that".

I released her but that didn't stop me from sitting right next to her until we were touching, she sighed and continued. 

"Your mother is the direct and complete descendant of a rather troublesome and evil god, the deity of flesh. She has developed her own power as a dreamer and is ready to ascend to godhood as long as she continues to carry on that path... when the time is nigh she shall become a goddess of her own laws, unlike you... it is truly a pity that your own laws are the deepest I have ever seen, if you were to ascend to Godhood, you'd be one of the most powerful gods to have ever existed".


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