One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Denying One’s Self

The Grand Line, New World, Country of Wano.


This is the absolute worst outcome imaginable. Words fail to convey the depth of despair I'm feeling... the sense of failure and the outright nauseating sense of dejavu from recalling my powerless position all of those years ago.

"Big sis, we must remain strong."

"Don't succumb to despair now; we must find a way out of here!"

Sonia and Mari are here with me; they are my only source of comfort... just like all those years ago. I wished it was only me. I have failed my husband, I have failed Amazon Lily and I have failed my sisters. Even though I was determined not to burden him, I found myself lying here, hoping for his rescue or fearing he might fall into a trap.

The setting is a massive room with Eastern-style designs and dim lighting. The Yonko Kaido sits before us, indulging in booze, or 'sake,' while an equally imposing blonde woman with horns clings to him shamelessly. He's even larger than I expected, with a bare chest adorned with tattoos. If it weren't for our dire situation, I'd be disgusted by this man's audacious display of flesh before me.

Sitting around are the All-Stars, notorious pirates known throughout the New World: Queen, King, and our captor, Jack. Many more are present, all celebrating their victory as if they've won a prized treasure. We are that treasure.

On the opposite side are the two individuals I despise most in this world, Monet and Sugar, former members of the Donquixote Family who subjected my sisters and me to this hell. Monet massacred my crew before my eyes, while Sugar turned us into toys with her powers.

I can now confirm the truth in what she said. We were forgotten, cursed to be ignored by those who once knew us, bound by a contract to obey. I had never encountered such a malevolent Devil Fruit, and yet, we fell into her trap like naive lambs.

"Wonderful... wonderful. Boa Hancock, right? You know your man possesses something I need."


"His water combustion engine... we've acquired several for use in Wano's refineries. They're incredibly efficient and easy to use. But I require more power. Although his new air combustion engine has my attention, the subscription scheme is not something I can comply with... a pity, but there is another solution. It would be splendid if I could use that electric scoundrel as my personal energy source. Do you think he will comply?~"


I couldn't remain silent a second time. 

"You dare ignore my captain, you wretch!"

Black Maria, one of Kaido's underlings, the same woman leaning against him. Seized my tiny body by the neck and slammed me against the wall. The difference in size between us was ridiculous, but I wasn't intimidated, at least not yet.

"I have no words to exchange... with any of you!"

She released me and turned her attention to Marigold.

"What do you intend to do?!"

"HAAAAA!" Marigold screamed in pain, taking my mind back to the reality of our situation, powerlessness. 



She began pulling at both ends of Marigold's toy-like form, a delicate, orange-haired puppet. It seemed like any moment the toy would tear in two. Was my sister about to die here?

"Oh, would you look at that? Words..."

Her mocking words filled the room with twisted laughter. They were enjoying our suffering.

"I thought you said you had no words for us?!"

She continued to stretch Marigold's toy body, my heart racing. I couldn't maintain my haughty demeanour, my regal stance befitting the Empress of Amazon Lily and the wife of a god. Not now, when my little sister's life hung in the balance.

"I'm sorry! Please release my sister! Do whatever you want with me, but..."

"Shut up! Big sis, don't bow your head!"

I wanted to intervene, to stop them from mistreating me, but it was clear they considered Marigold and Sanderosnia expendable. I, the Empress and Captain of the Kuja was the one they deemed important! They are even going as far as to torture them without fearing consequences!

No matter how much I threaten them, this is still a Yonko. If I didn't act, they might truly kill my sisters here.

"I'd rather die than become a tool to harm the man I love!" Sandersonia declared proudly, I know how you think, but right now we can't!

"Stop, Sonia!"

"Is that so? Then kill her," Kaido ordered, and my heart sank further into despair as Black Maria gained momentum, her lips curling into a sinister smile.

"As you wish, Captain!~"


With a swiftness only matched by a starving man before a feast, she picked up Sandersonia, swept everything off the table, and placed her on it. My little sister couldn't resist; she couldn't even defend herself. Kaido retrieved a massive club and poised it over her frail body.


"Terrifying... You know, Boa Hancock, I don't need all three of you to persuade the kid. He may fancy himself a god, but he's gullible at the end of the day. Having loved ones in our position is nothing but a weakness. Your freedom becomes his prison. Or perhaps he's aware of this, clever as he is. But he couldn't help but love, what a shame. He may be a god in his own world, but he's not cut out to be a true Emperor."

His club began to descend, and Sandersonia remained silent, her panic evident.

"In this world, mistakes are costly... once made, they can never be undone."


The club descended, and my world went dark. I couldn't bear to watch, fearing for my beloved little sister, who had spent so many years with me, covering my back during our time as slaves. We had been happy together, sharing the same man even. I couldn't imagine a world without her.


"NOOOO!" Marigold screamed, and I felt like my heart had been torn asunder. But when we raised our heads, the reality was different.

Kaido's club had struck someone else, who groaned in pain.

"..." He glared at this mysterious figure, as did the members of his crew. 

Someone had intervened, positioning themselves between Sandersonia and Kaido's club. It was a person with long, sky-blue hair dressed in a kimono, their mask shattered into tiny pieces. They revealed the face of a woman with a pair of red horns.

"F-Father... release her," she implored, her gaze shifting to me and Marigold from the corner of her eye. Who was this girl, and why had she saved Sandersonia?

Instead of outright refusing, Kaido exhaled smoke from his nose and posed a question that left us even more perplexed.

"... Who are you?"

He didn't even recognize this person? If she were a stranger, why hadn't they dealt with her sooner?

The woman hesitated and didn't respond immediately.


"WHO ARE YOU?!" His voice took on a monstrous tone.

"I am Yamato... your daughter, I just saw these toys and got interested in playing with them" she finally replied with a smile that seemed painfully forced, visible even from a distance.

"Ho?~ Progress. Very well... I may allow you these toys. I'll release her. Take these three out of my sight, but if they leave Onigashima, your life will be forfeit."

"I understand, Father..."

With hurried steps and amid the shocked gazes of everyone present, this girl picked us up and led us out of the room.

"Why are you helping us...? I don't understand. Who are you?"

The girl remained silent at first, merely winking at me before continuing to lead us away, presumably to her quarters or somewhere else.

"I lied earlier, but if I hadn't, he would have killed all of you. My name is Oden~"

For some reason, as she uttered those words, tears welled up in her eyes.

This girl... had she just sacrificed her own identity for our sake? Who is she in the end Oden or Yamato?


Very well guys, I'll hear the voice of the people this time around. I'll save Ginny, Kuma and Bonney some suffering.
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