One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Avengers… Assemble II

The Country of Wano, Onigashima. 

The day had adjourned, it was a day in which Kaido and Big Mom's plans were to be fulfilled or so they believed, a deep scheme lay within. The promise of enough energy to produce a near-infinite amount of 'smiles' and a ridiculous amount of 'candies'. Code trademarks that only both emperors understood. 

But before that happened, there was a last hurdle.

"How do you even know what I planned, bastard?".

"There is no need for a back and forth, me and Doflamingo contacted each other so I was naturally aware of what you intended to do, Kaido".

"So the first time you fiends descend from that 'sacred land' it is for the sake of a brat...?".

"Mamama~ I'm genuinely surprised".

"Dracule Veyron's threat goes far beyond what you can imagine. This is an alliance that benefits us both".

Sitting opposite to both Yonkos were two royal men; one of them had a dull expression and long black hair with golden dark armour, while the other was quite brazen and behaved in a way that made the crew of the two Yonkos believe that this castle belonged to him instead. 

Two of the infamous Knights of God. They were a secret to the majority of the people in this world. But it wasn't a secret for the two Yonkos who had first witnessed this elite force during the incident in God Valley when they were still under the banner of Rocks, a tragic incident with ended with the deaths of the previous 2nd Knight.

The two had materialised in this room with a suddenness that would have made all of their crew attack them. That is... if they could move. 

Aside from both Yonkos and a few members of their crews like King and Katakuri... everyone else was standstill, they had difficulties to even breathe!

Was it Conqueror Haki or some other power? they had no idea. But it established a general though, the Knights of God are not to be messed with.

Kaido and Big Mom frowned, these two didn't come with bad intentions but their appearance on its own was already suspicious enough.

Their proposal was simple: to ally against Dracule Veyron once he arrived. It made Kaido even more irritated. How far was the world government willing to go against the brat? If even the Knights of God -a faction that would never involve themselves in worldly matters- is making a move against him and even taking advantage of their whole plan. 

He couldn't help but think there was something under the surface he wasn't privy to and his thoughts mirrored Big Mom's. 

"What do we gain? I don't need the two of you to take care of a measly brat" Kaido protested, he didn't consider Veyron a threat at all. He didn't even feel interested in having a row at him one-on-one. As far as he was concerned a brat that wasn't even of age was not worth his attention and the world's headlines were surely exaggerating everything about him to a disproportionate degree. 

Defeating the strongest swordswoman Dracule Mihawk? Then surely the woman was not as powerful as she let off. Destroying the city of law, Ennies Lobby? There had to be something else that wasn't shown, like a weapon, an ally, a stratagem.

It wasn't possible that a mere boy was capable of such feats. But the presence of two knights of god, not even one, two... contradicted that belief. 

It meant the world government held him in an even taller pedestal than previously envisioned.

"You do seem to have a huge misunderstanding on what sort of individual you're dealing with, Kaido. Dracule Veyron is a threat indeed, but he's not alone..." The seven knights stood up and prompted the eight knights to stand up as well and follow him. 

"What do you gain with this alliance? Hmph, you get to keep your life and your island..."

"Tch! So what if I die, that's what I actually want!" The creature growled much to the blonde-haired man's distaste. 

"That's what they all say, until even breathing becomes a struggle. If you wish to die so be it, just make sure you die after Dracule Veyron is gone".

With a subtle move of the eight knights' palms, the two of them disappeared. Releasing the ridiculous pressure exerted in the room. Their purpose was clear, to let the two Yonkos know they weren't enemies. 


"They're monsters..." Smoothie declared, gritting her teeth, she had been one of the few who hadn't been able to move, and for someone as strong as her... that was quite the feat. 

"Damn bastards. I'll crush them flat if I get the chance, they better not get in my way. Someone quickly go and find Yamato! We need those three damn girls from the Kuja Pirates!" Kaido billowed, urging the members of his army to search around the castle for his troublesome daughter. 

Kaido, however, hadn't realised that he was now well aware of who his hostage was. And not too far away, leaving the castle and running to the shores of Onigashima... were a group of women dressed in rags.



"I need to tell darling!" Hancock was running, now back in her human form together with Sandersonia and Marigold. Yamato was chasing right after, her shackles gone and she was carrying someone on her back, it was a 'child' still swollen and injured after a deep torture. Flying next to them was Monet whose body looked like a gust of winter snow. 

"There are two Yonkos and even those two monsters... one of them had Conqueror Haki" Sandersonia in her awakened form surveyed the area, it was all barren and desolated, all of Kaido's forces were assembled in the castle, but the faint noise behind them served to tell they were being chased. 

"I felt like I was standing in front of an endless ocean while I was nothing but a droplet. How can that level of prowess even be achieved? It felt like Veyron but with an unprecedented degree of control" Marigold remarked.

"If darling comes on his own..." Hancock didn't feel very confident, she felt that she needed to tell him about this threat before he adventured into the island to find them. 

"Now that you're all back to normal he should be able to remember you, do you have no way to contact him?!" Monet billowed, earning the ire of all the girls. Marigold and Sandersonia even hissed at her like snakes.

"Hmph, don't act too friendly with us just because we allowed you two to live..." Their poison left Monet breathless and silent. They had no choice, going to Kaido proved to be the worst choice for them and the last group they expected to extend a helping hand was precisely the three girls they had aggrieved the most. 

"Please don't fight! We don't have time for that! what can we do next, Hancock?!" Oden urged.

The running Hebihime bit her lips, clueless. The forces in Onigashima were too strong for them to fight against, she didn't have a den den mushi or even Veyron's address to tell him what was going on. They were secluded on an island, fugitives separated by a good few miles of deep water between them and the next land with not a single boat ashore... all of them devil fruit users who couldn't swim.

The situation looked bleak but at the very least she rejoiced in their capacity to defend themselves if threats were to arise, unlike when they were toys. 

"Quickly chase after them!"

Irritated, she turned around towards the people chasing after them, a group of men dressed like barbarians. 

<Mero Mero Mellow!>

With a single beam, a group of at least twenty members of the beast pirates were petrified, but there were even more chasing after them and even setting the alarms. 

Amid this dispairing situation, she'd always see hope... her dearest would always give her new lights.


They reached the coast and Hancock gasped, looking at the skies far away from Onigashima. The whole weather seemed to change, becoming a strong breeze as a single light blue thunderbolt fell right from the skies and into the sea. 

They all stopped. Marigold and Sandersonia both also had their eyes fixed on that single bolt of lightning. It was dead in the night and their hair began waving with the strong gusts of wind. 

"What is going on? the weather..." Monet stuttered and they heard more voices behind them, an even stronger group. 

There was no way out, but they didn't need to leave... someone was coming. 




The second one gave way to even more thunderclaps, until the thunderstorm brewed in, descending in Wano. It was then that Hancock, Marigold and Sandersonia smiled uncontrollably. For them, it was like a message:

'I'm here'.



"How dare they make me forget them... my three little snakes".

He wasn't happy... and it was being reflected to the whole region. Once the memories were recovered and the void was gone, what remained was a deep anger and resentment towards the one that caused all this. 


The nights of Wano were dense, cloudy and filled with despair. The soundless shrieks of a country that thrives for change and justice. Two days ago the landmark was made for one of the greatest confrontations in history. Two days later, the battle is imminent.

The moon is barely hanging onto the skies as if afraid of what's to come. Beneath, there is an island high above a cliff with a monumental cascade. One of the oldest countries in the world and one about to experience a major turning; but the residents of this place were not prepared yet.


That was the first lightning strike, revering in the skies like an anthem of victory.



More and more Lightning began to resurface as if out of nowhere. Before anyone could even know what was happening, in the distance, far into the skies a flying vessel materialised seemingly out of nowhere, appearing from the darkness, carried by two gargantuan dark arms that merged with the night.

Those two arms, more than holding the vessel mid-air, seemed to be pulling it out of the darkness that overshadowed the cloudy sky. The size was gigantic, the colour… pitch black, but one could see lines of coursing energy through the frame of the massive ship, it was powered by electricity.

At the side of the ship, there was a lining made out of lightning that symbolised the name.
'The Liberators'.

This world was not prepared for what was going to go down tonight.


"Ladies and Gentlemen… we have two missions tonight".

"Let's hurry up and get this over with, Shakky thinks I'm having an affair leaving all of a sudden during the night".

"Gurarara~ way to ruin the moment".

"That's why I don't hang out with pirates, you all reek of injustice".

"Coming all the way here without reporting yourself to the G1. How righteous of you, Ms Admiral~".

"Oh shut up, Akagami. You're drunk and stink".

"Is any of you going to shut up and let my son talk?"


"Gurarara!~ sorry, I forgot he was also your son".


"As I was saying… we have two missions. Save my wives who are somewhere on this island. Viola and Robin, I leave that to you… as for us? We're going to make sure this island ceases to exist, don't leave even a single rock sticking together. I'll deal with Kaido, I leave Big Mom and their crews to you all, that's all... after this is finished let's have a good banquet".

"As you wish, let's go Viola!".

"Y-Yes! I have already seen something, that direction!".


"Baby, should I go with Robin?"

"… if you want to, go ahead, Prim. But be careful inside there. Give me a signal once you and the girls are out so I can know that I have the green light to turn this place into dust, I'll buy you all some time for now"

"How are you going to buy time?".

"Hehehe, how else? I'll go and fall in their ambush~"


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