One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

Astrape & Bronte

"Relativity is arguably one of the most important theories in human history. I have always been convinced that, at the time, due to the sheer limitations of us human beings, we were unable to fully harness the power of this concept. How much matter is needed to create energy? The answer is any amount of matter can create any amount of energy. The real question is which particle is available in great amounts in a human ecosystem to create a chain reaction enough for the energy to be worth the hassle - Hydrogen."
"My air combustion engine was merely one of the main possible uses of that theory in action. Instead of a nuclear bomb that divides atoms through nuclear fission to expel and irradiate energy, what if that energy could be harnessed and conducted? Back when the first nuclear bomb was created, one of the main scientists' fears was that it would create a chain reaction that would burn the whole atmosphere, as nuclear fission essentially splits particles one after the other - Hydrogen particles, millions of them."
"That's why I needed Vegapunk to test it for me, to verify the chain reaction could be controlled and limited. Surprisingly enough, I could find several more uses for a nuclear bomb that could benefit me. Although they're quite destructive, in essence, those bombs are unable to kill someone like you, Kaido. Or maybe even your weakling Tobiroppo members. A two-billion volt discharge concentrated in one spot is no different in power compared to the weakest nuclear bomb, and here you are still... they could destroy cities, indeed, but powerful individuals are another story in this world, where Haki is king. Thankfully, atomic bombs produce something else which can certainly obliterate all of you if it is used by me as a medium: Radiation. Or, as I like to call it for my own purposes, Extreme Kinetic Energy. With extreme heat, particles move more vigorously, creating an extensive amount of Kinetic Energy that I can use to end your life~"
"B-Brat... what are you even saying?"
"Oh, this? Don't bother. I'm just having my villain monologue before I kill you, except that unlike most stories, you're no hero... so no one is coming here to save you"
The eyes of the flying dragon humanoid Kaido were opened wide in surprise, and his reaction mirrored that of everyone for miles around Onigashima. A majestic explosion indeed... a gigantic ball of energy so big it could leave one blind... it consumed half of his castle before receding and remaining like a bright sun that lit up the world of darkness.
Veyron, still in his lightning god form, extended his arm toward the explosion and contained it within a forcefield, as if stopped in time, essentially creating a sun that wouldn't last for long. The key to everything was Kinetic Energy.
"My power works with the use of energy. I'm always needing more and more energy. In my most primitive state, I used the energy generated by my brain and managed to deviate the bodies of people against their will; even lift up my sword... but I needed more. Then I used the power of my will, Conqueror Haki, which allowed me to manipulate magnetic fields. It took me to the next level, but even my will had limits. I still needed more in order to defeat my mother... eating the Goro Goro no Mi became my objective, it was effective indeed. Initially, I thought Borsalino's fruit would be better... light is, after all, an irradiation of energy, but at the same time, that is not energy itself. I have always known there is more potential for electrical currents and magnetic fields, so I risked it and ate this fruit. I even gave away the chance to eat two devil fruits just for this bet. It was a good decision indeed... this level of energy allowed me to manipulate magnetic fields and kinetic energy on a fundamental level to some degree, I'm even able to create discharges of lightning that are physically impossible. But you know, Kaido... in order to kill strong unkillable bastards like you. In order to protect the people that I love in this world that's against me. I NEED MORE."
The massive ball of lit-up energy began to float toward Veyron, its power and pressure surpassing even Veyron's capacity to isolate it, causing small tremors that reached all the islands in Wano. This power longed to be released.
"What is… that?"
Kaido longed for an answer; what he was seeing was no different from 'magic.' And although he knew he was about to experience the most devastating clash in his life, one which threatened to finally end his life, he couldn't help but be curious.
Veyron ignored him and groaned in annoyance.
"Looks like many were caught up in the explosion indeed, but as I expected, not all of them are dead," he said, waving his other hand aside, and several bodies were separated from inside the forcefield. One of them was the charred unconscious body of Katakuri.
'As I expected. Being at the epicentre of an atomic bomb had only left him unconscious, not killed him. It was probably the shockwave.'
Before Katakuri's body could fall to the ground, Big Mom caught it, flying on her electric cloud, Zeus.
A nonchalant Veyron didn't pay attention to them. Big Mom seemed intent on escaping, but he didn't even bother to chase after her.
"You wanted to die, didn't you, Kaido? Then let me present to you a weapon capable of destroying the world. If you survive this, then you're truly unkillable... this is the power I used to erase Enies Lobby from the map."
The smirking Veyron extended his hand forward, and the energy inside that ball of energy started to get sucked into his body, redirected toward his brain. Small droplets of blood began pouring down, turning into dust as they fell.
Kaido noticed this and smirked as Veyron cleaned his nose.
"Worororororo!~ This is truly the greatest power I have seen in this world… but there is always a price to pay for power, kiddo. That red lightning… isn't that your own blood?~"
"You will die, kiddo~"
"Mere blabbering. Do you think I'm afraid of death? I have already died once. Stay put and become an example for all the pirates in this world as to why they should challenge me directly instead of using those around me. I'm at my workshop most times during the day, all you had to do was knock two times and I'd answer the door... and yet you had to take the women I love madly... and even make me forget them. You can't blame anyone but yourself for this".
After Veyron finished absorbing all of that energy, his whole body bulged up, and the crimson-red lightning turned as white as the brightest sheet of paper.
"HAAAAAA!!!!" Huge torrents of white lightning his body, creating two massive bodies next to him slowly... they were formed using the same principle with which Veyron used his clones... except that they were gargantuan in size compared to the previous avatars.
In the City of Flowers, a certain lady with cyan-coloured hair looked toward the horizon from the balcony of her window. It was impossible to see Onigashima from there, but even then, there was something else she could see. She gasped in disbelief, covering her mouth.
"W-What is that...? Two goddesses?!"
"Judgment… the judgment is falling down on the evil dragon -gozaru!" the citizens of Wano sweated profusely. They could see, literally reaching the skies, the silhouette of two gigantic women made out of white lightning. They were so bright that the night seemed to turn into day.
They were so tall and beautiful that only a god of the heavens could have created them. Their heads reached far into the clouds, and they could be seen from as far as a thousand miles away, standing above the small Onigashima as if to deliver punishment.
Flying away from Wano was the liberator's ship, where all the individuals involved looked at the happenings of Onigashima with a mixture of apprehension and thrill. What exactly was going to happen here? Would this be an event that would alter the course of history?
Whitebeard looked at the growing silhouettes of two women ascending in all their glory, wearing togas. "Roger... I don't know if this brat is the one you were waiting for... but he certainly has the strength to match."
"Aren't those…" Sandersonia began.
"They're us, big sis?" Marigold added.
Both Snake sisters looked at the jealous Primrose and Hancock with slight amusement. The two ladies were modelled after them; it was easy to tell due to their hairstyles. Sandersonia even blushed due to the prominence of her figure's chest area.
Everyone was standing on the camouflaged liberator vessel that was moving far away, except Mihawk, who was oddly absent. The initial explosion had been a surprise, but this was an outright flash show with catastrophic consequences to unfold.
"That brat is going overboard, what does he intend to do!?" Rayleigh mused. His question would be answered right after.
"They're..." Shanks stuttered.
The silhouettes then produced a pair of gigantic lightning strikes and raised their arms high into the skies, aiming toward their feet, more specifically, Onigashima.
"They're going to throw those two massive lightning bolts at Onigashima!" Hancock's lips shivered. The lightning themselves were already bigger than the whole island! "How can someone harness this much power… it is inconceivable."
"Our era is gone, but a monster has resurged in this one."
Another individual regarding everything stupefied and expectant was Oden. It might have been indirect, but she never expected that the boy whose newspaper she read that day, and the one she decided to ask for help, was actually this capable.
She felt fear deep in her heart. There was no doubt that this technique could destroy the entire island. Those two women looked like titans overshadowing the world.
"D-Did I bring salvation to this country... or its destruction?"
Kaido gritted his teeth; if there was something he hated, it was being looked down upon, and right now, he could feel it. Those two women regarded him as if he was nothing but an ant, holding a pair of lightning bolts with such potent power that he felt all his hair rising just by their mere presence.
Veyron loosened his arms; everything was ready and set.
"Time to finish this, Kaido. I present to you the new Ancestral Weapons: Astrape and Bronte, keepers of the Godly Thunderbolt. These are my two beloveds… they're each going to deliver a strike of a trillion volts onto you. That's enough energy to decimate this whole Wano… but since I have been requested, I'll create a forcefield and only Onigashima will be affected. I hope you're ready, because I am".

Kaido transformed into his Dragon Form, and his overall size tripled. His mere presence created a fire realm around Veyron's already existing lightning realm. Even then, he pitifully resembled nothing more than a small snake in front of Astrape and Bronte.
Perhaps in front of any other opponent, this display would have worked, and perhaps it would have been a bit intimidating. But the current Veyron had nothing to fear; if anything, he could only smirk at the futile attempt.
"If you think I'm just going to sit here and accept the judgment-"

Faster than lightning, the flaming gigantic dragon came crashing down from the skies and got splattered into Onigashima, destroying the top of the castle and sinking far inside, unable to even lift its head!
"It seems you haven't understood. I just told you I have the energy to spare. You won't be able to do anything, Kaido".
It didn't matter what he tried, all he could do was be looked down upon, the Yonko never thought in his life he'd ever fall this low. 
"Right now, you're no dragon. You're just another snake on whose head I'm stepping. Even will is a quantifiable energy and your pitiful amount of will against this boundless kinetic energy, is simple math... you can't match me".


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