One Piece Hell Brook

Chapter 142

Kozuki Sukiyaki was also thinking, are these powerful outsiders really here to escape the war? Seeing their rich appearance, they don't look like bandits.

"Lord Sukiyaki, if these people can suppress Jiuli, and they return to their hometowns in the outside world in a few years, won’t we get a safe Jiuli? And they will pay us rent, killing two birds with one stone!

"The financial officer of the general's mansion was immediately excited when he heard Brooke's words.

Every year they have to spend a lot of military expenses to send troops to suppress Jiuli, which not only wastes money, but also causes some samurai casualties, which is another pension.

The financial officer has already made a small calculation and started to calculate how much rent to charge them before allowing them to live in Jiuli.

But Jiuli needs them to suppress it on their own, so it can't be too much, so as not to scare them away, but it can't be too little, otherwise their general's mansion will not get any benefits!

"Lord Sukiyaki, why don't we rent it to them for a year and see what results they can achieve before deciding to expel them?"

Shimotsuki Ken also wanted someone to pacify Kuri. It's not like the daimyo hadn't thought about it, but it would be a waste of money and time, and the gains would outweigh the losses. After a while, Kuri would return to chaos. Sukiyaki found it a bit difficult to do it after hearing the persuasion from the retainers one by one. These people didn't know what the Kozuki family was protecting! But they were all for the good of Wano Country.

A chaotic Kuri did cost them a lot of money every year to suppress and defend it. If these outsiders could suppress Kuri by themselves, the Shogun's Mansion would not only save military expenses, but also collect rent.

It's a good thing no matter how you think about it!

""Stranger, I don't know whether what you said is true or false, but I will give you a year to see if you can suppress Kuri. If not, we will still let you take refuge in Wano Country for a few years.

But once we find any misconduct on your part, we will expel you immediately!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki gave Brook and the others a chance. As long as they were busy suppressing Kuri, they would have no time to spy on the secrets of the Kozuki family, and he would have more time to continue observing their motives.

If they really didn't know the secrets of the Kozuki family and really just came to take refuge, then there would not be much problem in accepting these people to settle in Wano Country.

After all, there are often families in Wano Country who go to live in the open sea, like the Kurotan family, and even the later Shimotsuki family has members who sneaked to the East China Sea to build a Shimotsuki Village.

Brook even suspected that Fujitora Issho and Momosagi Gion's ancestors were from Wano Country. Their names, clothes, and swordsmanship are a bit similar!

"Thank you for the kindness of General Sukiyaki, and for giving us the opportunity to settle in Wano Country. I am willing to sign a contract with you. I will rent Kuri for one year with a rent of 100 kilograms of gold.

During this period, we will do our best to return Kuri to a stable environment and help the people there to have enough food."

Brook said with a smile, as if he would soon be able to gain a foothold in Wano Country, as long as he occupied Kuri and supported Hananobeigoro to become a daimyo.

Then he would take over the Uzumaki seastone quarry next door, build a seastone processing plant, recruit seastone masons and swordsmiths at high prices, and he would soon be able to build Kuri into an economic powerhouse in Wano Country.

Slowly weakening the influence of the Kozuki family and tying the interests of the people to Kuri, he would be able to successfully annex Wano Country slowly.

The Shimotsuki Yasushi family next door always felt a little problematic, but he couldn't find anything wrong. By the way, what if they pacified Kuri and refused to leave?

But they are so rich, and it seems that there is no benefit to come to Wano Country? Are they really here to seek refuge? Even if... After occupying Kuri, can they really plan for the position of Shogun?

They underestimated the prestige of the Kozuki family in Wano Country. If these outsiders did not leave, they would soon join the Kozuki family and become a part of Wano Country!

The financial officer of the Shogun's Mansion was also very satisfied with Brook's understanding. He had just felt that General Sukiyaki did not want to collect the rent. As long as the outsiders went to suppress Kuri, it would be fine.

Unexpectedly, the outsiders were so sensible and honestly presented a hundred kilograms of gold. This would allow the Shogun's Mansion to squander for a while.

While Kozuki Sukiyaki and Brook were discussing the details, Shimotsuki Toramaru and Redfield finally ended up in a draw. Judging from their appearance, they both fought very hard.

The faces of Daimyo Nozomi and Daimyo Usagi. Their faces were ugly, both because of injuries and because of the defeat. When they learned that General Sukiyaki wanted to lease Kuri to outsiders and let them pacify it in exchange for the right to live in Wano Country, they did not object for a while, because the enemy was a bit strong, and there might be a lot of casualties if they were expelled, and they actually took on the dirty work of pacifying Kuri, which was naturally the best.

The two of their territories bordered Kuri, and they were often harassed by the villains in Kuri, and they were hard to guard against and overwhelmed by them.

After signing the lease, Kozuki Sukiyaki hosted a banquet for Brook and the others, and he was also testing them, but he didn't find any clues.

At the banquet, Brook intended to get close to the Daimyo Utsuki Mugi, because the Kailou Stone Mine was in Utsuki. He also expressed that He privately gave gold to Tuwan to help Tuwan improve his life.

He then expressed his desire to rent the Hailou Stone Mine and do some small business. With all the gold paving the way, Ugetsuki Makken readily agreed. He didn't expect that the great swordsman Brook holding a big knife would give him such face.

It made Ugetsu Makken Daimyo proud. Look, the strong leader of the outsiders is deliberately making friends with me. Could it be that the great swordsman Brook saw his peerless swordsmanship talent?

Do you think he will become the most powerful swordsman in Wano Country in the future?

On the other hand, because Shimotsuki Toramaru and Redfield are on good terms, Shimotsuki Token also intends to make friends with these outsiders.

Only the Daimyo Hime, Fugetsu Kamisawa, is a little deserted. He can only talk to General Sukiyaki about the hidden dangers of these outsiders and how to guard against them!

"General Sukiyaki, tomorrow I will hire some samurai in the Flower Capital as a temporary army to suppress Jiuli. That should be okay, right? Of course, we pay for it ourselves!"

Brooke said to Kozuki Sukiyaki openly, and began to recruit his own troops.

"No problem, you spent money! But if there are casualties, I hope you will also prepare the pension!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki also believes that the people of Wano Country have a sense of belonging to the Kozuki family, and the families of these samurai are also in the Flower Capital, so he is not afraid that they will follow Brook!

Maybe these samurai can make a small profit from suppressing Kuri this time.

"Yes, this is also our responsibility!"

Brook smiled. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. Now that Redfield has learned Ryuo Haki, it's time to put it into practice.

Jiuli is the Ryuo leveling site of the Hell Pirates. The next target is the sea stone mine in Rabbit Bowl.


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