One Piece – Halfway Broken

Chapter 37: Warnings

Summary: Unexpected company shifts the course of events...

Warning! Chapters 36-39 were all posted back-to-back! Make sure you don't miss any of them!

Chapter 37: Warnings

Luffy lay in bed, soaking in the lazy early morning air. Nami was laying on his left shoulder, still fast asleep and half draped over him, her naked body an enticing distraction all on its own. He wanted to let her sleep for a little bit longer yet, though. They'd been up late enjoying an extra round of celebration. Between resupplying the ship and the hours spent with Ace yesterday, they'd delayed leaving until later this morning. Something Luffy had been all too willing to do as Robin hadn't yet appeared and he was still hoping she would take him up on his offer.

In the meantime, as he waited for Nami to stir, Luffy pulled the latest mystery he'd acquired from his inventory, holding it in one hand. It was, of course, Ace's Vivre Card. Or, well, a piece of one, obviously. They were something Luffy had badly wanted to get his hands on, to see if he could figure out how they worked. Now that he had one in hand, he had some ideas. As he'd expected, the piece of card radiated quite a bit of spiritual energy to his more esoteric senses. Enough so that he suspected he might be outright able to feel Vivre cards present in an area. At least at short range and now that he knew what he was looking for. As for figuring out the process to make them…that would likely take a fair bit of time and experimentation. But he was certain he and Kaya could figure it out, working together.

Before he could study it too in depth, he felt Nami begin to stir just a little. Grinning, he stowed the card way and let his now freed hand inch below the sheets. There were ways to wake up and ways to wake up. Quite pleasant ones, in some cases, and he was quite certain Nami would be on board the one of the fun ones…

... ...

When Luffy and Nami surfaced from their round of early-morning fun, it was to discover that Sanji had made an extra special breakfast…due to the fact that they had not one, not two, but three guests. The first was little surprise and technically wasn't a 'guest.' Vivi was a full crewmember now, after all. She was, however, not intending to leave Alabasta with them. The country was still in chaos and her father needed her present for at least a month or two in order to help sort things out. She would be regularly visiting the Discovery for training, as well as joining them on any islands they stopped at. But for most of their travel time between islands, she would only be irregularly present until Alabasta settled down somewhat.

The other two sitting and thoroughly enjoying Sanji's food were Robin and Hina. To Luffy's surprise, Hina appeared utterly unbothered by Robin's presence. In fact, she only felt resigned, to his empathetic senses. Robin was just as visibly unbothered…but was a completely different story below the surface. With her, he could tell via his empathy perk that she was tense and wary of the Marine Captain. A Marine Captain who was, curiously, not dressed as such for the first time since Luffy had met her.

Having hesitated only a few heartbeats to take in the situation, Luffy moved to the table himself and gallantly swept a chair out for Nami, who grinned and seated herself with a regalness only Vivi could have matched. Taking his own seat at the head of the table and beginning to pile up a plate of food, he calmly addressed his guests…and indirectly Zoro, Kuina, and Kaya, who appeared to have already eaten. Nojiko, Chopper, and Usopp were all later risers when left to their own devices, so he wasn't particularly surprised not to see them present just yet.

"Well. All this company is unexpected. Not unwelcome of course, by any means. But I admit I'm surprised to find so many guests present all at once."

The non-question was nevertheless leading. To Luffy's surprise, it was Hina that took it upon herself to answer the unasked question behind the statement.

"Hina is afraid it is her fault, at least in part. She alerted the Princess that she would want to be here for this discussion. Though Hina did not anticipate arriving at the same time as Nico Robin."

Abruptly, as Hina hesitated, Luffy was almost literally smacked in the face with his Karmic Senses. Hina was waffling on exactly what she should say, and how much she chose to reveal, not to mention the possible outcomes, hinged on her impression of him. It was all he could do not to twitch as, for the first time ever, his Karmic System provided him with the choice of how much karma to spend, and well as a sense of what it would do. The more Karma he spent, the more Hina's thoughts would be focused on what good she'd seen him do. At least, that was the impression the feeling was giving him.

It wouldn't make her choices for her. If she didn't have many such examples the shift would be miniscule. But she did, and he could pay right now to bring them to the forefront of her mind. Luffy didn't hesitate, reacting as quickly as he could process the new information. He maxed out the karmic payment with zero regrets and rolled the dice. He had a stupidly huge amount of Positive Karma stockpiled after Drum and Alabasta. Even the relatively high cost of the maximum payment barely took seven percent of his total, and some instinct told him this was important. Seemingly between heartbeats, the uncertainty in Hina's expression vanished and her eyes practically glowed with determination.

"Perhaps it is best she was here after all, if it is as Hina suspects and she accepts your offer to crew with her. What Hina has learned from Marineford will affect both this crew and Alabasta."

The sudden strength of her voice caught everyone but Luffy off guard, snapping every eye present firmly to her.

"The World Government has decided you are too dangerous to remain without a leash. They will not act while you remain in Alabstian waters. But the moment you leave them, you will be declared 'pirates' and a Vice-Admiral with begin pursuit of you. When he catches you, you'll be given a heavy-handed choice to either become a Warlord to replace Crocodile or die as a wanted pirate."

Nami choked on her own spit, Vivi made an inarticulate noise of rage, and the glass in Kuina's hand shattered under an abruptly blackened fist. Zoro, Sanji and Kaya were less physically demonstrative, but a palpable aura of anger flooded out of them…the greatest amount shockingly coming from Kaya. Luffy, firmly hammering his own rage down before he accidentally let out a burst of Conqueror's Haki, dimly sensed the other three members of his crew waking in response to the wild swings of Haki auras from everyone else.

His amusement as he felt them scrambling for weapons and clothes helped calm him as he reached with a steady hand to take a sip of juice. Hina and Robin both watched him closely as he did, both seeming to tense for an explosion. Instead, he simply sipped the juice, set it back down, and spoke with as level a voice as he could manage.

"I see. And their supposed justification?"

Hina's eyes darted to Vivi's rage-twisted expression for just an instant before answering.

"The death of Wapol. They don't believe anyone will buy any story that they can twist or spin about Alabasta. Not with you being publicly announced as Heroes already and the local press singing your praises. But they don't think the Dru…Sakura Kingdom is in a position to deny the story being twisted. Particularly if they make acceptance of Dalton as the new ruler of Sakura contingent on said Kingdom at least remaining quiet about the issue."

Vivi's voice was tight as she spoke, only just barely having gotten her abrupt rage under control.

"And what, exactly, do they expect Alabasta's response to this to be?"

Hina grimaced.

"Nothing. They honestly seem to believe that Captain Luffy will accept the position. In which case, without knowing he was pressured into it, Alabasta would be left to assume he took up the role willingly. If he refused and was killed…they don't think Alabasta would risk conflict with the World Government over someone who is already dead. Over someone alive where your protest might save them? Yes. But if they were already dead?"

Vivi's teeth audibly ground together, but she nodded sharply.

"Given our currently weakened economic position, we would likely protest and demand concessions, but not act. Getting our people killed when we couldn't save our new heroes anyway would be foolish. Which, of course, is why they are waiting for them to leave our territorial waters."

Hina nodded but didn't add anything more. Vivi was exactly right, after all. Of course, as she discovered a few moments later as Vivi forced herself to relax and give a grim smile…the government was apparently out of date on a few important details.

"I take it they Marines and World Government are unaware that I'm officially a member of the Strawhat Bounty Group? Signed the official group charter and everything. With my own fully legal and notarized copy?"

Hina's eyes widened, practically choking on the cigarette she'd just lit.

"What? No! They definitely don't know that! didn't know that, and they got most of their information from me!"

Vivi's smirk was vicious.

"They are in for a rude awakening if they think they can declare a member of the royal family of Alabasta a pirate without consequences. Particularly as our military strength was unaffected due to the our Heroes so cleanly dealing with Baroque Works. Why, we've even gotten a fair sized navy of our own out of the deal, since we've seen seizing the Millions and Billions vessels as they've arrived."

Hina was looking a little pale at this point, so Luffy decided to see if he couldn't lower the tension at least a little bit.

"Political and economic consequences can make your displeasure known, Vivi. Particularly when Alabasta is set for such an economic windfall in the near future. Being shut out of that, as well as perhaps no longer being allowed to dock Marine ships here and having tariffs placed on all WG trade vessels, would easily make the point for you. So long as we survive whatever ambush they have planned, there's no reason to be too rash about it. Alabasta is still recovering, after all."

Vivi's eyes flashed with disagreement for just a moment, before she took a deep breath, let it out, and nodded.

"If they make enough concessions, perhaps. And only if we all survive. After all, I'm no longer willing to let you take sail out without me. If they pull something, let them do so while being seen to actively attack the Heir of a major royal family. That will buy them a great deal of suffering all on its own."

Luffy hesitated but nodded.

"Assuming we aren't completely screwed, I can agree to that. Hina? Who are we likely to face? If you're willing to tell us that much?"

"Hina will tell you everything you want to know. Hina has resigned in protest. Though sadly the Marines will be delayed in learning of that fact."

Everyone else present, even Robin who had been the most composed so far, blinked and made noises or expressions of shock. Which was the scene Nojiko, Chopper, and Usopp stumbled into a few moments later. Their arrival broke the stunned silence, and a quick recap by Kuina got them up to speed. All while giving Luffy's abruptly whirling mind a chance to sort out the implications. Hina was a well-regarded up-and-comer in the Marines. One that had originally remained loyal through the War of the Best. He was fairly sure, though he hadn't read that far personally in his past life, that she was even promoted quite highly at some point.

This wasn't a minor change.

In fact, aside from killing Crocodile, this might be the single largest butterfly he'd entirely accidentally unleashed. It meant his remaining information base, shrinking as it was, was now increasingly likely to be completely wrong as the Marines had to shift their entire operational patterns and deployments to cover for both Hina and her fleet being removed from the picture.


There was nothing to do about that but make the best use of it he could.

"I'm sorry it came to that for you, Hina. Though I understand why you did it. As I said before, there's a reason I couldn't bring myself to join the Marines. While the vast majority of the Marines are good people, the World Government they support is…not. If you need any help, you only have to ask."

Hina nodded roughly, took a deep puff of her cigarette, then shifted focus to his previous question.

"Headquarters stated they would send a Vice-Admiral. Hina knows the general deployment of who is where in Paradise, and the only two you are likely to face are Strawberry or Dalmatian. Personally, I suspect Strawberry is more likely, as he is an extremely capable Swordsman with considerable skill with Haki. He uses a dual blade style and commands a Buster-call capable battleship. It's highly unlikely he could reach Alabasta fast enough with that ship, so he's likely to have taken a schooner rig instead."

Hina stooped to take a quick drink, before continuing.

"Dalmatian's last position is closer, but he's less suited for fighting you. A Zoan type with a fruit to match his name, considerable skill with the entire Rokushiki, and limited Haki. It's possible they would send him due to his proximity and your crew's known use of Rokushiki, but I think it less likely. Like Strawberry, he commands a Battleship, and likely is close enough to bring it with him. So that's something to look out for if they choose him for the duty."

Luffy nodded. Honestly, he wasn't overly worried about a battleship showing up. Those monsters might out mass his own ship significantly…but he still hadn't shown the range of the Discovery's guns off. Forewarned of an attack, he could simply choose to sink such a ship if it fired on his. Better yet, there was no way in hell one of them could keep up with the Discovery. Meaning, so long as he spotted it first, he could simply flee from it and keep the range open. That would force the Marine Vice-Admiral to come to him without his ship for support anyway.

"I take it, from the fact you're so calm about this, that you don't expect them to be an issue?"

Hina smirked and shook her head.

"No. Hina thinks the World Government is badly underestimating you. The lack of witnesses to your fight with Crocodile, and your lack of large fights aside from him, mean they have little idea how powerful you are. They would send at least both Vice-Admirals, if they had seen what Hina has of you training with your crew. Hina did not bother to inform them of their error before she resigned."

Vivi outright snorted at that, her good humor having returned slightly at Hina's dry assessment. She interrupted the question and answer to make a statement of her own.

"Let me add my own thanks to Captain Luffy's, Hina. More importantly, let me add Alabasta's. If you're looking for new employment, the Royal Guard would love to have you."

Hina blinked in surprise, nearly dropping her cigarette as she gaped a bit at the offer.

"That's extremely generous, Princess. Hina is…considering possibilities. In fact, Hina has a pair of questions for Captain Luffy before she does anymore planning."

There was a tiny hesitation in the former Marine Captain, and somehow Luffy instinctively knew that his expenditure of Karma was coming into effect. That Hina had been waffling, but the reminder of all she'd seen him do had shifted that waffling into determination. His eyes widened a tiny fraction as he realized the direction it had most likely tipped her towards. The thought served as a tiny bit of forewarning for Hina's first question.

"Hina…curious. She's seen firsthand what you have done for Alabasta, and for the former Drum Kingdom. She's heard from your crew about other things, too. Such as saving Nami and Nojiko's island from the Arlong pirates. As well as a suspiciously never named operation to free slaves from a 'villainous party.'"

More than a few lips twitched at that. Clearly, Hina was smart enough to have guessed who was likely to have had large numbers of slaves needing freed. Even if the crew was always very careful not to mention names that could let someone link them to the events of Tequila Wolf.

"Hina wants to know if your new status as outlaws will change that. Will you keep doing such things? Or will you try to lay low?"

Several people snorted at the idea of trying to lay low, with Nami just looking resigned where she was sitting next to her boyfriend. It was Nojiko that spoke up rather firmly, before anyone else could.

"Damn right we'll keep doing it! To hell with what anyone else says…err, sorry Captain…"

Nojiko didn't look particularly sorry for making that declaration, only giving the apology at a very direct look from Kuina. Given that the rest of the crew were nodding along with her, though, it wasn't exactly an effective reprimand or apology. Luffy only smirked and nodded to acknowledge that she'd technically been out of line, before backing her up.

"Nojiko might have spoken a little out of place, but she's entirely correct. Something I've made clear to my crew, to each member as they've joined, is that I refuse to allow evil to go unaddressed right in front of me. I'm no revolutionary. I'm not looking to overthrow the status quo of the world or try to shape it into some sort of unrealistically 'fair' place. But I've always firmly believed that for evil to triumph, all that need happen is for good men and women to do nothing. I refuse to do nothing, if evil is in front of me. No matter how at odds that ends up putting me with the powers that be! It's not like they were ever going to like us anyway, once they figure out that half of us have dreams they'd consider dangerous!"

Luffy noted a complicated flare of emotions in Hina as she took in one of his favorite sayings from his old life. Or, well, a variant of it anyway. Much like the original Luffy, his moral code was a bit flexible in some ways. He cared little for laws, something only made more true when the laws of this particular world had been subverted for ill purposes as often or more often than they'd been used to protect people. On the other hand, his personal code was iron clad, and anchored around a few basic truths. Such as what his first life would have called the Golden Rule, along with the idea that words without action were just words.

"Hina has never heard it put quite that way before, but she agrees. She would like to know if you would be willing to have her on your crew?"

Several people straightened in surprise. Clearly, they hadn't quite gotten the inkling of this coming that Luffy had cottoned on to. Catching Hina's eyes, Luffy made his voice as level and serious as he could, despite feeling the eager pulse of possibility. In a lot of ways, Hina would be a massive boon. Even ignoring her Fruit and skills, the detailed knowledge she possessed on Marine operations on the Grand Line would be of almost incalculable value. Triply so now that they were about to be labeled as pirates.

"I would be willing, if you're asking for the right reasons. All of my crew have dreams of some sort. Some big, some small. Some tightly focused and some breathtakingly vast. Nojiko is, I think, the closest to what I get the impression you are looking for. Her dream is simply to be the change. The helping hand that was offered to her and her people unasked for. She also understands, however, that our crew's fundamental purpose isn't necessarily to seek out such conflicts. We don't go looking for trouble often. We simply don't turn aside when we do find it. Can you live with that?"

To her credit, Hina gathered herself and her thoughts properly before answering. First, with a slow nod, then verbally.

"Hina can more than live with that."

The former Captain's eyes darted to Vivi.

"I could even live with the idea of protecting somewhere like Alabasta…but it would not allow Hina to seek out what she originally joined the Marines for. You put it well. Hina wishes to be the change. To make the world better. She had once hoped she could do that with the Marines. But the higher up the rankings Hina made it, the more obvious it became that many of the problems Hina most hates are rooted in the very government she was sworn to serve. She cannot continue to support them after what they are trying to pull here. But Hina still wishes to make the world better. She believes traveling with you will make it possible for her to still do that, even if you don't go looking for trouble on purpose."

A smirk broke the seriousness of the pinkette's expression.

"After all, you seem to find the trouble even if you aren't seeking it! Three islands liberated from terrible fates within, what, just a single year? Hina is impressed with your ability to stumble into trouble, and she doubts it will stop anytime soon."

That comment got a number of laughs from the crew. But Luffy had one more question.

"And your ability to work with Robin? Who I believe is here for the same reason?"

Luffy shot a look at Robin, who had done her best to fade into the background during the back and forth. The woman nodded confirmation, and he quickly looked back to Hina. The pinkette shrugged.

"Hina unbothered. Hina asked a few pointed questions, to people she knew would have answers, once Hina decided to leave the Marines. The picture they painted, as much by their silence and refusal to speak as anythng, matches the background you revealed. Aside from killing a few Marines that tried to capture her, Nico Robin has done nothing to earn the hunt for her. Hina unbothered by her joining. Besides, Hina thinks you would not let her do anything horrible, even if you and Hina are both wrong about her."

Luffy smiled and nodded at that, though he turned to Robin before confirming anything.

"Robin? Are you also okay with it? I did offer you a position first. Even if we haven't made it official yet."

The dark-haired beauty's nod was sharp and firm. He could feel some wariness in her emotions. Understandable, given that she might well feel a trap forming with Hina's abrupt 'retirement' and 'joining' the same crew. Luffy might even have expected it himself, if he didn't have access to Hina's emotions. Having the former Marine along would likely make Robin a bit tense for a time, but he thought they would work through it. With her confirmation, Luffy clapped his hands together.

"Well then! I officially extend an offer to join our crew to you, Hina! We can have a celebratory lunch in a bit, after we discuss just how we're going to deal with the upcoming issue of our bounties! I have a few ideas that may let us dodge an outright confrontation for the time being. Which would make this extra awkward for the World Government once they find out about Vivi being a member and Alabasta's displeasure…"

There was an unholy light in both Vivi and Hina's eyes that made Luffy want to flinch. He firmly reminded himself that angering a woman was a terrible idea. Triply so when it was Righteous Anger. Much like tickling a sleeping dragon, it was really something one should avoid whenever possible. During the discussions that followed, Luffy managed to sneak a few moments to glance over the basic stats of his new crew members.

... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ...

Name: Nico Robin

Titles: Mistress of History, Demon Child, Last Child of Ohara

Age: 28

Level: 39

Spirit Fruit: Hana Hana no Mi


Strength: 72

Dexterity: 108

Endurance: 82

Intelligence: 169

Wisdom: 87

Charisma: 93

Luck: 37

Description: The last child of Ohara, seeking the True History of the world, Nico Robin had been chased down, betrayed, and villainized for most of her life. Despite everything, the revelation that one of her first friends in Jagur D. Saul might still be alive, along with the surprising acceptance of the Strawhat crew, has relit a tiny flame of hope that had nearly sputtered out.

Relationship to Gamer: Crewmate. Robin is uncertain where she stands with Captain Luffy or his crew. But she at least hopes that, at least, there might be a place where she belongs. At least for a little while, before her luck changes for the worse again.

... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ...

Name: Hina

Titles: Black Cage

Age: 32

Level: 40

Spirit Fruit: Ori Ori no Mi


Strength: 97

Dexterity: 94

Endurance: 101

Intelligence: 87

Wisdom: 64

Charisma: 89

Luck: 67

Description: An Ex-Marine who feels her values were betrayed by her former comrades, Hina has set out into the world full of uncertainty and unsure exactly what she wants. She only knows she wants to do good, and hopes her new crew may be the way to achieve that.

Relationship to Gamer: Crewmate. Hina is uncertain where she stands with Captain Luffy or his crew. Part of her is bitter it has come to this, but she doesn't blame Luffy or his crew, who have been doing nothing but good as far as she can tell.

... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ... ...

Name: Nefatari Vivi

Titles: Princess of Alabasta, Action Girl

Age: 16

Level: 32

Spirit Fruit: Doa Doa no Mi


Strength: 82

Dexterity: 112

Endurance: 74

Intelligence: 79

Wisdom: 52

Charisma: 98

Luck: 82

Description: Princess and heiress to the throne of Alabasta, Nefatari Vivi is no wallflower. Having taken on years of dangerous undercover work, pushed herself hard to climb the ranks of Baroque Works, and then recruited others to help her stop a plot on her nation, Vivi will be a Princess for the history books. Now, with a chance to explore the world with free-spirited friends, while still doing her duty to her country, Vivi is enthusiastically optimistic about the future.

Relationship to Gamer: Loyal Crewmate. Trying to figure out if she has more than a Crush on her Captain. With the Gamer having gone out of their way to save Vivi's home, complete with taking on one of the most dangerous men in the seas to do it, only complete betrayal would shake the absolute faith Vivi has in Monkey D. Luffy and his ability to do the impossible.

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