One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch9- Nami

Alright, guys and gals, I know I'm not really a long text person (says the author who's cranked out 100 chapters already—whoops! 😅), but it looks like there's a bit of confusion about Coby's powers. So, let's clear the air with a little Q&A session! Feel free to drop your questions below, or just read along as I answer some questions I assume you've been dying to ask.

Q: Can Coby copy Devil Fruit abilities?
A: You bet he can! But here's the twist: when Coby copies a Devil Fruit power, he only gets to use the specific technique he copied. For example, if he copies Luffy's Gomu Gomu Pistol, his arm will stretch for that attack—but don't expect him to pull off a Gomu Gomu Rifle or Bullet. And forget about other body parts; Coby's not going full rubber man. Another example: if he copies Robin's "Dos Fleur" (two-arm sprouting technique), he can only sprout two arms. No solo or trio action—just a duo.

Q: Can Coby copy a full Devil Fruit?
A: Yep, he can! But here's the catch: the price tag on that ability is so steep that Coby's wallet is crying. So, for now, don't expect him to go all-in on any one fruit. Maybe later, when he's rolling in SP.

Q: Can you memorize all those copied techniques?
A: Me? No way! My brain would probably fry like an overcooked egg. But I keep track of them as soon as I copy them—gotta stay organized, right? But here's the real kicker: Coby's true talent isn't just copying; it's mixing those techniques together. Trust me, you're about to witness some wild mash-ups in the upcoming chapters!

Q: Can Coby copy racial talents?
A: There aren't too many out there, but sure, why not? Coby's up for a challenge!

I hope this clears out some of the confusion, and I suggest you to wait until he starts to create his own moves...

Also, you all are welcomed to my Discord Channel!

We have an Image Minister as well!


As the moon hid its face, giving way to the brilliant hues of dawn, Luffy and Zoro gradually stirred from their slumber. The vast expanse of sea surrounding them offered a serene yet monotonous view, much to Luffy's growing impatience. The open waters, while promising endless adventure, also held moments of uneventful calm, which didn't sit well with the ever-restless Luffy.

Bored and itching for some action, Luffy began to pester Zoro, who was trying to enjoy a few more moments of peace. His playful jabs and incessant chatter were met with Zoro's grumbles and requests for silence. But Luffy, undeterred, continued to prod and poke, his energy seemingly boundless.

Suddenly, a bird, majestic and free, soared above them, catching Luffy's eye. His face lit up with childlike excitement. "I will catch it!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. He prepared to leap up, but Coby, quick to assess the situation, had other plans.

With a firm push, Coby sent Luffy tumbling back onto the boat, eliciting a surprised yelp from the would-be Pirate King. Coby then positioned himself, his eyes fixed on the bird above. "Gum Gum Pistol!" he shouted, launching his fist upwards. Unlike Luffy, Coby's ability to stretch was limited to when he used the Gum Gum Punch.

His fist soared upward stretching like Luffy's. The bird, curious and unafraid, caught Coby's fist in its beak. With a powerful flap of its wings, the bird ascended, lifting Coby from the boat and towards their next destination - Orange Town.

Zoro, witnessing this unexpected turn of events, couldn't help but exclaim, "This idiot," his voice laced with disbelief. Shaking his head, he grabbed the oars and started to paddle with the speed and efficiency of a motor. His powerful strokes cut through the water, propelling the small boat forward with remarkable speed.

As Coby soared through the sky, the wind whipping against his face, he couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration. This was far from conventional, but then again, nothing about his journey so far had been typical. Below him, the ocean stretched out endlessly, a vast canvas of blue, while ahead, Orange Town awaited, a speck on the horizon growing steadily larger.

Luffy, now back on his feet, watched in awe as Coby and the bird disappeared into the distance. "He's flying!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder. The sight of Coby, a fellow crew member, taking to the skies on a bird was a spectacle that even Luffy, with all his wild dreams, hadn't imagined.

Zoro, focused on paddling, grunted in response. "Focus, Luffy. We need to catch up with him," he said, his voice steady and determined. Despite his usual stoicism, there was a hint of excitement in his tone. The journey, unpredictable as it was, held the promise of new adventures and challenges, something Zoro always welcomed.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the sea. The boat, guided by Zoro's unwavering resolve, cut through the waves, each stroke bringing them closer to their destination.

Meanwhile, high above, Coby clung to the bird, his heart racing with a mix of fear and thrill. The world below looked different from up high - vast, endless, and full of possibilities. 

Soon, the bird floated over Orange Town, and with a swift maneuver, Coby jumped to its back, drawing his sword in a fluid motion. With a quick but gentle tap, he struck the bird, just enough to stun it. As the bird passed out and started to plummet, Coby couldn't help but laugh in excitement. Free falling, as perilous as it was, felt absolutely exhilarating.

Wind rushed past him, a loud whoosh in his ears, as the ground rapidly approached. His heart pounded in his chest, not from fear, but from the sheer thrill of meeting his first waifu. He watched the landscape below, timing his jump perfectly. As the bird neared a cluster of rooftops, Coby pushed off its back, his body soaring through the air like a cannonball.

Landing deftly on a rooftop, he rolled to break his fall, coming to a stop on the balls of his feet. He looked around, taking in the view of Orange Town from this unique vantage point.

Then, his attention was caught by a scene unfolding on the streets below. A girl, her orange hair, check. Nearly flat chest with a lot of potential for growth, check, beauty of an angel, heart of a devil, check. Ding ding ding, Coby found his target. Coby's eyes narrowed; of course he recognized her instantly – it was Nami, the skilled navigator and thief, a crucial part of the future he envisioned. The future he was determined to make reality. Harem!

Without a second thought, Coby leaped from the rooftop, his body moving with a grace and agility honed by his training. He landed in the midst of the commotion, drawing his sword in one fluid motion.

He stood right behind Nami, his head barely above hers, his chin brushing against her vibrant orange hair. "Now, now. Why are you three ugly pirates chasing this beautiful young lady?" Coby asked, his tone laced with a playful yet menacing edge.

Nami, quick to adapt to the unexpected turn of events, spun around to face the newcomer. "Boss!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of feigned relief and surprise. She slipped behind Coby, her hands finding his unexpectedly muscular arms. "You've come to save me!"

Her initial plan was to use Coby as a distraction, to make her escape while he dealt with the pirates. However, as she saw him jump into the fray with such willingness and confidence, curiosity took hold. She decided to stay and watch the unfolding scene.

Coby grinned at her, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Calling me 'boss'... Aren't you afraid I'll hold you accountable for that?" he teased.

Nami returned his grin, her voice dripping with sultriness. "What are you saying, boss? I'm your girl, right?"

Coby chuckled, playing along with her charade. "Haha, sure you are. A naughty one at that."

The pirates, growing impatient with their banter, shouted in frustration. "Stop flirting!" one bellowed. Another chimed in, "Return what you stole, and we might let you go."

Coby shook his head, his expression turning serious. 'Time to show Nami some skill,' he murmured under his breath. With a swift movement, he positioned himself between Nami and the approaching pirates, his stance relaxed yet ready for action.

The first pirate lunged towards Coby, a rusty cutlass raised high. Coby sidestepped with ease, his movements fluid and precise. He struck the pirate with a quick, controlled punch, sending him staggering back, dazed his nose caved in.

The second pirate, seeing his companion falter, charged with a roar. Coby, unfazed, met his charge head-on. He ducked under a wild swing and delivered a powerful kick to the pirate's midsection. The man doubled over, gasping for breath.

The third pirate hesitated, witnessing the swift defeat of his comrades. His eyes darted between Coby and the escape route, indecision written on his face.

Coby seized the moment of hesitation. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between them. He feigned a punch, causing the pirate to flinch and expose his guard. Coby then swept the pirate's legs from under him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Finished with a punch to his neck.

Standing over the defeated pirates, Coby turned to Nami, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Seems like they weren't much of a challenge," he said, his voice laced with amusement.

Nami, who had been watching the entire encounter with a mix of surprise and admiration, stepped forward. "Impressive, boss," she said, her tone playful yet sincere. "I didn't expect you to handle them so easily."

Coby shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I've picked up a few tricks along the way," he replied.

"So, a thief, I presume," Coby said, an impish grin playing on his lips as he regarded Nami.

Nami rolled her eyes, her fiery spirit undimmed despite the recent scuffle. "What gave it away?" she retorted, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Coby chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. In a swift, fluid motion, he leaped onto a nearby roof, landing gracefully. He sat down, making himself comfortable, and from within his clothes, he produced two apples. He rubbed them against his shirt, cleaning them, then stretched his arm out to his right, where Nami had jumped to sit beside him. His casual way of storing food in his shirt, so close to his chest, made her blush, but she accepted the apple anyway.


Read up to 100 chapters ahead!

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