One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch7- End of a Despot

What? Another one? Yes, sir! Yes, ma'am! Another supporter at the peak tier! Woohoo! 🎉 I’m jumping up like Luffy and crashing down like Usopp! This is unreal! Thank you so much for the support; it means the world to me! 🙌 Thank you, Cesar! You’ve got me hyped up, and I can’t wait to get more chapters out for you all!


As they prepared to face the remaining Marines, Coby watched from his hiding spot. He had witnessed the entire scene unfold: the fall of the statue, Zoro's reluctant decision to fight, and the bond forming between Luffy and Zoro. He knew this was a pivotal moment, not just in their journey, but also in his own development.

Now that he had accumulated some Synthesis Points (SP), Coby was eager to utilize his Skill Weaver interface. He focused on Luffy and Zoro, determined to acquire some of their skills. He knew their abilities would be expensive to scan, but the investment was worth it.

As the battle raged on, Coby activated his Skill Scan function. [Skill Scan initiated on 'Gum-Gum Pistol,'] he whispered, focusing on Luffy's signature move. The interface responded, [Analysis in progress… Estimated cost: 1100 SP. After the first Devil Fruit ability discount: 550 SP]

Coby winced at the high cost but seeing the last part of the system message, he sighed in relief. He knew this investment was necessary. He watched as Luffy stretched his arm forward, releasing it with a force that sent several Marines flying. The skill was not just a display of raw power; it was a masterclass in elasticity and timing.

Next, Coby turned his attention to Zoro. [Skill Scan initiated on 'Three-Sword Style: Oni Giri.'] The interface chimed in, [Analysis in progress… Estimated cost: 900 SP.] Coby watched as Zoro wielded his swords with a grace and ferocity that was almost artistic. The slashes were precise, each one cutting through the air and flesh with equal ease.

The rooftop was a scene of carnage. Blood splattered across the tiles, painting a gruesome picture. The Marines, despite their training and numbers, were no match for the trio. Luffy, with his rubber body, absorbed and deflected their attacks, while Zoro's swords sang a deadly song, cutting down anyone who dared approach.

Coby watched the chaotic scene unfold on the rooftop, his mind racing with thoughts. "I am not using 3 swords, ever! I don't want to carry a sword in my mouth. So, Onigiri is out of the picture. I will later scan Zoro's one sword moves, maybe two swords too. I also have only 558 SP. So, Gomu Gomu Pistol it is. I wonder if I can copy fruit abilities, or is it just how he throws punches," he pondered grimly but decided to take a risk. Compared to other abilities he had seen so far, it was already quite cheap.

As he focused on Luffy's technique, a surge of information filled his mind. "Holy fuck! I can stretch my arm," he exclaimed internally, amazed by the revelation. "But only if I use it for this technique. Still, amazing." With newfound enthusiasm, Coby emerged from his hiding spot, ready to join the fray alongside Luffy and Zoro..

Coby, armed with his newly acquired Gum-Gum Pistol technique, squared off against the Marines. He stretched his arm forward, mimicking Luffy's movements, releasing it with a powerful snap. His fist connected with a Marine's face, sending him flying across the rooftop. The impact was shocking, both to Coby and his opponents.

Luffy, observing Coby's imitation of his move, was visibly taken aback. "Nani!? You ate Gum Gum Fruit too?" he blurted out in surprise. Coby, amidst the chaos, could only chuckle in response, deciding it was best to explain later. Right now, there were Marines to defeat and SP to earn.

The rooftop of the Marine base had become a battlefield, with the fallen statue of Captain Morgan lying in ruins amidst the chaos. The defeat of the tyrannical captain had left the Marines in a state of disarray. As the dust settled, the Marines, who had been forced to serve under Morgan's oppressive rule, showed visible relief. Lieutenant, a man of principle who had long suffered under Morgan's tyranny, stepped forward with his arms raised. "We don't want to fight. Please stop," he pleaded, his voice carrying the weight of years of subjugation.

Zoro and Luffy, understanding the situation, ceased their attacks. Coby, although eager to continue fighting and earn more SP, wasn't driven by a thirst for innocent blood. He recognized that their battle was not with the Marines, but with Morgan's cruelty. Reluctantly, he lowered his fist, joining Luffy and Zoro in a moment of tense ceasefire.

The Marines, now free from Morgan's reign, looked towards the trio with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. They had witnessed the fall of their captain at the hands of these strangers, an event that would undoubtedly change the course of their lives.

As the Marines began to disperse, some attending to their wounded, others in quiet contemplation, Coby turned to Luffy. "You got your swordsman, what now, Captain?" he asked.

Luffy, his usual carefree demeanor returning, scratched his head. "Hmm, I guess we find a ship and set sail. But before that we need a cook and musician!" he declared, his simple statement reflecting his straightforward approach to life.

The trio made their way down from the rooftop, the Marines watching them with a mix of awe and relief. As they walked through the streets of Shells Town, the townspeople peered from windows and doorways, whispers of their deed spreading like wildfire.

The atmosphere within Rika's diner carried the scent of freshly prepared dishes, a stark contrast to the lingering odor of blood and gunpowder that hung in the air throughout Shells Town. The trio, who had just fought with tens of Marine, relished the opportunity to rest. Zoro, weakened from days of hunger, eagerly dug into his meal, he was starving, literally. Luffy, always hungry, piled his plate high, savoring each bite with enthusiasm. One had to know, each of his bite was a portion for a grown man. Coby, though less voracious, kept up with their pace, adapting to the situation and appreciating the simple pleasures of a hearty meal.

The diner was a small, cozy establishment, run by Rika and her mother. They moved about with efficiency, serving dishes with a warmth that eased the tension in the trio's muscles. The townspeople, curious about the newcomers, started to approach like a newborn kitten, curiously checking things around it.

As they finished their meal, the marine base's lieutenant, a man who carried the burden of duty on his shoulders, stepped into the diner. His eyes, weary from years of serving under Captain Morgan's tyranny, held a conflicted gaze. "Thank you for liberating this town," he began, his voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "But as you are pirates, we cannot let you stay here."

Zoro, his hunger satiated, leaned back in his chair, his expression a mix of annoyance and indifference. "Ungrateful bastards," he muttered under his breath, his words a reflection of his disdain for authority.

Luffy, unfazed by the lieutenant's words, simply stood up, a wide grin plastered on his face. "No problem! We've got a sea to conquer!" he exclaimed, his tone light and carefree.

Coby, observing the interaction, felt a pang of irony. They had just freed the town from a despot, yet they were being asked to leave. Such was the life of a pirate, always on the move, always on the fringe of society.

The trio made their way to the shore, where their small boat bobbed gently in the water. It was a modest vessel, hardly befitting the ambitions of the future King of Pirates and his crew. But for now, it was their only means of travel.

As they stepped into the boat, the cramped space became apparent. Zoro, with his tall frame and three swords, took up most of the room. Luffy, with his rubber limbs, sprawled out without a care in the world. Coby, squeezed in between them, couldn't help but chuckle at their predicament.

The boat, weighed down by their presence, creaked under the strain. Yet, it held firm, a testament to its sturdiness despite its size. With a push, they set sail, leaving the shores of Shells Town behind.

The sea was calm, its vast expanse a canvas of possibilities. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the water. Seagulls flew overhead, their cries a song of freedom that resonated with the trio's spirits.

Luffy, looking out towards the horizon, his straw hat shielding his eyes from the sun, said, "We need a bigger boat."

Zoro, cleaning his swords, grunted in agreement. "And a proper crew."

"Aye." Coby could only chuckle.


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