One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch64- Fight for Flag!

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Coby looked back at Vivi, who was resting in bed. "I'm going to open the window for a second, alright?" he said.

Vivi nodded, pulling the blanket up to her neck for warmth. Coby unlocked the window and slipped through it, his body weightless as he floated down to the snow-covered ground below.

"Oi, that's dangerous," Kureha called after him, but she saw Coby move effortlessly, almost gliding through the snow. Kureha watched in surprise as he landed softly, despite the height.

At the same moment, Luffy burst through the main door, ready for a fight. Coby and Luffy exchanged a glance, both understanding what needed to be done.

The explosion was from Wapol's arm, now transformed into a cannon. He fired at the pirate flag atop the castle. Though he missed, he was reloading, irritated. "Who the hell put that ugly flag on my castle?" he barked.

Seeing this, Luffy leaped into the air, using his body to block the cannon's blast. He then landed beside the flag on the roof of the castle. Holding the flag in his hand, he glared down at Wapol.

"A poser like you, who's never truly risked his life, could never understand the meaning of a pirate flag!" Luffy growled. He was ready to charge but kept his grip on the flag. "This isn't something you pretend pirates can wave around as a joke!"

Wapol sneered, clearly annoyed by Luffy's defiance. "Oh, please! You think a king like me plays pirate for fun? Stop trying to hold up that eyesore!" He aimed his cannon again and fired.

Luffy took the blast head-on. When the smoke cleared, he was still standing, holding the flag high. "A pirate flag is a symbol of conviction!" he shouted. "See? You can't break this flag."

Wapol was stunned. Luffy, unfazed by the cannon fire, was defending a flag he didn't even recognize. "I don't know who this flag belongs to," Luffy said, his voice clear. "But as a flag backed by a person's will and conviction, it's not something you can play with. A bumbling idiot like you shouldn't even dare to touch this flag!"

Wapol and his men froze, taken aback by Luffy's spirit. Meanwhile, Chopper watched from a distance, equally awed by Luffy's unwavering stance.

This was one of Coby's favorite scenes from the anime, and seeing it unfold in real life filled him with excitement. He could have stopped Wapol from firing, but he didn't. He knew this moment by heart, and witnessing it firsthand was different—more powerful. His energy surged as he watched.

"Well said, Luffy. These pretend-pirates have no will, no spirit, no conviction," Coby said, his voice firm as he stepped forward. "Let me take care of them, Captain. You shouldn't dirty your hands with them."

Luffy gave a nod, still holding the flag high, his face serious.

Coby smirked, turning his attention to Wapol and his men. "Time to deal with you."

He began by activating Stealth Foot, moving nearly invisibly as he approached the first of Wapol's henchmen. Before the man could react, Coby struck with Super Heavy Stealth Foot Punch, reducing his weight for speed, then increasing it to 10,000 kilograms just before impact. The punch hit with devastating force, sending the man crashing into the snow, knocked out cold.

Another soldier tried to retaliate, but Coby quickly detached his hand using Bara Bara Detach Hand. As his hand flew towards the enemy, he combined it with Super Heavy Sniper Pistol, shifting the weight to 10,000 kilograms at the last second. The force of the impact was enough to crush the soldier's armor and send him sprawling to the ground.

Wapol watched in disbelief as his men fell one by one, but Coby wasn't done. Spotting a group of soldiers huddled together, he utilized Storm Barrage, detaching both hands and sending them spinning around the group. The soldiers barely had time to react as knives flew in all directions, cutting through their defenses. Blood sprayed across the snow as they collapsed, groaning in pain.

Coby reattached his hands and stepped forward, his eyes locked on Wapol. The cowardly king trembled, backing away as Coby advanced.

"You... You won't get away with this!" Wapol stammered, trying to maintain his bravado.

Coby's smirk deepened. "You're finished, Wapol."

The main fight had just begun, and Coby was ready to make it hurt. He kept his eyes on Wapol, waiting for the perfect moment. As Wapol devoured Chess and Kuromarimo, fusing their bodies into his own, Coby took a deep breath, mentally calling out to the system.

"Scan the ability, system."

The familiar interface responded within his mind, analyzing Wapol's ability. The cost for copying the entire Baku Baku no Mi (Munch-Munch Fruit) would be steep, but it was worth it. This Devil Fruit allowed Wapol to eat anything, including his enemies, and then transform his body using the properties of whatever he consumed. Coby knew how versatile and dangerous this power could be.

[Skill Scan initiated on 'Baku Baku no Mi'. Analysis in progress… Due to the comprehensive nature of this Devil Fruit's ability to consume, combine, and manipulate various materials, objects and even humans the acquisition of this skill will require 299,999 SP. This includes the capacity to absorb and merge different materials into the user's body. Please confirm if you wish to proceed with the Skill Scan and acquisition.]

Coby looked at the price displayed by the system and muttered, "What the fuck? Why is it so expensive?"

The system responded with its usual, detached tone. [The ability host wants to acquire is the singular ability of the Baku Baku No Mi, and its possibilities are limitless. Not only can the host merge everything with others and himself, but he can also even create new rare metals and more. Since the host is not a Devil Fruit user, and his abilities won't be affected by Kairoseki, the possibilities are even beyond Wapol's. The price is fair and just.]

Coby's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but he knew the system had a point. The power was immense, and if used wisely, it could be a game-changer. Still, the cost was steep.

But right now, he didn't have the luxury of overthinking. Wapol and his minions stood before him, fear and arrogance in their eyes. Coby's gaze hardened.

For now, Coby would just fight and earn SP. Only Wapol and the merged Chessmarimo remained standing, both visibly shaken but still prepared for battle.

Coby wasted no time. He activated Stealth Foot, disappearing from sight as he closed the distance between him and Wapol. The cowardly king barely had time to react before Coby struck with a powerful Super Heavy Stealth Foot Punch, his weight shifting to 10,000 kilograms just before impact. The punch landed squarely on Wapol's chest, sending him crashing into the snow with a sickening thud. Blood splattered across the white landscape as Wapol struggled to get back on his feet, gasping for breath.

Coby didn't let up. He detached his right hand using Bara Bara Detach Hand, reducing its weight with Ms. Valentine's 1 Kilogram Form and launching it towards Chessmarimo with Gum Gum Pistol. As the hand closed in on its target, Coby shifted its weight back to 10,000 kilograms, turning it into a deadly projectile. The impact was devastating. Chessmarimo's eyes widened in shock as the massive hand slammed into him, shattering his armor and sending him sprawling across the ground.

Blood poured from the wounds left by Coby's relentless assault. But even as they bled, the two enemies tried to muster a last stand. Wapol, enraged, transformed his body, revealing a massive cannon in place of his arm. He fired at Coby, but Coby was already moving, using Stealth Foot to dodge the blast effortlessly.

Before Wapol could fire again, Coby was on him. He grabbed the king's cannon arm and wrenched it upward with brute force, dislocating it with a loud crack. Wapol screamed in agony, but Coby wasn't finished. He detached both hands this time, positioning them around Wapol's head. With a swift motion, he executed Storm Barrage, his detached hands spinning wildly as knives sliced through the air. Blood splattered as Wapol's screams filled the air, his face slashed beyond recognition.

As Wapol crumpled to the ground, defeated and broken, Coby reattached his hands and turned to Chessmarimo, who was struggling to get back on his feet. Without hesitation, Coby launched a Super Heavy Sniper Pistol. The hand struck Chessmarimo's head, crushing it into the snow, leaving him motionless.

The fight was over. Both Wapol and Chessmarimo lay in the snow, their blood staining the once pristine white. Coby stood over them, his breath steady as he watched their bodies fall still. His system chimed in, awarding him a hefty amount of SP for the brutal battle.

Coby sat on the ground and said, "Show it to me."

[Combat success!


Major Rewards:

Kill of Kuromarimo: Taking down this opponent demonstrated mastery of combined tactics and overwhelming force. (+1500 SP)

Kill of Chess: A calculated strike ended this threat swiftly, showcasing Coby's growth in combat proficiency. (+1500 SP)

Kill of Wapol: Successfully eliminating a key plot character solidified Coby's dominance in battle. (+3000 SP)

7200 SP gained.]

Luffy walked toward Coby, glancing down at the defeated Wapol and his crew. He offered a simple nod, saying, "Good job, Coby." Although Luffy wasn't keen on killing, he didn't stop Coby or Zoro from doing so. This was the pirate's life, not a game. He knew that sometimes, it was necessary.

Chopper soon arrived, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the bodies. These were the same men who had laughed at Dr. Hililuk's death, the ones he had once vowed to kill with his own hands. His fists clenched at the memories, but as he looked at the fallen enemies, a different feeling washed over him.

"Thank you," Chopper whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He wasn't sure if it was relief or closure, but he knew one thing for certain: he didn't need to kill them anymore. That burden had been lifted, and for that, he was grateful to Coby.

Chopper wiped his eyes, quickly regaining his composure. He looked up at Coby, a hint of determination in his gaze. "I'll join you guys," he said firmly. "But only if you'll let me help everyone in need."

Luffy was elated, a broad grin stretching across his face. "Yes! We need a new crew member!" he exclaimed. Chopper's decision to join brought a wave of relief and excitement to the crew.

Coby chuckled softly at Luffy's enthusiasm before turning his attention to Wapol's lifeless body. After a quick search through Wapol's tattered clothes, Coby found a small, ornate key. He knew exactly what it was for. Standing up, he turned to see Dr. Kureha entering the area with Vivi, who was now on her feet, though still looking a bit weak. Coby approached the doctor and handed her the key without a word. Kureha raised an eyebrow but took it, nodding in appreciation.

Just as Coby and Luffy turned around, they saw Dalton, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, and several other villagers arriving from below. The group had worried expressions as they hurried up the slope, their breath visible in the cold air. Dalton, looking a bit worse for wear, still led the group, determination clear in his steps despite his injuries.

It turned out that before climbing, Wapol had launched a surprise attack on the others, even injuring Dalton. Thankfully, Wapol's former medical team had stayed behind to assist, quickly tending to Dalton's wounds and stabilizing him. Now, seeing the fallen Wapol and his men, the group came to a halt, stunned by the scene before them. Wapol's bloodied and broken body lay on the snow, along with his defeated subordinates.

Dalton, realizing what had transpired, dropped to his knees, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude. He looked up at Coby and Luffy, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "Thank you," he said. "You've saved our country from further torment."

Zoro nodded in acknowledgment, while Nami and Usopp shared a relieved glance. Sanji, with a cigarette dangling from his lips, simply smirked, his eyes flicking toward the unconscious enemies scattered across the ground.

Luffy waved his hand, dismissing Dalton's thanks with a carefree smile. "Don't worry about all that. Let's party!" he declared, his energy contagious.

Coby, however, quickly stepped forward, his voice calm but urgent. "Hold on, Luffy. We need to get out of here before Kureha figures out what we're up to."

Luffy paused, nodding in agreement. "Good point," he said, lowering his voice as he gathered the crew around him. "Alright, everyone, keep it quiet. We'll introduce Chopper later. Right now, we need to sneak out."


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