One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch58- Duel

Second Chapter of the Day!

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Brogy and Dorry, now intrigued by the smaller human, sized up Coby, their massive fists tightening. Brogy stepped forward, his booming voice shaking the ground. "You ready, little one?" With a nod from both giants, the spar was on.

Coby nodded, his body relaxed, but his stance solid. "Let’s do this."

The giants dropped their weapons, deciding to use their fists to match Coby’s unarmed style. Brogy moved first, his massive fist hurtling toward Coby like a boulder. Coby shifted into Stealth Foot mode, his weight dropping to a kilogram. He dodged the giant’s fist with a quick dash to the side, moving with the speed of a blur.

Dorry didn’t give him a chance to rest. The second giant’s fist came down like a hammer, aiming to crush Coby. But Coby leaped into the air, shifting his weight to 10,000 kilograms just as he reached Dorry’s arm. His fist slammed down, the impact so powerful that Dorry’s arm buckled under the force, sending the giant staggering backward.

Brogy roared in approval, charging at Coby with renewed vigor. Coby activated Super Heavy Stealth Foot, shifting from light to heavy in an instant. He dashed under Brogy’s swing, then delivered a crushing blow to the giant’s knee. Brogy grunted in pain as his leg gave out, but he swung his massive arm at Coby in retaliation.

Coby ducked, avoiding the blow by inches, then jumped onto Brogy’s shoulder. From his elevated position, Coby launched a powerful Sniper Breath Bomb directly into Brogy’s face. The explosion sent the giant reeling, his massive body crashing to the ground with a thud that shook the island.

Although the battle looked easy so far, Coby knew the giants weren’t serious. They were swatting him like a fly, testing his strength rather than aiming to crush him outright.

Coby watched Brogy and Dorry exchange a glance, silently agreeing to stop holding back. The air around them seemed to thicken with tension as the giants prepared to strike with full force.

Brogy made the first move, his massive fist rocketing toward Coby. The ground trembled as it neared. Coby activated Stealth Foot, dodging to the side with a swift blur, but Brogy anticipated this. With surprising speed, the giant's other hand swept in, aiming to catch Coby off guard.

Brogy’s sweeping hand came in fast, and this time Coby couldn't simply dodge it. The giant’s anticipation was impressive. Coby activated his Stealth Foot again, barely slipping past the massive fingers, but the close call forced him into action.

Before Brogy could recover, Coby launched his Rocket Pistol, combining his Bara Bara Detach Hand with Gum Gum Pistol. His detached fist shot toward Brogy’s face like a bullet, striking with enough force to make the giant stumble back. Brogy grunted, but he wasn’t down. He quickly retaliated, swinging his arm with a speed that belied his size.

Dorry, meanwhile, took advantage of Coby’s focus on Brogy. He charged in, fist raised high. Coby had no time to fully avoid it, so he braced himself and activated Gum Gum Pistol, stretching his arm to punch Dorry’s incoming fist. The impact was like a cannon blast, sending shockwaves through the air, but Dorry’s strength overwhelmed Coby, and he was sent crashing into the ground.

Pain shot through Coby’s body, but he quickly rolled to his feet, knowing he couldn’t stay down for long. The giants weren’t holding back anymore. He needed to step up his game.

As Dorry moved in for another strike, Coby used his Wind Manipulation to send a powerful gust of wind toward the giant’s eyes, temporarily blinding him. With Dorry distracted, Coby launched himself into the air with a jump in his 1 Kilo state, flipping over the giant’s head.

Coby’s tactics against the giants shifted as he recognized their full strength. Dorry, momentarily blinded by Coby’s wind manipulation, swung wildly, giving Coby a narrow window to launch a counterattack.

Coby quickly activated his Bara Bara Detach Hand, sending his right hand flying toward Brogy with a Gum Gum Pistol. As his detached hand rocketed forward, Coby utilized Ms. Valentine's 1 Kilogram Form to make the hand light and fast. Just before it struck Brogy, Coby shifted its weight to 10,000 kilograms, transforming the punch into a devastating blow. The Super Heavy Rocket Pistol smashed into Brogy’s chest, sending the giant staggering back with a grunt of pain.

Coby then turned his attention to Dorry, who had recovered from the wind attack. The giant roared, bringing both fists down in a crushing blow aimed at the ground where Coby stood. Coby used Stealth Foot to dodge, disappearing in a blur and reappearing behind Dorry. With precision, he launched another attack—this time combining the Bara Bara Detach Hand with a sniper's accuracy. His left hand shot out in a Gum Gum Pistol, stretching to its maximum range before detaching. The Super Heavy Sniper Pistol, now a deadly projectile, hurtled toward Dorry. Just before impact, Coby shifted the weight to 10,000 kilograms, and the hand struck Dorry’s jaw with a force that cracked the air.

The giants roared in pain and frustration, but they were far from defeated. Brogy, his chest still aching from the impact, rushed at Coby with a renewed fury. Dorry, his jaw throbbing, joined the charge. The two giants coordinated their attacks, swinging their massive fists at Coby from opposite sides, intending to crush him between them.

Coby knew he couldn’t dodge both attacks. He sighed, and stopped, but lucky for him so did the giants.

“Bawahahaha, that hurt,” Brogy said, holding his chest.

Dorry, rubbing his jaw, was even more irritated. “At least he didn’t bash your head.”

Both giants grinned down at Coby. “You’re a brave one, Coby. And strong too. In fifty years, you could beat one of us in a solo fight.”

Coby chuckled, shaking his head. “Humans don’t live as long as you do, Brogy. If I wait fifty years to beat you, then I failed.”

Brogy and Dorry exchanged a look, impressed by the young human’s determination. “You’ve got spirit, I’ll give you that,” Dorry said, cracking his knuckles.

“Gabababa! You’ve got the heart of a warrior, Coby,” Brogy said, his voice filled with respect.

Dorry nodded, his own grin matching his friend’s. “Aye, you’ve earned our respect. Few could stand against us like that.”

Coby smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow. “You two are strong. It’s no wonder you’ve been fighting each other for so long.”

The giants laughed, the sound echoing through the jungle. “You’re welcome to join us anytime, Coby!” Brogy offered, slapping his knee.

Coby chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

With the fight ended, Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, and Carue came over to where Coby stood with the giants. Brogy, still grinning from ear to ear, took out a few barrels of booze and raised one high. "I got these from littles. Let’s drink!" he boomed.

Dorry's face lit up, and he eagerly reached for a barrel. "It’s been ages since I last drank!" he said, his deep voice filled with excitement.

Coby, meanwhile, was being tended to by Nami and Vivi. Nami knelt beside him, dabbing at a small cut on his cheek. "You’re always getting yourself into trouble," she muttered, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

Vivi handed Coby a canteen of water. "That was incredible," she said softly. "I didn’t think anyone could hold their own against giants."

Coby chuckled, taking a sip from the canteen. "Thanks. They’re tough, but it was a good challenge."

As the crew gathered around the fire with the giants, the mood was light. Luffy, already halfway through his first barrel of booze, grinned widely. "This place is awesome!"

Usopp nodded in agreement, his eyes wide as he stared at the giants. "I can’t believe you fought them, Coby. That’s insane!"

Coby just shrugged, leaning back on the grass. "It was fun."

The giants laughed heartily, clearly enjoying the company. "Aye, it’s not often we get to drink with such brave little warriors!" Brogy said, lifting his barrel in a toast.

Luffy, not one to miss out on a toast, grabbed his barrel and raised it high. "To adventure!"

The crew joined in, their voices mingling with the giants' laughter as they celebrated their time on Little Garden.

In Coby’s head, he quietly issued a command. "System, calculate my points."

[System Message from Giant Fight:

Standard Fight Awards:

30 SP awarded for dodging Brogy’s initial strike using Stealth Foot. 35 SP awarded for combining Bara Bara Detach Hand with Gum Gum Pistol to counter Brogy’s attack. 40 SP awarded for successful counterattack on Dorry using Gum Gum Pistol. 50 SP awarded for using Wind Manipulation to temporarily blind Dorry, creating an opening. 60 SP awarded for Super Heavy Rocket Pistol against Brogy, inflicting significant damage. 70 SP awarded for Super Heavy Sniper Pistol, effectively striking Dorry and neutralizing his attack...

Special Combination Bonus:

300 SP awarded for creative use of abilities in combination with each other. 400 SP awarded for successfully engaging both giants without sustaining critical damage.

Techniques Created:

Super Heavy Rocket Pistol: Combining Bara Bara Detach Hand with Gum Gum Pistol and shifting weight to 10,000 kilograms for a devastating strike. Super Heavy Sniper Pistol: Using Bara Bara Detach Hand with Gum Gum Pistol at long range and shifting weight to 10,000 kilograms for a precise, powerful hit.

Total SP Awarded for Giant Fight: 3,535 SP.]

Satisfied with the results, Coby returned his focus to the group. Brogy and Dorry continued to regale the crew with stories of their adventures, their voices booming through the jungle. Despite the earlier battle, the atmosphere was relaxed and full of camaraderie.

Nami leaned closer to Coby, her voice low. "You really scared me back there, you know."

Coby smirked. "Sorry. But I knew what I was doing."

Vivi smiled, glancing between Nami and Coby. "He’s always like this, huh?"

Nami sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah, unfortunately."


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