One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch5- Roronoa Zoro

Whoa, hold up—third Patron already? You guys are seriously trying to spoil me here! I'm flattered, but don't get me too used to this, or I might start expecting gold-plated coffee mugs next. 😂

Picture me doing the Chopper dance right now, telling you not to support me, but secretly hoping for more. 😜 Big thanks to PathSeeker! Your support means a ton, and I promise to keep the good stuff coming.


The battle raged on, with Coby and Luffy standing as unbreakable pillars amidst the chaos. Alvida's crew, though numerous, were no match for their combined might. Coby's swordsmanship, though basic, was effective, cutting down opponents with ruthless efficiency.

As the fight continued, Coby's thoughts wandered to his past life on Earth. He remembered the countless hours spent watching "One Piece," dreaming of adventures in a world far from reality. Now, here he was, living his dream. The weight of the sword in his hand, the salty air filling his lungs, the adrenaline coursing through his veins and his hero standing next to him – it was all real.

Coby's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a crew member charging at him with a bloodied cutlass. Reacting swiftly, Coby parried the blow and countered with a swift thrust, piercing his attacker's chest. The man's eyes widened in shock before he crumpled to the deck, lifeless.

The sight of the fallen enemy, blood pooling around him, sent a shiver down Coby's spine. This was no game; it was a brutal, unforgiving reality. Yet, he knew there was no turning back. He had chosen this path, and he would see it through, no matter the cost.

Luffy, watching Coby's resolve, felt a kinship with the young man. They were both fighting for their dreams, albeit in different ways. "Coby, you've got the spirit of a true pirate," Luffy declared, his voice loud and clear above the battle's din.

Coby, hearing Luffy's words, felt a wave of determination wash over him. "Thanks, Captain! It is for dream and boobies!"

The battle soon reached its climax, with Alvida's crew dwindling in number. Coby and Luffy stood side by side, a formidable duo against the remaining enemies. The deck was a gruesome scene, with bodies strewn about, some groaning in pain, others silent forever.

As the last of Alvida's crew surrendered or lay defeated, Coby and Luffy surveyed the aftermath. The air was thick with the smell of blood and gunpowder, a stark reminder of the battle's ferocity.

With the enemy defeated, Coby and Luffy sat on the upper deck, relishing a well-deserved break. Coby had managed to whip up a simple meal, using his basic culinary skills honed both in his past life as Kai and during his time on Alvida's ship. Luffy, not particularly fussy about food even amidst fallen enemies, was eagerly devouring the meal, his eyes shining with satisfaction.

"You're amazing! I didn't know you could cook. Now I have a cook!" Luffy exclaimed between mouthfuls, his voice muffled by the food.

Coby chuckled, shaking his head. "Not so fast, Luffy. I'm no cook. My skills are pretty basic. Look, I agreed to join your crew, but I want you to take this seriously."

Luffy, his mouth still full, nodded earnestly, understanding the gravity behind Coby's words.

Coby leaned in, his expression serious. "Since I'm the first to join, I'll be the Vice-Captain, or First Mate. I respect your position as Captain, but I want you to take things seriously when it comes to the crew. Do we have a deal?"

Luffy paused, a piece of food in his hand, and pondered for a moment. Then, with a firm nod, he replied, "Fine."

Satisfied with Luffy's agreement, Coby suggested, "Now, let's start with looting this ship and Alvida's stash. Over the years, she hauled a lot of stolen goods."

Luffy's eyes sparkled at the mention of treasure. "Treasure!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable.

Together, they began to search the ship, gathering valuable items and provisions. Coby, familiar with Alvida's hoarding habits, led the way to the hidden compartments where the most valuable treasures were stashed. They loaded a boat with their haul, including an abundance of food and supplies.

Once the boat was filled, they set sail towards the island where Alvida had stashed her treasure. It wasn't far, and Coby, with his knowledge of the seas, navigated them skillfully. Upon reaching the island, they found even more loot, adding to their already impressive collection.

As they boarded the boat again, Luffy turned to Coby with a curious expression. "Do you know where Pirate Hunter Zoro is?"

Coby smiled, having anticipated this question. "I knew you would ask that. I've already set the course towards Yotsuba Island, where Shells Town is."

The journey to Shells Town was uneventful, with Luffy and Coby sharing stories and plans for the future. Coby found Luffy's straightforward nature and simple way of speaking both refreshing and amusing. It was a stark contrast to the complexity and deceit he had experienced on Alvida's ship.

As they approached Shells Town, the atmosphere on the boat shifted. They were about to meet one of the most formidable swordsmen in the world of the future, and Coby couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. He had watched Zoro's journey through the anime, and now he was about to witness it firsthand.

Sitting at Food Foo, a local restaurant in Shells Town, Luffy and Coby enjoyed a hearty meal. The atmosphere was lively, with the clatter of dishes and the buzz of conversation filling the air. As they ate, the topic of their conversation turned to Zoro and Captain Morgan, the Marine in charge of the island. With each mention of these names, Coby noticed the other patrons casting fearful glances and whispering among themselves. He understood their reactions; both Zoro and Morgan were notorious figures in their own right.

Coby, well-versed in the story of "One Piece," remained silent about what he knew. He had decided not to interfere with major events, especially those involving crew members joining. These moments were epic and significant, and he respected their importance in the grand narrative of their adventure.

Luffy spoke directly. "So, this Zoro guy, he's strong, right? I heard he's been tied up at the Marine base for days."

"Yeah, he's incredibly strong," Coby replied, keeping his tone neutral. "But he's also in a lot of trouble. Captain Morgan isn't known for his kindness."

Luffy's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Sounds like my kind of guy! We should go see him."

Coby nodded, finishing his meal. "Just be prepared, Luffy. Morgan's base is no joke, and Zoro's situation is pretty grim." Of course he knew it was nothing serious, he just wanted Luffy to develop some caution for his future recklessness.

They left the restaurant, heading towards the Marine base. The streets of Shells Town were bustling, but a sense of unease hung in the air, especially near the Marine headquarters. The imposing structure loomed ahead, its walls casting long shadows over the town.

As they approached, they leaned over the walls. They could see the figure of a man tied up at a cross, his green hair unmistakable even from a distance. It was Zoro, the Pirate Hunter, enduring his punishment with a stoic expression.

Luffy, his curiosity piqued, stated. "There he is! Zoro!"

Coby followed, his heart racing with anticipation. This was a pivotal moment, one he had seen in the anime but never imagined he'd witness in person.

Seeing Zoro tied up at the cross, a symbol of both his strength and the oppressive regime of Captain Morgan, Coby couldn't help but smile. The scene was iconic, one that he had watched countless times, yet now it unfolded before his very eyes, imbued with a sense of reality that was both thrilling and ominous.

Zoro, noticing their approach, called out with a mix of desperation and defiance in his voice. "Hey, can you come over and untie me? I've been here for nine days; I can't take it anymore."

Luffy, always ready to leap into action, was about to clamber over the wall when a small set of stairs was placed next to them. A little girl, her eyes wide with innocence and determination, climbed over and signaled them to be silent, her tiny finger pressed against her lips.

She hurried over to Zoro, her small hands holding two rice balls. Her gesture was one of pure kindness, a stark contrast to the harshness of their surroundings.

But the moment was shattered as Helemeppo, Captain Morgan's arrogant and cruel son, arrived with his Marine dogs. In a display of callousness, he threw the girl out, disregarding her safety entirely.

Luffy, quick to react, caught the girl, saving her from a rough landing. His brow furrowed into a frown, his usually carefree demeanor replaced by a palpable anger.

Helemeppo, reveling in his power, sneered at Zoro, "You'll have to hang on for a month, and then I'll release you."

Luffy gently placed Rika, the little girl, in Coby's care before leaping over the wall with his usual recklessness. He landed with a thud near Zoro, the infamous Pirate Hunter. Zoro's eyes, sharp and unwavering, met Luffy's, measuring the intruder.

Luffy, undeterred by Zoro's stoic demeanor, grinned broadly. "Hey, Zoro! I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be the King of the Pirates! How about you join my crew?"

Zoro's response was a cold, defiant stare. "I've got my own path to follow," he said flatly, dismissing Luffy's offer. "I'm not interested in becoming a pirate under someone else's command. Besides, I cannot leave now. I gotta hang on for a month."

As Luffy was about to step away, Zoro's voice halted him. "Wait," Zoro said, his eyes fixed on the trampled rice ball. "Give her rice ball to me. Even if it's dusty, it's still food."

Luffy picked up the rice ball, dusting it off slightly before handing it to Zoro. The Pirate Hunter accepted it, eating with a quiet dignity that spoke volumes of his character.

Coby, standing beside Rika, watched this exchange with a sense of amusement and awe. The girl, tears of gratitude brimming in her eyes, whispered, "Thank you for eating my rice balls, Zoro-san. I'm glad you liked them."

As the moment settled, Rika explained why Zoro had been caught. "Helemeppo's hound threatened to attack me at our diner," she recounted, her voice trembling. "Zoro intervened to protect me and killed the beast. For that, he was captured and given a cruel choice: starve for a month or let others suffer for his actions. He chose to starve."

Coby's gaze shifted to Zoro, who now stared into the distance, his expression unreadable. It was a proof of Zoro's unwavering resolve and his inherent kindness, masked beneath a veneer of stoicism.


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