One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch49- Grand Line!

Sil3nt loves Author, Sil3nt loves Author! Guess who loves Author? That’s right, Sil3nt just joined the "I Love Author" tier! 🎉 And a huge shoutout to pop_tarts for supporting with the top tier! You all know what that means—extra chapter time! 🙌 Thank you both so much!

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Sanji, seeing him take almost half of the pepper stock from the kitchen without permission, was about to verbally spar with him when Zoro handed over a paddle. "When we are on the sea again, we paddle like crazy." Luffy and Usopp nodded in understanding, "Got it."

Coby couldn't help but complain, "Next time, just listen, won't you?" He scanned the surroundings, calculating the angle. Then, his two hands detached from his arms and carried the bag of pepper, drawing the attention of a giant Sea King. As the creature turned towards the East Blue, Coby threw the pepper into its nose. The bag exploded, and the giant creature sneezed powerfully, sending Merry flying towards the East Blue, just as Coby had calculated.

Everyone held their breath, watching as their ship flew through the air. Nami tightened her grip on Coby, her eyes shut tight. The others braced themselves, the paddles at the ready.

As the ship descended back to the water, a collective sigh of relief washed over the crew. They were back on the sea, away from the immediate danger of the Sea Kings. Coby's quick thinking and unique abilities had saved them once again.

Luffy laughed loudly, breaking the tension. "That was awesome!" he exclaimed, his spirits undampened. Usopp, although visibly shaken, managed a weak smile, "Yeah, flying is not so bad."

Coby looked back to where the Sea Kings had been and pondered how they could sneeze. Fish couldn't sneeze as they couldn't breathe. "Some Sea Kings must be mammals," he mused aloud. Hearing him, Nami hugged him tighter and said, "You really saved us back there." Coby shrugged, replying, "If they had listened, we could have escaped without needing to do anything."

As the Going Merry re-entered the storm zone, the crew collectively sighed in relief. The danger they had just escaped was a solid reminder of the unpredictable nature of the seas they were navigating could be.

[System Message: 250 SP awarded for successful use of environment against Sea Kings in the Calm Belt.]

[System Message: 300 SP awarded for innovative use of 'Bara Bara Detach Hand' in conjunction with natural elements.]

[System Message: 200 SP awarded for tactical thinking and quick adaptation in a high-pressure situation.]

Coby, reviewing the system messages and his rapidly increasing SP, turned his attention back to the crew. "As we were saying, you have to go through Reverse Mountain," he said, pointing ahead where the currents had started to pick up speed, rushing towards the looming mountain. "Look, we're approaching fast. Once we're in, there's no turning back. The currents are too strong."

The crew gathered around him, their expressions full of awe and apprehension as they witnessed the sea's growing ferocity. The mountain ahead seemed to rise out of the ocean itself, an imposing barrier between them and the Grand Line.

Luffy, his eyes wide with excitement, leaned over the railing. "That's Reverse Mountain! It's huge!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with the thrill of the upcoming challenge.

As the Going Merry charged towards the Red Line, the excitement of the crew was almost solid. Coby stood near rails, carefully calculating the angle of entrance. "That is the Red Line," he explained, feeling how overwhelming the continent really was "It's a massive ring-shaped landmass that circles the entire world, acting as a wall that divides the globe."

Luffy, his eyes wide with anticipation, leaned forward, the wind tugging at his straw hat. "We are being sucked in. Steer carefully!" he yelled, pointing towards the rushing currents that threatened to pull them off course.

Usopp and Sanji, manning the steer, were working frantically to keep the ship on course. But Coby, remembering a critical detail from the anime, swiftly kicked Sanji away from the helm. "What was that for?" Sanji demanded, his voice filled with irritation.

Coby didn't bothered to explain. He took control of the steer and using his newly acquired wind power to adjust their course. "We are a little off," Luffy observed, his voice tense.

"More to the right," Coby confirmed, his hands firm on the steer. He focused his mind, channeling the wind to nudge the Merry in the right direction. The ship groaned under the strain. He aimed the ship at the narrow canal, their only passage through the formidable mountain.

As they approached the sheer walls of Reverse Mountain, Coby realized the current was too strong. They wouldn't make it without extra help. "Luffy, use Balloon to protect the ship, we won't make it otherwise," he instructed urgently.

Luffy, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded and positioned himself between the mountain wall and the ship. As the Merry bounced off Luffy's rubbery body, he propelled himself back onto the deck. The impact was jarring, but Luffy's unique ability cushioned them against the worst of it.

"WE MADE IT!" the crew celebrated, their cheers filling the air. They had successfully navigated one of the most perilous parts of their journey, and the relief was evident on every face.

The Going Merry continued its ascent, the water rushing beneath them with incredible force. They were about to enter the Grand Line, the graveyard of countless pirates.

As they reached the summit of Reverse Mountain, the sea before them opened up, revealing the vast and mysterious Grand Line. The sight was breathtaking, a boundless expanse of cerulean water stretching endlessly to the horizon, kissed by the warm glow of the sun. It was a canvas of limitless possibilities, an ocean of dreams and adventures waiting to be explored.

Luffy's excitement was infectious, his dream of becoming the Pirate King burning even brighter. He pointed at the islands scattered across the sea, each one waiting to be conquered.

"Look at all those islands! Which one is ours?" he exclaimed, his voice full of expectancy. The sheer magnitude of the moment resonated deep within his heart, and it was as if the world itself had opened up to welcome their grand adventure. "This is the world's greatest ocean!"

As they started their descent, a mysterious voice reverberated through the air, causing Nami to tense. "What was that?" she asked, her eyes searching the sea around them. Coby, with a knowing smirk, climbed to the figurehead, brushing past Luffy who complained, "Hey Coby! That's my seat!"

"If I don't do something, you'll have no seat left," Coby chuckled, his focus on the task at hand. He began to pump wind ahead slowing down the Merry's perilous descent.

Curious and slightly anxious, the others gathered around Coby. "What's going on?" Usopp asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"Look ahead," Coby instructed, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"What! Is that a mountain?" Luffy exclaimed, his usual excitement blending with confusion.

Nami, consulting the map with furrowed brows, shook her head. "There shouldn't be a mountain here."

The crew's anxiety peaked as they peered ahead, struggling to comprehend the massive shape emerging from the sea. Coby's voice cut through their panic, "It's a whale." The revelation left them stunned, their minds struggling to grasp the enormity of the creature before them. The Going Merry, their beloved ship, was dwarfed by the gigantic whale, making them feel insignificant in comparison.

Coby's wind manipulation was working, the ship gradually slowing down as they approached the giant mammal. The crew's initial shock turned into awe and fear, the whale's immense size casting a shadow over the Merry.

"We need to avoid colliding with it," Coby stated. "Luffy, get ready to stretch out if we need an extra push."

Luffy nodded, his gaze locked on the whale, ready to act at a moment's notice. Sanji and Zoro stood by.

Usopp's eyes were wide, shivering in fear. "How do we even deal with something that big?" he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Nami's eyes remained on Coby. "We can't go back, and we can't go through it. We need to find a way around."


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