One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch23- Krieg Pirates

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Inside the restaurant, Usopp looked at the door where Gin had been sent flying. He turned to Coby with a puzzled expression. "Who is that guy?" he asked, curiosity lacing his voice.

Coby, with a knowing smirk, replied, "Right-hand man of Krieg Pirates, Gin the Man-Demon." 

Zoro, overhearing the conversation, hummed in recognition, his memory flashing back to his days as a Pirate Hunter. He seemed to heard those names. Nami, too, was familiar with the Krieg Pirates, a look of understanding crossing her face.

Usopp, the only one unfamiliar with the name, looked between his friends, his confusion evident. "Is he that famous?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Nami nodded, her expression serious. "They are infamous, the Krieg Pirates." Her voice carried the weight of her knowledge, a hint of dread underlying her words.

She began to explain, her voice steady and informative. "Krieg Pirates are known for their ruthlessness and strength. They've pillaged countless towns and defeated many strong opponents. Their reputation precedes them, and encountering them is feared by many."

Coby took over the explanation. "The Krieg Pirates aren't just feared for their ruthlessness; it's their sheer numbers that make them a formidable force. They command an armada of 50 ships and 5,000 soldiers. Imagine facing an enemy like that; it's like an unstoppable wave of destruction. Although most are cannon fodders, they are blood-hungry hounds. "

Nami too listened intently, her eyes narrowing as she absorbed the information. She was well aware of the pirates' reputation, but hearing the details made the threat even more tangible.

Zoro, leaning against his chair with his arms crossed, added, "Krieg is cunning. He's known for using every dirty trick in the book to win. He once hijacked a Marine ship and used it as a cover to start his reign of terror. He doesn't care about honor or rules. To him, victory is all that matters."

Coby nodded in agreement. "Exactly. They've been known to raise white flags to trick their enemies into letting their guard down, only to launch a surprise attack. They've even used poison gas to obliterate entire villages. Their methods are merciless."

Coby then said, "Due to their active pillaging and high numbers, the Marines saw the Krieg Pirates as a deadlier threat than the more powerful but docile Arlong Pirates." As he said the last part, he glanced at Nami, watching for any reaction to the mention of Arlong's name. Her face tightened ever so slightly, a shadow passing over her eyes, but she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the floor.

Coby reached out to hold Nami's hand, although he didn't meet her gaze. His touch was reassuring, a silent promise of protection. Usopp shivered visibly, the mention of the Krieg Pirates sending a chill down his spine. "Krieg Pirates sound strong," he murmured, his voice a mix of awe and fear.

Coby smirked, his confidence undiminished by the grim tales they had just shared. "Don't worry. You are now part of the future Pirate King's crew. You shouldn't be afraid of pebbles," he declared, his tone light but carrying an underlying strength.

Nami, her hand still in Coby's, allowed herself a moment of comfort. The stories of the Krieg Pirates had stirred old fears, but Coby's unwavering presence provided a sense of security she hadn't realized she needed.

Outside, Luffy and Sanji bid farewell to Gin as he boarded a small boat to return to his ship. Unbeknownst to them, this simple act would inadvertently lead the fearsome Krieg Pirates straight to Baratie. Gin, with no ill intent, believed that Krieg, as a fellow pirate, would respect those who offered help. He couldn't have been more wrong about Krieg's ruthless nature.

As Luffy settled back at the table with Coby and the others, his curiosity piqued. "What you guys talking about?" he asked, glancing around.

"Krieg pirates," Coby responded succinctly, his eyes following the small boat that was floating away from the window.

Luffy hummed in response. He had heard Gin's words but didn't thought much. He rarely cared about pirate reputations. It hardly concerned him. What Luffy cared was his intuitions. Instead, he turned his attention to the more immediate and appealing task at hand: eating.

While Sanji returned to work, preoccupied with the day's chaos and the visitors' impact, Zeff approached him with a stern expression. The atmosphere around them tensed as Zeff confronted Sanji about his behavior and role at Baratie.

"Hey crap-geezer, I'm the assistant chef here. What do you mean, I'm not needed?!" Sanji protested, his voice rising in frustration. His respect for Zeff was evident, but so was his indignation at the suggestion that he was dispensable.

Zeff, unimpressed and unfazed by Sanji's outburst, retorted sharply, "You fight with the customers. You waste hours flaring your nostrils for women. And you're a lousy cook. You're nothing but dead weight, Sanji. The other cooks don't much like you. So, go be a pirate or whatever." His words were harsh, cutting deeper than any knife in the kitchen.

Sanji, his pride wounded, clenched his fists, his anger simmering just below the surface, as he held Zeff from his collar. "Don't step over the line, old man. You can insult me, but don't ever insult my cooking! I'm staying right here! You have no say in the matter." His voice was a mix of defiance and a deep-seated need to prove his worth.

Zeff slammed Sanji to the ground, shot back, "Don't lay your hands on me, you unripe eggplant!" His own temper flared.

As Zeff started to walk away, Sanji, still on the ground, called out defiantly, his voice echoing across the bustling restaurant. "You can't kick me out. I will forever cook here. Until you die." There was a raw edge to his words, a promise to himself and the old man he wouldn't leave him alone.

Zeff, without turning, responded with equal firmness, his back to Sanji. "I won't die. I will live another 100 years." His words, sharp and final, hung in the air as he continued to walk away, leaving a palpable tension behind.

Luffy, who had been observing the exchange with interest and amusement, turned to Sanji, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of adventure. "Great, you got permission. Come be my cook!" he exclaimed.

Sanji, his temper flaring at the suggestion, shot back, "NEVER!" His refusal was vehement, he was reflecting his anger to poor Luffy.

As Sanji carried a dessert and wine near Nami, he remembered the cold steel of Coby's sword at his neck from their previous encounter. The memory made him gulp, his flirtatious nature momentarily subdued by the realization that acting foolishly around Nami wasn't wise. He dropped the dessert and walked back, diverting his attention to other women in the restaurant.

Zoro, observing the scene, turned to Luffy with a raised eyebrow. "What now?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity and skepticism. It didn't seem like Sanji would join them anytime soon.

Luffy, unfazed by the setback, started to play with his nose, a telltale sign of his stubborn determination. "He is coming," he said confidently, as if stating an inevitable fact rather than a mere hope.

Usopp, still shaken by the tales of the Krieg Pirates, voiced his fear. "Let's find another cook. I feel like I'm developing a disease called 'if I stay on this ship, I will die.'" 

Coby, with a knowing smirk, responded, "Wait two days. Then he will be part of our crew." His confidence was unshakable, a stark contrast to Usopp's nervousness.

Luffy grinned at Coby's assurance, his faith in his friend's judgment unwavering. The others, however, were baffled by Coby's certainty, their expressions a mix of doubt and curiosity.


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