One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch18- The Great Liar

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The adventure of Coby and his companions took a strategic detour as they arrived at an island with a Marine Base. The "Merry Go," now accompanied by the captured Black Cat Pirate Ship, carried more than just treasure—it held a significant bounty in the form of the notorious Captain Kuro and Jango, along with their crew.

Coby devised a plan that leveraged Usopp's unique talent. He turned to Usopp with a mission, his voice carrying seriousness as if they were about to enter the battlefield. "Look, Usopp, you are the best among us when it comes to lying," he began, setting the stage for what was to come.

Usopp, slightly offended by Coby's straightforward assessment, couldn't hide his reaction. "Oi," he protested, but Coby, focused on the task at hand, continued without pause.

"Go to the Marine Base and tell them you're here to turn over a previously executed Captain Kuro and Jango, with their crew and pirate ship. All together, they should be worth more than 30 million. Got it? Use all your skills and don't let them intimidate you," Coby instructed with a firm yet encouraging tone.

Usopp, visibly shivering at the thought of facing the Marines, voiced his concern. "What if they attack me?" he asked, the fear evident in his voice.

Coby, understanding Usopp's apprehension, slapped his shoulder, almost causing Usopp to cave in under the weight of his hand. "They won't," he reassured confidently. "They'll assume you took down all of them. You're good."

With Coby's words echoing in his mind, Usopp gathered his courage. He knew the importance of this task and the trust Coby had placed in him. Adjusting his clothes and puffing out his chest, Usopp set off towards the Marine Base, determined to pull off the deception.

Watching from the "Merry Go," Coby and the crew observed Usopp's performance with a mix of amusement and awe. The sight of the Marines, usually so stern and authoritative, following Usopp around like a swarm of eager bees was both comical and astonishing. Usopp, now in full character as a 'super boss,' directed them with exaggerated gestures and an air of superiority. The marines were practically tripping over themselves to please him, their servility bordering on fear. It was a scene so surreal, Coby couldn't help but wonder what fantastical tale Usopp had spun to command such respect.

The Marines, thorough in their duties, began a meticulous search of the Black Cat Pirate Ship. Their movements were quick and efficient, yet there was a hesitancy in their actions, as if they were afraid of triggering Usopp’s wrath. Coby watched intently, trying to gauge the situation. He could see a ranked officer, his body language taut with frustration and disbelief. The officer's curses were silent to the observers on the "Merry Go," but his furious arm waving and scowling face spoke volumes.

Suddenly, the officer gestured sharply, and one of the Marines sprinted away, returning shortly with a hefty bag of money. The transfer of the bag to Usopp was done with an almost reverent care, as if it were a sacred ritual. Usopp, maintaining his haughty demeanor, accepted the bag with a nod, his posture radiating arrogance.

Nami’s eyes were fixed on the bag of money, her gaze intense and calculating. The sight of such wealth being handed over so readily piqued her interest, considering her lifelong pursuit of riches.

Usopp, now in possession of the bounty, turned to give a few more 'pointers' to the Marines. His instructions were delivered with a flourish, his hand movements grandiose, and his voice, though inaudible, clearly carried the tone of someone used to being obeyed. The Marines listened intently, nodding and murmuring affirmations, their respect for Usopp seeming to grow with every word he uttered.

As Usopp concluded his impromptu lecture, he turned and began walking back towards the "Merry Go." His stride was confident, almost regal, a stark contrast to the Usopp they all knew. His performance had been nothing short of a masterclass in deception, and it had paid off spectacularly.

Luffy watched Usopp’s return with a wide grin, his eyes shining with pride and amusement. "Usopp did it!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "He really fooled them!"

Zoro, leaning against the ship's railing, let out a rare chuckle. "Never thought I'd see the day when Marines would bow down to Usopp," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

Coby, observing Usopp's approach, felt a surge of admiration for his skill. "He is God Usopp for a reason."

Nami’s eyes, still fixed on the bag of money, sparkled with a mixture of greed and respect. "Usopp, the great deceiver," she mused, a smile playing on her lips. "He might just be more dangerous than any of us."

As Usopp boarded the "Merry Go," the crew gathered around him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Usopp, dropping his 'super boss' persona, grinned sheepishly, a hint of his usual self peeking through.

"Sorry, guys," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and embarrassment. "I might have exaggerated a bit."

Luffy, unable to contain his curiosity, burst out with a question. "What did you tell them, Usopp?"

Usopp scratched his head, looking slightly abashed. "Well, I may have implied that I single-handedly defeated Kuro and Jango and that I was considering joining the Marines as a high-ranking officer," he confessed, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

The crew erupted in laughter, the absurdity of Usopp's story only adding to the hilarity of the situation.

As the laughter and excitement aboard the "Merry Go" began to subside, Nami's attention quickly shifted to the bag of money now in their possession. Her eyes, always sharp when it came to wealth, locked onto the bounty with a mix of greed and curiosity. "How much did they pay?" she asked, her voice eager and expectant.

Usopp, still basking in the success of his grand deception, couldn't help but grin broadly. "I convinced them to pay more since I fixed their mistake," he boasted, his chest puffing out in pride. "After a phone call to the highest officer in the East Blue, a guy named Smoker, they agreed. They paid a total of 36 Million!"

Nami's reaction was instantaneous. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she nearly fainted upon hearing the amount. Quickly regaining her composure, she snatched the bag and stashed it away next to the other treasures they had accumulated. Her actions were swift and practiced. A little hoarder too used to hide richness. Coby chuckled at her antics.

With the wind filling their sails and the new bounty secured, Luffy turned to Coby, his face alight with the prospect of their next adventure. "Where now, Coby?" he asked, his voice carrying the excitement and anticipation of a child.

Coby, who had taken on the role of Vice-Captain and course planner, paused for a moment, his mind racing through the possibilities. Then, with a knowing grin, he announced, "Have you heard of the floating restaurant?"

Luffy's eyes shone with excitement, and the others perked up at the mention of the famous eatery. "I bet we can find a cook there," Coby added, fueling their enthusiasm.

Luffy let out a jubilant 'woohoo' and declared, "Let's find a cook for the Pirate King's crew!" His simple yet infectious energy spread among the crew, lifting their spirits.

Nami, already at the helm, set the course, but all she had in mind was setting the course then count the money one by one to make sure the amount was correct. Her fingers danced over the navigational charts, plotting the most efficient path to their destination. "Baratie, here we come."

As the "Merry Go" cut through the waves, the crew busied themselves with various tasks. Zoro, ever the disciplined warrior started his training, the rhythmic sound of metal cutting the air with his every swing. Luffy, unable to sit still, bounced around the ship, his energy boundless. Nami, after setting the course vanished inside. Coby watched the crew as Usopp came back with paint.


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