One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Ch1- The Pink Haired Boy

In the year 2024 on Earth, Kai Harrow's life reached an abrupt end. The 21-year-old, an ardent fan of anime, especially "One Piece", met his demise in a bizarre gaming marathon accident. Collapsing from exhaustion, his last thought was a lament: he would never see the end of his beloved series. As his consciousness faded, a strange sensation enveloped him, like being pulled through a whirlpool of light and sound.

Meanwhile, in another world, on the pirate ship of the notorious Alvida, Coby, a young and meek cabin boy, was performing his usual chores. His heart raced as Alvida approached him, her presence commanding and fearsome.

"Who is the most beautiful woman in the seas, Coby?" Alvida's voice was "as smooth as silk" yet carried a dangerous edge.

Coby, trembling slightly, mustered a smile and replied, "Of course, you, Alvida-sama."

Alvida, momentarily pleased with the response, turned to walk away. However, fate had other plans. She slipped on a misplaced mop, a rare moment of clumsiness for the "otherwise graceful" pirate. In a fit of rage, she swung her mace wildly, striking Coby squarely in the face.

As Coby's vision blurred and his body succumbed to the impact, an extraordinary phenomenon occurred. Kai's soul, journeying through an unknowable void, found a new host in this parallel world. The moment Alvida's mace made contact, Kai's essence merged with Coby's fading life force.

In an instant, the world shifted. Kai's eyes snapped open, a new light burning in them. He was no longer in his room but on a pirate ship, the salty sea air filling his lungs. His body felt different, smaller, weaker. He looked down at his hands, small and calloused – Coby's hands.

The pain from the mace hit was excruciating, but it was overshadowed by the shock of his sudden transmigration. Kai, now in Coby's body, struggled to his feet, his mind racing.

As he opened his eyes, Coby was confused. One second, he had been in his room, triumphantly winning his game, and in the next, he was sprawled on the deck of a ship, with the sting of salt air in his nostrils and the sky swirling above him. He staggered to his feet, his mind a whirlpool of disbelief and disorientation.

"What the hell is going on?" he muttered, looking around in bewilderment. The surroundings were entirely foreign, yet strangely familiar. The ship creaked and rocked under him, adding to his disorientation. He clutched his aching head, trying to piece together the chaos.

Suddenly, a flood of memories that weren't his own rushed into his mind. Images, emotions, experiences - all belonging to Coby, the meek cabin boy whose body he now inhabited. He remembered scrubbing the decks, the fear of Alvida's temper, and the dream of escaping this life to become a Marine.

Coby's heart raced as he pieced it all together. He was in the world of "One Piece", a world he knew intimately from hours of watching and rewatching the anime. But how? Why?

He had no time to ponder these questions further as footsteps approached. Kai quickly realized he needed to act like Coby, or he might face Alvida's wrath again. His mind raced, trying to recall how Coby would react, what he would say.

Inwardly, Kai was still the confident, easy-going young man from Earth, but outwardly, he had to portray Coby's meek and submissive demeanor. It was an odd feeling, playing a role so different from his true self, but Coby knew it was necessary for survival in this unpredictable world.

As he braced himself for the encounter, a voice rang out, "Coby! What are you doing on the ground? Get up!" It was one of Alvida's crew, looking at him with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

Kai, in Coby's body, quickly got to his feet and stammered an apology, playing the part of the terrified cabin boy. But inside, his mind was alive with possibilities. He was in the world of "One Piece", with a chance to live out an adventure he had only ever dreamed of.

As he resumed his chores, Coby's mind was already plotting. He knew the storyline, the characters, the major events. With this knowledge, he could change things, make a difference. But first, he had to navigate the immediate danger of life under Alvida and find his path to freedom and adventure.

If he was lucky, and the plot continued as it was, Luffy would soon appear on the ship. That was his escape. He could join Luffy or create his own path. He wasn't certain yet; after all, this world was dangerous, and he was but a university student in his past life. Coby wasn't a fighter either; he too was weak.

Coby shuffled across the deck, his mind a torrent of thoughts and strategies. He knew the early arcs of "One Piece" by heart, but living them was an entirely different challenge. He had to be smart, play it safe until he could gauge his new abilities and limitations in this world.

As he worked, Coby pondered his options. Joining Luffy seemed like the obvious choice - it was the path to adventure and freedom. But was it the best choice for someone with his unique knowledge? Perhaps he could forge a different path, one that could change the course of this world's history. The possibilities were endless, but so were the risks.

As he was in deep thought, suddenly a voice reverberated in his mind, [Skill Weaver activated.] A grin appeared on Kai's face. "A cheat system? Now you're talking."

The realization that he had some sort of assistance in this new reality was a game-changer. With the Skill Weaver, he could potentially level the playing field, even in a world as dangerous as "One Piece". Coby immediately focused on the voice, trying to understand this new phenomenon.

[Skill Weaver Interface: Ready for activation. Please select a skill to scan or synthesize. Countdown for Memory Recall(Ancestral Recall): 179 days, 23:59:59] the voice continued, echoing in the confines of his mind.

Coby quickly glanced around, ensuring no one was paying attention to him. He didn't want to attract undue attention, especially not from Alvida. Stealthily, he moved to a quieter part of the ship, feigning the cleaning of a less frequented corner.

"Okay, let's see what this can do," Coby whispered, focusing inwardly on the Skill Weaver interface.

The interface was surprisingly intuitive, almost as if it was designed for him. It presented him with options like [Skill Scan], [Learning Mode], and [Skill Fusion]. Excitement bubbled within him as he realized the potential of these functions. He could learn and combine skills from the One Piece world.

"Let's start small," Coby decided, turning his attention to a nearby crew member who was practicing basic swordsmanship. [Skill Scan: Basic Swordsmanship.]

[Skill Scan initiated. Analysis in progress… 350 SP required. Insufficent funds,] the voice intoned.

Shit, Coby cursed silently. He needed Synthesis Points to use the Skill Weaver, but he had none. "How can I earn SP?" he asked, focusing on the interface.

Almost instantly, information flooded his mind. Combat was the primary way to earn SP, with more points awarded for defeating stronger opponents. Creative use of skills and strategic thinking during battles could also yield bonus SP.

Coby's heart sank. Combat? He was in Coby's frail body, not exactly the ideal vessel for a warrior. He needed to be clever about this. He couldn't just rush into a fight, especially not on Alvida's ship.

He eyed the crew member practicing swordsmanship. Maybe he could start small, learn from observation, and gradually build his skills. He didn't need the Skill Weaver for that. He could watch, learn, and mimic until he was ready to engage in real combat.

So, he spent the next few hours observing the crew member, noting each movement, stance, and technique. He mimicked the motions when no one was watching, feeling awkward and uncoordinated at first. But slowly, he started to get the hang of it, his body adapting to the movements.

As night fell and the crew settled down, Coby found a quiet spot on the deck. He practiced the sword movements under the moonlight, each swing bringing him closer to mastering the basics. He felt a sense of accomplishment, a spark of hope. He was learning, adapting, becoming stronger.

Just then, the Skill Weaver interface chimed in his mind. [Observational Learning Detected. 50 SP awarded for initiative and self-training.]

Coby's eyes widened in surprise. He had earned his first SP! It wasn't much, but it was a start. It meant he could potentially learn and grow without having to throw himself into dangerous battles immediately.

He looked up at the stars, feeling a newfound determination. This was his world now, a world of endless possibilities and adventures. He might be starting from the bottom, but he had knowledge, the Skill Weaver, and a will to survive and thrive.


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