One Piece: Accidentally Becoming the King of the World

Chapter 31


The sails on the ship were raised high again.

By the time a few people came back, Mo Sang had determined the course and was directing the ship to set off towards the nearest uninhabited island.

Not long after Gal returned to the ship, he saw Weibull and Moria came back one after another, and both of them had something to gain.

Although Weibull was empty-handed, he had already had fun killing pirates, and Moria not only tested the ability of the shadow fruit, but also brought back a teenager. A little boy.

The boy is short, only about 1.3 meters tall, and has a thin body. At 10 years old, his physique is nothing in other worlds, but he has suffered from the disadvantages of being born in the pirate world. He has dark circles under his eyes and thick lips. , with short black hair, deep V peaks, and wheat-colored skin.

Geer thought:

This healthy-colored skin and thick lips in this style look a bit like Jesus, but the age is not right. It should be the original. Is it a passerby character that has never appeared in the film?

"Hehehehe, captain, this kid said he was not a pirate, he was caught on the ship. I think he didn't lie. How should I deal with it?"

Moriya, who had just folded his wings and landed on the ship, raised the little boy to Geer and asked.

Geer was drinking the tea handed over by Biya, and while drinking the water, he looked at the kid.

Seeing that the captain did not speak, Mo Lia Leah thought that Geer didn't want to keep this kid but couldn't speak directly. Thinking about it, there were so many suffering orphans on the sea. If they took in one of them, the ship would soon be unable to accommodate them. They were an adventure group. , not a nanny group!

Moriah scratched his head and said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry Captain, I'm too busy, I'll deal with it now."

The little boy on the side didn't panic when he heard this. His eyelids drooped as if he hadn't woken up. He raised his head and looked at Geer, knowing that his life and death depended on the thoughts of the young man in front of him. He didn't. Kneeling down and begging for mercy, the boy slowly opened his mouth, looked directly into Geer's eyes, and said calmly:

"Thank you for killing this group of pirates and avenging me. I'm very sorry. It was me who caused you trouble. I'm just going to..."

Child! Mom and Dad are leaving first. Don't cry. You must live!

Suddenly The instructions of his mother and father before they died appeared in his mind. He must live no matter what! The little boy gritted his teeth and continued:

"If you can, please don't kill me, I can work, I eat less, I can sleep on the deck! It will be more valuable if you keep me, and I will definitely repay this kindness!"

"If my work really doesn't satisfy you, you can leave me on the next inhabited island and I will still be grateful to you! Mr. Captain."

Gel looked at him for a while, and saw that this kid's eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but there was still the last light in the depths of his eyes. He had lived on hatred until now, and fell into confusion after the death of his enemy? But he found it again Is there some reason to live even if I live in poverty?

Interesting. Geer thought in his mind and kicked Moriah's foot lightly and cursed:

"What does it mean to deal with it? It makes us look like bad guys. It scares people when you look at it."

Molia giggled, but he looked more like a bad guy when he smiled.

Geer then turned to the little boy and said:

"Boy, I'm curious. You obviously wanted to die. What made you change your mind and suddenly have such a strong desire to live? Don't be nervous, just answer truthfully. No matter what your answer is, I won't kill you."

"Because... because my parents sacrificed their lives for me to be alive, I feel that I need to live well with their share, and cannot selfishly choose to give up!"

After the boy finished speaking, he clenched his fists and held back his tears.

"You are very good, kid. My name is Geer. We are not bad people. Don’t worry. What is your name? Do you have any other relatives in your hometown? We can take you back if you're on your way"

"Hello Mr. Geer, my name is Jin. My hometown has been destroyed by pirates. I have nowhere to go back. If possible, please let me stay on the ship. I will try my best to repay your kindness throughout my life. You can do anything you want me to do! please!"

After Ajin finished speaking, he knelt down heavily on the ground, put his hands in front of his knees, knocked his head on the deck, and saluted Geer.

As an outstanding young man in the new era, Geer didn't like to kneel down, but in this world It is still very common to kneel down and worship, and you can only do as the Romans do in your hometown.

"Ah Jin, you get up first. Although we are adventurers, the dangers and enemies we have to face are no less than being pirates. Staying on my ship is not a good choice."

Most people have this habit, that is, when someone's name has only one word, we often don't call him just one word, but add the word"ah" in front of it, so Geer also habitually calls him"ah" gold

"I'm not afraid of danger! I'm not afraid of death! Please give me a chance! Mr. Geer."

A Jin was unwilling to get up and continued to plead.

"Hehehehe, kid, we are not like those miscellaneous fish pirate groups where anyone can join."

Molia said casually, and took out a pack of melon seeds and started eating them.

He knew that Geer didn't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately, so he wanted to bring people back and hand them over to the captain, but he never thought that he had to let the captain handle them. Take in this kid, the world is lacking everything but poor orphans. If you take one in, wouldn't their boat be turned into a kindergarten?

A Jin looked at the tall and tall people in this group. There is also a 6-7 meter tall man with devilish muscles. Looking at his thin arms and legs, it is difficult to help him or not. He felt a little disappointed in his heart, but he did not say anything else. Let's get off the boat at the next island. This is already a good result. At least you survived. You should be happy to be alive, right?

Biya hid and watched, feeling somewhat sympathetic to this little boy. He was better than himself. He has lost his family and relatives since he was a child.

If the captain does not agree with him staying on the ship, what will he do if he is alone in the future? It is so pitiful. Tears began to well up in the little girl's big eyes as he thought about it.

"Captain...or just let him stay on board."

The little girl begged.

Geer also wanted to agree. Anyway, the ship is so big and there are a lot of empty rooms. Even because Geer has a system mall and storage space, there is no need to store too much food and daily necessities on the ship. It is easy to accommodate dozens of people, not to mention that Captain Geer is very wealthy. Just adding a pair of chopsticks can save a life.

Geer, who has an A+ outlook on life, would not hesitate at this time, but at this time, he frowned because of what he saw in front of him. The scene was very similar to the sixth child who knelt down and asked his father to get on the ship in order to realize his ambition.

When this idea appeared in Geer's mind, he couldn't get rid of it. Every decision he made must be for everyone on the ship. He was responsible for people's safety, which caused Geer to hesitate.

As a very smart time traveler, I couldn't give anyone a chance to backstab him!

"Um? Wait, what did you just say your name was?"

Jin? Ajin?

Why do you suddenly feel familiar? Geer looked at his appearance again, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him!

"Mr. Geer, my name is: Jin, you can call me Ajin, everyone calls me that."

Ajin said again

"OK! Ah Jin, no need to say more, I agree with you to join us! Geer suddenly excitedly helped Ajin up and said

"Huh? ?"

A few people on the boat and Ajin all cried out in surprise. Everyone was a little confused as to why Geer changed his attitude so quickly and made a decision suddenly.

However, curiosity was a curiosity, and no one questioned the captain's decision.

"yeah! Very good! Ah Jin, Captain, he agreed! Why don't you hurry up and thank the captain!"

Biya was the first to react, shouting happily

"Thank you very much Mr. Geer!"

A Jin came back to his senses and said quickly

"Ah Jin, remember your words, your life will be mine from now on, and you will have to live a good life for me without my permission! Did you hear that clearly?"

Hearing these stern but warm words, Ah Jin's eyes were filled with tears. He had another reason to live. He nodded vigorously and said:

"I remember! Mr. Geer!"

"Hahaha, it’s time to call the captain! Welcome to join, Ah Jin, we will be your relatives from now on!"

"yes! Captain Ger!"

Of course, Geer, who has always been cautious, would not allow strangers to board the ship out of hot-headedness or overflowing with sympathy.

Of course, he allowed this kid to join because Geer had already remembered who he was.

This was more than 20 years later on the East China Sea. In the restaurant, the Barati Straw Hats met the ghost man Akin of the Creek Pirates.

A farewell to the Grand Line made Akin the busiest man in One Piece. Countless people are looking forward to his reappearance not only because of his strength. He is powerful, but also because of his character.

When Jin appeared, he subdued Red Foot Tetsuo without any injuries, shattered the shield man with one blow, easily took down Sanji without showing mercy, and knocked out Creek with one last punch. Looking at the general level of Donghai in the early stage, his combat power can only be described as terrifying.

But what Geer is more interested in is the character of Akin. Most bad guys will blame the environment for their encounters. saying:

"If you went through what I went through, you might not be half as kind as I am."

Ger was noncommittal. Fortunately, the Dover brothers didn't use this sentence to escape last time. Otherwise, Geer was afraid that he would not be able to help but ask, isn't your brother Rosinandi's experience the same as yours?

Indeed, many times people always It's because they can't help themselves, it's hard to follow the path they want to take, and it's hard to be a good person if they want to. But the strong draw their swords on the stronger, and the weak draw their swords on the weaker. When they start to harm the weak indiscriminately, they can't help themselves. It's just an excuse. Because there are always people who can always retain their persistence and kindness in a terrible environment.

This is a rare quality, and Ajin is such a person.

He was in a dilemma between his kindness to Sanji, and he resolutely gave his gas mask to Sanji in order to repay a favor. In the end, when he was defeated and left the scene, he never abandoned everyone in the Creek Pirates.

Taken together, this person can be said to be a good person. He is extremely talented, loyal, affectionate and righteous, and can be put to great use. I think he has the qualities of a general!

"No need to be so formal, we will be a family from now on! Ah Jin."

Ger enthusiastically reached out to pull up Ajin, who was still in a daze. He smiled as if he had won the lottery jackpot. He turned around and greeted the little girl beside him:

"Biya, take Ah Jin to clean up first and then change into a set of clean clothes."

"OK, Captain! Leave it to me!"

"Uncle Fit! I'm hungry. Can we have dinner?"

Weible said as he walked towards the kitchen, and then heard a roar of chickens and dogs in the kitchen and Uncle Fit's roar.

"It'll be ready soon, hey! Weibull, don't take it randomly. You can't eat that one."

"I'll give you these to cushion your stomach first, and you can go out first, okay?"

When everyone started to walk away and go about their own business, Geer walked up to Moria and patted his leg. He couldn't pat his shoulder as high as two floors.

"Hehe, Lao Mo, good job. I didn’t see that you have the potential of Uncle Snake. I will bring back all the children in need of help when I see them in the future!"

Who is Uncle Snake?

Moriah looked like a black question mark.

He thought about it for a moment, then split the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears, and showed a terrifying and sinister smile.

"Hehehehe, Captain, I understand!"

No, what do you understand? I understand. Your smile is dangerous. You must have misunderstood it!

Geer quickly explained:

"I'm not talking about kidnapping children. I'm talking about serious matters. Lao Mo, please don't get it wrong."

"Captain, I understand! Really understand! Hehehehe!"

Molia nodded heavily.

Geer sighed, and could only hope that Moria really understood what he meant.

Maybe some people are actually kind-hearted, but they are just born with a scary smile.

Finally there was someone of the same age on the boat. The little girl happily took the hand of this little brother and went to the cabin.

"Come on, let's go. You're so dirty. I'll take you to take a shower and change clothes."

A Jin's face turned slightly red, and he no longer looked like he was facing life and death calmly just now.

With a mature mind, he felt very embarrassed to hold hands at such an old age, and wanted to shake off Biya's hand in embarrassment, but when he saw the girl's face She couldn't bear to destroy her pure smile, so she could only let her pull her away.

"By the way, Ajin, how old are you this year?"

"He was about 10 years old, maybe 11 years old, I can’t remember clearly."

"Huh? Can this be forgotten? Biya

's eyes widened in surprise. Ah

Jin experienced many misfortunes in his early years. He was caught on a pirate ship and worked as a coolie for almost two years. He has been waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. The pirates deliberately kept him just so that he could be with him during the boring voyage.

With more fun and entertainment, Ah Jin was forced to grow up mentally, but for some reason, in front of this girl who was one or two years older than him, he began to slowly look like a child. With the embarrassment on his face, Biya smiled and encouraged:

"It's okay, anyway, whether you are 10 or 11 years old, you are younger than me. From now on, you have to call me Sister Biya! Call me and let me hear it"

"Than...Sister Biya."

Ajin called out in a low voice embarrassedly.

"Haha, be good, brother Ajin, I will protect you on the boat from now on!"

"I'm telling you..."

Biya asked questions along the way, and her laughter sounded like silver bells on the boat.

Wearing a white T-shirt, black trousers, and a blue headscarf, Ah Jin looked energetic and capable in clean clothes.

When he and Biya came to the deck again, everyone had gathered around the table and prepared to eat.

"hurry up! Otherwise, Weibull will eat all the delicious food later!"

Akin stared blankly at the harmonious atmosphere on the deck. Biya took his hand and pulled him over.

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