One Piece: Accidentally Becoming the King of the World

Chapter 14

Back to the ship.

After washing up, Geer immediately returned to his room. After closing the door, he took out two boxes and placed them on the table.

Opening the box, you can see two fruits with special lines lying quietly. The one on the left looks like a brown eggplant, and the one on the right is rounder in shape, with a cylindrical protrusion in the middle, like a pig's nose.


【Unknown Devil Fruit detected, automatically analyzing...]

(Analysis successful: animal type. Bug fruit. Cockroach form)

(Analysis successful: animal type. Pig fruit. Wild boar form)

Anyway, the extraction and decomposition of Devil Fruit must be tested.

Gal didn't hesitate, and was going to experiment with the decomposition fruit first. He directly picked up the devil fruit that looked like an eggplant, and thought: Decompose!

【Ding! Decomposition successful! Gain abilities (moderate poison immunity) (tenacious life) (beast form)】

【(Medium poison immunity): Strong immunity, able to resist the invasion of most bacteria, fungi and viruses, reducing the damage of all poisons by 50%. How to use: Orally】

【(Tough Life): When the health value is lower than 50%, the defense is increased and the damage taken is reduced by 50%】

【(Beast form): Transform into a cockroach, improve physical fitness and various abilities】

"Holy shit! What the hell!"

Gel frowned and carefully picked out the ball that could transform into a beast. This is no joke. If you eat it wrongly, it will ruin your life.

Gal looked at the devil fruit that gradually dissipated after turning into a ball of light in his hand.

"Sure enough, the Devil Fruit will disappear directly if you choose to decompose it."

Geer suddenly had a shocking idea:

What would happen if I decomposed the Nika Fruit?

No, no, no! I can't work for Im and Wulaoxing for free. , this problem fruit should be left to them.

Without further thinking, Geer picked up another devil fruit and chose to extract the pig fruit. Wild boar form.

Geer clasped his hands together, silently praying for the blessing of the gods, and drew a transformation. Forget about the ability to turn into a cockroach, but never have the ability to turn into a pig head again.

【Ding! Extraction successful! Acquire abilities (Big Eater)】

"What are you really afraid of? Looking at this name, it seems like I might as well turn into a pig!"

Ger's mentality is a bit broken.

【(Big Stomach): Hungry easily, eats an astonishing amount, has strong digestive power, absorbs nutrients quickly and well, and enhances recovery to a certain extent. Instructions for use: Take orally. 】

Be content with what you have. After reading the detailed explanation, Geer felt that this ability was barely useful, so he stopped worrying about it.

"Sure enough, the Devil Fruit is still there if extracted, but it can only be extracted once, and the abilities gained are less than those obtained by decomposing and extracting it."

Looking outside the window, it was still dark, and there was still one last experiment that needed to be verified, which could only be left until tomorrow. Geer climbed into bed with satisfaction and went to sleep, laughing in his sleep.

Dunbu Village

"Village chief, is this pirate coming yet? It's late at night, we've all been standing here all night"

"Yes, yes, village chief, do they want to wait until dawn tomorrow before going ashore? How about we take a break?"

Seeing that everyone had slowly relaxed, the village chief cursed anxiously:

"Shut up, everyone! keep alert! The enemy is deliberately stalling for time, just to wait until we are tired and sleepy and relax our guard before attacking. We must hold on and cheer up! Don't let your guard down!"

Seeing that the surrounding villagers were still listless, the village chief turned around and ordered:

"Ergou, go to the back and ask the women in the village to boil some hot water and steam some cakes to put food on everyone's stomach. We will have to fight the pirates to the end tonight!"

The village chief tried to be calm on the surface, but he was also restless inside. It was difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, this group of pirates were not only cunning and cruel, but also knew a little bit about the art of war!

The villagers persisted until the middle of the night and could no longer hold on. The heavy weight They couldn't lift their eyelids with all their strength, and they all dozed off one after another.

Fortunately, that night, Dunbu Village was peaceful, and nothing happened. However, a big event happened at the naval station on the other side:

Captain Milady was on his own. They were killed in the house where they lived, and there were two corpses of suspected pirates. Baileys and treasures were scattered around the room.

The murderer was Jimmy, a rabid dog with a bounty of 25 million Baileys. After killing Milady, he escaped injured and was killed by a superior soldier. Culler killed the pirate Jimmy. Culler later found evidence of his collusion with Milady from Jimmy's clothes and found a large amount of unexplained money and money from Milady's residence.

The superior naval officer immediately ordered the news to be blocked, and publicly claimed that Navy Captain Milady was attacked by multiple pirates, fought to the death and died heroically. However

, many rumors have been spread privately: Captain Milady colluded with pirates to plunder the villages within his jurisdiction, and was killed by the pirates due to uneven distribution of the spoils.

Some people were confused and some applauded when they heard the news. However, such a high-ranking big shot was no match for the common people. How to live or how to continue to live.

The superior soldier Kuler made a meritorious service by killing the pirates, and his reputation in the naval station increased greatly. He also handed over the seized treasure treasure and Milady's huge property of unknown origin to the superior naval officer. In the end, Culler was promoted to Navy Warrant Officer and temporarily served as the base commander of the temporary naval base on Bulling Island. Of course, these are all things later.

In order to cooperate with the plan made by Geer before, the ship chose to dock one day later.

Uncle Feite did not tell the girls the specific situation. He just explained to them that there were special circumstances and they needed to stay one more night on the boat. The girls were also very sensible and did not ask any further questions. After eating, they quietly returned to the cabin to rest. , but they missed their hometown and relatives in their hearts, and they tacitly fell asleep all night.

After tossing and turning, we finally waited for dawn. Several girls came to the deck early in the morning to wait for the voyage. They couldn't wait to go home and meet their relatives, but no one dared to wake Captain Geer from sleeping, so they could only get together to do it. in a hurry.

The two sea beasts were also dismissed by Geer and ran freely to find food. However, even if Ah Da and Ah Er were here, they would not listen to other people's orders to pull the boat.

After playing and playing, they don't dare to make fun of their own lives.

Currently, the only ones who can command them are Geer and Weibull.

After eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Uncle Fit early in the morning, Biya, who was currently having the most fun on the ship, was unanimously elected to see if Captain Geer was up.

The smart little girl did not go directly to wake up Geer after taking care of everything. She ran to the kitchen to get a breakfast, carried it to the captain's cabin door, knocked lightly and asked:

"Captain, Captain, it’s time to have breakfast. Will it be brought in for you or left at the door?"

Ger opened the door and took the breakfast. Looking at this cute little girl, he couldn't help but rub her soft blue hair and thank him.

In fact, in terms of biological age, Geer might still call her Sister Biya, but in his body Pretending to be in his twenties, Geer always treated Biya as his little sister.

When he came to the deck with breakfast and saw several girls looking at him expectantly, Geer understood immediately. Got it


A long and sweet whistle passed over the misty sea, and soon two dogs barked back.

"Woof! Woof!"

Ah Da and Ah Er, who had had enough to eat, drink and play, quickly got ready and the boat was pulled towards Dunbu Village again.

Geer ignored the cheers and excitement of the girls next to him and took the He sat aside with his fishing rod and caught fish. He got up early in the morning because there was still an important experiment to test.

Weibull was also awakened by the smell of breakfast. He took a huge wooden barrel and filled it with food. Then he came to Geer's side, sat down on the deck, and started to eat.

"Brother, if you want to eat fish, I can just go down and catch it for you. I see that you haven’t caught a fish even after fishing for a long time."

Weibull said the irritating words with a serious face, and Geer muttered in his heart: Don't I want to lose face? I knew this fishing skill in my last life!

Finally, when the wonderful tremor of a fish taking the bait came from the fishing rod, Geer hurriedly As soon as I mentioned it, I was surprised to catch a palm-sized sea fish.

"Haha, I see my stinky brother, I am very good at fishing! Geer

's face was full of pride.

Several girls also came to watch Captain Geer fishing. When they saw this, they all clapped their hands and applauded. Only Weibull, an honest man, asked:

"Brother, such a small fish is not big enough to fit between the teeth, why not let it go? Will I catch it back when it grows up?"

Ger didn't pay attention to Weibull's mocking sincerity, and couldn't wait to ask Weibull to fill a bucket of sea water with the big wooden bucket he had finished eating.

Geer then took out the meatball that could transform into a cockroach beast and forced it He stuffed it with the fish, threw it into the barrel, and then squatted aside and observed it carefully.

"Haha, great."

Seeing the fish swimming happily in the sea, Geer showed a happy smile.

Everyone onlookers didn't know why the wise and powerful Captain Geer kept looking at a sea fish and giggled.

After observing Geer, he He released the fish, thinking that this was a real sea cockroach.

He looked at the four meatballs in his hand: (Bulldog's Will) (Medium Poison Immune) (Tenacious Life) (Big Eater) Ger wanted. Don't make yourself immune to poison. This skill is still very good, but when thinking about Weibull's stupid brother, if the enemy adds poison to the delicious food, Geer estimates that Weibull will be 100% affected. Tanks and artillery, but the nuclear weapons must be developed first to deter the gangsters and gain time to develop slowly.

Geer decided to make Weibull the strongest in the world first.

"Weibull, open your mouth and give you some candy! Weibull opened his mouth obediently, and Geer threw all four balls in and asked expectantly:

"How about it? Do you feel anything? Weibull thought about it carefully and said naively:

"I'm sorry, brother. I ate too quickly and didn't pay attention to the taste. Why don't you give me a few more and I'll eat more slowly this time?"

"You thought these were ordinary candies and you gave me a few more. And I wasn’t asking you how they tasted. I was asking you if you felt any changes in your body?"

Ger was very helpless.

Weibull squinted his eyes and felt it carefully for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he said:

"I feel it! Brother, I feel a little hungry again, no! I have to go to the kitchen to find my uncle first and get some food."

Ger had given up struggling and waved his hand to signal him to go away quickly, otherwise he would lose control and hit someone.

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