One Piece: A wild man can also become a swordsman

Chapter 5

Crocus checked and mixed the potion while talking to himself

"This kid is so scary. He didn't die after such a serious injury and persisted in practicing for several years."

Roger was stunned when he heard this.

"What does that mean? He was injured before we came. This kid is pretty powerful. Who could have hurt him?"

"Rayleigh just said that this kid is from a legendary race, the Lunaria clan. Their clan was exterminated by the World Government hundreds of years ago, leaving only a few people. I heard that they were not satisfied, and they had captured a member of the same clan as this kid before.

He is much luckier than this kid. Although he narrowly escaped death in the laboratory, this kid's wings were cut off by others. Although he has grown them now and can be hidden from others, it should be attributed to his special devil fruit. It is this devil fruit that has kept him alive until now.

I don't know why he went crazy when he saw Shanks just now. From the degree of his domineering color, you can tell that he has just awakened. He used too much force just now. If it weren't for me, the ship's doctor, he would probably die here."

When he said this, Rayleigh glared at Roger, and Roger scratched his head with his teeth bared.

Then he looked at Shanks who was already unconscious.

Shanks fainted due to exhaustion after Roger replaced him.

It was nothing serious, and Buggy was taking care of him.

Roger looked at Shanks, frowning and relieved, and didn't know what he was thinking.

After seeing Krocus prepare the medicine for Carl and feed it to Carl, Roger directly asked everyone to get off the boat and start looking for a place to make a fire and cook.

A group of people came to the wooden house built by Carl along a small road. Don't say that what he thought of was really a bit like that.

After putting Carl on the bed, it was time to cook.


It was the next morning when Carl woke up again.

When Carl woke up, he saw a group of drunk men lying beside his bed. He really wanted to beat them up.

At this time, his stomach protested with hunger. Carl got out of bed to find food. He found that all his food, salted meat, peppered fish and other things had been eaten by them. He was really angry. He picked up the sword beside the bed and went out to find food.

He walked out of the wooden house, spread his wings and flew into the depths of the jungle to find food.

As soon as he landed, he saw a carnivorous dinosaur chasing a rhino. Carl's saliva was about to flow when he saw the dinosaur. I don't know if it was because dinosaur meat was really delicious or because of his devil fruit. Anyway, Carl had a unique preference for dinosaur meat.

Carl quietly approached the dinosaur, flapped his wings within a distance of ten meters, and instantly approached the dinosaur. When the domineering color was turned on, while the dinosaur was shocked by the domineering color, he chopped off the dinosaur's head with a sword.

At this time, Carl did not take the next step, but closed his eyes and felt himself. He felt that he had touched the threshold of a swordsman.

"Just a little bit more, just a little bit more."

Carl continued to chase the rhino that was chased by the dinosaur. Carl felt that he had touched the threshold, but he couldn't step into it.

""Just a little bit more, just a little bit more."

Soon, a person's mumbling voice was heard in the forest. Then there were sounds of fighting, and after a while, it returned to silence. Carl remembered at this time that if he wanted to be promoted to the realm of swordsman, he must first learn to fly and slash, so he must first master the Gangqi to use the flying slash, and then he can realize the swordsman.

He did it right away. Carl sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to look for qi. He was looking for the wind qi. Since he wanted to send out a flying slash, he must have qi, and the wind in nature can best drive qi.

The breeze blew across his face, driving Carl's white hair.

Suddenly, Carl stood up, pulled out the Seven Star Sword inserted in the ground, and swung it at a tree in front of him with a diameter of half a meter.

The body of the Seven Star Sword combined with the surrounding wind.

The wind slapped the sword body and made bursts of buzzing.

At the same time, the sword blade emitted a white wave and flew towards the tree in front.


The white air wave left a deep gully on the tree trunk, which was estimated to be about five or six centimeters deep.

"Hey, kid, this is not the swordsman's flying slash"

"Watch carefully, I will only show you once."

A voice suddenly came from behind Carl. Carl saw that the person coming was Roger. Without waiting for Carl to answer, Roger drew his knife and swung it towards the forest.

【God avoid】

"Kid, even if you have realized the swordsmanship now, you are still not qualified to be a swordsman. If your physical fitness is not up to standard, even if you are a swordsman, you are just a fake swordsman. There is no need to"

"By the way, kid, why did you attack me when you didn't even know us? And why were you so angry when you saw Shanks? I remember this was the first time we met, right?" Roger immediately asked a series of questions.

"Uncle, you look very friendly to me, and I have seen you on the wanted poster with your name on it."

As for Shanks' question, Carl chose not to answer.

"Uncle Roger, I'm here with Wu Feng. How did you get in?"

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Gol.·D·Roger, not Goldo Roger, kid."

"I heard you say yesterday, your name is Mester Karl, right?"

Karl nodded.

He didn't know how Roger got here, but they looked like they had been through a storm.

The biggest event in 1495 was the [Flying Pirates vs.

Roger Pirates].

The final result was that the admiral of the Sky Pirates, Golden Lion Shiki, wanted to invite Roger to join forces to rule the world.

After being rejected by Roger, Golden Lion became angry and led the Sky Pirates to attack the Roger Pirates.

The Roger Pirates fought a great battle with the Sky Pirates.

The Roger Pirates, who were originally at the end of their rope, were saved by a sudden storm, and most of the Sky Pirates' fleet was driven into the sea.

Due to an accident, the rudder was unfortunately stuck on the Golden Lion's head.

Since it would be life-threatening to pull it out, the rudder is still embedded in its head.

This happened later.

After the Golden Lion was swept away by the storm, the Roger Pirates hurriedly evacuated the battlefield and looked for a place to lick their wounds.

After Roger said a few words to Carl, he sheathed his sword and returned to Carl's cabin with the corpses of several animals that Carl had killed when he was practicing swordsmanship.

Carl's face turned black. How could they be so shameless? A group of big men robbed a little kid like him to live in his house.

Carl followed behind Roger, looking at Roger walking in front of him with his teeth bared, like a fool.


After returning to the cabin, Roger began to invite everyone to get up and cook. Several crew members were too sleepy last night so they just had a simple meal and then went to rest.

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