Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

Volume Two: A Great Adventure

The Next Day

Nyx was bursting with excitement. She had hardly slept, her dreams filled with images of adventure, dungeons, and triumphant victories. Today was going to be the day she finally got to enter a dungeon! As soon as the sun peeked over the horizon, Nyx was already up, practically bouncing on her feet with anticipation.

Nyx hurried to Drac, a big grin plastered on her face. "Drac! I'm going to a dungeon today! I can’t believe it! I'm finally going!" she beamed. Drac looked down at her, his eyes gentle.

"Be careful, Nyx," Drac advised, his voice carrying both warmth and seriousness. "And listen to the tiger's instructions. He knows best how to keep you safe."

"I will, I will," Nyx nodded eagerly, clearly more focused on the idea of adventure than the warning.

Drac smiled softly, shaking his head at her enthusiasm. She was growing up so quickly. Nyx was so excited that she even skipped her usual rounds of visits to the others—Griff, Peacock, and the Snake. But she made sure to let them know beforehand.

Nyx "I won’t be coming by today, everyone! I’m going on an adventure!"

Griff responded in his usual calm manner, "Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings, Nyx. Don’t get too carried away." His eyes had a mix of concern and pride in them.

Peacock clapped his hands together, a playful smile on his lips. "Bring back a trophy, darling! And don’t let that tiger boss you around too much." He gave her a teasing wink.

The Snake, meanwhile, didn’t even look at her directly, muttering, "Just stay out of trouble, girl. No need to get yourself hurt."

Nyx, practically glowing with excitement, nodded to each of them, barely able to stand still. She thanked them and quickly returned to get ready. She put on Airy, Ori, and Rion—her trusty outfit and accessories. After eating her fill, she prepared her bag with all her essentials.

She hugged Drac tightly. "I’ll be back soon! Wish me luck!" she said, her eyes sparkling.

Drac, looking down at her, replied, "Good luck, Nyx. Remember, if anything feels too dangerous, call out for help. We’re always here for you."

With that, she and the Aetherlings teleported to the tiger's domain. The Tiger was already waiting for her, standing tall and regal as ever. He gave her a sideways glance, amused at her barely-contained excitement.

"So, are you ready?" the Tiger asked, raising an eyebrow.

"YES!" Nyx exclaimed, her enthusiasm echoing through the cave. The Tiger chuckled, but before they could set off, he gestured for her to sit down.

"Before we leave, there are some things you need to understand about dungeons," he began.

Nyx huffed, rolling her eyes slightly, but sat down in front of him, crossing her legs and resting her chin in her hands. She gave him a big, exaggerated smile, as if to say, "Get on with it."

He sighed, shaking his head. "Dungeons are categorized by colors and structure based on their difficulty and the types of monsters they contain. Green means it's a low-level dungeon—easy enough for most hunters. Blue is mid-low, Yellow is intermediate, which could be a challenge but manageable if you're strong."

"Are you listening, Nyx?" The Tiger paused to look at her, noticing her eyes sparkling with excitement but her expression blank. She was smiling, nodding eagerly, but he could tell her mind was mostly focused on the adventure.

"YES! I'm listening!" she said enthusiastically. He highly doubted that, but he continued nonetheless.

"Orange requires two or more people, and red means it's a high-level dungeon that would need a lot of hunters, also known as a 'party.' It's the kind of dungeon that only skilled hunters could hope to clear."

Nyx shifted impatiently. "Okay, got it! Can we go now?" She stood up, practically bouncing.

"Not so fast," the Tiger said, using his magic to pull her back. Nyx sighed, dropping back to the ground with a huff.

"Ugh, but I already know all this!" she said, her voice filled with impatience.

"Really?" the Tiger challenged, giving her a side-eye.

"Yes! So, let's just go already!" she demanded, her face turning into a stubborn pout. The Tiger gave her an amused look, his eyes narrowing playfully.

"You know, there's more to dungeons than just what color they are, Nyx," he said, smirking.

Nyx crossed her arms, pouting further. "Fine, fine, tell me, oh wise Tiger," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. The others laughed, enjoying her antics.

"Nyx," Suli said, her voice soft, "I think what he's trying to say is that there's more to it than just excitement."

"Yeah," Len added, "You have to know what you're getting into, so you can be prepared."

Nyx huffed and sat back down.

“Now let’s continue where I left off before I was rudely interrupted.” Tiger said while looking down at Nyx who was also staring up at him

"So, when a dungeon is purple, it's known as a Wyrmgate dungeon," the Tiger said, glancing at her to make sure she was paying attention. "These are the most dangerous and rare types. They often lead to another world entirely, and only the strongest can hope to survive them. If you come across a Wyrmgate and think you can do it, then go ahead—but be cautious."

Nyx nodded, her eyes big. "Whoa...another world? That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, but it’s dangerous," the Tiger emphasized. "The kind of danger that even I would think twice before entering."

She nodded solemnly, though the excitement in her eyes was still hard to hide.

He continued, "The last type of dungeon is the white dungeon. They're typically weak, mostly filled with slime monsters. They’re easy to handle, but you should still be careful, since sometimes other types of monsters sneak in."

Nyx listened, and this time, it looked like she was actually taking it all in.

“And that's where we are going today, a white dungeon.”

“Really!” Nyx said enthusiastically.

"Yes," the Tiger nodded. "We’ll start with a white dungeon. It's not much, but it's a good place to begin and the majority of the dungeons in the forest are slime dungeons."

Nyx jumped up in excitement, "I’m going to conquer all of them! Every single one of them in the forest!" she declared, her fists clenched in determination.

The Aetherlings cheered her on, their voices filled with pride.

Len grinned broadly. “Finally, Nyx! You’re gonna show those slimes who’s boss.”

Nabi clapped his hands, practically bouncing. “Yes, yes! This is going to be amazing! Remember all that training—you’re ready for this!”

Suli smiled gently. “Just stay focused, okay? You’ve got all the skills you need, but remember to stay alert.”

Ryu added with a nod, “If it gets too tough, don’t forget you can call on us. We’re always here, even if we’re just cheering you on.”

Guerim, in his usual quiet tone, spoke up. “Trust your instincts, Nyx. You’ve worked hard for this moment. We’re all proud of you.”

Nyx looked at them, her heart swelling with warmth. “Thank you, everyone! I won’t let you down. I promise!”

"Now, before we head out, we need to ensure you’re fully prepared," the Tiger said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Let's go through a checklist. First, Gather Information. We’ve studied the dungeon’s layout, and we know it’s mostly slime."

Nyx stood at attention, nodding. "Check!"

"Next, Assemble a Team. We have you and the Aetherlings, but they won’t help unless you’re in serious trouble. Got it?"

"Got it!" Nyx echoed confidently.

"Gear Up. You’ve got your bag, your pouch, and your necklace," the Tiger nodded approvingly. "Looks good."

"Check!" she said again, bouncing on her heels.

"Stock Supplies. You have your healing skill. Do you have food in your bag?" he asked, peering at her.

"Yep!" Nyx patted her bag proudly.

"Lastly, Plan Strategies," the Tiger said, pausing to look at her. "It’s a slime dungeon, so just take them out as quickly as you can. Don’t let them gang up on you."

"Got it!" Nyx said with enthusiasm, saluting the Tiger.

"Nyx," the Tiger said gently, leaning closer. "If you feel overwhelmed, if you think it’s too much, call us. We’ll be there to help, alright?"

Nyx looked up at him, her eyes serious for once. "Okay. I promise." Then, as if a thought popped into her head, she tilted her head and asked, "Hey, how do you know so much about dungeons?"

The Tiger chuckled. "The Constellations created them for fun," he said casually.

"Wait, what?" Nyx blinked, her eyes wide with surprise. "They just made them? For fun?"

"Yep," he replied, amused at her reaction.

Nyx shook her head, a smile slowly forming on her face. "Okay, okay, I’m ready to go now. No more distractions!"

The Tiger smiled, nodding. "Alright then, let’s go, young one."

And with that, Nyx and the Tiger stepped through the portal, leaving behind the familiar comfort of the forest and venturing into the unknown. It was time for her very first adventure.


It wasn’t a long journey, and they were soon arriving at the dungeon, excitement crackling in the air like static electricity.

“Are we there yet?” Nyx asked, bouncing on her toes.

“Almost,” the Tiger replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I want you to get familiar with the route. It’s important to know how to navigate around here.”

As they approached, Nyx's excitement turned to awe. Before them stood a massive dungeon, large enough to fit a constellation, its entrance framed by jagged, rock-like formations that shone in a bright, almost blinding white.

“Wow,” Nyx breathed, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. She took a tentative step closer to the cave's mouth, anticipation swirling in her chest.

“Not so fast, tiger!” the Tiger said teasingly, using his magic to pull her back gently again.

Nyx looked up at him, her expression shifting from eager to confused. “What now?”

“Do you know how to defeat the slimes once we’re inside?” he asked, his tone matter-of-fact.

Her brows knitted together in bewilderment, and after a moment of silence, she whispered, “No.”

Laughter erupted from the others, filling the air with a warm camaraderie.

“Don’t worry,” the Tiger reassured her, “their weak spot is their core, located right in the center of their heads.”

“Okay,” she nodded, feeling a bit more confident.

“But it can be tricky,” he continued, “since their color is thick, not everyone can find the cores easily. However, with your Echo Vision, you’ll be able to spot it quickly.”

Nyx listened intently as he explained further. “You’ll need to use the Claw of Eternal to remove the cores. Once you do, the slimes will dissolve. Do you understand?”

“Yes!” she replied, determination seeping into her voice.

“Do you remember how to use the skill?” he asked, a teasing glint in his eye.

She huffed, crossing her arms defiantly. “Yes! I’m not a child.”

“Indeed, you are,” the Tiger said smugly, causing the others to sweat-drop at Nyx’s exaggerated pout.

After a moment of silence, the Tiger declared, “Alright, we can go now.”

With renewed enthusiasm, they made their way to the cave entrance, where Nyx stepped inside, her eyes wide with wonder. The interior was beautiful in its own right; silver, glittering rock crystals sparkled all around, casting a magical glow throughout the cave.

“Look at all these rocks!” Nyx exclaimed, pointing at the dazzling Maws. “What are they?”

“I guess that’s where the name comes from,” Nyx thought.

“They’re magic rock crystals called Maws,” the Tiger explained. “They’re extremely valuable, but because they’re deeply embedded in the ground, extracting them is quite difficult. But for you, it might be easier. We’ll see.”

As they wandered deeper into the dungeon, the Aetherlings fluttered beside her, chattering excitedly about everything she pointed out.

“What’s that?” she asked, pointing to another glowing object.

“That’s a mana pool,” Ryu chimed in. “It’s where the magic flows strongest.”

They all waited patiently.

“Do you think the slimes will show up soon?” Nyx asked, her stomach growling in response to her impatience.

“It might take a while,” Len said, hovering nearby. “They usually go deep within the dungeon for whatever reason.”

She smiled sheepishly and rummaged through her bag, pulling out some roasted vegetables and a piece of chicken she had saved from earlier.

“Hungry, are we?” Nabi teased, settling on her head.

“Just a little!” Nyx giggled as she munched on her food.

She then asked, "What are they like?" breaking the silence.

Ryu flew forward, eager to share. "Well, the slimes come in solid colors like green and blue. They bounce around all the time and sometimes glide across the ground for no apparent reason. It's kind of funny to watch, really. And they don’t eat, sleep, or get tired—it's like they're just...always active!"

The others nodded, sharing knowing smiles as they imagined the playful movements of the slimes.

Nyx furrowed her brow, her heart heavy. “But why do we need to hurt them?”

Nabi chimed in as he perched on her head, “they’re a nuisance. They often come in flocks and have an acidic mucus that can harm plants.”

“Also can sometimes cause farmlands crops to come to ruin,” Ryu explained, “and besides, it’s part of your training.” Ryu smirked at her.

“Okay, I understand,” she said, determination shining in her eyes.

After a while, they all heard it—the rhythmic sound of something bouncing on the ground.



bounce,” echoed through the cave.

Finally, a green slime came into view, bouncing happily. Nyx felt a rush of excitement. “Look! There it is!”

“Remember, Nyx,” the Tiger reminded her, “if you can’t handle it, we can try again later.”

With that in mind, Nyx took off Airy and Ori, ready for action.

“Will Nyx be alright?” Suli whispered, concern etched on her face.

“What do you mean?” Len asked worry creeping into his tone.

“Because of the toxins,” Suli continued, “will it hurt her if it touches her?”

The Aetherlings exchanged glances, weighing the question.

“She’ll be fine,” Ryu reassured them. “Remember, she has that Restoration Mastery skill, right?”

“Yeah, she’ll be just fine,” Len added, nodding.

“You can do it Nyx!” Guerim silently muttered to himself.

Nyx was already advancing toward the green slime, which had stopped bouncing and turned to face her. They squared off, tension rising in the air.

“Here goes nothing,” Nyx muttered, determination flooding her veins. She dashed forward, aiming for the slime's head, unsure of where the core was located but determined to make contact.

However, the slime dodged her first attack with ease. Frustration welled up inside her as she tried again, only to have the slime evade her once more.

This back-and-forth continued, the others trying to stifle their laughter at Nyx's antics as she chased after the bouncing slime, looking more like a child chasing a ball.

“Ugh!” she panted, beads of sweat forming on her brow. After several futile attempts, she returned to the others, a pout on her face.

“It’s so hard!” she cried, hugging the Tiger's feet. “I can’t do it!”

The Tiger chuckled softly, offering her reassurance. “It will take some time; this is your first attempt. Just be patient.”

“I feel like it’s mocking me,” she huffed, glaring at the slime, which seemed to be minding its own business again.

“I’m going to defeat you!” she declared to herself, her resolve hardening. After resting for a moment, she returned to the slime, determination etched on her face.

But her attempts yielded the same result, and frustration mounted once more. “Why is it doing that?” she sobbed.

“Don’t worry, Nyx,” the Aetherlings chimed in, trying to lift her spirits.

“We believe in you!” Len encouraged, stepping closer. “You just need to find a way to focus.”

The Tiger sighed, giving her a piece of advice.

“Think about what you’re doing,” the Tiger advised gently. “Instead of mindlessly trying to claw at it, use your Echo Vision to locate its core and aim for that.”

Nyx blinked away her tears, focusing on his words. “Okay,” she said quietly.

As the sun began to set, Len nudged her gently. “It’s now or never, Nyx.”

Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself. She approached the slime once more, feeling the air shift around her, her determination refocused.

This time, as she concentrated, she could see the magic core, a faint red glimmer nestled in the slime’s head. With a fierce cry, she launched herself forward, aiming directly for the core.

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