Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

Arising To The Challenge

EXP: +1

Over the next couple of days, Nyx, Len, Nabi, Suli, Guerim, and Ryu spent their days in the slime dungeon, making it almost their daily routine. Nyx was focused, determination etched on her face each time they entered the cave. Her companions hovered around her, always ready to cheer her on.

“Alright, Nyx, today we’re aiming for five slimes! Are you ready?” Len called out, his voice filled with excitement.

Nyx grinned. “More than ready! Let’s do this!”

“That’s the spirit,” Nabi said, fluttering close to his ear. “Just remember, it’s all about timing. You’ve got this.”

Nyx nodded, her eyes narrowing as she spotted the first slime of the day, bouncing its way toward them. She raised the Claw of Eternal, her energy focused, and launched herself at the slime. The others watched, cheering her on as she aimed for its core.

“You almost got it!” Guerim yelled as Nyx made her move, dodging the slime’s evasive leaps.

Len gave a satisfied nod. “She’s getting faster every day.”

Nyx smiled, feeling a rush of excitement as the glowing core landed in her hand. “One down, four to go!” she said, her voice tinged with pride.

EXP: +1

EXP: +1

EXP: +1

EXP: +1

Over the course of the week, Nyx conquered over ten slimes, each victory taking her deeper into the dungeon. The experience points were minimal, but it didn’t deter her—she was enjoying the challenge.

During this time, the Tiger gave her guidance on using her Lighten Mastery skill. His lessons were tough, but Nyx took them to heart, managing to effectively switch between using Lighten Mastery and the Claw of Eternal to defeat the slimes. She could feel herself becoming stronger, more adept at combat.

“You’re becoming quite the hunter,” Ryu noted one afternoon, as they took a break to eat. Nyx looked up, her face flushed from the exertion but smiling.

“Thanks,” she replied, between bites of bread. “I just… I really want to be good at this.”

“You already are,” Nabi said warmly, settling on her shoulder. “And it’s only up from here.”

At Griff

Most of her time was now spent in the dungeon, but she made sure to visit the other constellations at least once every two days. When she visited Griff, she was eager to tell him about her progress.

“Griff! Guess what! I took down five slimes yesterday!” Nyx said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Griff chuckled, ruffling her hair. “Well done, Nyx. That’s impressive. At this rate, you’ll be ready for even bigger challenges soon.”

At Snake

At the Snake’s territory, she shared similar stories. “I’m getting better, Snake. I can find their cores almost instantly now!” she said proudly.

Snake nodded, his eyes gleaming with approval. “Good. Patience and precision, those are key. Keep honing those skills.”

At Peacock

When Nyx visited the Peacock, it was always with the same enthusiasm. “I’ve defeated so many slimes!” she said, but her clothes, covered in slime residue, told the story better than her words.

Peacock shook his head, a mixture of amusement and disapproval on his face. “Nyx, look at your clothes! Honestly, you need to take better care of yourself.”

Nyx laughed sheepishly. “Sorry, Peacock. They kind of… got in the way.”

Peacock sighed and handed her a new set of clothes, much sturdier than the previous ones. “These are more durable. But still, try not to destroy them immediately, alright?”

“Got it,” Nyx said, giving him a grateful smile.

At tiger

At the Tiger’s territory, she shared her latest achievements and asked him about dungeon treasures.

“Tiger, when can I get the real treasures? Is there something I need to do?” Nyx asked.

The Tiger smiled knowingly. “To claim the real treasures, you need to defeat the dungeon boss. Only then will the rewards be truly worthwhile.”

Nyx clenched her fist in determination. “Then I’ll defeat that boss.”

Drac’s Cave

At Drac’s cave, she rested and shared her tales. Drac listened, then nodded, his crimson eyes narrowing. “There are dungeons in my territory as well. You’re not bound to the other constellations’ lands. You’ll have challenges here too, Nyx.”

Nyx’s eyes widened in excitement. “Really, Drac? That’d be amazing!”

All the other constellations had already told her that she was welcome to raid the dungeons in their areas, so this offer from Drac made her even happier.

On days when she wasn’t in the dungeon, Nyx was still focused on honing her skills, with the help of Drac. She practiced her magic relentlessly, often sparring with her companions, and learning new techniques.

The encouragement from her friends and the guidance of the constellations had made all the difference. And slowly, but surely, she was becoming a true hunter.


EXP: +2

Two weeks later

Nyx and her group—Len, Nabi, Suli, Guerim, and Ryu—found themselves venturing even deeper into the slime dungeon. The path twisted and turned, each corner revealing more challenges but also more experience. Ryu and Guerim led the way, their senses sharpened as they acted as the lookout for the group.

Ryu reported back to Nyx with a grin, “We’ve got more slimes up ahead, and they’re all congregated just before the boss room.”

“That’s great, Ryu,” Nyx replied with determination. “The deeper we go, the better.”

Guerim chimed in, “Not just that, but the boss room is coming up soon. We’re almost there.”

Anticipation buzzed among them as they continued to take down the smaller slimes, collecting cores and storing them with Ariy, the enchanted storage device Nyx carried.

Finally, they stood before a large, aged, and slightly tattered gray door. It had two heavy handles in the middle, worn but still formidable. Nyx took a deep breath, her heart racing. This was it—the boss room.

The words of the tiger echoed in their minds: “Boss monsters are just bigger versions of their peers. Stick to the same strategy, and you’ll succeed.”

“Right,” Nyx nodded to herself. She could feel the weight of her friends’ eyes on her, and she knew they believed in her.

With a shared glance, Ryu and Nabi grasped the door’s handles and pulled. The heavy door groaned, echoing through the cave as they opened it. Inside, the room was vast and empty—a dull grey stone with no windows, just an expansive space for them to battle. In the center, a gigantic green slime lay, its surface rippling slightly as though asleep.

Nyx studied the room, then the sleeping boss slime. She glanced back at her friends, each one giving her an encouraging nod.

“You’ve got this, Nyx!” Nabi called out. Suli added, “Show it who’s boss!”

With her friends cheering her on, Nyx stepped closer. As her foot hit the floor, the slime suddenly rippled and stirred awake. Slowly, its massive body began shifting, sensing the presence of intruders.

Nyx gave them a confident nod, her focus fixed on the massive slime before her. She located its core, which, though larger, was still well-hidden beneath thick layers of translucent green.

She took her time, slowly approaching, her stance calm and poised. Her determination burned as fiercely as ever, yet she knew better than to rush in. The boss slime was larger and had more protective layers than the others she had faced. It was slow-moving, but its size made it a formidable challenge.

Nyx moved forward, activating her Claw of Eternal. Her claws glowed faintly as she approached, and she aimed for the core, lunging with precision. But the slime, despite its size, moved with surprising agility, shifting its mass to avoid her strike. Nyx gritted her teeth. The core wasn’t as accessible as before, buried deep under layers of slime that rippled and moved unpredictably.

She tried again, her movements smooth and practiced, but the boss continued to evade her strikes, using its mass as a shield. Minutes turned into an exhausting rhythm of dodge and strike. She felt her frustration bubbling up, the stubborn core always just out of reach.

“You can do this, Nyx!” Nabi cheered.

“You’ll get it eventually. Even if you don’t, we can always come back,” Guerim said, trying to ease her tension.

“Breathe, Nyx. Don’t let it get to you,” Ryu called out, his voice cutting through the haze of frustration.

She paused, taking a moment to catch her breath. She couldn’t afford to lose her composure. This wasn’t just about strength—she needed control.

After a moment, she tried again. This time, she approached with calm determination, each step measured. When she moved to strike, she did so without the frustration of before, remaining mindful and watching the slime’s reactions.

The creature shifted again, but she kept her patience. It wasn’t just about defeating it; it was about understanding its movements, finding the rhythm in its chaotic bouncing.

Nyx closed her eyes briefly, taking in their words. She smiled slightly, feeling more determined than ever. She wasn’t ready to give up. She stepped back in, adopting a different approach. She moved deliberately, feinting one direction, then another. This time, she used a combination of Claw of Eternal and Lightning Mastery, shocking the slime into a brief moment of paralysis.

With swift precision, she lunged forward, her claw piercing through the layers until she felt the solid core in her grasp.

The gigantic slime let out a grotesque shudder before bursting apart, leaving nothing but residue—and a single glowing, blue core.

The boss was defeated.

Len, Suli, and the others erupted into cheers, their voices bouncing off the dungeon walls.

“You did it!” Len yelled, rushing over.

The air shifted, an electric sense of triumph filling the space. As Nyx stood there, panting, she couldn’t help but let out a triumphant laugh. She had done it.

Nyx let out a triumphant shout, holding the slime’s core aloft. She did it—the boss was defeated!

The others erupted in cheers, rushing to her side.

“You did it, Nyx!” Ryu said, clapping her on the back.

“You were amazing!” Len added with a grin.

Nyx beamed at them, holding up the glowing blue core. The tiger’s words of wisdom had helped her immensely. She had used patience and precision, and it paid off.

Suddenly, a golden glow caught their attention near where the slime’s remains had pooled. They approached cautiously, finding a small brown chest radiating with light.

“Careful, it could be a trap,” Nabi warned as Nyx bent down to inspect it.

She slowly opened the chest while the others stood on guard. Inside, there were three items: a red magic crystal, a yellow magic crystal, and a purple magic crystal.

Nyx smiled broadly, her heart swelling with pride. She had earned this. The others gathered around her, congratulating her once more. With careful hands, they loaded the small chest into Ariy.

The group turned their attention to the exit, walking out with a sense of accomplishment. The dungeon, now cleared, began to turn a dull, lifeless gray, its energy fading with the death of the boss.

Nyx took it all in, awe washing over her. It was like magic—the entire dungeon, its very essence, changed before her eyes. She couldn’t help but feel proud, and as they left, there was a bounce in her step.

Once outside, they teleported to Drac’s cave. Nyx rushed in, her excitement spilling over as she shouted, “Drac! I did it! I defeated the boss slime!”

Drac looked up, his eyes narrowing with curiosity, his imposing aura filling the room. He strode over, his steps purposeful, as his gaze locked onto Nyx’s glowing face.

“Well done, Nyx,” he said, his deep voice echoing in the cave. “But do not let this small victory go to your head.” He eyed her intensely. “You have just begun to scratch the surface of what you’re capable of. There will be more challenges ahead—and they will be unforgiving. Remember that.”

Nyx nodded, her smile faltering slightly under the weight of his words. But even as Drac’s harsh tone washed over her, she found comfort in the challenge. He believed in her, even if he didn’t say it outright.

That night, Drac declared a celebration. The cave filled with laughter, stories, and congratulations as everyone joined in to celebrate Nyx’s victory.

They invited the other constellations

The cave was lively, the air warm with the crackling of firelight and the chatter of celebration. Len raised his tiny hands and called out, “A solid victory to Nyx, the slime slayer! May all dungeons tremble before her!”

Nyx laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Come on, it was just a slime boss,” she said, smiling. “But thank you.”

Nabi nudged her playfully. “Just a slime boss? Nyx, it was huge, and you took it down like a pro! You deserve this celebration.”

Suli nodded in agreement. “Honestly, you were incredible out there. The way you stayed calm, even when it kept dodging—that was something.”

Guerim chimed in, “And let’s not forget the treasure! Those crystals are something else. What are you going to do with them, Nyx?”

Nyx looked down at the magic crystals resting beside her. “I’m not sure yet. But I know they’ll be useful. I just have this feeling.”

Just then, the cave entrance stirred, and the constellations began to trickle in.

Griff stepped forward, a broad lazy smile on his face. “I couldn’t miss the chance to celebrate our champion! You did it, Nyx!”

Tiger, looking fierce and proud, nodded. “You’ve shown true skill and determination. Keep that spirit up, and you’ll go far.”

Peacock, with his flamboyant feathers shimmering even in the low light, added, “I’ve heard tales of your exploits, Nyx! You’re making a name for yourself. And with that treasure, you’ll be dazzling!”

Snake slithered in, his eyes glinting with mischief. “And let’s hope that treasure doesn’t end up like your clothes, Nyx,” he teased, causing laughter to ripple through the crowd.

Drac’s voice cut through the warmth of the conversation, a deep rumble from where he sat, observing. “Do not become complacent, Nyx,” he said, his tone serious. “This is a step forward, but remember, there are far greater challenges out there.”

Len rolled his eyes, giving Nyx a look. “Can’t even let her have a single night of fun, can he?” he muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

Nyx chuckled, glancing at Drac, who seemed not to notice—or chose to ignore—Len’s comment. “It’s okay, Len. I know what he means,” she said, her voice quiet but resolute.

Ryu raised his cup, a warm smile on his face. “Still, tonight we celebrate. Nyx, you’ve shown us all what perseverance looks like. To Nyx!”

The group raised their cups, their voices echoing through the cave. “To Nyx!”

Griff leaned in, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “And let’s make this a celebration to remember! Dance, feast, and enjoy every moment! You’ve earned it.”

Tiger smirked. “Just keep an eye on the food, Nyx. I don’t want you to eat too much and lose your edge.”

“Like you’d know anything about that,” Suli shot back, laughing. “You’re always the first one at the table!”

The playful banter filled the air, and Nyx looked around at her friends and the constellations, her heart swelling.

She was happy. She was excited. She felt proud. And she was tired. After a long day of battling the slime boss and celebrating her victory, fatigue began to creep in, but it was a satisfying kind of tired—one that came from pushing herself and achieving something great.

The celebration soon came to an end.

After everyone had left, Nyx looked down at the three magic crystals she had won, getting ready to go to sleep.

As she touched them, Rion began to glow, a message appearing before her:

Magic Crystal Detected.

1/10 Red

1/10 Yellow

1/10 Purple

Permission to Use?

She smiled, exhaustion and joy mingling in her heart. It was just the beginning.

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