Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

Another Constellation

The race was long, and the others reached the mountain before Nyx, who arrived last, panting and slightly out of breath. Suli soared across the finish line first, her wings glistening in the sunlight. “I did it!” she cheered, landing triumphantly with a bright smile that lit up her face.

Nabi, Len, and Geurim surrounded her, clapping enthusiastically. “Way to go, Suli!” they called out, their voices filled with excitement. Nyx smiled despite her exhaustion, her heart racing not just from the race but from the thrill of being with her friends. This was the kind of adventure she had always longed for.

Ryu, however, was not as composed. “No way! I can’t believe I lost!” he groaned, dramatically flopping onto the grass, his wings sprawled out behind him, looking utterly defeated.

Len chuckled. “C’mon, Ryu! We haven’t even started the treasure hunt yet. This is where the real fun begins!” His light-hearted tone was infectious, and Ryu couldn’t help but laugh as he rolled back to his feet, shaking off the disappointment.

“Right! So, here’s the deal: whoever finds a treasure and returns to the bottom of the mountain first will win. That’s the real challenge!” Ryu announced, enthusiasm returning to his voice.

Everyone nodded, excitement bubbling in the air as they split off in different directions. The mountain loomed above them, a majestic giant with steep cliffs and craggy outcrops. A massive nest, woven from sturdy branches and lined with soft feathers, sat near the summit, while a dark cave yawned ominously at its base.

Nyx gazed curiously at the nest. What could be sleeping in there? she wondered, her imagination racing with thoughts of mythical creatures. But soon her curiosity shifted to the cave, its shadowy entrance calling to her like a whisper. She felt an inexplicable pull toward it, as if something inside beckoned her to come closer.

While the others searched the open areas of the mountain, Nyx, ever the inquisitive child, ventured toward the cave. Ignorant of the dangers it might hold and having received no warnings, she stepped inside, the cool air wrapping around her like a cloak.

As she moved deeper into the cave, she noticed a surprising warmth emanating from within. Why is it so warm in here? she mused, conjuring a small flame in her palm to illuminate her surroundings. The flickering light revealed rough, jagged walls and an array of feathers blanketing the ground.

“What kind of treasure is this?” she muttered, picking up a feather and examining it closely. “I figured since it’s a cave, there must be something valuable…” Her voice echoed off the walls, the silence amplifying her words until they seemed to bounce back at her.

Frustration filled the air as Nyx continued her search. “Why am I not finding anything? I figured since it’s a cave, there must be some type of treasure! But there’s nothing but feathers!” Little did she know, her words disturbed a sleeping being nestled deeper in the shadows.

The being stirred, roused from its slumber by the commotion. With a soft, groggy yawn, it blinked awake, its eyes narrowing as it tried to comprehend the source of the disturbance. “Who is that?” it mumbled to itself, irritation lacing its voice. “I’m so tired, and they dare to interrupt my sleep…”

As Nyx continued rummaging through the feathers, the being approached her silently, moving with a lazy grace. She remained oblivious, still focused on her search.

“Who are you?” the being asked in a low, lazy yet intimidating voice, causing Nyx to stiffen in fear.

She turned slowly, heart racing, her breath catching in her throat as she faced the creature behind her. It loomed over her, its size nearly filling the cave entrance.

Outside, Len called out, “Are you having trouble finding anything, Nyx?” His tone was teasing, filled with playful camaraderie.

When there was no response, he chuckled, “Oh, not answering me, huh? Are you scared I’ll—” His playful grin faded as he turned around and noticed Nyx was missing. Panic gripped his heart. “Nyx? Where did you go?” he shouted, desperation lacing his voice. “Nyx, where are you? This isn’t funny!”

The others, hearing the tremor in Len’s voice, stopped in their tracks, a wave of dread washing over them.

They searched frantically, peering into bushes and behind rocks, their excitement quickly morphing into fear. They looked at the nest and over the edge of the mountain, hoping against hope that she hadn’t fallen.

Suli stopped, scratching her head in confusion. “Where could she have gone?”

Nabi nudged her, his expression suddenly serious as he pointed toward the cave. “Did any of us tell her not to go in there?” he asked, his voice shaking.

The group fell silent, exchanging anxious glances. Ryu swallowed hard and replied, “No, I don’t think we did…” His fear mirrored the anxiety in their hearts.

Len’s worry turned into frustration. “Enough of this!” he snapped, determination igniting within him. “I’m going in there to find her!”

Before he could reach the cave’s entrance, a chilling scream echoed from within. It was Nyx.

Len’s heart pounded in his chest as he heard Nyx’s scream. He darted toward the entrance, his voice trembling with fear and anger. “Nyx! Hold on, I’m coming!”

Ryu grabbed Len’s arm, trying to hold him back. “Wait! You can’t just rush in there—who knows what’s inside!”

They had never seen the being; they just knew that something large was residing in the cave.

Len shook him off with a fierce glare. “I don’t care what’s in there! Nyx needs us!”

Suli’s eyes widened with concern as she glanced at the cave’s dark entrance. “We all should’ve warned her about the cave… We need to get her out, now!”

Geurim nodded, a serious expression replacing his usual laid-back demeanor. “No one goes in alone. We stick together.”

Meanwhile, inside the cave, Nyx backed away from the source of the voice, her small flame flickering nervously in her hand. The being before her stretched its wings, the feathers brushing against the cave walls with a soft rustle.

“W-Who are you?” Nyx stammered, trying to keep her voice steady, though fear gripped her.

The being, a massive griffin with sleepy, half-lidded eyes, yawned lazily. “You woke me up, little one. Do you know how rare it is to get good sleep around here?”

Nyx swallowed hard, realizing she was in the presence of something powerful. “I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to! I was just looking for treasure…”

The griffin blinked slowly, its gaze drifting toward the entrance as the muffled sounds of the others’ panic reached them. “A treasure, you say? You barged into my home for a mere trinket?”

Outside, Len and the others gathered their courage and charged into the cave, their combined light spells illuminating the dark cavern. Len called out again, his voice echoing, “Nyx! Where are you?”

The griffin’s eyes narrowed as it heard the intrusion of more voices. “More visitors? This day just keeps getting better…”

Nyx tried to explain quickly, “They’re my friends! Please, don’t hurt them. I-I didn’t know anyone lived here…”

The griffin let out a deep, rumbling sigh. “Hurt them? That sounds like too much effort. I’d rather go back to sleep…”

Just then, Len spotted Nyx’s small figure beside the massive creature. “Nyx!” he cried, rushing over but stopping short as he saw the griffin.

The others followed, skidding to a halt when they saw the immense being towering over Nyx. Len clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure. “What are you doing to her?”

The griffin lazily flicked a wing, dismissing the tension. “Calm down, child. I’m not interested in harming anyone. I just want to rest.”

Nyx looked back at her friends, relieved to see them but still shaken. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

Ryu, still catching his breath, muttered, “Let’s just get out of here before we really upset him.”

The griffin watched them, a small smirk playing on its beak. “Leave? Not so fast. You disturbed my nap, and that deserves some kind of compensation.”

Suli glanced nervously at the others. “What… What do you want from us?”

The griffin stretched its neck, pondering for a moment before speaking. “How about… you all find me a new feather pillow? These old ones are losing their fluff.”

Geurim sighed in relief. “A pillow? We can manage that.”

The griffin nodded, satisfied. “Good. Now, be on your way, and don’t let me catch you sneaking around here again.”

With that, the group hurriedly escorted Nyx out of the cave, their hearts still racing from the close encounter. As they emerged back into the daylight, Len knelt down in front of Nyx, his face stern but full of concern. “You scared us, Nyx. Never wander off like that again.”

Nyx nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m sorry… I won’t.”

Suli patted her on the back gently. “It’s okay. We’re just glad you’re safe.”

As they made their way back down the mountain, the griffin’s voice echoed lazily behind them, “Don’t forget my pillow…”

The group couldn’t help but laugh nervously as they realized just how close they had come to angering a god. They promised each other that next time, they would stick together, no matter what.

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