Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

An Unexpected Encounter

Two Months Later

Nyx continued learning about her new skill while also helping out Griff.

To ensure that she is getting a hang of it she would teleport to the silverheart tree, where the others were and also to the griffin’s cave, who Nyx gave the nickname of Griff.

Nyx's thoughts would often wander back to the west side of the forest where everyone is always warning her about.

One day, she and Drac was in the middle of training. He was teaching her about aurora harnessing and how to detect them as well.

“Nyx, come here,” Drac’s deep voice echoed through the cave, pulling her attention.

Nyx carefully made her way toward him, her small hand tracing the rough stone walls as she relied on her Echo Vision to guide her.

“So Nyx, anyone or anything in this world that has magic uses aurora.” He instructed.

“What’s an aurora?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity.

Drac shifted his massive form, settling down on the cave floor. His single good eye focused on her.

“Aurora is the magical essence that manifests around anyone or anything that uses magic, the intensity is dependent on the level and mastery of the user’s magic abilities.”

“Wow Drac, is this a new skill?” Nyx asked in wonder while listening intently to what he was saying.

It was just her today at training as Len is at the silverheart tree with the others, and when he is done he will come back to her.

“Not necessarily but if you're lucky enough, it can be adapted as one, would you like that?” Drac asked Nyx with an amused tone.

“Yes please!”, she said, shaking her head in delight.

“The stronger the magic, the brighter and more intense the aurora.”

Nyx nodded, trying to grasp what he was saying. “But… how am I supposed to see it? I can’t see anything.”

Drac’s expression softened slightly, his voice less gruff than usual. “You don’t need to see with your eyes to perceive an aurora, Nyx. You’ve already learned to use Echo Vision to sense the shapes of things around you. An aurora is just another layer. You have to feel the magic in the air—let it resonate within you—and then you’ll start to perceive auroras.”

Nyx furrowed her brow, trying to understand. “How do I feel magic?”

“Close your eyes,” Drac instructed gently. “Focus on your surroundings, on the energy that’s all around you. Magic is everywhere—it’s in the trees, the wind, even the earth. Let yourself feel it.”

Nyx did as he said, squeezing her eyes shut and concentrating. At first, all she could sense was the usual darkness, accompanied by the faint echoes of the cave walls. But gradually, as she steadied her breathing and opened herself to the world around her, she began to notice something else—a subtle, rhythmic pulse, like the heartbeat of the earth itself.

“That’s it,” Drac murmured. “Now, focus on that feeling and let it grow stronger.”

As she concentrated, the pulse intensified, spreading a gentle warmth through her. The darkness behind her closed eyes seemed to shift, taking on hints of color. It was faint at first, but soon she began to see something more—a faint glow emanating from Drac’s direction.

“There’s a light around you,” she whispered in awe. “Is that your aurora?”

Drac let out a soft chuckle. “Yes, that’s my aurora. It’s the outward expression of my power—strong and constant. Everyone with magic has one. Yours is there too, though it might be harder for you to see right now. It takes time and practice.”

Nyx opened her eyes, her mind buzzing with excitement. “Can I learn to see my own aurora?”

Drac nodded. “You will. But first, you need to build a stronger connection with your magic. The more you use your skills, the clearer your aurora will become. It’s not just about seeing it, Nyx; it’s about understanding the flow of magic within you.”

Over the next two months, Nyx threw herself into mastering this new ability. Every day, she practiced sensing the magic in the air, learning to distinguish the subtle differences in the auroras of the creatures around her. Drac remained a steadfast teacher, guiding her with patience despite his rough exterior.

At first, the auroras were just faint wisps of color, barely discernible. But with time, they became more defined, each one unique in its own way. Drac’s aurora was a deep, powerful crimson, swirling around him like a living flame. Len’s was a soft, calming blue, shimmering like the surface of a tranquil lake.

When Nyx finally saw her own aurora, she was filled with a sense of wonder. It was a delicate silver, faint at first but growing brighter as she strengthened her connection with her magic. It surrounded her like a protective shield, proof of the bond she was forming with the world around her.

By the end of the two months, Nyx had not only learned to see auroras but had also begun to understand their deeper significance. She could tell when someone was using their magic just by the way their aurora flared, and she was even incorporating this new awareness into her Echo Vision, allowing her to sense the world with greater clarity.

One evening, after a long day of training, Drac called her to the entrance of the cave. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the forest, and the air was filled with the sounds of the night creatures stirring.

“You’ve done well, Nyx,” Drac said, his voice carrying a rare note of pride. “You’ve learned to see the auroras, and you’re stronger for it. But remember, this is just the beginning. There is much more for you to learn.”

Nyx smiled, a sense of accomplishment filling her. “Thank you, Drac. I wouldn’t have come this far without your help.”

One Month Later

Nyx had made remarkable progress in perceiving the auroras around her. Each day, as she practiced, the colors grew brighter and more vivid. She could see them flickering like flames in the wind, dancing around the creatures of the forest and the magic that flowed through the world. It was like learning a new language, one she had longed to understand.

One afternoon, she sat beside Drac in the cave, focusing intently on his aurora. As she stared at him, she noticed the deep crimson glow radiating from his massive form, intertwined with streaks of gold that shimmered like sunlight breaking through the clouds. The colors pulsed rhythmically, reflecting the powerful magic that coursed through him.

“Your aurora is amazing, Drac,” she said, her voice filled with wonder. “It’s like watching a heartbeat.”

He glanced down at her, his expression a mix of surprise and annoyance. “It’s not a spectacle for you to gawk at, Nyx. It’s a reflection of my power and my duties. You should focus more on your training than on staring at me.”

She frowned, a bit taken aback. “I’m not just staring! I’m trying to learn from you. It helps me understand magic better.”

Drac sighed, his frustration palpable. “Just remember, Nyx, magic isn’t just about aesthetics. There are dangers associated with it, especially if you start dabbling in things you don’t fully understand.”

Nyx took a deep breath, trying to suppress the irritation bubbling inside her. “I get it, Drac. But speaking of magic, can we talk about the west side? I’ve heard so many stories about it.”

His expression darkened at the mention of the west. “I told you to never go there, Nyx. It’s dangerous. I forbid you from ever stepping your foot there.”

“Why not?” she shot back, crossing her arms defiantly. “You act like I’m made of glass. I can handle it!”

Drac’s voice turned sharp. “You don’t understand the risks involved. You think you’re ready, but the west is not a place for a child. It’s treacherous, and I won’t have you putting yourself in danger just because you’re curious.”

Nyx felt a surge of frustration at his overprotectiveness. “I’m not a child anymore, Drac! I’m learning, I’m growing stronger every day. You can’t keep me from exploring!”

“Enough, Nyx!” Drac snapped, his tone brooking no argument. “You will stay away from the west, and that’s final.”

The conversation left Nyx simmering with annoyance, but she decided to push it to the back of her mind. Still, the idea of the west lingered, tantalizing and irresistible. She wanted to know what lay beyond the boundaries Drac had set.

Then one fateful day, while practicing her teleportation, her thoughts drifted back to the west, and before she realized it, she had unintentionally activated her new skill.

The technique required concentration and a clear image of the destination in her mind. With enough focus, she could leave behind one place and arrive at another in an instant.

As Nyx thought about the west, the image of the dark forest and the stories she had heard filled her mind. But before she could rein in her thoughts, a sudden flash of light engulfed her.

In the blink of an eye, she was no longer in Drac’s cave. Instead, she found herself standing at the entrance of a familiar cave—the very place she had visited before. But this time, something was different.

An intense aurora pulsed around the cave, a swirl of colors that radiated energy and power unlike anything she had experienced. It was as if the very essence of magic had come alive, illuminating her surroundings in a breathtaking display.

“Drac?” she whispered, fear creeping into her voice as she looked around, realizing she was no longer with him.

The vibrant colors of the aurora pulsed ominously, and she knew she was at the precipice of something both thrilling and terrifying.

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