Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

An Awakening Authority

Nyx woke up feeling refreshed. Today was a big day. She was going to learn a new skill from Drac, and the anticipation made her feel alive. After taking a quick bath, she enjoyed a hearty breakfast. Her excitement buzzed through her body like a current of energy.

“I can’t wait to see what kind of skill Drac gives me!” Nyx said, her eyes shining with eagerness.

Len chuckled softly, watching her, “I think we’re all curious. If it’s anything like the last time, you’ll have something powerful under your belt.”

Nabi floated nearby, his wings fluttering gently. “Whatever it is, you’ll probably master it in no time,” he added encouragingly. “You always do.”

Suli perched on a rock, her bright feathers catching the morning light. “We’re all here to see the reveal, Nyx. It’s not every day someone gets a new skill from Drac.”

“Not just any skill,” Guerim grinned, crossing his arms. “A skill from the Dragon of Wrath himself. That’s legendary stuff.”

Nyx smiled, her friends’ support warming her heart. “I’ll do my best! I hope it’s something really unique.”

As they waited for Drac, they continued chatting, the atmosphere light and cheerful. Len, always pragmatic, asked, “Do you have any guesses what kind of skill it’ll be?”

Nyx thought for a moment. “I really have no idea. Maybe something related to combat? Or… flight?”

Ryu chimed in, his sharp eyes focused on Nyx, “Whatever it is, just be careful. Drac’s skills aren’t for the faint-hearted.”

Nyx nodded, feeling the weight of Ryu’s words. Even though she was excited, she knew that Drac’s gifts came with great responsibility. She would need to be prepared for anything.

As if on cue, Drac appeared from the shadows, his massive form gliding silently into view. His golden eyes gleamed as he approached them, radiating power and presence.

“Are you ready, Nyx?” Drac asked, his voice deep and resonant, making the ground beneath them hum.

“Yes, Drac!” Nyx stood up eagerly, ready for whatever he had planned.

Before they began, Drac fixed his gaze on Nyx, his expression thoughtful. "You seem a bit restless today," he remarked, his tone calm but perceptive.

Nyx blinked, then shrugged lightly. "I guess I’m just excited. It’s not every day I learn something new from you."

Drac’s mouth twitched into a slight smile. "Excitement is good, but focus is better. You'll need both today." He gave her a brief nod. "Let’s begin."

Nyx nodded, slightly embarrassed, but the moment passed quickly as Drac’s expression turned serious once more. “Now,” he began, “I’ve prepared something special for you. But first, a reminder.”

Drac took a breath, and his gaze turned thoughtful. “The magic in this world is called Reons. It’s an energy that flows from the core of our hearts—powerful, raw, and endless. It’s the very life force that drives all living things in this realm.”

Nyx tilted her head, confused. “I know how magic works, Drac… Why are you telling me this?”

He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly before he responded, “Sometimes, even the strongest among us need a reminder of where our power comes from. Don’t grow too comfortable, Nyx. The moment you do, that’s when you’ll be caught off guard.”

Her cheeks flushed slightly, feeling a bit guilty for questioning him, but she nodded in understanding. Drac wasn’t just giving her information—he was preparing her for what was to come. She realized that this was part of the lesson, too.

Suddenly, a message flashed before Nyx’s eyes through her system:

New Skill Unlocked:


Skill: Necromancer – Full control over dead souls

Level: ???

Do you grant permission for this skill?


Nyx’s eyes widened as she read the message. Necromancer? The word sent a shiver down her spine. She repeated it in her mind, over and over.



It sounded dark and a bit disturbing, but also… powerful. She felt conflicted, but something deep inside her was drawn to the skill.

She hesitated for a second, then selected Yes.

Another message appeared:


You have obtained a new authority:

Skill: Necromancer

Level: ???

You have full control over dead souls.

Drac watched her reaction, his eyes sharp. “How do you feel about this skill, Nyx?” he asked quietly, his voice probing, as if gauging her readiness.

Nyx looked at him, biting her lip. “It’s… interesting, but I wasn’t expecting something like this. It feels a little eerie, to be honest.”

Drac’s lips curved into a small, knowing smirk. “It’s not for everyone, but I trust you can handle it. You now possess the only Necromancer skill in this world. With it, you can command the dead, raise their souls, and bind them to your will. It’s a power that comes with great responsibility, Nyx. Don’t forget that.”

Nyx took a deep breath. “I’ll use it wisely, Drac. I promise.”

He gave her a small nod. “Good. Now, the key to using this skill is simple. You must choose a command or phrase. When spoken, it will summon the soul from a body and bring it under your control.”

A system prompt immediately popped up:

Choose a word or phrase to activate the Necromancer skill.

Nyx frowned, her mind racing. This was important. What phrase would she choose to call upon such a power? She thought for a moment, then turned to Drac.

“Can I change it later?” she asked.

Drac shook his head firmly. “No. This is a one-time decision. Once chosen, it cannot be undone.”

Nyx gulped, feeling a bit of pressure. “Then… could you help me? Maybe give me some ideas?”

Drac’s eyes softened for a moment, and he began to suggest a few phrases. “You could try something like, ‘Rise, my servants,’ or perhaps something simple, like ‘Awaken.’ It must be something that resonates with you.”

Nyx listened carefully but shook her head, not feeling connected to any of the suggestions. “None of those sound right… I need something that feels… like me.”

Drac watched her struggle, patient yet firm. “Take your time. This is your power. It has to reflect who you are.”

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