Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

A Sweet Surprise

Months later

Nyx was now five years old. Her stature hadn’t changed much, but her magic was growing stronger day by day. She spent most of her days practicing her aurora magic with Drac, honing the glowing, powerful energy she could summon.

“Focus on the energy, Nyx. Feel it flow through you like a river,” Drac instructed, watching as she tried to summon a faint light in the palm of her hand.

Nyx scrunched her face, concentrating deeply, “I’m trying! It’s not as easy as it looks,” she said, a hint of frustration slipping into her voice.

Drac chuckled, “Patience. You’ll get there.”

Whenever Nyx wasn’t with Drac, she and the others would visit the Griffin’s cave together. Each visit felt like an adventure to her. The Griffins would show her different techniques, but it was more like a game to her than training.

“Catch me if you can!” Nyx giggled as she ran around the cave while Len and Ryu pretended to chase her.

“You’re getting faster, Nyx,” Len teased, deliberately missing her by a hair’s breadth.

“Oh, I’ll catch her,” Ryu laughed, though intentionally lagging behind.

“Watch this!” Nyx declared. Her hand glowed as energy wrapped around it, forming a translucent, claw-like shape. She swiped at the air, leaving a trail of light.

The griffin watched with keen eyes. “Well done, young one,” it rumbled. “But remember, strength is nothing without mastery.”

Nyx nodded seriously, though her face beamed with pride. She was getting better, but even she knew she wasn’t ready to face the dungeons just yet.

Nyx also spent time with the Tiger, practicing her Claw of Eternity skill. She wasn’t quite there yet, but every day she felt the improvement.

“You’re learning quickly, little one,” the Tiger said with a soft growl, impressed by her progress. “But you still have some time before you’re ready for the dungeon.”

Nyx’s face lit up with determination. “I’ll be ready soon, I promise!”

At Drac’s cave

Drac, watching her magic improve day by day, felt it was time to do something special for her now that she was five. Though she remained small in stature, her magical abilities were maturing rapidly.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided on what he wanted to do.

“I want her to try meat for the first time,” Drac muttered to himself. Since coming to live with him, Nyx had only eaten fruits and vegetables, and he wanted her to experience something new.

Drac called upon Len, Ryu, Nabi, Guerim and Suli to share his plan.

“Nyx is growing stronger, and it’s time she tried something different.” Drac told them.

“What are you thinking?” Len asked.

“Meat,” Drac replied simply. “She’s only been eating fruits and vegetables. It’s time she tried something else.”

The group exchanged glances, nodding in agreement.

“I like it,” Len said. “She’ll need the extra strength for everything coming her way.”

“Exactly,” Drac continued. “I need each of you to help make this happen.”

He turned to Ryu first. “You’ll keep her busy for the day, take her to the Silverheart Tree. Make sure she’s distracted until the evening.”

Ryu smirked. “No problem. She won’t suspect a thing.”

“Len,” Drac said, “I need you to find some edible animals in the forest. Nothing with poison. If you can’t handle it, let me know.”

Len gave a firm nod. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Suli,” Drac continued, “go let the Griffin and the Tiger know about the plan. Invite them over, and tell them to bring something for her.”

“I’ll make sure they’re prepared,” Suli said, already planning his trip.

“Nabi,” Drac said, turning to the youngest, “gather vegetables and herbs. Find something that will complement the meal.”

Nabi nodded with a determined look. “On it.”

“And Guerim,” Drac added, “find something nice for her to wear. Something fitting for the occasion.”

Guerim nodded with a small smile. “Leave it to me.”

Drac crossed his arms, satisfied. “Good. I’ll handle cooking the meat. I’ve watched enough Genosians prepare meals to know what I’m doing.”

A Morning surprise

While everyone went about their tasks, Nyx was still fast asleep. When she finally woke up, she stretched her arms and yawned, blinking the sleep out of her eyes.

“Drac? Where is everyone?” she asked, rubbing her eyes as she noticed only Drac and Ryu were around.

“Busy with other things today,” Drac said quickly, cutting her off before she could ask more questions. “No constellation trips today, Nyx. Instead, I need you to go with Ryu to the Silverheart tree. He has something important to take care of there.”

Her face lit up with excitement. “Of course! I’ll help Ryu with whatever you need!”

Drac smiled, relieved she didn’t question him further. “Good. Go bathe and get something to eat first.”

Nyx hurried off to bathe, the thought of spending the day with Ryu filling her with excitement. When she finished, Ryu brought her a plate of fresh fruits and a glass of milk.

“Here you go,” Ryu said as he set the plate down. “You’ll need your strength.”

Nyx ate happily while he started to braid her hair.

He styled it just like before—two long braids framing her face, but this time, he added some small flowers from the forest, tucking them gently into her hair.

Your braiding skills are really good,” Nyx said between bites.

Ryu chuckled. “Years of practice.”

“Pretty, huh?” he asked with a wink.

Nyx beamed. “Very! Thank you!”

Once she had finished eating, they prepared to leave. “Ready?” Ryu asked.

“Ready!” Nyx replied with enthusiasm.

With one last glance at Drac, Nyx said goodbye, and then she and Ryu teleported to the Silverheart tree.

At Griffs Cave

Suli flitted nervously around the Constellation Griffin’s cave, which was dimly lit and cluttered with piles of feathers and half-sleeping griffins. The Constellation Griffin, a massive, slothful creature with rust-colored feathers and drooping eyes, lay sprawled on a bed of moss, clearly in no mood for visitors.

“Suli, my dear,” Griff mumbled with a lazy stretch, barely opening his eyes. “What brings you here at this ungodly hour? Can’t you see I’m enjoying my nap?”

Suli put her hands on her hips, her patience wearing thin. “Drac wants you to come to his cave this evening. Nyx is turning five, and he wants to do something special for her. It would mean a lot to her if you’re there.”

Griff groaned and rolled over, clearly more interested in his nap than the conversation. “Too much trouble,” he muttered, swatting at Suli with a talon. “I’m too tired to bother. Can’t I just stay here?”

“You’re not doing anything productive anyway,” Suli shot back, frustration edging her voice. “This is important for Nyx. Don’t you want to be a part of something meaningful for once?”

Griff huffed, barely shifting. “And what do you expect me to do? I’m exhausted just thinking about it.”

Suli’s expression hardened. “Bring something special for Nyx if you decide to come. She deserves a memorable birthday.”

With that, Griff started snoring loudly, his eyes half-closed. Suli sighed and flew off, heading towards the Tiger’s territory.

As Griff’s snores filled the cave, his eyes fluttered open slightly. He considered Suli’s words. Despite his slothful nature, the invitation from Drac stirred something within him.

He knew he should find a fitting gift but was too drowsy to move just yet.

He chuckled softly to himself. “Nyx would probably appreciate anything, even a simple trinket,” he mused. “But I should find something truly special.”

He began to search through his cluttered cave, his efforts half-hearted.

He tried to gather some energy but soon fell back into a relaxed position, his thoughts drifting as he pondered what to give Nyx.

At the Tiger’s territory

When Suli arrived at the Tiger’s territory, she found the god of envy lazily lounging on a rock, his sharp eyes already trained on her.

“Nyx won’t be visiting today,” Suli began, landing lightly before him. “She’s turned five, and Drac wants to do something special for her. He’s inviting you too, but you’ll need to bring something for her.”

The Tiger’s ears perked up slightly at the mention of an invitation. Drac, the Constellation Dragon, actually inviting him to something—even if it was for Nyx—was rare.

“The dragon invited me….?” The Tiger sat up a little straighter, a sly grin curling across his face. “For the little human?”

“Yes, for Nyx,” Suli confirmed. “You should come, but don’t show up empty-handed. She’d appreciate something special.”

The Tiger purred in response, clearly pleased. “I’ll be there,” he promised, his mind already racing with ideas.

Suli gave him the time of the celebration before taking off to see if Len needed any help with his task. Once she was gone, the Tiger slipped down from his perch and began sifting through his collection of treasures.

Using his telepathy magic, he effortlessly manipulated the objects around him. With a mere flicker of concentration, items floated and shifted in the air before settling back down in different places. A particularly ornate box levitated and spun slowly before him, guided by the subtle power of his mind. This technique allowed him to search through his possessions without physically handling each item, making his task much more efficient.

“What would she like?” he mused aloud, his eyes glowing faintly as he maneuvered the objects. After a while, he chuckled softly. “Nyx would probably be happy with a rock, knowing her.” Still, he wouldn’t settle for something so simple. No, it had to be something truly special.

As he rummaged through his collection, he suddenly felt eyes on him. Glancing up, he noticed the familiar sight of the Peacock watching from a distance.

“What do you want?” the Tiger growled, clearly annoyed.

The Peacock blinked, looking to the left, then the right before replying. “Why are you rummaging like that?”

The Tiger narrowed his eyes. “Why are you here?” he shot back, ignoring the Peacock’s question.

The Peacock tilted his head, a sly smile playing at his beak. “Can’t I visit my dear friend anymore?” he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I don’t have time for this,” the Tiger snapped, turning back to his task. “I need to find something special for her before it’s too late.”

The Peacock’s curiosity piqued. “Her? Special for who?”

The Tiger didn’t realize he was spilling everything until it was too late. “For Nyx! The Dragon’s doing something for her birthday, and he wants me to—” He paused mid-sentence, suddenly aware of who he was talking to.

He quickly turned to face the Peacock, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “You can’t come,” he growled, his tone final.

The Tiger’s eyes flashed dangerously, but he said nothing, instead resuming his search for the perfect gift. The objects continued to float and move around him, a visual testament to the subtle yet powerful magic that the constellations wielded.

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