Omniscient Awakening: Journey To Ascension

A New Quest

Three months later

Three months have passed, and Nyx was getting a hang of using her magic. During this time when she was first introduced to it she couldn't understand fully because she didn't learn how to read as yet.

Since she is blind, they are having a hard time trying to find a way to teach her all these things.

If only they had a skill to teach her how to see , even just a little bit, then they would be able to teach her theoretically and not orally.

She couldn't learn how to read or write and this posed a challenge for both her and Drac.

Drac did try his best to explain the basics of the magic system, and she tried her best to follow.

"The magic system or the Great Seons System, as we all know, is used to track the progress of every Genosions skills and abilities, by giving minimal access to data the constellations created." Drac explained.

"In order to use the seons system, the Genosions would need to draw forth their magic and then get a skill from a constellation."

"What's a skill?" Nyx asked while listening intently.

" The skills are what enables you to use magic and When a skill is bestowed upon you, the magic is infused with; the will of the constellation that grants it, enabling you to use the skill at will."

"Wow!" Nyx was in awed. "Skills sound so cool."

"Yes they definitely are." Len agreed while sitting perched on Nyx's lap.

"Do you also have skills Len?" She asked, feeling curious.

"I do, although not as remarkable as a constellation, I do think I have some great ones if I do say so myself." Len answered in a smug tone. Feeling really prideful.

"Really, can you teach me?" Nyx was really excited, she couldn't wait to start learning skills even if she didn't quite grasp the concept just yet.

"I don't think I could teach you though, since I'm only a magic spirit and don't have that authority that the constellations have to give skills but I can try." Len said honestly.

"MmHmmmm." She hummed in contemplation.

"What do you think?" They both turned their attention to Drac who was oh so patiently waiting for them to finish their conversation.

"What I think is that you should know the basics first before you start learning anything else." He answered without giving her a second chance to interject.

She pouted. They both chuckled at this.

"Now let us continue."

"Magic acts as a foundational building block in order to use a skill." Drac continued. "Once a skill is acquired, it belongs entirely to the individual. The constellation cannot retract the skills once they are given."

"Now, any questions?" Drac asked.

"Ohh me!" Nyx said with her hands in the air.Drac didn't actually mean that.

"Go ahead." He sighed.

"I want to learn a skill." Nyx said.

"That wasn't a question, Nyx." Drac said, Len also nodded in agreement.

"Ok…but can I?" Nyx asked in excitement.

"I will teach you, don't worry." Drac was amused by her eagerness to learn.

"Ok!" Nyx said in a joyous tone with a big smile on her face.

She was really eager to learn. And Drac couldn't wait to teach her as well.

"Let's continue."

"There are five core attributes or in simpler terms traits that everyone is equipped with from birth."

"These are what are defines how effective a skills works, they are: Strength, Speed, Intelligence, MP (Magic Power), and EXP (Experience Points)"Drac stated.

"I have a question." Nyx said, raising her hands.

"Go ahead."

"How do we use them?"

"That's an excellent question, Nyx. Let me explain: Strength determines how powerful your physical attacks are, while Speed affects how quickly you can move and react in battle. Intelligence influences your ability to use magic and solve problems, and MP, or Magic power, limits how often you can cast spells or use magical abilities and tracks the magic essence. Finally, EXP, or Experience Points, tracks your progress, allowing you to level up and enhance these attributes over time."

"Wow!" Nyx said in awe. "Sounds complicated." She said in dismay.

"It's not Nyx, you just don't understand yet. Once you start using her own skill you will definitely understand better." Len said in an amused voice.

"Ok." Nyx answered, still not understanding.

"When I'm teaching you the skills you will understand then." Drac reassured her

3 months later

It was another day in the dark forest of Tivaria. All creatures great and small we're going about their usual routine.

Drac, Len and Nyx were at the entrance of the cave.

"Now that you know the basics of magic, it's time to put that information into practice." Drac instructed Nyx who was trying her best to stay focused.

"First, get into your meditation position, then you focus on the magic molecules inside of you, flowing through your veins. You should feel a tingling sensation." He continued.

"Do you feel it?" He asked while watching Nyx try her best to follow instructions.

"No." She shook her head, not feeling pleased at all. She wasn't focused as well.

"Drac I'm bored, I don't want to do this anymore." Nyx complained.

"I want to go play." She pouted while slouching.

"I know and you will but first you need to learn how to do this. Didn't you say you wanted to learn skills? I'm teaching you one that will help you be able to see a little bit." Drac tried to make it sound fun, it didn't work.

"But Drac I'm so bored." She continued to complain.

"Just try it for me, just this once." He said, trying to compromise with her on the situation.

It wasn't looking too good for him, he was trying his best to make it seem fun, but the constellation of the dragon god of wrath doesn't necessarily give off the energy of a fun individual.

She still continued to complain, and Len tried to keep her calm and occupied.

She was not having it.

Drac pondered what he could to make her want to learn this. He wondered, and wondered until it struck him.

"Nyx, if you do this then I will give Len my permission to bring you into the forest and you guys can play."

She stopped after hearing that. Focusing her attention on him.

"See you've never been out there before and I know you've probably wondered why." He continued. She nodded agreeing with him.

" It's because you didn't know any of this and I didn't want you to get hurt, but now that I'm teaching you a way for you to see. You and Len will be able to play as much as you like in the forest and explore." He says trying to reason with her.

"So what do you think? Want to learn it?" He asked.

"And I'll be able to stay in the forest as long as I can?" She bargained.

"No, but you can stay until the sun is soon to go down, or until the air around you gets chilly." He proposed instead.

She pondered a bit.

"Let's do it!" She agreed excitedly.

"Good, now get back into your position, and follow the instructions I'm telling you. You can do this."

"Do your best Nyx." Len said, cheering her on the sidelines.

She followed his instructions, and started visualizing the molecules around her, she breathed in and then out. She felt it.

"I feel it!" Nyx explained excitedly.

"Good now use that feeling inside you and put that feeling you felt outside in your surroundings to feel it all around you, it's ok if you don't get it on your first time."

She did as she was told and one by one she started to feel the magic molecules around her. Flowing in the air and the ones that make up the forest wildlife.

She was enthralled. She felt great. She finally had a chance to see, even if she wouldn't be able to see per say, at least she would be able to know what was in front of her.

Skill acquired: Echo vision


proficiency: Unknown

The ability to perceive shapes and objects by sensing the magical essence around them.

A voice stated from inside her head.

She screamed. Because she didn't know what or who it was.

"Ahhh! What's happening?"

"There's something in my head." She cried to Drac, breaking her focus.

"Do something please." She cried to him fearing for her life.

"It's ok Nyx, calm down. It won't hurt you." He said, trying to console her.

Drac turned to Len and signaled him to say something to calm her down.

Len went over to her and started to gently pat her head.

"Nyx don't cry it's only the system telling you your skills that you acquired." Len said, trying to convince her that everything was ok.

"Really?" She asked in confusion.

"Yes, it will tell you once you acquire a skill and level up and how to level up as well." Drac explained tenderly.

"I'm sorry you felt frightened." Len said in a hushed tone.

"You will hear this voice most of the time so try to get used to it." Drac said.

"You sure it won't hurt me?" Nyx said sniffing.

"Yes I'm sure, what did it say?" Drac asked.

"Uhhmmm, it said something about…..skill acquired. Echo ….Vision…I think." She tried to remember exactly what it said.

They both chuckled at her cuteness.

Echo vision? That is much higher than what she should've gotten. How remarkable. Drac thought.

"That seems to be right." Drac said.

"You did great. I'm so proud of you." He congratulated her.

"That was awesome Nyx." Len said while flying excitedly to her.

Now that she could use Echo Vision to see the outline of shapes, she could now see how Len looks. He was a small creature with wings.

"Thank you Len." "You're so tiny." She chuckled while hugging him back.

She was feeling a bit overwhelmed because she could now see the shape of objects in the cave and forest.

"This is amazing." She said while looking around in awe.

She turned around and saw the imposing figure of Drac.He was huge, and exuded a different type of aurora than anything around her. She was bewildered and a bit scared because she had no idea that Drac was this gigantic. Majestic.

"Wow." She said while looking at Drac.

"You're so beautiful." She complimented him.

Drac was feeling very bashful, it was the first time someone ever called him the great dragon god of wrath beautiful, much less a tiny human like her. "Thank you Nyx. You are seeing right ?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Because your eyes are still closed." He replied even more intrigued than before.

"I didn't know that and I can see your shape just fine, it feels more comfortable doing it like this." She said while still looking at him.

"Huh, you don't say."

Usually, to use this skill your eyes would have to be opened but you using it with your eyes closed is astounding. Drac thought.

"It doesn't matter now, you can see so you and Len can go and explore the forest and continue practicing ok." Drac said to her.

She started squealing in delight. Jumping up and down and going to hug Drac. He felt nice when she hugged him.

"Thank you , thank you , thank you.!"

"Let's go Len." She said while grabbing him.

Not even waiting for his reply, they both took off.

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