Old Man’s Tale 2. Tales of the Trio

Todays the Day

Chapter 10. Todays the Day.

After a restful evening and an early bed they were all up just after sunrise again. The weather was on everyone’s mind, getting frozen in would be terrible. They might survive, the boat probably wouldn’t. Will was not taking any chances. Checking in today at noon would tell them how the next few days would go. Looking out the ports was futile, they had all been iced or snowed over long ago. Will had contemplated putting in a large window, either at the bow or stern. But the boat design just didn’t support it. This was a working boat, not a pleasure yacht. The portholes worked just fine.

So up top they had to go. Throwing on long jackets and warm hats, Will and Minnie braved the deck for a quick look. Snow was still falling and there was a heavy accumulation on deck again. The temperature was still holding around minus ten, still cold but not unliveable yet. So lots of snow, which wasn’t great, if it got too cold for snow then the real trouble would begin. They cleaned the deck a bit, just around the stairs and to the dory. “Brrr dad, let’s get warmed up, I’m cold all the way down”, Minnie called to Will. He waved to let her know he heard and made his way back to where she was. “Just wanted to check the wheelhouse. It’s all good, no snow inside.”. They looked over at the shore, snow falling hard. It was so desolate and lonely, hard to see through the blizzard that was coming on again. “I don’t like it here dad, let’s go back home, Laketown and go south next, k?” Minnie said. Will sighed “Me neither, just too cold. One way or another we are going soon.”.

Climbing back down into the warm interior was heaven. “I can’t imagine living here all the time.”, said Naomi, greeting them below and helping with their coats. They headed to the mess to warmup and have a good breakfast. “There were peoples in our old world that lived lived like this, they were or still are I guess, called the Inuit.”, Will was having some toast with ham, tea as well, while waiting to go at noon. “Very short summers, like here, but they could hunt on the ice in the winters.”. Minnie asked “Hunting? Like rabbits?”. Taking a sip of tea gave Will time to think,”I think so, I remember something about seals too, but it’s been years. I learned about them in school, when I was little.”. Minnie laughed at this, so did Naomi. “I can’t imagine you as a little, probably still bald with a moustache.”, Naomi giggled. This sent Minnie into a wave of laughter, “Don’t forget his yellow hat and teacup.”.

The morning progressed, as they usually do. Mostly slow it seemed, waiting for something always had that affect. A few cups of tea, some card games, writing in the log and it was time to go. “Hurry back dad, we worry when you’re gone k.” Minnie hugged him as he was getting ready. Full gear this time. Before he put on his hat, he looked at Naomi and Minnie, “I’ll be back.”, he said in a deep voice. They looked at each other, confused Naomi said “ We know, hurry.”. He sighed and finished dressing. Going up top used to be easy, a skip and a jump and they were on deck. Now it was a process. Get dressed, open the bottom doors, go through and close them, climb up in the mostly dark and open the top. Out into the blizzard, again.

The weather hadn’t let up a bit, snow falling like mad and cold. The dory was still in the water from yesterday, but needed sweeping and shovelling clean before he took off. Rowing for shore the sun was a dim yellow ball behind the clouds, mostly covered. It took just a few minutes to get clear of the Rose and close, he sculled along the shore heading to where the cairn was. Over the rhythm of the oars and the wind he thought he heard raised voices, and as he got closer he definitely could. There were at least ten people waiting, shouting and much waving of arms. He reached the beach near, jumped out and pulled the dory up.

“Hello”, he called. In their argument his approach had been missed and his voice caused several to jump. He could recognize a couple of them, one by his size being Cal, the youngest Obb son. Katya was there, beside her son, but the others were unknown, covered in furs didn’t help either. “Captain Will, you’re here, thank the elders.”, Katya called. Cal came to stand by Will as his mother rushed over and hugged Will. He idly patted her back “Of course, glad you’re here today though, our time has grown short. I hope you’ve made a decision.”. Katya stood back “We have, but it’s not a popular one.”. One larger man stood forward, “It’s the only one that works Katya Obb, your husband understands, be quiet and do your work.”. Will laughed “Yeah, that’s not gonna work for me lad, everyone gets a say in their own life, especially mothers.”. The man seemed to take offence at his words and stepped forward threateningly, Cal shouldered him out of the way easily and stood by Katya. “Not one more step, Arno, this man is here to help, unasked he offered.”. The man, Arno, sighed “I’m sorry captain, it’s been a hard two days and not all are happy with our plans, I meant no harm.”. Will offered his hand to him, and clasped wrists, “I understand, no hard feelings.”. Turning to Cal and Katya, “Suppose you tell me, no wait. Let’s get out of this weather.”. With that, the group started trudging to the burrows, to find out what was going to happen.

The snow was thicker and coming down harder on on shore , the wind had picked up and the land was covered, hardly any signs showing, just the drifts of snow. How the people found their way was a bit of a mystery, until Will noticed the large stones every few yards, marking the way. I thought they were drifts, he laughed to himself. Continuing slogging through the snow until the mounds of the village appeared, they started down the same tunnel as before. The group of elders were in the middle, nodding and talking quietly, but the mood of the room was different. Before there had been despair and unknowing. Now there were smiles when Will appeared, even the Eld were different.

Deciding to hit the nail on the head, Will strode to the centre of the room, where the Eld sat, swathed in fur on their rock chairs. A hush came over the people. “Well my friends, what’s your decision.”, Will asked. The Eld looked at each other, one spoke. “We must leave this place and go to where our herds are, will you help us captain.”. Will was relieved hearing this, he couldn’t force their help on anyone but choosing to live, well that was a good idea in his books. “We will.”, he said. And at those simple words a cheer rang out, people were streaming out to tell their families the news, they were leaving, on the Rose. Will sat down with the Eld, “and now the details, how is this to be done?.”.

It had taken at least two hours by Wills reckoning to work out details, who goes first, how many people there are in the burrows, how are they going to live without the underground homes. It was a good thing he had taken his notebook, he could hears Minnie’s laugh as he opened it, and started to write. As he and the Eld were talking and plotting, several villagers had come in, from time to time, to thank him or just to say hello. Or to introduce their family. It seemed these people were more excited than nervous about going on the Rose, that would probably change when they boarded. Will stood and stretched out his sore legs and back, “Okay folks, that's it for now, we’ll start the show this evening.”, shook hands with the elders and started dressing for the cold weather. Then he remembered what both Katya and the man Arno had said, “Why were some against the move, Arno said not all were in favour.”. The oldest of them sighed “Because not all are going.”. They nodded in unison. He continued “The mere thought of going on the water fills me with dread, I just can’t, and all of the Eld feel the same way. We are staying to meet our fate here.”. Hearing this was shocking. Wills first thought was to argue, to change their minds, to guilt them, lie to them, to force his will upon them. Then, what right do I have to force my will on them, it’s their life. “As you wish”, was all he answered.

Tor had come to escort him back to the boat, and as they slogged through the snow they talked of the decision to move. “We’re all real glad to move to where the herds are, there was no way before, it was bad.”, he shrugged, “Ma and pa say we wouldn’t have made it, without you, we owe you lots.”. Will stopped him there, “We are glad to help, but you don’t owe us, this is what we do and we love it.”. He gestured at the snowy land around them, “Your way of life is hard, this is a tough land to live in, and sometimes you need a hand up to get by.”. They had reached the coast, the sun was setting over the lake. The skies had cleared a bit and the snow had stopped. “Very peaceful here.” Will said, looking over at the Rose. Bobbing at anchor in the icy waters, he could make out figures on the deck.

“Thanks for the walk Tor, we will see you tomorrow, lots to get ready.”, and he pushed the dory into the water, jumped in and started rowing for home. Getting closer there were several figures on deck, he increased speed, but then started laughing. Apparently Minnie and Naomi had been bored and thought that decorating the deck with snow people was the way to go. There were snow men of all shapes and sizes, lined up at the rail like passengers on a luxury liner. Climbing aboard he found snow dogs, snow goats, even a couple of realistic snow crabs in mid scuttle. At the bow was the three of them, standing looking over the lake and the land. I’ll remember this forever, he thought. This time he secured the dory to the davits and lifted her up and snugged it for the night. Taking one last look around at the snowy crew he went below.

Taking care to close the upper and lower doors tight and putting the bolster at the bottom to keep out the cold air. Minnie had heard him and came out if their cabin with a sleepy “Hey dad, did you like the new crew?”. Laughing again, he knelt and gave her a hug, “I loved them, but they’re a little slow.”. Naomi had also heard him and came out with a yawn and a hug too. “A great snowball fight too, Minnie won but it was close.”, she said with a smile at her little sister. “Glad you guys had fun, it’s not always work time, I sure need a cuppa and a biscuit or two, maybe even an early dinner. Sound good?”. Minnie agreed right away, because biscuits. They headed to the mess and galley.

The stove was crackling away, so the kettle boiled quickly. While waiting he let Min and Naomi know what was happening with the people. They were both shocked by the Elds decision not to go. “You’re not gonna let them are you dad?”. Minnie asked sadly. Will sighed “It’s not my place to tell them how to live, being on the water is terrifying for them, and there’s no way overland.”. “But that doesn’t make it right, older people should be helped and cared for, not sent out to die.”, Naomi was nearly in tears. “They’re the village council, it’s up to them, I’ll do my best to change their minds, but I can’t pick them up and carry them aboard.”. Minnie said “Well we could, wrap them in blankies and toss them over our shoulders, like pirates do.”. This made Naomi and Will laugh, the thought of tiny Minnie carrying the tinier Eld over her shoulder, cackling evilly. “We have a few days to bring them around, we start with a group of young people tomorrow. A quick there and back run. To start a temporary village until they can dig down again.”.

Minnie perked up at the thought of travelling again. “I like it best when we’re moving, going somewhere, fishing again, sitting around doing nothing I get kinda bored.”. Naomi nodded “Me too Min, I like the open lake better than the shore.”. Will laughed “Well that makes three of us. Now, what shall we have for dinner, piggies in a blanket, toad in the hole, bangers and mash?”. Naomi glanced at Minnie “What’s he on about, I know bangers and mash, I think but no idea of the others.”. Minnie shrugged her shoulders “Same here, he’s gone mad, too much tea I think.”. Ignoring this Will stepped into the galley to start dinner going, Minnie came and joined him, sitting on a high stool while he started preparing their dinner.

“Bangers and mash I think tonight, hey where did Naomi go?”, he asked while cutting spuds for mashed. “She wanted a bath, said it been months, I called her stinky.”, Minnie answered. Snorting a laugh he continued slicing and dicing, onions now for gravy. “She wasn’t mad when you called her stinky?”. “Nah,”, Minnie said, “Need a hand?”. Will nodded “Could you get me some sausages from the pantry please, the nice fat ones, maybe four for me, one each for you and Naomi.”. She gave him a look “Right one for you and two each for me and Naomi.”. Laughing he shooed her out, “Hurry back, I’m starving.”. “Me too.”, she shot back “Building snow people is hard work.”.

Dinner was ready fairly shortly, and when Naomi came in with wet hair they all sat down to eat. “A busy day tomorrow hmm”, she asked. Will nodded, mouthful of sausage, a quick swallow and “A fast run down the coast, find the herds, drop off a work crew and back here again.”. “Shouldn’t be too hard, they’re not sleeping here, maybe give them lunch.”, Minnie added, being done with her first helping. “Crust of bread, glass of water.”, said Will. “Wouldn’t that be a little cruel, not really enough for hard working folk like these.”, Naomi said disapprovingly. “I’m kidding, it’s from a story, a girl rescues her dad from an monster but has to stay in his place.”, Will explained. Minnie settled back in her chair, “Let’s hear it, a story would be just the thing before bedtime.”.

“Once upon a time,” Will started, “There was a young girl called Belle…”.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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