Obtain the Divine Light Rod from the start of the attack

Chapter 164


In an instant, Chen Yanqiu suddenly moved.

As the gas sprayed, his entire body reached Nair's back like a phantom.

And at the same time, the blade was unsheathed, and it was neatly pressed against the man's neck.


With a hard kick under his feet, he immediately kicked Nair's knee and bent it, and he fell to his knees.

So far, everyone at the scene has not reacted.

Nair, who was still showing off his martial arts just now, was tightly controlled by Chen Yanqiu on the ground, unable to move.

All of this happened in exactly a second.

"Do you want to try the speed of the bullet, or the cold knife against your captain's neck..."


The faces of many of the gendarmes changed, and they were a little more nervous than before, and they were completely overwhelmed.

But at this moment, Nair's angry voice remembered in time:

"Don't you understand what he means! Put the gun down!! "

When the words fell, the gendarmes immediately panicked and did so.

"Put it down, let it go..."

"Put it down.. 09. The chief is in danger ..."

"Let's stop..."


At this point, Chen Yanqiu's blade was slowly retracted.

Just when everyone thought he was going to stop.

But suddenly.

I saw the young man raise his knee suddenly, and suddenly attacked downward with a burst of momentum.


The crisp sound of bones breaking sounded.

Nair suddenly crawled to the ground, and the force was so painful that he couldn't even control his expression for a moment.

By this time, Chen Yanqiu had not stopped.

While stepping on the man with the soles of his feet, a pair of pupils scanned the people present with coldness:

"No one told you that even gods have limited patience... Well? "


Han Ji was frightened, but fortunately, he was also experienced in a hundred battles, so he hurriedly persuaded:

"Advisor Aqiu, it's enough to stop... In this way, the charge of traitor is confirmed. "


Chen Yanqiu turned a deaf ear and ignored the woman's words at all.

He bowed his head lightly and spoke in an extremely gloomy tone:

"I ask you, if the gods knew that he was saving an ignorant and ungrateful man like you, how would he decide the present situation..."

“.. You..."

Nair's sockets were tight, and he couldn't speak behind his back.

And in Chen Yanqiu's opinion, this scene made him even more annoyed, that is, the strength under his feet doubled.



The man's heart-rending voice rang out.

Chen Yanqiu sighed impatiently, and the corners of his mouth sloped:

"Don't you answer, then I'll make a decision for you..."

The right hand slowly clenched into a fist, and all the injustices and misunderstandings he had suffered at this moment became the strength that Chen Yanqiu was about to wield.

He endured it for too long.

So much so that little patience disappeared with this moment.

Giants, enemies, undercover, selfishness, seizure of power, betrayal .....

These complex and tiresome words are like the tip of a needle, constantly stinging Chen Yanqiu's heart.

He didn't want to bother thinking about the disadvantages anymore.

If there is anything in the way, just use force to solve it.

And it all starts with this man at his feet...


The fists were clenched, and the sound of bone movement was clearly heard in the ears of everyone on the scene.

Realizing what was about to happen, everyone should have stepped forward to stop it.

But because of the young man's murderous appearance at the moment, he couldn't help but stop and didn't dare to take a step closer.

Even Han Ji was taken aback by Chen Yanqiu's appearance of bulging muscles.

Never since he met this teenager had he been so out of control.

In an instant, with the complicated feelings of everyone around him, the fist with inch strength slowly fell.


Suddenly, a strange sound quietly resounded in the unusually quiet environment at this time.

Then, an extremely weak, but very determined, voice rang out:

"Advisor Chen, let go of that guy who lost his mind because he was afraid..."

As soon as this voice fell, Chen Yanqiu's fist rushing down immediately stopped, and slowly followed the prestige.

I saw that Alwin, who was lying unconscious on the ground, showed signs of awakening.

His parched lips were closed one by one, as if he wanted to try to speak, even if he was extremely weak at the moment.


Han Ji immediately rushed to his side, full of worries:

"It's okay, the medical team will be able to arrive later, hold on!"


Alvin was silent.

Or rather, he didn't have the energy to answer women's questions anymore.

"That man, he's just too scared..."

“..... Alvin. "

Hearing this, Nair, who was still at Chen Yanqiu's feet at the moment, couldn't help but have red pupils, and the men in their thirties and forties cried when they said they cried.

Seeing his friend in such a state and relieving himself, he felt a lot of cramping in his heart.

It seems that it is a kind of self-blame colic, which is indisputable to hate oneself.

At this point, 433 Chen Yanqiu's eyes flickered fiercely, and his feet suddenly unloaded the force, kicking the man aside.

Then he hurried to Alwin's side and checked the injury:

"Well, it's okay."

The man shook his head slightly: "I am ashamed that I failed to keep Frida..."

"It's fine."

Chen Yanqiu said firmly:

"I'm going to get them all back, and none of them can escape. I'm also responsible for this, I shouldn't have been away for so long, even... Even that traitor can be brought back. "


Alvin didn't respond again.

His faint gaze slowly closed.

Looks like it's time to rest.


Chen Yanqiu slowly stood up, and the curvature between his eyebrows increased slightly.

Now that my mood has gradually calmed down, I also understand that I was a little anxious just now.

Even if the power of the Ancestors was taken away by Jike, judging from the current situation, they would definitely not dare to eat Frida.

After all, the high-level of Marley also knew that there was such a thing as the Covenant of No War, and they would definitely not let a few heirs of the power of giants eat it so rashly.

Besides, the port has been blown up by itself, and it is a problem for those traitors to even return home.

At this point, it seems that there is only one problem in front of us.

It's time for the heavens within the walls to change hands.

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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