Obtain the Divine Light Rod from the start of the attack

Chapter 139

Ten kilometers outside the Wall of Rouse.

The threat of the Giant Realm has been freed from here, so that the Survey Corps, which has been marching rapidly, can be repaired.

Chen Yanqiu just took advantage of the gap to come to the position of the command team.

"Commander, I already know the general situation, are we planning to return to the wall? "


Alwyn nodded, withdrew his gaze from the map in front of him, and looked at the boy with a smile:

"There's a lot of exciting things about you. "


Seeing the man's expression, Chen Yanqiu was still a little unaccustomed:

"You're referring to the Light Giant. "

"Aren't you going to talk about those tech weapons of yours. "


Chen Yanqiu was silent for a moment, bowed his head and pondered for a while.

Alwin's words reminded him.

The strength he showed this time was indeed too ridiculous for the humans inside the wall.

Moreover, Chen Yanqiu was also puzzled by the moment when he suddenly broke through the darkness.

But later, after knowing the theories and speculating from memory, he did understand something.

Ultraman Tiga relies on the power of light.

And the so-called power of light in the Ultraman world is actually the goodness of human nature.

Just like when Dagu fell into darkness, the victory team tried to wake him up with artificial light, but the result was not so satisfactory.

Later, because human beings awakened their conscience and hope in their hearts, Dagu not only successfully woke up, but even evolved into Shining Tiga.

Therefore, Chen Yanqiu is also the same.

Before he fell into darkness, he actually still had the idea of getting by, and he was more interested in improving his own strength to fight the enemy.

But when he realizes that he is about to die completely, he finally realizes his responsibility as an Ultraman, and has a fearless spirit that transcends human nature.

And it is this fearless spirit that makes Chen Yanqiu obtain a high degree of compatibility with the energy of light.

Therefore, the light in the darkness is, simply put, a light of his own human awakening.

This is also the fundamental reason for Chen Yanqiu's recovery from the darkness.

"Now that your identity has been seen by the soldiers, do you have any thoughts about the situation or something? "

Seeing that the boy did not reply for a long time, Alvin asked again.

Chen Yanqiu was in a trance, and suddenly asked rhetorically:

"Do you want to seize power. "


As soon as the words fell, Elwin's original smile seemed to freeze:

"What does that mean. "

"I'll put it another way. "

Chen Yanqiu frowned thoughtfully, looked up in the direction of the Maria Wall, and even wanted to cross the wall:

"Do you want to go out into the world and see it? I mean, more than just outside the walls, Alvin. "

"The world beyond the walls... Isn't it all there is to the world? "

When the man said this, he could hear his slightly trembling tone, which seemed extremely moving, but also very depressed.

Chen Yanqiu nodded:

"The world is much bigger than you think, and our walls are only a thousandth the size of this world. "

As he spoke, his gaze became firm again:

"Do you want to go, Alvin. "


The blonde man's pupils flickered, and he was clearly thinking about something in his mind.

But Chen Yanqiu took advantage of this gap to speak again:

"You know the principle of the royal government, if you don't seize power, it will be an unpardonable crime for mankind to step out of the wall. "

“...... What are you sure about. "

Finally, Alwin, who was a little silent, raised his head with a hint of fluctuation in his eyes:

"Rely on your strength to overthrow the rule within the walls, or do you plan to tear down this great wall? "

With the strength that Tiga showed today, Alvin believed that this would not be difficult for the young man in front of him.

But Chen Yanqiu shook his head and looked at a blonde girl at the back of the team.

"Hrista, whose real name is Heatria, is a descendant of the blood of King Fritz in the 145th generation, and a girl with the true blood of the royal family. She is our dependence. "


Alwin's eyes were shocked, and he found it difficult to control his emotions in front of this teenager.

It's just that the effort of this meeting has brought more and more information than one another.

Even though he has always been calm, he is frowning at the moment, and he has not eased up.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the man slowly spoke:

"Is there any evidence. "

"It's that kind of thing again, I don't need it. "

"What. "


Chen Yanqiu did not answer again.

It's not that he's pretending to be sophisticated.

Rather, there is really no need to take any evidence.

Because except for some ignorant people, those high-ranking nobles, and even the Wall Sect, all know the true identity of Herlista.

In other words, it's not so much about finding evidence that Hrysta is the queen.

It would be more appropriate to use Hrista as an excuse to overthrow the current royal government.

"Commander !!"

At this time, a soldier hurriedly rode to the two of them, and said anxiously:

"A large wave of giants was found five kilometers behind the team, led by the third intelligent giant that I had encountered in the Giant Tree Forest before!!"

Erwin frowned, didn't answer, and subconsciously looked at Chen Yanqiu.

The latter was also slightly stunned.

He didn't expect the Marais trio to dare to attack.

Reiner's armor was shattered by himself, and Bertolt was also stripped of an arm, so what threat could Ani alone have.

Even though he was puzzled, Chen Yanqiu still thought about it for a while.

Soon, though, he let out his trademark smile.

"Mr. Commander, the evidence has come to the door. "

"The intelligent giant. "

Faced with Erwin's incomprehension, Chen Yanqiu shook his head meaningfully:

"Give the order, all the soldiers march towards the Wall of Rossy, and I'll be there to help you get the evidence. "

With that, he walked towards the carriage in front of him.

Elwin's pupils flickered, but he didn't suspect anything.

Or rather, the current situation does not allow him to think about anything.

"Order, the Survey Corps is fully committed to the direction of the Rossai Wall, and must evacuate before the arrival of the Giant Wave. "


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