Oath of the Survivor

Chapter 197

The creature moved quickly, powerful limbs and sharp claws allowing it to use the stones to change direction in mere moments.  C.H.A.D.D. projected a small map, highlighting its location as it circled around.  It was moving to an angle where it could approach Ma’Sai directly, though his insects were forming into a defensive pattern around him. 

Kyle saw 6 of the creatures, half of the total stock the aspiring Deckmaster said he had available.  The figure on Kyle’s minimap dashed toward Ma’Sai, and Kyle dove to interpose himself once more.  The defensive formation of summoned creatures moved to intercept, engaging the beast before Kyle could. 

The insects were potent for E Grade creatures, but simply lacked the durability to deal with the strange feline.  Two were ripped apart almost immediately by the beast’s claws, while another was snapped up in its mouth.  Kyle felt the mana disperse into the air with each kill, which surprised him.  Why doesn’t it go back to the cards?  A hiss snapped Kyle back to the present as the remaining insects were wiped out.

Ma’Sai dove backward, unleashing a volley of glowing blue darts.  The other insects were destroyed just as the arcane blasts struck the beast, leaving nasty burns on its pale skin.  Kyle was closer now, and without many better ideas he jumped for the creature as Ignition spurred him forward.  It growled as it swiped at him, then suddenly lunged at his left arm, attempting to take him down to the ground. 

Bite force that could turn stone to powder clamped down on him, followed by the sound of cracking bone as its teeth shattered.  The beast roared as it tried to pull its head back, its own blood and bone in its mouth.  Kyle couldn’t hide the ferocious grin from his face as he grabbed the retreating creature, a wave of Healing Impetus mending the shallow puncture wounds in his arm as though he’d never been bitten.   

 Through his grip, Kyle could tell the pale flesh was actually covered in a very fine layer of needle-like fur, though it wasn’t strong enough to pierce his skin.  The monster thrashed about again, managing to throw Kyle loose despite his enhanced Strength.  Kyle felt mana flowing through the air, and instinctively activated Identify.  His eyes widened as he saw a circular series of runes inscribed on the creature’s forehead, cast in the same blue as the arcane darts Ma’Sai cast.

More runes were forming, and Kyle felt the ambient mana shift further, power condensing on Ma’Sai and the silver card held in his hand.  The creature lunged for him again, and once more Kyle interposed himself.  With Identify active, he saw the runes beginning to expand across the beast’s neck and shoulders. 

It changed tactics, leaping to one of the stalactites and climbing higher to the cavern’s ceiling.  It reactivated its shrouding skill, though Kyle could see right through it with Identify.  It leapt into the air, the skin flaps catching the air like an oversized flying squirrel.


Kyle barely had time to react as Ma’Sai cried out, blood flowing freely from the left side of his face.  Kyle extended a tendril of Parasitic Resonance to the young man, Healing Impetus washing through the connection as soon as it established.  “What did it use to attack?”


Kyle was directly in front of Ma’Sai by now, and raised his arms to better cover him from the beast.  “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” Ma’Sai panted.  “Just took me by surprise.”

Kyle saw the runes continuing to grow across the creature’s flesh as it glided across the cavern, unleashing another volley of needle-like fur.  Kyle raised his left forearm to cover his eyes, feeling dozens of light impacts as the squall of needles bounced off his armor and skin.  It’s like a weaker version of the Shadow, Kyle realized. 

The beast’s stealth abilities were an inferior version of the invisibility the giant spider exhibited.  The bite force was superior, though it lacked the brutal necrotic venom.  Instead of toxic daggers, it shot sharp fur.  Kyle couldn’t see Skippy or Duroc struggling against beasts like these, and fierce pride bubbled in his chest as he recognized that he could count himself among them. 

A loud hiss filled the cavern, followed by the crack of stone as the monster again leapt towards Ma’Sai, jumping off a stalactite.  Kyle could see the runes around the beast, and felt a surge of power behind him as the card drew in mana.  The Deckmaster dodged the attack with grace, and Kyle repositioned just in time to intercept a claw swipe.

Kyle’s clothing tore, revealing his gray-veined skin.  It hissed once more, and the air around it began to shimmer.  Auric Perception felt a spike in its energy, and Kyle prepared himself.  It activated some type of boosting skill, and from the feeling it wasn’t a weak one.

Just as its muscles tensed, blue light exploded out from it.  With Identify active, Kyle could see the beast’s mana contort and compress as bonds of ethereal blue twisted around it.  He looked on in fascination as it struggled against the binding, finding itself unable to make any headway.  A moment later, the mana was torn out, flying through the air and into the silver card in Ma’Sai’s hand. 

The card glowed a brilliant blue for a moment, before fading back to a dull silver.  As it did, the creature’s body fell lifeless to the ground.  Kyle grinned, and was about to ask about the beast when Ma’Sai coughed up blood, slumping to the ground.  Kyle’s smile vanished instantly as he stepped over to the younger man.

“Where did it get you?  C.H.A.D.D., give me a projection.  I need to know what we’re working with.”

Ma’Sai offered a weak smile as he raised his hands, palms out.  “I’m fine, truly.  This is simply the backlash from using the containment skill.  It requires me to superimpose aspects of my own core on that of the creature, which always has consequences.  I’ll be fine soon, though if you wouldn’t mind…”

Kyle already activated Healing Impetus, as C.H.A.D.D.’s scan pulled up modest internal damage.  The wave of rejuvenating energy was up to the task, and Kyle was excited to see the recovery effects magnified by the motes of restorative power his first application left behind. 

Satisfied Ma’Sai was alright, Kyle stood and looked about the cavern.  The last thing they needed right now was an ambush.  “Are you able to move?” Kyle asked, watching Ma’Sai get to his feet.  “We should probably get you back to Torrel to rest, healing that quickly can take it out of you.”

“A wise idea.  We can come back out to hunt tomorrow.”

They walked in silence for a little while, until Kyle’s curiosity got the best of him.  “So, I noticed you only summoned a few of the insects at a time.  Is there a limit to how many you can bring out at once?”

“Not necessarily.  I could summon everything at once if I needed to, though it would be unwise to do so.”

“Too much mana?” Kyle guessed.

“It takes very little to summon from the cards, the trouble comes from recharging them.”  Ma’Sai held aloft one of the brass cards that contained the insect.  Kyle could see it was beginning to glow again, though it was still faint.  “It takes me nearly 30 minutes to recharge an E Grade card.  Over 9 hours to recharge a D Grade.”

Kyle nodded, pieces coming together in his head.  It made sense that Ma’Sai wasn’t able to use the card monsters back-to-back.  The low up-front cost would provide a spike in combat power early.  That advantage would turn sour when he no longer had the resources to bring his summons to bear.  A stringent inheritance for sure.  This also meant that somebody specializing in survival, like Kyle, was likely one of the worst possible matches against a Deckmaster.  Kyle excelled at long, protracted engagements, growing progressively more powerful as he fought.  It was valuable insight, even though Kyle hoped his days of squaring off against other awakened people were behind him. 

They turned a corner, stepping out of the tunnel and back onto the main road that had been excavated.  Kyle could see the glow of the barricade down the path a couple kilometers away.  Ma’Sai was clearly exhausted, and Kyle was glad that he’d get a chance to rest soon.  They had only taken a few steps before the hair on the back of Kyle’s neck stood up.  Auric Perception felt something in the cavern, and a moment later C.H.A.D.D. flashed a warning.

Volleys of needle-like fur peppered them from the darkness.  Too many.   Kyle didn’t hesitate as Storm Shelter sprang to life, covering Ma’Sai from the angles he couldn’t cover with his own body.  The young man’s eyes were wide as he took in the surroundings.  C.H.A.D.D. was highlighting 6 feline shapes in the dim light, the space around all of them shimmering and shaking.

Kyle let out a slow exhale as Ignition began to burn inside him, the glow of his crimson aura dancing with C.H.A.D.D.’s amber light.  He turned to Ma’Sai, still protected by Storm Shelter.  “Do you have any summons that can cover you while you get back to safety?”

Ma’Sai looked up incredulously.  “I can still fight.”

Kyle shook his head.  “I’m not arguing that fact, but you said yourself that these things are a bad match for you.  I need you to trust that I’m a bad match for them.

Ma’Sai’s lips pressed into a line.  It was clear he wanted to say more, but a glance down the tunnel toward the barricade seemed to help him set his decision.  “Buy me time to make it to safety.  I’ll pay a one-time contract price of 50,000 credits.  This is not a suicide mission; I expect you to return in order to collect.”

Kyle grinned.  “I accept.  And after all, a deal’s a deal.”

Ma’Sai didn’t respond as he drew one of his silver cards.  A massive green form appearing inside the barrier.  Kyle dropped Storm Shelter as the beast continued to grow, looking like a bizarre mix between a crocodile and a bear.  Thick scales covered its back, and large clawed limbs wrapped around Ma’Sai before it lumbered down the tunnel. 

The beasts moved to attack the moment Storm Shelter dissipated, 4 angling toward Kyle while the remaining 2 pursued Ma’Sai.  Kyle extended the tendrils of Parasitic Resonance toward the oncoming creatures as he took a stabilizing breath.  He had to fight the instinct to run right after Ma’ Sai, instead trusting the young man and his summons. 

Fangs and claws ripped at Kyle as he defended his vitals and C.H.A.D.D., allowing the tendrils of Parasitic Resonance to deeply penetrate their mana pathways.  A moment later he was on the ground, unable to bear the cumulative weight of the beasts.  Still, he let his mana invade the creatures.  Then, in a single effort of will, Kyle pulled.  The mana of all 4 was ripped out, their bodies falling lifeless.

He shoved the bodies off him as he turned down the tunnel, just in time to see a pillar of flame engulf one of Ma’Sai’s pursuers.  A loud crack of thunder roared through the tunnel as the final surviving beast fell, a bullet wound piercing its skull.  Kyle wanted to smile, but the pain coursing through him made it come out as more of a grimace.  The quality of the energy he’d drawn from the monsters was high, and it only took 4 of them for his core to make a decision.  It was hungry once again.

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