Nuwa System

Chapter 16 – Heart to Heart

None of The Gang talk to Azula the day the ship sets off and neither does she strike up a conversation. The next morning, Azula is up early staring at the sea on the deck. Nuwa walks up from behind, puts her hand on her shoulder, and says, “We need to talk.”

Azula flinches in fear, upon which Nuwa smiles and says, “Don’t worry, I haven’t dumped you.. yet.”

Azula puts her head down feeling both love and guilt as they walk to her room.

Nuwa locks the door behind them. “I don’t know if you really meant it when you apologized to Mai, but just for the effort, you deserve a reward.”

Nuwa begins removing her attire and Azula starts getting hot with arousal. Nuwa strips completely and does a few catwalk poses out of habit.

Azula is fully aroused and starts loosening her top, but when she sees Nuwa’s perfect pussy, she has a flashback to it bleeding over Zuko’s dick. Monster Azula instinctually tries to surface, but Princess Azula staggers backward, overpowering her alter ego with sheer will. The flashback does however, cause her to have dilated pupils, chills, and involuntary muscle spasms.

Nuwa looks at her lover’s pathetic mental state and sighs.

Nuwa sits on a sofa, covers herself with a blanket, and pats right beside her. Azula gradually recomposes herself and sits where she’s told. Azula begins with, “I’m sorry.. for everything.”

Nuwa uncovers the blanket slightly to expose one of her boobs. She brings Azula’s mouth to the exposed nipple. Azula gives her a strange look but latches on and suckles nonetheless.

Nuwa sighs with mild arousal, puts on a serious face, and asks rhetorically, “Azula, did you know that I’ve always wanted to be a mother? I’ve always believed that the love between mother and child is the most beautiful aspect of humanity. All true mothers give their children unconditional love and protection when they need it most.”

Azula doesn’t interrupt and continues suckling the dry teat like a newborn, but tears start pooling in her eyes.

Nuwa lies, “You know I can be very sneaky if I want to be. I had private conversations with Lady Ursa about you before she was banished. She said she loved you, but she couldn’t show it or else Ozai would definitely torment you just like he did to Zuko and her. She hated herself for not being strong enough to protect both of you from him, but she was very proud of how strong you’ve become. I now realize that Lady Ursa told me all of this because she knew that she would be separated from you two at some point, so she didn’t want to leave any regrets.”

Azula’s whole face is drenched with tears as she continues suckling and sniffing her nose.

Nuwa continues, “Do you know the first place I went after you caught me with Zuko? I cried all the way into my Mother’s arms. That’s when I realized that I can take anything life throws at me as long as I have a safe haven to come back to.”

“I know you’re not a monster, Azula. You’ve just never had a safe haven where you feel loved to go back to.”

Azula unlatched and looks up at Nuwa’s eyes with affection, “Nuwa, I don’t want to be a Fire Lordess or anything. I just want to go where you go.”

Nuwa hugs her tight, “Oh you poor baby. I’ll always come back to you, no matter what.”

Nuwa lowers her voice in utmost seriousness, “Do you want to know, Azula? Who I really am? My goal in life?”

Azula stutters with hesitation, “i-i-I d-don’t kn-know if I want to know.”

Nuwa sighs helplessly, “I think you already have an idea. When you’re ready - when you think you can handle the truth, come ask me and I’ll tell you my deepest secret.”

“I think I'm comprehending what love is supposed to be about: accepting someone and all their flaws. It’s likely that we’ll have to find a way to befriend Monster Azula too, after all, she’s just as much a part of you as Princess Azula. It’s not my place to arbitrarily hate Monster Azula just because of one mistake when she was angry.”

Princess Azula froze upon hearing Nuwa’s honest apology to Monster Azula. She felt for a brief moment a wonderful feeling of inner peace. Lightning crackled on the tips of her fingers and both girls’ hair frazzled straight up from the static electricity.

Nuwa yelped in surprise, “Azula, you’ve harmonized your yin and yang?!”

“Eh.. no I just had a feeling of serenity when you spoke about acceptance.”

Nuwa’s still very excited, “Show me more lightning!”

Azula replies with uncharacteristic humility, “Fine, fine. It’s my first time and I feel like I’ve only touched the tip of the harmonization.” She does a lightning bending dance like she's practiced from Lo and Li's instruction and manages to fire a bolt about as thick as a toothpick.

Nuwa starts laughing loudly, “HAHAHAhaha, that was too cute. It’s so small.”

Azula grumbles, “I’m a beginner! Do you really have to rub it in?”

Nuwa, who is once again naked, jumps on Azula from behind and starts groping her boobs over her clothes. “You gotta lighten up, Azula. There’s so much more to life than getting stronger and being a perfectionist in everything. Didn’t you think that lightning bolt was cute? C’mon admit it. I’ll tickle your butthole with a feather if you don’t admit it.”

“Eh? EHHH?”

Azula thinks, ‘I was going to suggest we don’t have a similar taste for cuteness, but on second thought, I’ll take the loss.’

Azula grits her teeth, “I admit it was cute.”

Dropping some eaves just outside the door, Ty Li and Mai giggle under their breath at Nuwa’s antics and go to grab a bite. Ty Li didn’t say anything, but Mai caves in and says, “Fine, I’ll forgive Azula when I hear her give a satisfactory apology to Zuko.”

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