Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 55: Cultivation Spot

“Hey, have you heard the news?”

“The one about Phoenix’s Continent?”

“No, the one about our Sect’s new Church.”

“Oh, you mean that Empyrean God Church? What about it?”

“It has been a whole week since the females went inside and they have yet to come out!”

“What the hell?! Did anybody check up on them?”

“Yes, many Elders had gone to check up on them, but when they went inside, they were surprised to see nobody there but a portal in the middle of the cathedral!”

“A portal?”

“You know what was even more unbelievable? When the Elders had tried to go into the portal, they were all blown several feet back! Not even the Spirit Kings could break in!”

“My god, what on earth—-”

“BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS!!!!” A loud shout can be heard throughout the halls.

“What are you screaming about? Are you trying to pop my eardrums?”

“Big news! The girls have finally come out of that suspicious Church!”


The people there screams in shock after hearing this news. Ever since that day they followed Yun Xiuying inside the church, none of them has come back out until now!

“Let’s go and check it out!”


* * * * *


Outside the cathedral, a large group of beautiful flowers was gathered there, all talking with large grins on their faces.

“Hehehe, we have all managed to breakthrough to the Spirit Realm!”

“This is all thanks to the Leader’s guidance and the Empyrean God’s blessing!”

“Who knew such a Heaven Defying God was out there? Just by Cultivating while looking at him was enough to speed up our Cultivation progress by a large margin!”

“Ahhh… If it weren’t for Leader kicking us out and telling us to take a walk around, I would never come out by myself!”

“That’s right! What is the point of walking around?”

“Leader said that we could only go back inside after three days… What should we do for the next three days?”

“Oh, I know! How about we all waste time by talking about what we like about the Empyrean God?”

“That is a splendid idea! I have so much to say, like how tasty his lips look, his mesmerizing eyes, his eyebrows, his nose, his—”

“We get it!” They all interrupt her from talking anymore.

Yun Xiuying decided to kick them all outside for some fresh air because they had already been in there for a whole week, and if she continues to let them stay, the Sect will definitely think that she had kidnapped them…

“Hey look, there’s people coming.”

The girls notice the people walking towards them. Some of them were Elders, and the rest were curious Disciples.

The Elder at the front was the first to speak, “You girls! Where have you all been for the past week?! And—” But he suddenly stops, and his eyes pops out.

“Y-y-you…” He points at them with his body trembling from shock.

“S-Spirit Realm! You are all in the Spirit Realm?! How is that possible?!” He cries out.

“WHAT?!” The people around screams in shock and instantly uses their Divine Sense to look at the girl’s Spirit Power.

“It’s true; they are all in the Spirit Realm!!!!” They all confirmed that the Elder was not bullshitting.

“You girls! What happened?! How did you all breakthrough to the Spirit Realm so fast?! I definitely remember all of you being at the Advance to Peak Profound True Qi Realm just before you had all disappeared!” The Elder questions them nonstop from shock.

Before they all disappeared, not one of them was a Spirit Realm Expert, yet the moment they all come back after a few days later, all 469 of them are now Spirit Realm Experts?! What kind of Heavenly Pills did they all eat?! Or did they find a Heaven Defying Cultivation spot that made their Cultivation progress increase by leaps and bounds?! If they really did find something like that, then their Sect has definitely struck gold without doing anything!

The girls were speechless from the nonstop questioning by this Elder.

One girl finally speaks up, “Elder, we only Cultivated normally, that’s all.”

She was not lying because all they did was Cultivate like they had always been.

“No Heavenly Pills?” The Elder asks with a weird voice.

“No Elder.” The girls all replied.

“Then it has to be a Heaven Defying Cultivation spot that you girls had went to! Where is it? Take me there at this instant!” The Elder said with a serious face.

If all of their Sect’s Disciple and even Elders Cultivate there, their Sect’s strength will leap through the Dragon’s Gate!

The girls all looks at this Elder with a weird face. Lead him there and dirty their Holy Ground with his footsteps? Hell no!

Someone spoke up, “Elder, that is not possible because outsiders cannot enter that portal.”

“Portal? The one in the cathedral?! Fuck!” The Elder curses in his heart. How could he not know about the portal that even their Sect Master could not enter with force?

“Wait! Even the Sect Master had tried to enter, but ended up being blown away, so how can you girls enter?!” The Elder asks them with suspicion.

“Because only true worshippers of the Empyrean God Church can enter. Outsiders will be kicked out, is what I’ve been told.” A girl said truthfully.

“Told? Told by whom?”

“Senior Sister Yun Xiuying.” Someone said.

“Her?! Fuck!” The Elder curses in his heart again. How could he have forgotten that it was her who had created the Empyrean God Church?! He also remembers Supreme Elder Bai giving an order not to bother or offend her!

“Then ask her to allow other Disciples to enter and Cultivate there. We will only Cultivate there and will not bother with you girls. This is about the whole Sect and not just you girls. ” The Elder said with an authoritative tone. If he cannot order Yun Xiuying around, then he will order these disciples here!

“That’s not possible.” Someone said with a brave tone.

“Why is it not possible? All she has to do is allow us to go in.” The Elder frowns upon being rejected by a Disciple.

“Because she said that only true worshippers of the Empyrean God Church could go in. Ah, she even said to not bother her for the next three days.” Someone else said.

“….. Then everybody in the Sect will join your little Church! Is that good enough?!” This Elder is starting to turn frustrated. These Disciples dare to argue with him, an Elder?!

“Leader said that we are not recruiting at this moment, and only these who pass her test can join.” Another girl said with a calm voice.

“You— Are you all telling me that you are not willing to share this Cultivation spot with the Sect, keeping it for yourselves?! This is clearly betraying the Sect!” The Elder shouts at them with anger. If something this precious was found, they are obligated to share with the Sect! They would not care if it was some weapon or pills that they found because it was their own fortune, but something that can affect a whole Sect is a different story!

The girls frown after being branded as betrayers, “Elder, that is false accusation! Even if we want to let you all join, the one to have the final say is the Leader! It is her place and not ours! Go talk to Leader if you are still not satisfied; we girls need to change our underwears, so if you will excuse us, goodbye!” Saying that all the girls start walking away, ignoring the shocked Elders and Disciples there.

The Elder instantly turns red from anger and raises his hand, preparing to punish these girls, “YOU—”

“HOLD!” A loud shout stops him.

“?!?!” Recognizing that voice, the Elder instantly stops his movement.

“Greetings Supreme Elder Bai!” Everybody on the scene bows to the Lao Bai who appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing Lao Bai, the Elder smiles, “Supreme Elder, these disciples here dares to keep a Cultivation spot away from the Sect, only using it for themselves! This is clearly betrayal to the Sect and we should—”

“Shut up you idiot!” Lao Bai yells at him, interrupting the Elder.

“P-Pardon?” The Elder could not believe his ears. The always respectful Supreme Elder Bai just cursed at him?!

“I said shut up! This Cultivation spot that you are talking about belongs to Disciple Yun Xiuying and not these girls! Because it belongs to her, also being only a temporary Disciple in our Sect, only she can decide on who can enter that Cultivation spot! If Disciple Yun Xiuying says that they are not recruiting, they are not recruiting! If I still hear about people causing trouble for the Empyrean God Church’s followers, I will personally punish them, do you understand me?! ” Lao Bai yells at this Elder.

Are they trying to offend the daughter of the Yun Family who rules over this world?! Are they crazy?! Not to mention that they were his Young Master’s followers! To be disrespecting his followers is also disrespecting him, his most loyal follower!

“Y-Yes Supreme Elder!” The Elders there bows, not daring to look at Lao Bai’s face.

“Good, then everybody is dismissed here!” Saying that Lao Bai left.

“…..” Everybody left the cathedral speechless. They’ve finally seen the fierce side to the always kind Supreme Elder Bai! Now, who will dare to bother the Empyrean God Church again?


* * * * *


After actually changing their underwears, the girls all went to thank Lao Bai for his protection just now.

“Thank you, Grandfather Bai, for helping us during that situation!”

“Do not mind it; I am only doing my job. Now that nobody else will be bothering your group, go relax and Cultivate without worry” Lao Bai said.

“Yes, Grandfather Bai!” The girls all bow to him before leaving.

While the girls were walking around the Sect, many Disciples ran up to them, asking to let them join their Empyrean God Church!

“Senior Sister, can you recommend me to your Leader? I also want to join.” A pretty girl asked.

“Oh, I remember seeing you at the gathering during the previous recruitment. Why are you asking me when you already had the chance given to you? Because you had finally realized the mistake for not joining when you had the chance?” A follower said.

“I….” The pretty girl’s words were stuck in her throat.

“Hmph, now that you’ve finally realized the benefit of joining, you decide to join? Although I do no favor you in joining us, it is our Leader who has the final say to whether you can join or not! Come back when we actually start recruiting again!” Saying that the followers left.

For the next three days before the followers return to the portal, they were all swarmed by Disciples asking to join. The followers did not reject any of them and told them to come back once they start recruiting again, even if they only wanted to join for the benefits and not for the God himself. They will let their Leader decide, and they will believe in their Leader’s judgment!


* * * * *


Inside a hotel room, Xuan Wanshan is currently staring nonstop at her Disciple, Tian Yi.

“So there you have it, that was what happened.” Tian Yi explained the entire situation to Xuan Wanshan, from how Feng Yan went into his room naked to where he has been the past few days. He told her everything, except for what he did to Feng Huan.

“….” Xuan Wanshan stays silent for awhile to digest all that information.

Finally, after a few more minutes, she said, “I will not ask you about your circumstances, or who you really are, but I will tell you that you need to stop playing with my emotions! At least tell me next time before you do something this dangerous, it is not good for my heart to be shocked so much… ”

“Sorry Master, but that I cannot do.” Tian Yi refuses, shocking Xuan Wanshan again.

Xuan Wanshan did not expect him to refuse!

Frowning, Xuan Wanshan tries to speak, “What are you—-”

“Because I like to see Master’s shocked face.” Tian Yi tells her straightforwardly, making Xuan Wanshan’s choke on her words.

“You what!?” Hearing Tian Yi’s bold statement, Xuan Wanshan blushes!

“I find Master’s shocking face very amusing.” As if he has iron skin, Tian Yi repeats it with a calm face.

“……” Shocked speechless, Xuan Wanshan blushes even more! Does her Disciple even have the word self-consciousness in his dictionary?!

Seeing Xuan Wanshan’s shocked face, Tian Yi chuckles, “Hehe, Master is doing it again.”

“?!?!?!” Hearing that, Xuan Wanshan shakes her head and tries to put on a poker face, thinking, “Is my face really that amusing when I am shocked?! I would have never known that my face changes when I am in shock if not for him! I need to pay more attention to myself…”

Seeing Xuan Wanshan thinking to herself, Tian Yi laughs in his heart, “The more you pay attention to it, the easier it is to make a mistake!”

Trying to change the topic, Tian Yi asks, “Master, what should we do about the mission now that the Feng Clan is gone? Will it still count?”

Hearing his sudden question, Xuan Wanshan answers, forgetting about what she was just thinking, “It has been stamped already so they should accept it, If not, then we can just do another one.”

“Okay, then should we head back to the Sect now and turn in our mission?”

“Wait, I have something to do here before we go back.” Xuan Wanshan refuses.

“Then I will stay here with Meng Xiang until you are done,” Tian Yi does not want to get into her personal business.

“What are you talking about? You are coming with me!”

“I am?” Tian Yi said while looking puzzled.

“We are going to meet with my family now!” Xuan Wanshan said.

“Master’s family?!” Tian Yi’s eyes light up from excitement. He is going to meet with his Master’s family already?!

“Wait, Master! I need to prepare myself before we go!” Tian Yi said.

“Prepare for what?” Xuan Wanshan asks with a puzzled face. What is there to prepare?

“This is my first time meeting with Master’s parent. Therefore I need to find a suitable gift! If I walk in there without any gift, how can I call myself your Disciple without losing face?!” To meet with the ones who gave birth to his Master was a big deal!

“Oh, how generous of you. Okay then, but there is no need for something big. A small gift is fine because just the thought counts.” Xuan Wanshan nods with approval at her Disciple’s respectful character.

“Do not worry Master; I have the perfect gift for them.” Tian Yi smiles.

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