Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 47: Empyrean God Church

It has only been two days since Tian Yi, and his group went on the journey to complete his Sect Mission, but during these two days, a lot as happened throughout the World.

Yun Xiuying is currently standing on the roof of a Cathedral looking down at the crowd of beautiful females whispering to each other.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Of course, just wait patiently for now.”

“You told me that this god was extremely handsome. How handsome is that?”

“So handsome that my words cannot even describe it! You will know once you see that handsome god. If your underwear is not wet by the time you walk out, I’ll worship you as my God!”

“…. Are you serious? Then won’t we need to bring an extra pair of underwear every time we come here to pray?”

“What?! One pair only?! You sure are arrogant! Bring at least three, or you’ll have to walk around with a wet underwear!”

“……..” This female turns speechless from her friend’s weird behavior! Where did her innocent friend go? Who is this horny girl?

Yun Xiuying silently watches them, waiting for the crowd to get bigger.


* * * * *


Hidden in the shadows around the Cathedral where the females were gathering, many males were also gathering around.

“Dude, look at that paradise! Most of our Sect’s beauties are gathering over there!” The males there watches with gazes filled with lust at this garden full of beautiful flowers. Every single female there is considered top quality even in the Holy Continent, with many admirers.

“Ahhh, if only I can just jump into the middle of that garden and have a massive orgy…” Someone accidentally speaks his dirty thoughts out loud.

“What the fuck? Are you trying to get yourself killed? They’ll butcher you if they hear you speak like that.” Someone lectures this immature idiot.

“Little Brother, your lust will be the end of you… Keep your wishful dreams in where it belongs, your head.” A fellow comrade tries to help his fellow disciple out.

“But what kind of cult is this, to gather so many beauties in one place?”

“I heard that it was a Church to worship some God.” Someone said.

“Worship God? What kind of God are they worshipping? The God of Female Orgy?” The one who let his thought out before said.

“You idiot, what did I just tell you?! If somewhere down the line I hear news of a female slaughtering some shameless male, I will expect your name to come up!”

“Hey, shush, they’re starting!” Someone hushes the whispering males, letting them know that the show has finally begun.


* * * * *


Standing on the Cathedral, Yun Xiuying begins to speak, “Fellow disciple, comrades, and sisters. I am sure that most of you already know the reasons to why I’ve gathered you all here today. My name is Yun Xiuying, and I am here to introduce you to my Cult, the Empyrean God Church!” She scans the females there with serious eyes, making them all nervous.

“Before I give you the requirements to join and the rules for joining, I will be answering all of the questions that you’ve all been wanting to ask. Although there are somethings that I cannot tell you right now, if you are serious about joining, then I’ll tell you somewhere down the line.” She knew that most of them here had many questions and suspicions in their heart. If you were dragged into joining a Cult by your friends without any knowledge of it, of course, you would have some suspicions in your heart. If you didn’t, then there is definitely something wrong with you!

After she finishes speaking, she continues standing there like a peerless goddess waiting for her subordinate’s questions before a war.

“……” Witnessing Yun Xiuying’s aura, the crowd there was speechless and awestruck by her imposing figure, forgetting their questions for a second.

After a moment of silence, someone finally speaks up, “Senior Sister, what kind of God are we actually talking about? God of War? God of Beauty? God of Art?”

Each and every god have their own unique power, making which God the Mortals decides to worship extremely crucial.

If they wanted to have good fortune, should they worship the god of war instead of worshipping the god of fortune?

Yun Xiuying nods at her question, “Good question, at least you do not follow blindly like some people out there.” She only mentions that because some people out there actually worship gods without even knowing who they are worshipping.

“As for the answer to your question…. Hmm, if I have to say what kind of God he is, I guess you can call him the God who rules over all other Gods!” She said in a dignified tone, making it sound even nobler.

Son of the Celestial Emperor who reigns over this universe along with the gods within it! If his father controls gods, then as his son, he will also do the same in the future!

“What?! Monarch of all Gods?!? I have never heard of such a God before! What kind of powers does he have?!” Everyone was bewildered at the unexpected answer. What kind of existence rules over all the other gods?! If he is really that powerful, then how come they’ve never heard of such a God?!

“I am not surprised that none of you have heard of him before! With his standing, will people talk about him like he’s some normal God? No!” She kind of told the truth.

As the son of the Celestial Emperor, everybody will obviously talk about him like it’s their own business. He’s even the hottest topic for females to talk about when bored. But that is only limited to the higher Realms. Because of his overprotective father, his reputation has yet to spread down here.

“As for his title….” Yun Xiuying had to think for a bit. What kind of God is he really?

“Ah, I know!” She giggles in her heart after finding the perfect title for him.

“He has a bit of everything you desire, and everybody wants him, so you can consider him the God of Desires! His perfect figure makes him the God of Art! His peerless face makes him the God of Beauty! His Talent in Cultivation makes him the God of Cultivation! The person himself fortunate enough to be born like this already makes him the God of Fortune! God of Desires because everybody desires something from him! I don’t care if you are a Chicken or God, once you see him, you will learn what the true meaning of Desire is! I can go on and on about what makes him so great, but you will have to experience it for yourselves to actually feel what I am feeling right now!” With an emotional face, she preaches with her burning emotions for him, glorifying his figure even more!


The females there finally swallows their saliva which was stuck halfway in their throat hearing her emotional speech. Was this God really that great? But with just the description alone, they are already feeling the desire to see him! What kind of Figure can make such a peerless female like Yun Xiuying become so emotional? They really want to find out!

Taking a deep breath and calming her emotions down, she speaks again, “Any more questions?”

“….” They were speechless! If one answer was already enough to hook them in, then what will happen if they ask another one? Will they throw themselves at her and join her belief without any questions?

“T-then can I ask you about the requirements for us to join?” Someone finally speaks.

“Huh? Already done with the questions? You’ve only asked one.” Yun Xiuying was puzzled. She was expecting way more questions about this Church of hers, but they gave up so easily?

Nobody spoke up, making her even more puzzled, “Are you sure that you don’t want to ask any more questions?” She asks just to make sure and watches everybody nod their heads, confirming her question.

“…. Okay then, the requirements and rules are…” She puts on a serious face, making the females there swallow their saliva before she even talks, just in case they can’t later.

“I only have one requirement, and that is you must have a decent soul! Meaning that you cannot be evil or have a nasty character! If you have a black soul, then you will only be blaspheming his holy figure with your dirty presence!”

She knows that the purity of a Soul means everything to the Tian Family. From the Chickens to the fishes of the Tian Family, every single one of them has a very pure Soul! If she lets someone with an evil soul worship him, she is only hurting his noble figure. And if she makes the requirements too high, who will be able to join? Most people do not even have a decent Soul these days.

“That’s reasonable. Even I wouldn’t want some slut near my love…” The females misunderstood her intentions…

“Now the rules, one, you must be faithful and loyal at all times! I do not want unfaithful backstabbers!” She will definitely not tolerate someone who might talk trash about Tian Yi behind her back.

“Un, that’s reasonable too. Unfaithful lovers are the worst type of people.” They misunderstood her intentions again.

“Rule number two, you will respect him no matter what! I don’t care who is disrespecting him, even if it’s your husband, you will fight for his face!”

Disrespect the son of the Celestial Emperor? Are you trying to jump into hell yourself? Even Gods do not dare to disrespect him! Let someone in the higher Realm catch you disrespect him; they’ll skin you alive, not even mentioning the crazy females who will tear your limbs one by one!

“Do you have any questions before I continue?” Yun Xiuying asks.

“How will you be able to tell who meets the requirements and who is disqualified? What about these who break the rules after joining?” Someone asks a logical question.

For Mortals like them, to see whether someone’s Soul was pure or not is impossible! And what about these who breaks the rules after joining? How will they find out?

“That’s easy. I have something that can test the cleanliness of one’s Soul.” She takes out a Crystal Orb-filled with white smoke.

“Touching it will tell you how clean your Soul is! As for the second one, it is even easier. Let me find out, and I will personally deal with you! But I will believe in you girls, especially once you see him…” If someone breaks these rules after seeing him, they should be rewarded instead of being punished!

“….” The females were frightened! Her aura when speaking about breaking the rules just now was scary as hell!

“Any more questions?” Yun Xiuying asks the crowd.

“No? Okay then, final rule. I don’t care if you want to leave after joining, just tell me and you can go. There is no point in forcing you to stay, but I highly doubt that someone will be willing to leave after joining…” Unless their memories were erased, they would definitely stay.

“That’s all the rules for now. I might add more rules later, but it won’t be too serious. This is not some crazy Cult after all.”

“Then what about the benefits of joining?” Someone asks.

“Well, the only benefit you will really get is satisfaction. Ah, and if you somehow become enlightened from the Painting, your Cultivation progress will go through the roof.” She did not really care about the last one because she is already a half god. But to Mortals, the Painting of Desire is the same as a Heavenly Treasure. This Painting was created by the God of Arts! It would be weird if it did not have any special effects, especially to Mortals. Every art created by the God of Art will definitely have some kind of secret hidden inside it, and as for what, only the creator himself will know.

“Leader!!! Did you just say that just by watching the Painting, I might be enlightened?!?” One of the original girls who’ve already seen the painting asks in excitement. Then did that mean she can watch the Painting nonstop and Cultivate at the same time?!? What kind of Heavenly Bliss is that!

“Hm? I guess so, but it won’t be easy to gain enlightened.” Would something created by the God of Art be seen through so easily?

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” The girl makes a fist and shouts in joy.

“…..” The other girls there were confused at her actions, and only these who have seen the Painting will understand her feelings.

“That is all I have to say for now, is there any questions before I officially open the Empyrean God Church?” Yun Xiuying asks.

The females there shakes their head.

“Good, then at this moment I announce the official opening of the Empyrean God Church! If you want to join, follow me!” She began walking into the Cathedral followed by many other females.

However, most females stayed behind because they were still suspicious, but not one of the females who has already seen the painting stayed behind.

Nobody said a thing to the females who stayed behind and just followed Yun Xiuying inside, “It is their loss and not mine, let me enjoy seeing your livers turn green from regret later.” They all thought and laughed in their hearts. To decline such an offer, they will surely regret it!

“……” The ones who stayed behind could not believe how many were willing to join this suspicious group! Have they gone mad?!

“Hmph, I don’t believe that this God is so Heaven-defying. I will wait a few days and see what happens. I will laugh at these who end up regretting joining her suspicious Cult!”

“What ‘Your Cultivation will go through the roof’? Such an obvious scam, does she see us as little kids?”

Many females there sneers in their heart at these foolish females who joined. They were also jealous of Yun Xiuying’s beauty, making them even more reluctant to join.


* * * * *


In the shadows, “Oi, only a third of them went inside.” One of the spying males said.

“I guess it was nothing that serious.”

“Haaa, what a waste of time.” Someone sigh.

“At least we got to see so many beauties gathered at one spot.”

“You’re right about that, let’s go, I’m close to breaking through too.”

“Yeah, let’s go, the show has already ended.”

The males hidden in the shadow disappears silently as if they’ve never been there.

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