Chapter 137: A Night Outside

Celia approached Nadia, giving a graceful yet brief bow, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. You've gained a charming son-in-law," she began, her voice soft and courteous.

Nadia coldly returned the sentiment with a brief smile. She tilted her head slightly, taking in Celia's appearance from head to toe, "Thank you, Celia," she replied icily, "Tell me, do you still assist your husband with his flourishing businesses?"

The subtle jab in Nadia's tone wasn't lost on Celia. Nevertheless, she maintained her calm and replied, "Yes, I do lend my hand when necessary. But of course," she paused, a faint smile gracing her lips, "I could never match your prowess in supporting our respective husbands."

Nadia's eyes darkened, sensing the underlying meaning in Celia's words.

But she refused to give Celia the satisfaction of a reaction. Instead, she replied with another icy smile, "Perhaps you should check on your youngest son. He didn't appear to be in the best of spirits since his arrival," Without waiting for a response, Nadia turned and gracefully walked away.

Left staring at Nadia's retreating form, Celia pressed her lips together, silently cursing this woman who was shameless to act as if she was better than her.

In the midst of the bustling crowd, Xulan found himself drawn towards Olivia, who looked nothing short of ethereal in her pristine white wedding dress.

The gown's design accentuated her graceful curves, its neckline tastefully revealing her smooth upper chest and cleavage, lending her an aura of both elegance and allure.

Gathering his courage, he approached her, his heart racing in his chest. As he drew closer, her bright eyes caught his, and she broke into a radiant smile, "Xulan! Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you."

Xulan, slightly flustered, offered an awkward smile and scratched the back of his head, "Ah, it was so crowded, and I... I didn't want to interrupt. You seemed so busy with everything."

Olivia's eyes softened, and she gently chided, "You know you could never disturb me. I wanted to tell you the news first, but everything happened so quickly."

His gaze lowered slightly, but he forced another weak smile. "It's fine," he murmured. Taking a deep breath, he looked up into her eyes, his own filled with a mixture of hope and hesitation, "Olivia, do you... truly love this man, Bai Ling? Did you know him before all this?"

Olivia followed his gaze to where Bai Ling was standing. A fond, dreamy expression crossed her face.

She turned back to Xulan, her eyes sparkling with sincerity. "I only met him recently, but there's something about him, Xulan. I feel it deep in my heart; he's the one. I've never felt this way with anyone else."

Xulan's heart sank further with every word she uttered, but he managed to keep his emotions from showing. All he could do was nod, wishing her all the happiness in the world, even if it wasn't with him. Xulan tried to keep his voice steady, the weight of his heart heavy with every word, "I'm really glad to see you so happy, Olivia. I truly wish you the best and--"

Before he could finish, Bai Ling swept in with an air of charismatic confidence, wrapping an arm around Olivia and pulling her close. A charming smile played on his lips as he bent down to plant a kiss on Olivia's slender neck, whispering, "My beautiful bride, don't you think it's time we told everyone to give us some privacy?"

Olivia's face turned a shade of crimson. Her gaze darted nervously between the teasing Bai Ling and the shocked Xulan. "Bai Ling!" she exclaimed in a mix of embarrassment and laughter, trying to gently push him away.

Bai Ling chuckled, his eyes playful. Still clutching Olivia's waist, he looked at Xulan, "Did you two have a good chat? Hope you don't mind if I claim Olivia for the rest of the day?"

Xulan, caught off guard and now feeling an even more suffocating sensation in his throat, stammered, "No, don't worry about me. I was... I was just leaving." He gave a swift bow, unable to linger any longer and quickly started walking away, the heaviness in his steps evident.

Olivia, her eyes following Xulan's retreating figure, pouted at Bai Ling, "You could have been a bit more considerate! I almost lost face in front of my friend."

Bai Ling merely winked, his voice dropping to a sultry whisper, "I was serious, you know. What do you say we slip out? It seems they're not keen on leaving anytime soon."

With a shy smile, Olivia nodded, her voice barely audible, "Okay. Should we…go back to your or my room?"

Bai Ling, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, leaned in and whispered, "How about we spend the night somewhere special, rather than in just a boring room?"

Olivia blinked, her eyes widening in surprise. "Special place? What do you mean?"

Bai Ling's grin broadened, his voice dripping with excitement, "Imagine spending time together under a clear night sky, with the moon shining bright and the cool, gentle winds around us."

Olivia's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red. "Are you suggesting... we spend the night outside?" she asked incredulously.

Bai Ling chuckled softly, reassuring her, "Don't worry. I know of a secluded spot where it will just be the two of us, with nature as our only witness. I promise to take every measure to ensure we are alone. But if you're not comfortable with the idea, we can always go somewhere you prefer."

Olivia hesitated for a moment, battling her own nerves. She felt nervous and embarrassed about the idea of spending the night outside. What if somebody sees them?

But seeing Bai Ling's genuine assurance, she took a deep breath, her face breaking into a smile, "Okay.. I'm curious to see this 'special' place you're talking about. Let's go."

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